Backbone try to update model in server after save - backbone.js

I use Rails 4 + backbone in my application.
Everything is good. New model is created in backbone and saved by calling:, {success: this.sendSuccess, error: this.sendError});
However, implementing a new feature I need to change one of the model attributes. What I see that a PUT action is fired just before sendSuccess is called, which I want to avoid.
Moreover, the url is very strange. Save action calls this url:
Remote Address:
Request URL:
Request Method:POST
and then, after server return the json with the modified attribute, backbone calls this url:
Remote Address:
Request URL:
Request Method:PUT
without the ticket id!
Is there any way to prevent backbone fire an update when server return the model with different attributes?

The problem was that I had a listener in my model exactly on the column that server changed:
initialize: function() {
this.on("change:status", this.statusChanged, this);
Now I had to figure out why the update url does not contain the model id.
I figured out that when I first created the model, from some reasons I couldn't assign it to the collection, so in order to save it I assign the url manually:
var newTicket = new MyApp.Ticket( ticketData );
newTicket.url = this.collection.url();
Now, the bug is that url is a function, and I simply overrided it!
I changed the code to:
newTicket.urlRoot = this.collection.url();
and now it works.

Backbone will always perform PUT if your model has an id attribute setted. Which makes sense when using RESTfull.
Be sure that you're really SAVING(new model withoud an ID) a data to server instead of UPDATING(model with an ID) to server.


Check if model binding in angular exists

I have an AngularJS model like this:
$scope.model = {name: "Joe", isMale: true};
In the view I bind the model.isMale to a checkbox.
Now I ask a backend for an update ($http.get()). In the onSuccess callback I simply assign the response value to $scope.model. If the backend does not send me the whole model, e.g. does not send the isMale flag, the $scope.model does not have the flag isMale any more. When I later on change the name for example in the UI and send these data to the backend, the flag isMale is not sent to the backend anymore, since the model does not contain it. Is there a way to check if the view elements' model-bindings do exist? Is there a better solution than just overwriting the model with the value I get from the backend?
You can extend your model and overwrite your default model value with the one from api response. That way your default will be overridden only if that is present in api response:
angular.extend($scope.model, response)
for shallow copy, or
angular.merge($scope.model, response)
for deep(recursive) copy
This should work in your scenario
And do refer for the intricate details of difference between angular.copy(), 'angular.extend()' and angular.merge() here:

Backbone PUT request explicitly with out using id

I'm trying to PUT the data and my model doesn't have an id.
Is it possible to explicitly tell the Save() method to PUT the data irrespective of ID.
The save method has an options parameter that can override anything on the XHR:, { type: 'PUT' })
You can also override the isNew method. PUT vs POST is determined by the result of that method. You'll also want to make sure the URL is being created correctly for new and non-new objects.
Also consider setting the idAttribute correctly so that your model does have an id field that can be used to generate a correct url. Using POST and PUT correctly (POST new items, PUT updates to items) makes your api more intuitive.

Update Angular View after resource post

Here is my problem! I use $resource API to post data from the client side to the server side. After the server side successfully updates the database, I kinda hope my data in view will be updated.
I chose to achieve this with:
$scope.magazines = Magazines.query();
$scope.addMagazine = function() {
var magazine = new Magazines({...payload data});, function() {
$scope.magazines = Magazines.query();
Magazines is a defined ngResrouce factory.
This code works fine. My only problem is, whenever I activate this function (through mouseclick), the view flashes (refreshes) once. It is a really really bad user experience.
I wonder if there is any other way to add the new "magazine" to the scope without refreshing the entire $scope.magazines ?
By the way, the api at the backend will add a few properties (like created time, or id to it). Even if I write code to get the last added item (a different factory method I suppose), I'll still have to add it to the $scope.magazines and I don't know how to do that.
Any thought?
Just push the new Magazine onto the existing $scope.magazines (assuming it's an Array)
var magazine = new Magazines({...payload data});
$scope.magazines.push(magazine); and don't update client

I want to call save on a Backbone model and have it write data to the server, but not update the client. How do I do this?
To clarify: when Backbone saves a model, it sends all the data to the server, and then retrieves the data from the server and updates it on the client. This second step is what I want not to happen.
To clarify further: The model ('parent' model) has an attribute which is itself a model ('child' model); when it's saved to the server, this child model is converted to JSON. When the parent model updates after the save, the attribute that previously contained a reference to the child model is replaced with the parsed JSON object of the child model that was saved. This is what I need not to happen.
When the data is initially pulled from the server, the parent model "reconstitutes" that object into an appropriate child model, but this is an expensive process and there is no reason to re-do it every time save fires on the parent model, since the child model will never change.
It sounds like you do not want to parse your model when you receive the response from the server on a
You can try something such as:,{
success: function() { ... },
parse : false // This will be passed to your parse function as an option
You would have to set-up your parse function in your corresponding model as follows:
parse: function(resp,options) {
// don't update model with the server response if {parse:false} is passed to save
if (options && !options.parse) return;
/ ... rest of your parse code ... /
Backbone currently defaults options.parse to true. Here is a short-discussion on the topic.
As discussed in that thread, perhaps you want to consider why you do not want want to update the server response to the client. There may be a cleaner way to achieve the results you desire.
Depending on how/what your server setup is, all you really have to do is issue a regular AJAX request. This is exactly what backbone does in the background so you'll just bypass the client side logic.
You could do this with native JavaScript, but I'm fairly sure you have some other library in use that can make things much easier.
For the completeness of this answer, I'll give an example with jQuery:
type: "POST",
url: "",
data: { "the" : "model" },
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(){
// once the request has returned
The $.ajax function also has some additional functionality, and you can read about it in the jQuery docs.
On client you mean Views? If you want to save your model but not render your views which happens since save will trigger a change event, you should call save with option silent:true, or set a custom option like dontchange:true when calling save and check it in when handling change. I prefer the custom option, because silent has side effects (at least in my version of backbone 1.0.0)
a little code:
when you save:{},{dontchange: true});
you install your event listeners in the view:
this.listenTo(model, 'change', function(model, options){
if (options.dontchange)
I ran into same problem.,{patch:true, parse:false}) really did not invoke parse method but model was still merged with server response.
It is not elegant, but this worked for me:
I believe it's best to avoid this situation by clean REST api design.

Where does information in BackBone go?

When a save, or create is tossed towards the server, the server responds with a new randomly created object. The object can be one of many different Classes, and Backbone responds to these differentiating objects and loads a relative view.
I can only seem to figure this logic out on bootstrap, as no view has been loaded yet, so I can based on what information I am randomly receiving from the server, bootstrap and navigate to that specific route.
However, I am stuck on trying to figure out how to do this when I save an object, and receive my return data.
Here's my code broken down.
The information is saved.,
I have a listenener waiting for this save :
constructor: (options) ->
#model.bind 'change:verb', _.chooser, options
_.maestra_chooser is a mixin I have in a utility belt :
_chooser : (item) =>
console.log item
Something to note here. The variable item is unfortunately, the same #model that was just saved. No new data there.
What I'm hoping for item to be is the new variable data from the server, so that I can take that data, see what kind of data it is, and then route to the relevant view.
This is where I believe I'm also making an architecturally unsound idea. But for reasons I don't understand enough to explain.
Does anyone know where I can access the return data from the server and appropriately navigate my app to that respective route?
Additional Information
This is how I bootstrap it appropriately :
window.router = new Project.Routers.QuestionsRouter(
words: #{ #words.to_json.html_safe }
router.navigate("#{#words.kind_of?(Array) ? "bar" : "foo"}", {trigger: true, replace: true})
The change event is only ever going to give you the model and the value that changed...
You can pass a success callback to your save:, success: (model, resp) ->
# do whatever with resp
where resp will contain the raw response from the server and model will contain the server side state of your model.
You can also bind to your model's sync event as mentioned in the comments:
#model.bind 'sync', _.masetra_chooser, options
the sync callback is called with arguments: model, resp and options where options is the set of options passed to save.
Not really sure why you are expecting to get data back from a save that'll change your page though. Seems a bit odd.
What type of data are you expecting to receive after a save that wouldn't be in your model?
