Kiss FFT on a dsPIC33 - c

I have been trying to get KissFFT to work on a dsPIC, however after trying various different ways, the output is not what it should be. I was hoping to get some help to see if there are any configurations that I may be overlooking or if its just somthing i haven't thought of?
I am using a dsPIC33EP256MC202 with the XC16 compiler within MPLABX.
Declarations and memory assignment.
int readings[3] = {0, 0, 0};
kiss_fft_scalar zero;
int size = 128 * 2;
float fin[256];
kiss_fft_cpx in[size];
kiss_fft_cpx out[size];
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
in[i].r = zero;
in[i].i = zero;
out[i].r = zero;
out[i].i = zero;
kiss_fft_cfg mycfg = kiss_fft_alloc(size*2 ,0 ,NULL,NULL);
Get readings from an accellerometer on the breadboard and populate the float array (using pythagoras to consolidate the 3 axis' into one signal). The input XYZ value are scaled down as they come in anywhere between -2400 and 2400 on average.
if(iii <= 1){
X = (double)readings[0];
Y = (double)readings[1];
Z = (double)readings[2];
X = X / 50;
Y = Y / 50;
Z = Z / 50;
if(ii <= 256){
fin[ii] = sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z);
fin[i] = fin[i+1];
fin[255] = sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z);
Once the float array is full of values, populate the real component of the input complex array with the values in the float array. Then perform the Kiss FFT and populate a float array (arrayDFTOUT) with the absolute value of each real and imaginary value of the out array of Kiss FFT, the final loop makes any negative value positive.
if(iii == 255){
iii = 0;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// samples are type of short
in[i].r = fin[i];
in[i].i = zero;
out[i].r = zero;
out[i].i = zero;
kiss_fft(mycfg, in, out);
arrayDFTOUT[i] = sqrt((out[i].r*out[i].r) + (out[i].i*out[i].i));
arrayDFTOUT[0] = 1;
for(i = 0; i<128; i++){
if(arrayDFTOUT[i] < 0){
arrayDFTOUT[i] = arrayDFTOUT[i] - (arrayDFTOUT[i]*2);
Finally display the output values through serial using the UART on the breadboard.
for(i = 0; i < 128; i++){
sprintf(temp, "%f,", arrayDFTOUT[i]);
And are the results. All zero's aparet from the first value that was set to 1 after KissFFT had been performed. Any ideas?


Is this a good setup for a probability based random number generator for C?

In my opinion, I feel like this is definitely not achieving what it's supposed to do. I was needing a random number generator based off probability to determine a winner of a race. So Runner A has a 40% chance of winning, for example.
//function definition
void createDogs(DOGS* dogList) {
//adding info the the dogInfo struct
strcpy(dogList[0].dogName, "Easy Rex"); //dog 1
dogList[0].odds = 40;
dogList[0].payoutMultiplier = 2;
strcpy(dogList[1].dogName, "Worried Bud"); //dog 2
dogList[1].odds = 10;
dogList[1].payoutMultiplier = 5;
strcpy(dogList[2].dogName, "Money Ace"); //dog 3
dogList[2].odds = 8;
dogList[2].payoutMultiplier = 10;
strcpy(dogList[3].dogName, "Lucky Lady"); //dog 4
dogList[3].odds = 15;
dogList[3].payoutMultiplier = 15;
strcpy(dogList[4].dogName, "Cash Dawg"); //dog 5
dogList[4].odds = 1;
dogList[4].payoutMultiplier = 50;
strcpy(dogList[5].dogName, "Unlucky Brutus"); //dog 6
dogList[5].odds = 4;
dogList[5].payoutMultiplier = 20;
strcpy(dogList[6].dogName, "Gamble Champ"); //dog 7
dogList[6].odds = 8;
dogList[6].payoutMultiplier = 10;
strcpy(dogList[7].dogName, "Nothing Chewy"); //dog 8
dogList[7].odds = 10;
dogList[7].payoutMultiplier = 5;
strcpy(dogList[8].dogName, "Easy Roxy"); //dog 9
dogList[8].odds = 13;
dogList[8].payoutMultiplier = 3;
}//end createDogs
So here's where I put the probability, under the "odds", then here is where I implement it. Thinking that the odds is the percentage so grabbing the random number from 0 to that "percentage" and then compare them with the others to determine the winner.
