Polygon limit scenekit - scenekit

I remember reading that scenekit has a polygon limit of 200k. However I haven't been able to find the source where I read it, so I have no idea if it's current information or even correct at all.
It may have been a wwdc session, either way what I need to know is;
Is this correct?
Is this limitation on the entire scene or just what is being rendered at any one time?

I don't think SceneKit has a hard limit on the number of polygons it will render. Instead, you'll see a gradual performance falloff as that number (and other measures of CPU and GPU usage) goes up. 200,000 is probably well into that falloff on some devices and perfectly fine on others.
You might be thinking about some of the advice in the WWDC 2014 session "Building a Game with SceneKit". That talk shows several metrics you can use to gauge a SceneKit app's performance and strategies for dealing with different kinds if bottlenecks. I'd recommend watching the video if you haven't already.


How do apps like Mapbox, AllTrails and Maps.me use and display ALL of OSM data? When all the resources say that's a huge amount of data

I started exploring Overpass Turbo and Mapbox with hopes of building my travel app. I can query some data in OT and get towns or islands, no problem, I understand the whole process of querying and exporting as Geojson.
But for learning purposes, I always do queries within a small area so I don't get too much data back.
Also, various resources mention that OSM data for the whole planet is huge, like here: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Downloading_data it says: The entire planet is a huge amount of data. Start with a regional extract to make sure your setup works properly. Common tools like Osmosis or various import tools for database imports and converters take hours or days to import data, depending largely on disk speed.
But when I go to apps like AllTrails, Maps.me or Mapbox, they seem to be showing a huge amount of data, definitely the main POIs.
here's an example screenshot from All Trails
Can someone briefly explain how is this done then? Do they actually download all of data? Or little by little depending on the current bounding box. Any info I can research further, I'd appreciate it!
P.S. I am hoping to build my app with Node.js, if that makes a difference.
Several reasons:
They don't always display everything. You will always only see a limited region, never the whole world in full detail. If you zoom in, you will see a smaller region but with more details. If you zoom out, you will see a larger region but with reduced details (less or no POIs, smaller roads and waterways disappear etc.).
They don't contain all the available data. OSM data is very diverse. OSM contains roads, buildings, landuse, addresses, POI information and much more. For each of the mentioned elements, there is additional information available. Roads for instance have maxspeed information, lane count, surface information, whether they are lit and if they have sidewalks or cycleways etc. Buildings may have information about the number of building levels, the building color, roof shape and color and so on. Not all of these information are required for the apps you listed and thus can be removed from the data.
They perform simplifications. It isn't always necessary to show roads, buildings, waterways and landuse in full detail. Instead, special algorithms reduce the polygon count so that the data becomes smaller while keeping sufficient details. This is often coupled with the zoom level, i.e. roads and lakes will become less detailed if zoomed out.
They never ship the whole world offline. Depending on the app, the map is either online or offline available, or both. If online, the server has to store the huge amount of data, not the client device. If offline, the map is split into smaller regions that can be handled by the client. This usually means that a certain map only covers a state, a certain region or sometimes a city but rarely a whole country except for smaller countries. If you want to store whole countries offline you will need a significant amount of data storage.
They never access OSM directly. All apps and websites that display OSM maps don't obtain this information live from OSM. Instead, they either already have a local database containing the required data. This database is periodically updated from the main OSM database via planet dumps. Or they use a third-party map provider (such as MapBox from your screenshot) to display a base map with layers on top. In this case they don't have to store much information on their server, just the things they want to show on top of OSM.
None of the above is specifically for OSM. You will find similar mechanisms in other map apps and for other map sources.

Libraries for Face Detection

I need to develop a mobile app (primarily for Android, iOS, and Windows Mobile) for face detection. Obviously, OpenCV is the most well known. However, I'm unsure about the compatibility among the different OS'es. Besies OpenCV, are there other options? 2 key requirements:
-Open source/commercial libraries but must run locally/natively in devices without internet connection so Player Service API would not work
-Capable of tracking multiple faces in motion
Anyone can share their experiences/knowledge in this area? Any pointers greatly appreciated!
You are really pushing the margin a whole lot.
Face detection generally consists of three different areas.
1) Recognizing a face as a face (there is a mouth, a nose, eyes) This is useful for focusing a snapshot.
2) Recognizing facial features, looking for emotion (mouth in a smile) or eye tracking.
3) Facial recognition. Using the system to perform identification by attaching a name to a face.
You want to use a face recognition tool to perform tracking and count people entering a particular place, using a mobile phone.
First tracking is pretty difficult. Its one thing to perform simple face identity in a single frame snap shot. That's pretty easy. The problem is, you may find your frame rates so poor that you can only accommodate 1 frame every three or even every five seconds. That will make it nearly impossible to track and count faces. Counting faces is easy, but what's hard is to determine if that face in the screen was counted previously or is a new person entering the screen.
OpenCV has a whole lot of tools and examples out there for facial recognition, image tracking, etc. I'd strongly recommend playing with OpenCV and test its capabilities. I'd recommend the C/C++ versions (unless you are already a Python programmer) Here's a place to start, a blog entry I wrote a few months ago.
I really like the tutorials from Kyle Hounslow... Look him up on youtube. His videos are well thought out, they are interesting and he provides example code for all his work. Go ahead and watch all of those videos, and repeat all of those examples. Get a feel for what is available in frame rates using a laptop.
The next part of your task is porting stuff from OpenCV to Android/iOS. That's no easy task. I'm sure folks have tried, and I'm sure helpful hints are out there.
I don't mean to dissuade you from an awesome investigation but do note what you want to do is mighty difficult. You will have to invest some time to even determine where all the difficult areas are. And unfortunately you won't know effective frame rates and performance until you build some stuff and try it.
Good luck with the journey.

Server side responsiveness good practices

I have the following scenario: I work with CakePHP and Twitter Bootstrap.
I'm using a lot of responsiveness and writing lots of HTML that change for each screen size.
I was thinking about detecting the screen size and saving it on the server side, so I can write only the HTML that will really be useful on that page. Since the user rarely changes the window size, won't hurt to hit F5.
Is it a good practice? What do you suggest?
That job is clearly supposed to be done by the browser and your task it to make that happen by using the right CSS for the right device. As somebody already mentioned in the comment, your device could rotate, devices have different DPI. I'm pretty sure you can't pass the DPI to the server without explicitly reading it via JS (if possible at all) and passing it to the server in an AJAX call.
You can't rely on your server side device detection alone nor is it good to render Markup conditionally for that purpose it just increases the maintenance amount you have to do by X for each device.
I recommend you to read a little more about repsonsive webdesign, there are plenty of articles and books about it these days.
Not really a good practice mate. You'll increase your application load and you'll waste unnecessary space just to save a few lines of code. Imagine if you're making a website like facebook, how much server space would it require to just store that piece of information for millions of users. Responsive design is a must these days in css and you should just give general values for ranges of resolutions. There's a good paid tutorial on team tree house's website i think, and others are freely available on youtube etc.

Why Database is not used with 3D and Drawing softwares (to store points and other primitive shapes)?

My question is why Databases are not used with Drawing, 3D Modelling, 3D Design, Game Engines and architecture etc. software to save the current state of the images or the stuff that is present on the screen or is the part of a project in a Database.
One obvious answer is the speed, the speed of retrieving or saving all the millions of triangles or points forming the geometry is very low, as there would be hundreds or thousands of queries per second, but is it really the cause? Considering the apparent advantages of using databases can allow sharing the design live over a network when it is being saved at a common location, and more than one people can work on it at a time or can use can give live feedback when something is being designed when it is being shared, specially when time based update is used, such as update after every 5 or 10 seconds, which is not as good as live synchronization, but should be quick enough. What is the basic problem in the use of Databases in this type of software that caused them not to be used this way, or new algorithms or techniques not being developed or studied for optimizing the benefits of using them this way? And why this idea wasn't researched a lot.
The short answer is essentially speed. The speed of writing information to a disk drive is an order of magnitude slower than writing it to ram. The speed of network access is in turn an order of magnitude slower than writing or reading a hard disk. Live sharing apps like the one you describe are indeed possible though, but wouldn't necessarily require what you would call a "database", nor would using a database be such a great idea. The reason more don't exist is that they are actually fiendishly difficult to program. Programming by itself is difficult enough, even just thinking in a straight line, with a single narrative. But to program something like that requires you to be able to accurately visualise multiple parallel dimensions acting on the same data simultaneously, without breaking anything. This is actually difficult.
Your obvious answer is correct; I'm not an expert in that particular field but I'm at a point that even from a distance you can see that's (probably) the main reason.
This doesn't negate the possibility that such systems will use a database at some point.
Considering the apparent advantages of using databases can allow
sharing the design live over a network when it is being saved at a
common location...
True, but just because the information is being passed around doesn't mean that you have to store it in a database in order to be able to do that. Once something is in memory you can do anything with it - the issue with not persisting stuff is that you will lose data if the server fails / stops / etc.
I'll be interested to see if anyone has a more enlightened answer.
Interesting discussion... I have a biased view towards avoiding adding too much "structure" (as in in the indexes, tables, etc. in a DBMS solution) to spacial problems or challenges beyond those that cannot be readily recreated from a much smaller subset of data. I think if the original poster would look at the problem from what is truly needed to answer the need/develop solutions ... he may not need to query a DBMS nearly as often... so the DBMS in question might relate to a 3D space but in fact be a small subset of total values in that space... in a similar way that digital displays do not concern themselves with every chnage in pixel (or voxel) value but only those that have changed. Since most 3D problems would have a much lower "refresh" rate vs video displays the hits on the DBMS would be infrequent enough to possibly make a 3D DB look "live".

Which resolution to target for a Mobile App?

When desinging UI for mobile apps in general which resolution could be considered safe as a general rule of thumb. My interest lies specifically in web based apps. The iPhone has a pretty high resolution for a hand held, and the Nokia E Series seem to oriented differently. Is 240×320 still considered safe?
Not enough information...
You say you're targeting a "Mobile App" but the reality is that mobile could mean anything from a cell phone with 128x128 resolution to a MID with 800x600 resolution.
There is no "safe" resolution for such a wide range, and if you're truly targeting all of them you need to design a custom interface for each major resolution. Add some scaling factors in and you might be able to cut it down to 5-8 different interface designs.
Further, the UI means "User Interface" and includes a lot more than just the resolution - you can't count on a touchscreen, full keyboard, or even software keys.
You need to either better define your target, or explain your target here so we can better help you.
Keep in mind that there are millions of phone users that don't have PDA resolutions, and you can really only count on 128x128 or better to cover the majority of technically inclined cell phone users (those that know there's a web browser in their phone, nevermind those that use it).
But if you're prepared to accept these losses, go ahead and hit for 320x240 and 240x320. That will give you most current PDA phones and up (older blackberries and palm devices had smaller square orientations). Plan on spending time later supporting lower resolution devices and above all...
Do not tie your app to a particular resolution.
Make sure your app is flexible enough that you can deploy new UI's without changing internal application logic - in other words separate the presentation from the core logic. You will find this very useful later - the mobile world changes daily. Once you gauge how your app is being used you can, for instance, easily deploy an iPhone specific version that is pixel perfect (and prettier than an upscaled 320x240) in order to engage more users. Being able to do this in a few hours (because you don't have to change the internals) is going to put you miles ahead of the competition if someone else makes a swipe at your market.
Right now I believe it would make sense for me to target about 2 resolutions and latter learn my customers best needs through feedback?
It's a chicken and egg problem.
Ideally before you develop the product you already know what your customers use/need.
Often not even the customers know what they need until they use something (and more often than not you find out what they don't need rather than what they need).
So in this case, yes, spend a little bit of time developing a prototype app that you can send out there to a few people and get feedback. They will have better feedback because they can try it out, and you will have a springboard to start from. The ability to quickly release UI updates without changing core logic will allow you test several interfaces quickly without a huge time investment.
Further, to customers you will seem really responsive to their needs, which will be a big benefit to people who's jobs depend on reaction time.
You mentioned Web based apps. Any particular framework you have in mind?
In many cases, WALL seems to help to large extent.
Here's one Article, Adapting to User Devices Using Mobile Web Technology exploiting WALL.
