How to escape curly braces in a format string in Rust - string-formatting

I want to write this
write!(f, "{ hash:{}, subject: {} }", self.hash, self.subject)
But since curly braces have special meaning for formatting it's clear that I can't place the outer curly braces like that without escaping. So I tried to escape them.
write!(f, "\{ hash:{}, subject: {} \}", self.hash, self.subject)
Rust doesn't like that either. Then I read this:
The literal characters {, }, or # may be included in a string by preceding them with the \ character. Since \ is already an escape character in Rust strings, a string literal using this escape will look like "\{".
So I tried
write!(f, "\\{ hash:{}, subject: {} \\}", self.hash, self.subject)
But that's also not working. :-(

You might be reading some out of date docs (e.g. for Rust 0.9)
As of Rust 1.0, the way to escape { and } is with another { or }
write!(f, "{{ hash:{}, subject: {} }}", self.hash, self.subject)
The literal characters { and } may be included in a string by
preceding them with the same character. For example, the { character
is escaped with {{ and the } character is escaped with }}.


How to use regex with getAllByTestId function from #testing-library/react [duplicate]

In the regex below, \s denotes a space character. I imagine the regex parser, is going through the string and sees \ and knows that the next character is special.
But this is not the case as double escapes are required.
Why is this?
var res = new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + foo).test(moo);
Is there a concrete example of how a single escape could be mis-interpreted as something else?
You are constructing the regular expression by passing a string to the RegExp constructor.
\ is an escape character in string literals.
The \ is consumed by the string literal parsing…
const foo = "foo";
const string = '(\s|^)' + foo;
… so the data you pass to the RegEx compiler is a plain s and not \s.
You need to escape the \ to express the \ as data instead of being an escape character itself.
Inside the code where you're creating a string, the backslash is a javascript escape character first, which means the escape sequences like \t, \n, \", etc. will be translated into their javascript counterpart (tab, newline, quote, etc.), and that will be made a part of the string. Double-backslash represents a single backslash in the actual string itself, so if you want a backslash in the string, you escape that first.
So when you generate a string by saying var someString = '(\\s|^)', what you're really doing is creating an actual string with the value (\s|^).
The Regex needs a string representation of \s, which in JavaScript can be produced using the literal "\\s".
Here's a live example to illustrate why "\s" is not enough:
alert("One backslash: \s\nDouble backslashes: \\s");
Note how an extra \ before \s changes the output.
As has been said, inside a string literal, a backslash indicates an escape sequence, rather than a literal backslash character, but the RegExp constructor often needs literal backslash characters in the string passed to it, so the code should have \\s to represent a literal backslash, in most cases.
A problem is that double-escaping metacharacters is tedious. There is one way to pass a string to new RegExp without having to double escape them: use the String.raw template tag, an ES6 feature, which allows you to write a string that will be parsed by the interpreter verbatim, without any parsing of escape sequences. For example:
console.log('\\'.length); // length 1: an escaped backslash
console.log(`\\`.length); // length 1: an escaped backslash
console.log(String.raw`\\`.length); // length 2: no escaping in String.raw!
So, if you wish to keep your code readable, and you have many backslashes, you may use String.raw to type only one backslash, when the pattern requires a backslash:
const sentence = 'foo bar baz';
const regex = new RegExp(String.raw`\bfoo\sbar\sbaz\b`);
But there's a better option. Generally, there's not much good reason to use new RegExp unless you need to dynamically create a regular expression from existing variables. Otherwise, you should use regex literals instead, which do not require double-escaping of metacharacters, and do not require writing out String.raw to keep the pattern readable:
const sentence = 'foo bar baz';
const regex = /\bfoo\sbar\sbaz\b/;
Best to only use new RegExp when the pattern must be created on-the-fly, like in the following snippet:
const sentence = 'foo bar baz';
const wordToFind = 'foo'; // from user input
const regex = new RegExp(String.raw`\b${wordToFind}\b`);
\ is used in Strings to escape special characters. If you want a backslash in your string (e.g. for the \ in \s) you have to escape it via a backslash. So \ becomes \\ .
EDIT: Even had to do it here, because \\ in my answer turned to \.

\\\ prints just one backslash?

