How can I show and hide an element with AngularJS while having it still use space? - angularjs

I have a button in AngularJS. It's in a row of other buttons. How can I show and hide this button but still have it use space? I tried using ng-show but then when the button is hidden it uses no space and all the other buttons around it move.

In your CSS, target the element like this: {
display: block!important;
visibility: hidden;
(You might want inline-block or something else for the display, the important part is to override the none default value of ng-hide)
You can then use ng-show="showMyElement" as an attribute as per usual


React.js - Material-ui DataGrid disable row width

Is it possible to change the width of a row? I have some rows with JSON data. It would be best to display them in a <pre> tag so that the user can view it naturally, but this seems to be impossible.
So now I'm wondering is it possible to remove the default overflow-x: hidden? And to just let the user scroll to the end of a row? Instead of the text just having 3 dots at the end, because there's a max-width.
In the data-grid css api they show the necessary classes which could be overridden, and at the end they say:
You can override the style of the component thanks to one of these customization points
So you could add the following style rule to override the default one :
.MuiDataGrid-root .MuiDataGrid-cell {
text-overflow: initial;
overflow-x: auto;

uibModal disable backdrop completely and allow background clicking

I have a modal window that is draggable. I want to disable the backdrop completely. I know that the uibModal has a backdrop property that I can set true/false or static - but that is not enough for me, I want the html content from the background still be clickable for example Google Sheet Help modal window - you can open it, drag it and still work in the background.
How can I disable the backdrop completely and make the content from the background clickable with the modal open? Is this possible with the uibModal or should I just create a modal window in plain javascript/iframe?
I can make the background clickable with this CSS:
.modal {
pointer-events: none;}
.modal-backdrop {
display: none;}
The problem with this is that it kills the draggable functionality because you can no longer click on the modal(only background is clickable).
I resolved my problem with jQuery UI
$("#div-name").draggable({ containment: "body", scroll: false, handle:'#header' });
As you guys can see I set my ID for the div that I want to be draggable and I also set a containment for the body of the page so people can't move my div out of the view(body) and turned off scrolling. After that I set a handle - this is where you set the draggable part of your div(if you want the whole div to be draggable just remove the handle option) - I set the #header as my handle(top menu bar) - this way people can click inside the draggable div without accidentally moving it. If you want this to work for you, all you need is jQuery and jQueryUI.
This works like a charm and I am very happy!
In addition to CSS mentioned in the question, add pointer-events: all; to modal's content container. Worked for my uibModal.

Is there a way to make tab content appear without sliding in?

With md-tabs, is there a way to make content appear without sliding in when selecting a tab with Tabs?
None of the options seem to indicate a method.
If you want the content to just show up without the sliding you can set the css to stop the transition effect like this:
transition: none;

Angular UI Bootstrap Responsive menu - closing menu when clicking off it?

I've successfully created a responsive menu using Angular UI Bootstrap. The problem is:
When the responsive menu is open it can only be closed by re-clicking the toggle. Clicking anywhere else on the page keeps the menu open, which is undesirable for the site I'm building.
I'm looking for this functionality:
Clicking anywhere except the menu should close the menu, not toggle it.
How would one go about achieving this? I tried setting an ng-click on the html or body elements and seeing if that would work, but it didn't.
This actually fairly simple to solve with a little extra CSS and an added div.
Plunker Demo
The mechanics of this solution are pretty straightforward: Add an extra div to the navbar markup that serves as a clickable backdrop when the menu is expanded.
.backdrop {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
background-color: transparent;
z-index: -1;
To make sure that the backdrop covers the entire viewport, you'll use position: fixed and set the top, right, bottom and left properties to 0. Then you'll need to make sure that the backdrop doesn't cover the menu, rendering your menu items un-clickable. To do this, you need to set its z-index to -1. Finally, to make sure it's 'clickable' you need to give it a background. Setting the background-color to transparent makes sure that it doesn't obscure any of the navbar elements.
The next thing you need to do is ensure that the backdrop element is only displayed when the menu is expanded, otherwise it would cover your body content and make it impossible to interact with any of the content. The cool thing is that the ngClass directive makes this simple. You can use the isCollapsed scope variable to determine when to add the backdrop class by setting the expression to isCollapsed === false. Lastly, add an ng-click attribute to close the menu. So, the markup looks like the following:
<div ng-class="{backdrop: isCollapsed === false}" ng-click="isCollapsed = !isCollapsed"></div>
When the backdrop class is not added, the div--which has no content--will naturally collapse to a height of 0, so there's actually no need to hide or show it.
Just remember that the backdrop div has to be added to the same element that is handled by your controller that manages the collapse state of the menu. If it can't access the isCollapsed scope variable, it won't display and the ng-click event will have no effect.
You can easily improve this by creating a simple custom directive, so that you don't have to add the div in your markup. Just set the scope property of the directive to true so that the directive has access to the parent isCollapsed variable.

Angular-ui ui-select - force dropdown to show above

So I have some controls in a fixed position to the bottom of the screen for easy reach on mobile, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to make the option content appear above the select menu.
I tried messing with append-to-body="true" and some other stuff that was totally off the wall. I feel like this should be a simple hook but not finding anything..
Add position='up' to <ui-select-choices>.
Other options include down and auto (top/down depending on available space).
Edit on Plunker available at
[Dropdown Position]
I was able to get it with css by adjusting the absolute positioning.. This is actually kind of nice because I could control when it happened this way, for me it was only for mobile screen widths.
.some-container-class .ui-select-choices {
top: auto;
bottom: 100%;