//function definition
void dogRace(DOGS* dogList, DATA* raceInfo, int counter) {
int numberRolled[NO_OF_DOGS];
int i, moneyWon;
int biggestNumber, position = 0;
printf("\nAnd the race is on!");
for (i = 0; i < NO_OF_DOGS; i++) { //assigns a number to each dog based on its odds
numberRolled[i] = (rand() % dogList[i].odds);
}//end for
biggestNumber = numberRolled[0];
for (i = 0; i < NO_OF_DOGS; i++) { //determines which dog won (>number rolled)
if (biggestNumber < numberRolled[i]) {
biggestNumber = numberRolled[i];
position = i;
}//end if
}//end for
Technically it works, but I feel as it's not really the right way to do it- let me know if there is a better way to do this because my textbooks do no give any example for this type of problem. I've also tried googling/youtubing it and had no luck finding for what I was looking for.
Try using cumulative odds:
S = sum of odds of dogs 0 to number of dogs - 1
R = random integer from 0 to S-1
i = 0
while i < number of dogs and dog[i].odds <= R: R = R - dog[i].odds, i = i + 1
//function definition
void dogRace(DOGS* dogList, DATA* raceInfo, int counter) {
int i, moneyWon, position;
int sum_of_odds = 0;
int rolled;
for (i = 0; i < NO_OF_DOGS; i++) {
sum_of_odds += dogList[i].odds;
// Note, usually you should only call srand() once in a program.
printf("\nAnd the race is on!");
rolled = randInt(sum_of_odds);
for (i = 0; i < NO_OF_DOGS; i++) {
if (dogList[i].odds > rolled)
rolled -= dogList[i].odds;
}//end for
position = i;
The randInt function called above is given below:
// random integer from 0 to n-1 (for n in range 1 to RAND_MAX+1u)
int randInt(unsigned int n) {
unsigned int x = (RAND_MAX + 1u) / n;
unsigned int limit = x * n;
int s;
do {
s = rand();
} while (s >= limit);
return s / x;
The above is preferable to using rand() % n because it removes any bias in the likely case that RAND_MAX+1 is not a multiple of n. Also, some implementations of rand() produce not very random sequences for rand() % n so it is better to use the quotient of division rather than the remainder.

Sparse matrix multiplication in Eigen giving wrong result?

I am using Eigen in a project of mine, and I am running into a strange issue. I have complex sparse matrices A and B (1500x1500 or larger), and am multiplying them together with coefficients.
When A = B, and taking vector x of ones, I expect that
(A-B)*x = 0, (A*B-B*A)*x = 0,
(A*A*B*B - B*B*A*A)*x = 0,
etc. and I do get this result for all these cases. (A.isApprox(B) evaluates to 1 and (A-B).norm() = 0).
However, when I multiply the matrices by doubles, as in
(c1*A*c2*A*d1*B*d2*B - d1*B*d2*B*c1*A*c2*A)*x,
I get a nonzero result, which doesn't make sense to me, as scalars should commute with the matrices. In fact, if I do,
(c1*c2*d1*d2*A*A*B*B - d1*d2*c1*c2*B*B*A*A)*x
I get zero. Any time the coefficients are interspersed in the matrix manipulation, I get a nonzero result.
I am not using any compiler optimizations, etc.
What am I doing wrong here?
I have worked up a simple example. Maybe I'm missing something dumb, but here it is. This gives me an error of 10^20.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Sparse>
#include <complex>
typedef std::complex<double> Scalar;
typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, Eigen::RowMajor> SpMat;
typedef Eigen::Triplet<Scalar> trip;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
double k0 = M_PI;
double dz = 0.01;
double nz = 1500;
std::vector<double> rhos(nz), atten(nz), cp(nz);
for(int i = 0; i < nz; ++i){
if(i < 750){
rhos[i] = 1.5;
cp[i] = 2500;
atten[i] = 0.5;
rhos[i] = 1;
cp[i] = 1500;
atten[i] = 0;
Scalar ci, eta, n, rho, drhodz;
Scalar t1, t2, t3, t4;
ci = Scalar(0,1);
eta = 1.0/(40.0*M_PI*std::log10(std::exp(1.0)));
int Mp = 6;
std::vector<std::vector<trip> > mat_entries_N(Mp), mat_entries_D(Mp);
for(int i = 0; i < nz; ++i){
n = 1500./cp[i] * (1.+ ci * eta * atten[i]);
rho = rhos[i];
if(i > 0 && i < nz-1){
drhodz = (rhos[i+1]-rhos[i-1])/(2*dz);
else if(i == 0){
drhodz = (rhos[i+1]-rhos[i])/(dz);
else if(i == nz-1){
drhodz = (rhos[i]-rhos[i-1])/(dz);
t1 = (n*n - 1.);
t2 = 1./(k0*k0)*(-2./(dz * dz));
t3 = 1./(k0*k0)*(drhodz/rho*2.*dz);
t4 = 1./(k0*k0)*(1/(dz * dz));
double c,d;
for(int mp = 0; mp < Mp; ++mp){
c = std::pow(std::sin((mp+1)*M_PI/(2*Mp+1)),2);
d = std::pow(std::cos((mp+1)*M_PI/(2*Mp+1)),2);
mat_entries_N[mp].push_back(trip(i,i,(c*(t1 + t2))));
mat_entries_D[mp].push_back(trip(i,i,(d*(t1 + t2))));
if(i < nz - 1){
mat_entries_N[mp].push_back(trip(i,i+1,(c*(-t3 + t4))));
mat_entries_D[mp].push_back(trip(i,i+1,(d*(-t3 + t4))));
if(i > 0){
mat_entries_N[mp].push_back(trip(i,i-1,(c*(t3 + t4))));
mat_entries_D[mp].push_back(trip(i,i-1,(d*(t3 + t4))));
SpMat N(nz,nz), D(nz,nz);
SpMat identity(nz, nz);
std::vector<trip> idcoeffs;
for(int i = 0; i < nz; ++i){
identity.setFromTriplets(idcoeffs.begin(), idcoeffs.end());
SpMat temp(nz,nz);
N = identity;
D = identity;
for(int mp = 0; mp < Mp; ++mp){
temp.setFromTriplets(mat_entries_N[mp].begin(), mat_entries_N[mp].end());
N = (temp*N).eval();
temp.setFromTriplets(mat_entries_D[mp].begin(), mat_entries_D[mp].end());
D = (temp*D).eval();
std::cout << (N*D - D*N).norm() << std::endl;
return 0;
The problem is that without a meaningful reference value defining what is the expected order of magnitude of a non-zero value, it is impossible to conclude whether 1e20 is a huge or a tiny value.
In your case, the norm of the matrices N and D are about 1e20 and 1e18 respectively, and the norm of N*D is about 1e38. Given that the relative precision of double is about 1e-16, an error of 1e20 can be considered as 0 compared to 1e38.
To summarize, it is most of the time meaningless to look at the absolute error. Instead, you have to look at the relative error:
std::cout << (N*D - D*N).norm()/(N*D).norm() << std::endl;
which gives you about 1e-17. This is indeed smaller that the numerical precision of double.

image proccessing further optimization

I'm new to optimization and was given a task to optimize a function that processes an image as much as possible. it takes an image, blurs it and then saves the blurred image, and then continues and sharpens the image, and saves also the sharpened image.
Here is my code:
typedef struct {
unsigned char red;
unsigned char green;
unsigned char blue;
} pixel;
// I delete the other struct because we can do the same operations with use of only addresses
//use macro instead of function is more efficient
#define calculateIndex(i, j, n) ((i)*(n)+(j))
// I combine all the functions in one because it is time consuming
void myfunction(Image *image, char* srcImgpName, char* blurRsltImgName, char* sharpRsltImgName) {
// use variable from type 'register int' is much more efficient from 'int'
register int i,j, ii, jj, sum_red, sum_green, sum_blue;
//using local variable is much more efficient than using pointer to pixels from the original image,and updat its value in each iteration
pixel current_pixel , p;
//dst will point on the first pixel in the image
pixel* dst = (pixel*)image->data;
int squareN = n*n;
//instead of multiply by 3 - I used shift
register int sizeToAllocate = ((squareN)<<1)+(squareN); // use variable from type 'register int' is much more efficient from 'int'
pixel* src = malloc(sizeToAllocate);
register int index;
//memcpy replace the old functions that converts chars to pixels or pixels to chars. it is very efficient and build-in in c libraries
memcpy(src, dst, sizeToAllocate);
///////////////////////////////////////// first step : smooth //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/**the smooth blur is step that apply the blur-kernel (matrix of ints) over each pixel in the bouns - and make the image more smooth.
*this function was originally used this matrix :
* [1, 1, 1]
* [1, 1, 1]
* [1, 1, 1]
*because the matrix is full of 1 , we don't really need it - the access to the matrix is very expensive . instead of the matrix I used
*primitive variable.
//the loops are starting with 1 and not with 0 because we need to check only the pixels with 8 neighbors around them
index = calculateIndex(1, 1, n);
for (i = 1 ; i < n - 1; ++i) {
for (j = 1 ; j < n - 1 ; ++j) {
// I used this variables as counters to the colors' values around a specific pixel
sum_red = 0;
sum_green = 0;
sum_blue = 0;
for(ii = i-1; ii <= i+1; ++ii) {
for(jj =j-1; jj <= j+1; ++jj) {
//take care of the [ii,jj] pixel in the matrix
//calculate the adrees of the current pixel
pixel p = src[calculateIndex(ii, jj, n)];
//sum the colors' values of the neighbors of the current pixel
sum_red +=;
sum_green +=;
sum_blue +=;
//calculate the avarage of the colors' values around the current pixel - as written in the instructions
sum_red = (((sum_red) * 0xE38F) >> 19);//instead of dividing by 9 - I used shift because it is more efficient
sum_green = (((sum_green) * 0xE38F) >> 19);//instead of dividing by 9 - I used shift because it is more efficient
sum_blue = (((sum_blue) * 0xE38F) >> 19);//instead of dividing by 9 - I used shift because it is more efficient = (unsigned char)sum_red; = (unsigned char)sum_green; = (unsigned char)sum_blue;
dst[index++] = current_pixel;
// write result image to file
writeBMP(image, srcImgpName, blurRsltImgName);
//memcpy replace the old functions that converts chars to pixels or pixels to chars. it is very efficient and build-in in c libraries
memcpy(src, dst, sizeToAllocate);
///////////////////////////////////////// second step : sharp //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** I want to sharp the smooth image . In this step I apply the sharpen kernel (matrix of ints) over each pixel in the bouns - and make the image more sharp.
*this function was originally used this matrix :
* [-1, -1, -1]
* [-1, 9, -1]
* [-1, -1, -1]
*because the matrix is full of (-1) , we don't really need it - the access to the matrix is very expensive . instead of the matrix I used
*primitive variable. I operato like that : insted of multiply in (-1) in the end of the step , I define counter initializes with zero , and
*substruct all te colors' values from it. the result is actually the same as multiply by (-1), in more efficient way.
//the loops are starting with 1 and not with 0 because we need to check only the pixels with 8 neighbors around them
for (i = 1 ; i < n-1; ++i) {
for (j = 1 ; j < n-1 ; ++j) {
// I used this variables as counters to the colors' values around a specific pixel
sum_red = 0;
sum_green = 0;
sum_blue = 0;
// Do central pixel first
sum_red = 10*;
sum_green = 10*;
sum_blue = 10*;
for(ii =i-1; ii <= i + 1; ++ii) {
for(jj = j-1; jj <= j + 1; ++jj) {
p = src[calculateIndex(ii, jj, n)];
//operate according to the instructions
sum_red -=;
sum_green -=;
sum_blue -=;
//each pixel's colors' values must match the range [0,255] - I used the idea from the original code
//the red value must be in the range [0,255]
if (sum_red < 0) {
sum_red = 0;
} else if (sum_red > 255 ) {
sum_red = 255;
} = (unsigned char)sum_red;
//the green value must be in the range [0,255]
if (sum_green < 0) {
sum_green = 0;
} else if (sum_green > 255 ) {
sum_green = 255;
} = (unsigned char)sum_green;
//the blue value must be in the range [0,255]
if (sum_blue < 0) {
sum_blue = 0;
} else if (sum_blue > 255 ) {
sum_blue = 255;
} = (unsigned char)sum_blue;
// put the updated pixel in [i,j] in the image
dst[calculateIndex(i, j, n)] = current_pixel;
//free the allocated space to prevent memory leaks
// write result image to file
writeBMP(image, srcImgpName, sharpRsltImgName);
I wanted to ask about the if statements, is there anything better that can replace those? And also more generally speaking can anyone spot an optimization mistakes here, or can offer his inputs?
Thanks a lot!
updated code:
typedef struct {
unsigned char red;
unsigned char green;
unsigned char blue;
} pixel;
// I delete the other struct because we can do the same operations with use of only addresses
//use macro instead of function is more efficient
#define calculateIndex(i, j, n) ((i)*(n)+(j))
// I combine all the functions in one because it is time consuming
void myfunction(Image *image, char* srcImgpName, char* blurRsltImgName, char* sharpRsltImgName) {
// use variable from type 'register int' is much more efficient from 'int'
register int i,j, ii, jj, sum_red, sum_green, sum_blue;
//using local variable is much more efficient than using pointer to pixels from the original image,and updat its value in each iteration
pixel current_pixel , p;
//dst will point on the first pixel in the image
pixel* dst = (pixel*)image->data;
int squareN = n*n;
//instead of multiply by 3 - I used shift
register int sizeToAllocate = ((squareN)<<1)+(squareN); // use variable from type 'register int' is much more efficient from 'int'
pixel* src = malloc(sizeToAllocate);
register int index;
//memcpy replace the old functions that converts chars to pixels or pixels to chars. it is very efficient and build-in in c libraries
memcpy(src, dst, sizeToAllocate);
///////////////////////////////////////// first step : smooth //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/**the smooth blur is step that apply the blur-kernel (matrix of ints) over each pixel in the bouns - and make the image more smooth.
*this function was originally used this matrix :
* [1, 1, 1]
* [1, 1, 1]
* [1, 1, 1]
*because the matrix is full of 1 , we don't really need it - the access to the matrix is very expensive . instead of the matrix I used
*primitive variable.
//the loops are starting with 1 and not with 0 because we need to check only the pixels with 8 neighbors around them
index = calculateIndex(1, 1, n);
for (i = 1 ; i < n - 1; ++i) {
for (j = 1 ; j < n - 1 ; ++j) {
// I used this variables as counters to the colors' values around a specific pixel
sum_red = 0;
sum_green = 0;
sum_blue = 0;
for(ii = i-1; ii <= i+1; ++ii) {
for(jj =j-1; jj <= j+1; ++jj) {
//take care of the [ii,jj] pixel in the matrix
//calculate the adrees of the current pixel
pixel p = src[calculateIndex(ii, jj, n)];
//sum the colors' values of the neighbors of the current pixel
sum_red +=;
sum_green +=;
sum_blue +=;
//calculate the avarage of the colors' values around the current pixel - as written in the instructions
sum_red = (((sum_red) * 0xE38F) >> 19);//instead of dividing by 9 - I used shift because it is more efficient
sum_green = (((sum_green) * 0xE38F) >> 19);//instead of dividing by 9 - I used shift because it is more efficient
sum_blue = (((sum_blue) * 0xE38F) >> 19);//instead of dividing by 9 - I used shift because it is more efficient = (unsigned char)sum_red; = (unsigned char)sum_green; = (unsigned char)sum_blue;
dst[index++] = current_pixel;
index += 2;
// write result image to file
writeBMP(image, srcImgpName, blurRsltImgName);
//memcpy replace the old functions that converts chars to pixels or pixels to chars. it is very efficient and build-in in c libraries
memcpy(src, dst, sizeToAllocate);
///////////////////////////////////////// second step : sharp //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** I want to sharp the smooth image . In this step I apply the sharpen kernel (matrix of ints) over each pixel in the bouns - and make the image more sharp.
*this function was originally used this matrix :
* [-1, -1, -1]
* [-1, 9, -1]
* [-1, -1, -1]
*because the matrix is full of (-1) , we don't really need it - the access to the matrix is very expensive . instead of the matrix I used
*primitive variable. I operato like that : insted of multiply in (-1) in the end of the step , I define counter initializes with zero , and
*substruct all te colors' values from it. the result is actually the same as multiply by (-1), in more efficient way.
index = calculateIndex(1,1,n);
//the loops are starting with 1 and not with 0 because we need to check only the pixels with 8 neighbors around them
for (i = 1 ; i < n-1; ++i) {
for (j = 1 ; j < n-1 ; ++j) {
// I used this variables as counters to the colors' values around a specific pixel
sum_red = 0;
sum_green = 0;
sum_blue = 0;
// Do central pixel first
sum_red = 10*;
sum_green = 10*;
sum_blue = 10*;
for(ii =i-1; ii <= i + 1; ++ii) {
for(jj = j-1; jj <= j + 1; ++jj) {
p = src[calculateIndex(ii, jj, n)];
//operate according to the instructions
sum_red -=;
sum_green -=;
sum_blue -=;
index += 2;
//each pixel's colors' values must match the range [0,255] - I used the idea from the original code
//the red value must be in the range [0,255]
if (sum_red < 0) {
sum_red = 0;
} else if (sum_red > 255 ) {
sum_red = 255;
} = (unsigned char)sum_red;
//the green value must be in the range [0,255]
if (sum_green < 0) {
sum_green = 0;
} else if (sum_green > 255 ) {
sum_green = 255;
} = (unsigned char)sum_green;
//the blue value must be in the range [0,255]
if (sum_blue < 0) {
sum_blue = 0;
} else if (sum_blue > 255 ) {
sum_blue = 255;
} = (unsigned char)sum_blue;
// put the updated pixel in [i,j] in the image
dst[calculateIndex(i, j, n)] = current_pixel;
//free the allocated space to prevent memory leaks
// write result image to file
writeBMP(image, srcImgpName, sharpRsltImgName);
------------------------------------------------------------------------------updated code:
typedef struct {
unsigned char red;
unsigned char green;
unsigned char blue;
} pixel;
// I delete the other struct because we can do the same operations with use of only addresses
//use macro instead of function is more efficient
#define calculateIndex(i, j, n) ((i)*(n)+(j))
// I combine all the functions in one because it is time consuming
void myfunction(Image *image, char* srcImgpName, char* blurRsltImgName, char* sharpRsltImgName) {
// use variable from type 'register int' is much more efficient from 'int'
register int i,j, ii, jj, sum_red, sum_green, sum_blue;
//using local variable is much more efficient than using pointer to pixels from the original image,and updat its value in each iteration
pixel current_pixel , p;
//dst will point on the first pixel in the image
pixel* dst = (pixel*)image->data;
int squareN = n*n;
//instead of multiply by 3 - I used shift
register int sizeToAllocate = ((squareN)<<1)+(squareN); // use variable from type 'register int' is much more efficient from 'int'
pixel* src = malloc(sizeToAllocate);
register int index;
//memcpy replace the old functions that converts chars to pixels or pixels to chars. it is very efficient and build-in in c libraries
memcpy(src, dst, sizeToAllocate);
///////////////////////////////////////// first step : smooth //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/**the smooth blur is step that apply the blur-kernel (matrix of ints) over each pixel in the bouns - and make the image more smooth.
*this function was originally used this matrix :
* [1, 1, 1]
* [1, 1, 1]
* [1, 1, 1]
*because the matrix is full of 1 , we don't really need it - the access to the matrix is very expensive . instead of the matrix I used
*primitive variable.