In C, on mentioning three backslashes, like so:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf(" \\\ ");
prints out just one backslash in the output. Why and how does this work?
That sequence is:
A space
A double backslash, which encodes a single backslash in the runtime string
A backslash followed by a space, which is not a standard escape sequence and should give you a diagnostic
The C11 draft says (in note 77):
The semantics of these characters were discussed in 5.2.2. If any other
character follows a backslash, the result is not a token and a diagnostic is
On I got:
<source>:8:14: warning: unknown escape sequence '\ ' [-Wunknown-escape-sequence]
So you seem to be using a non-conforming compiler, which chooses to implement undefined backslash sequences by just letting the character through.
That is printing:
escaped space
The 3rd slash is being interpreted as "slash space"
C11; Character constants:
The double-quote " and question-mark ? are representable either by themselves or by the
escape sequences \" and \?, respectively, but the single-quote ' and the backslash \
shall be represented, respectively, by the escape sequences \' and \\.
So, To represent a single backslash, it’s necessary to place double backslashes \\ in the source code. To print two \\ you need four backslash \\\\. In your code extra \ is a space character, which isn't valid.
It is indeed a very simple operation in c. A \ is just a escape sequences. Hence below statement will print two slash.
printf(" \\\\ ");
For example some characters in c are represented with a slash like end of a line character \n or end of a string character \0 etc. But if you want to print such a character as it is what will you do? Hence you need to add a escape sequence character in front of it:
printf("\\n"); // will print \n
printf("\n"); // will print end of character hence you don't see anything in output

Writing printf(#"") with multiple line string

Is it possible to write something like this:
I can do it in C#, but can't in C. It gives me an error in CodeBlocks. Am I allowed to do such ?
Error message: error: stray '#' in program.
No. That syntax doesn't exist in C.
If you want a multiple-line string, write it as multiple double-quoted strings with no other tokens in between them. They will be combined.
"some string"
"more of the string"
"even more of the string"
(You will, of course, need to add a \n at the end of each line if that's what you want.)
No that's not a syntax that C understands, C doesn't have raw literals.
You can use \ as the last character to continue on the next line:
const char *str = "hello\n\
Also, consecutive string literals will be concatenated. So you can do e.g.
const char *str = "Hello\n"
C#'s verbatim strings are not available in C. If you have some characters to escape, like " or \, escape them with '\', there is no there option in this language.
If you want to embed multiple lines in a string literal, you can either insert \n at the appropriate location in your string, or escape the return character as well:
a multiline\
string litteral");
Line continuation with \ at the end of the line.
String literals in C may not contain newlines. You have two workarounds:
Use implicit string concatenation (done by the compiler).
printf("The quick brown"
" fox jumps over"
" the sleazy dog.");
Escape the newline by placing a backslash in front of it.
printf("The quick brown\
fox jumps over\
the sleazy dog.");
Personally, I prefer the first form since the second looks ugly (my opinion) and forces you to ruin your code indentation.
In either case, the string will simply not contain the newlines. So if you really meant for them to be there, you'll have to add them via \n.

how to match the letter "$" in c when use regex.h?

there is a string:
I want to match the substring:$natureOrder(0123),I do something like this:
regcomp(&reg, "\$natureOrder\([0-9]{1,4}\)", cflags);
but it doesn't work!How to write the regex pattern?
Apart escaping the $, you need to have the parenthesis in your regex, and those ones too must be escaped.
So the regular expression would be
And when in a C string, as the \ is the start of an escape sequence :
regcomp(&reg, "\\$natureOrder\\([0-9]{1,4}\\)", cflags);

Stringizing operator

How does the following code compile correctly,
#include <stdio.h>
#define stringer( x ) printf_s( #x "\n" )
int main() {
stringer( "In quotes when printed to the screen" );
isn't it supposed to get expanded into
printf_s(""In quotes when printed to the screen""\n");
which is an error as there are nested double quotes in printf_s??
No, the # operator handles character string literals specially. It must \ escape each " in a character string literal that is passed to it. The correct expansion is:
printf_s( "\"In quotes when printed to the screen\"" "\n" );
No, it's expanded into
printf_s("\"In quotes when printed to the screen\"" "\n");
which will finally be
printf_s("\"In quotes when printed to the screen\"\n");
and should print
"In quotes when printed to the screen"
In C, adjacent string literals are concatenated:
Adjacent string literals are concatenated at compile time; this allows long strings to be split over multiple lines, and also allows string literals resulting from C preprocessor defines and macros to be appended to strings at compile time:
