AngularJS Wizard with dynamic steps - angularjs

I have to implement a wizard, where each step is a single input field.
Everything is wrapped inside an accordion with section headers.
The user, after filling the input and pressing Enter, should navigate the wizard field by field. Only the current field is editable, while the other ones are readonly (the user can anytime change a previously filled input, by clicking it, moving the current pointer to it).
I was wondering what could be the best approach to design this system, considering that the whole wizard structure changes in dependence of different user inputs.
I have found a tutorial using ui-router (, with a fixed number of steps, but my requirements are to show the current input edit box inside the accordion, not in a fixed "ui-views" placeholder.

Take a look at
It's a module that allows you to render forms from Metadata. So essentially, you can change the Metadata you provide dynamically to change the forms.


Need to have a custom field in salesforce object that will combine two other fields

We have a requirement where we need to combine two separate fields into one in the salesforce object and then removed those separate fields from the page layout but when the edit option is enabled in the salesforce portal to edit the object the eliminated fields should be there for edit. If further clarification is required, I can also do that
Click here to see the screenshot
I have tried the formula custom field type where I have to write a formula of concatenating the two fields like this given below:Text(Rent_Start_Date_Actual__c) & ","& Text(Rent_Start_Date_Type__c). I have also removed these two separate fields from salesforce page layout but it also gets removed when object window is in edit mode and we do not want that.
Rather than potentially messing with the edit page, have you considered using a simple screen Flow and an action to achieve this? For example, an action to 'Edit Rent Details' added to the page header, and then when clicked it presents the individual fields on a screen flow for editing? Once saved, the page would refresh and update the formula field as required.

Hide next button until values have been populated in React Final Form Wizard

I'm looking at the Wizard Form Example from React Final form.
I want to adapt the wizard so that it hides the next button until the inputs in the current steps all have values. Bit stumped on how to achieve this.
What I'm thinking is that it should be possible to check what step currently is active and somehow pull the states of the inputs present on that step. If all of the inputs have values, show the button, otherwise hide it.
The idea is to dynamically check inputs present per step (as they might change during the course of development, so nicer to actually look for the inputs present rather than hardcode checks for specific states and if they have values).
Full example is here: (code for buttons are in Wizard.js on line 73)
How about making the values required (with validation rules) and only showing the button when the form is valid?
See Wizard.js, lines 64, 73, and 74.
This is not 100% ideal since your validation might have more complex rules and you won't be able to get the value from a failed submission marking all the fields as touched, but it's close.

CodenameOne set indexing of fields for virtual keyboard

Using CodenameOne,
I have a Form that the user needs to fill in. All of the components, however, are actually Containers that represent custom functionality. As an example, I would have a TextField alongside a Button on a Container, and I would use that Container as a "Component". This allows me to create more advanced functionality by combining existing Components.
A good example of where this is necessary is that of a custom date entry field existing out of 3 TextFields or a combination of TextFields and ComboBoxes.
I have a "Field" that has functionality for that of a Contact Component.
This all serves as a single "Unit" in order to allow the user to choose a contact or fill in their own. Buttons open Dialog popups, etc.
My problems comes with when the user uses the Android keyboard. Should this Contact Object be the second "Field" and the user presses the 'Next' button on the Android keyboard, the App does not know what field to give focus.
Furthermore, If one of the fields are a ComboBox or a Button and the user presses next to reach that Component, the keyboard doesn't close, and instead removes the 'Next' button, replacing it with a return button or an emoticon selector.
Below is an example situation:
The user would press on the first field, the Keyboard shows up, and when the user presses next, the keyboard's Next button dissapears, as the immediate next field happens to be a Button or ComboBox.
Is there a way to change the focusing index, or omit certain fields form ever gaining focus in this way? I tried making the entire thing a Component but that doesnt allow me to combine other Components. Even if it is possible to make the parent Container a Component, how would I solve this particular issue?
The default behavior is to use the "next focus down" for this functionality so just use setNextFocusDown(nextTextField) on each one of the components. Notice that a ComboBox won't work as expected although you might want to change that to an AutoCompleteTextField which would.

Inline add/edit/delete data in views in Drupal 7

I am trying to create a content type (say Meter). Each Meter consists of a "Meter Reading". This meter reading content contains three fields, say title, date range and usage. I have a Panel page where I display all the Meter Readings related to a parent Meter. I have displayed the Meter Readings in a tabular format.
I want the user to be able to add new Meter Readings without going to the default Meter Readings creation page. Rather than the default form kind of page, the user should be able to enter the data in the table view provided and it should be automatically saved into the project itself.
So, I want the functionality to be like:-
Display all the meter readings with two links, i.e., Edit and Delete,
When the user clicks on Edit link, the meter reading row should become editable and the user should be able to make the changes inline in the same table,
In the footer there should be a link for adding a new meter reading and when the user clicks on it, a new blank row should be added dynamically to the table and the user should be able to make a new entry into it.
Is there a module in Drupal 7 for doing so?? I have already tried out several modules for this such as SlickGrid, jQGrid and jEditable
Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.
Am afraid am not aware about a module that does all that out of the box. But in case you carry on with custom coding you can have a look at the following:
Edit and Delete options per row in views
Use Views Megarow. For working example you can have a look at how its used in commerce backoffice. Please note that you need to write the form structure ( FORM api ) for the quick edit form in a custom module. The Views Megarow takes care of ajax populating the edit form, its submission in client side, and refreshing the original row after the response from server.
When the user clicks on Edit link, the meter reading row should become editable and the user should be able to make the changes inline
in the same table.
Views Megarow doesn't support inline editing. But another module as suggested by #nmc does it. Its editablefields. But it doesn't have any edit/delete button. You click on the text directly ( provided user has appropriate permission to edit the field data ) in view.
In case you are going to use editablefields, then you would have to add another delete button in view, which one confirmation would redirect to the page that triggered delete action.
Since delete button would redirect to a default confirmation page, you may want to code a custom delete action which may override this.
In the footer there should be a link for adding a new meter reading and when the user clicks on it, a new blank row should be
added dynamically to the table and the user should be able to make a
new entry into it.
I suggest creating a small ajax form. Create a "Add Meter Reading" button in it, which on submission would create a meter reading node in the server. The ajax form should have parent information in a hidden field ( i.e. the Meter id). The ajax response for this form could be another script to load/refresh the view on client side.
Client side code to refresh the view can be found in Views Autorefresh submodule in Views Hacks.
If using views megarow you would have to add another jquery function on ajax response after view is refreshed - Trigger edit button.
Otherwise you may have to add some classes or theme to newly created rows in view to bring them to focus.
It is important that the entire views refreshes, so that drupal behaviours are attached to the newly created entry in table.
I don't know if there is one module which will meet all your needs but you may be able to use some in combination.
Views Bulk Operations (VBO) - has Drupal 7 support
This module augments Views by allowing bulk operations to be executed
on the displayed rows. It does so by showing a checkbox in front of
each node, and adding a select box containing operations that can be
applied. Drupal Core or Rules actions can be used.
editablefields - Drupal 7 version in dev
This module allows CCK fields to be edited on a node's display (e.g.
at node/123), not just on the node edit pages (e.g. node/123/edit). It
also works within views etc. Anywhere a 'formatter' can be selected,
you can select editable (or click to edit).
editview - no Drupal 7 support yet but I thought I would mention it in case you're able to adapt the code yourself
Editview is a plugin for the Views module. It allows you to create a
view in which the nodes are editable, and new nodes can be created.

Conditional Formatting based on layout view

Another question for you Filemaker Pro experts. The database I am developing starts with a Main layout with a number of buttons (e.g. insert new item, show all items, etc.). Each button is associated to a script, which takes the user to the relevant layout. In each of these layouts I show the buttons in a row, and highlight the current layout with inverse colour.
My problem is that some of the buttons lead to the same layout, viewed in different modes, and I don't know how to conditionally highlight the right button.
For instance, Insert new item and Show all items take to the same layout, however in the first case the script views the layout as a form and inserts a new record, while in the second I view as a list and show all records. The layout is the same, though, so I'd need to enact a conditional formatting based on something. How do I do that, and what should I check against?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Presumably you are currently using the formula: Get (LayoutName) to decide on your conditional formula, why not try additionally using formulas: Get(WindowMode) and Get(LayoutViewState)?
You could conditionally format the button if (which sends user to MyLayout in browse mode):
Get(WindowMode)=0 and Get(LayoutName)="MyLayout"
Or (which sends user to MyLayout in form view):
Get(LayoutViewState)=0 and Get(LayoutName)="MyLayout"
Other functions which may help could be Get(FoundCount) and Get(TotalRecordCount). You can see the entire list of Get functions here.