//the loops are starting with 1 and not with 0 because we need to check only the pixels with 8 neighbors around them
index = n + 1;
for (i = 1 ; i < n - 1; ++i) {
for (j = 1 ; j < n - 1 ; ++j) {
// I used this variables as counters to the colors' values around a specific pixel
sum_red = 0;
sum_green = 0;
sum_blue = 0;
for(ii = i-1; ii <= i+1; ++ii) {
for(jj =j-1; jj <= j+1; ++jj) {
//take care of the [ii,jj] pixel in the matrix
//calculate the adrees of the current pixel
pixel p = src[calculateIndex(ii, jj, n)];
//sum the colors' values of the neighbors of the current pixel
sum_red +=;
sum_green +=;
sum_blue +=;
//calculate the avarage of the colors' values around the current pixel - as written in the instructions
sum_red = (((sum_red) * 0xE38F) >> 19);//instead of dividing by 9 - I used shift because it is more efficient
sum_green = (((sum_green) * 0xE38F) >> 19);//instead of dividing by 9 - I used shift because it is more efficient
sum_blue = (((sum_blue) * 0xE38F) >> 19);//instead of dividing by 9 - I used shift because it is more efficient = (unsigned char)sum_red; = (unsigned char)sum_green; = (unsigned char)sum_blue;
dst[index++] = current_pixel;
index += 2;
// write result image to file
writeBMP(image, srcImgpName, blurRsltImgName);
//memcpy replace the old functions that converts chars to pixels or pixels to chars. it is very efficient and build-in in c libraries
memcpy(src, dst, sizeToAllocate);
///////////////////////////////////////// second step : sharp //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** I want to sharp the smooth image . In this step I apply the sharpen kernel (matrix of ints) over each pixel in the bouns - and make the image more sharp.
*this function was originally used this matrix :
* [-1, -1, -1]
* [-1, 9, -1]
* [-1, -1, -1]
*because the matrix is full of (-1) , we don't really need it - the access to the matrix is very expensive . instead of the matrix I used
*primitive variable. I operate like that : instead of multiply in (-1) in the end of the step , I define counter initializes with zero , and
*substruct all te colors' values from it. the result is actually the same as multiply by (-1), in more efficient way.
index = calculateIndex(1,1,n);
//the loops are starting with 1 and not with 0 because we need to check only the pixels with 8 neighbors around them
for (i = 1 ; i < n-1; ++i) {
for (j = 1 ; j < n-1 ; ++j) {
// I used this variables as counters to the colors' values around a specific pixel
sum_red = 0;
sum_green = 0;
sum_blue = 0;
// Do central pixel first
sum_red = 10*;
sum_green = 10*;
sum_blue = 10*;
for(ii =i-1; ii <= i + 1; ++ii) {
for(jj = j-1; jj <= j + 1; ++jj) {
p = src[calculateIndex(ii, jj, n)];
//operate according to the instructions
sum_red -=;
sum_green -=;
sum_blue -=;
//each pixel's colors' values must match the range [0,255] - I used the idea from the original code
//the red value must be in the range [0,255]
if (sum_red < 0) {
sum_red = 0;
} else if (sum_red > 255 ) {
sum_red = 255;
} = (unsigned char)sum_red;
//the green value must be in the range [0,255]
if (sum_green < 0) {
sum_green = 0;
} else if (sum_green > 255 ) {
sum_green = 255;
} = (unsigned char)sum_green;
//the blue value must be in the range [0,255]
if (sum_blue < 0) {
sum_blue = 0;
} else if (sum_blue > 255 ) {
sum_blue = 255;
} = (unsigned char)sum_blue;
// put the updated pixel in [i,j] in the image
dst[calculateIndex(i, j, n)] = current_pixel;
index += 2;
//free the allocated space to prevent memory leaks
// write result image to file
writeBMP(image, srcImgpName, sharpRsltImgName);
Some general optimization guidelines:
If you're running on x86, compile as a 64-bit binary. x86 is really a register-starved CPU. In 32-bit mode you pretty much have only 5 or 6 32-bit general-purpose registers available, and you only get "all" 6 if you compile with optimizations like -fomit-frame-pointer on GCC. In 64-bit mode you'll have 13 or 14 64-bit general-purpose registers.
Get a good compiler and use the highest possible general optimization level.
Profile! Profile! Profile! Actually profile your code so actually know where the performance bottlenecks are. Any guesses about the location of any performance bottlenecks are likely wrong.
Once you find your bottlenecks, examine the actual instructions the compiler produces and look at the bottleneck areas, just to see what's happening. Perhaps the bottleneck is where the compiler had to do a lot of register spilling and filling because of register pressure. This can be really helpful if you can profile down to the instruction level.
Use the insights from the profiling and examination of the generated instructions to improve your code and compile arguments. For example, if you're seeing a lot of register spilling and filling, you need to reduce register pressure, perhaps by manually coalescing loops or disabling prefetching with a compiler option.
Experiment with different page size options. If a single row of pixels is a significant fraction of a page size, reaching into other rows is more likely to reach into another page and result in a TLB miss. Using larger memory pages may significantly reduce this.
Some specific ideas for your code:
Use only one outer loop. You'll have to experiment to find the fastest way to handle your "extra" edge pixels. The fastest way might be to not do anything special, roll right over them like "normal" pixels, and just ignore the values in them later.
Manually unroll the two inner loops - you're only doing 9 pixels.
Don't use calculateIndex() - use the address of the current pixel and find the other pixels simply by subtracting or adding the proper value from the current pixel address. For example, the address of the upper-left pixel in your inner loops would be something like currentPixelAddress - n - 1.
Those would convert your four-deep nested loops into a single loop with very little index calculations needed.
A few ideas - untested.
You have if(ii==i && jj=j) to test for the central pixel in your sharpening loop which you do 9x for every pixel. I think it would be faster to remove that if and do exactly the same for every pixel but then make a correction, outside the loop by adding 10x the central pixel.
// Do central pixel first
sum_red = 10*;
sum_green = 10*;
sum_blue = 10*;
for(ii =i-1; ii <= i + 1; ++ii) {
for(jj = j-1; jj <= j + 1; ++jj) {
p = src[calculateIndex(ii, jj, n)];
//operate according to the instructions
sum_red -=;
sum_green -=;
sum_blue -=;
Where you do dst[calculateIndex(i, j, n)] = current_pixel;, you can probably calculate the index once before the loop at the start and then just increment the pointer with each write inside the loop - assuming your arrays are contiguous and unpadded.
for (i = 1 ; i < n - 1; ++i) {
for (j = 1 ; j < n - 1 ; ++j) {
dst[index++] = current_pixel;
index+=2; // skip over last pixel of this line and first pixel of next line
As you move your 3x3 window of 9 pixels across the image, you could "remember" the left-most column of 3 pixels from the previous position, then instead of 9 additions for each pixel, you would do a single subtraction for the left-most column leaving the window and 3 additions for the new column entering the window on the right side, i.e. 4 calculations instead of 9.

C - getting prime numbers using this algorithm

I am fighting some simple question.
I want to get prime numbers
I will use this algorithm
and... I finished code writing like this.
int k = 0, x = 1, n, prim, lim = 1;
int p[100000];
int xCount=0, limCount=0, kCount=0;
p[0] = 2;
scanf("%d", &n);
start = clock();
x += 2; xCount++;
if (sqrt(p[lim]) <= x)
lim++; limCount++;
k = 2; prim = true;
while (prim && k<lim)
if (x % p[k] == 0)
prim = false;
k++; kCount++;
if (prim == true)
p[lim] = x;
printf("prime number : %d\n", p[lim]);
} while (k<n);
I want to check how much repeat this code (x+=2; lim++; k++;)
so I used xCount, limCount, kCount variables.
when input(n) is 10, the results are x : 14, lim : 9, k : 43. wrong answer.
answer is (14,3,13).
Did I write code not well?
tell me correct point plz...
If you want to adapt an algorithm to your needs, it's always a good idea to implement it verbatim first, especially if you have pseudocode that is detailed enough to allow for such a verbatim translation into C-code (even more so with Fortran but I digress)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
int main (void){
// type index 1..n
int index;
// var
// x: integer
int x;
//i, k, lim: integer
int i, k, lim;
// prim: boolean
bool prim;
// p: array[index] of integer {p[i] = i'th prime number}
We cannot do that directly, we need to know the value of "index" first
int res;
res = scanf("%d", &index);
if(res != 1 || index < 1){
fprintf(stderr,"Only integral values >= 1, please. Thank you.\n");
The array from the pseudocode is a one-based array, take care
int p[index + 1];
// initialize the whole array with distinguishable values in case of debugging
for(i = 0;i<index;i++){
p[i] = -i;
Your variables
int lim_count = 0, k_count = 0;
// begin
// p[1] = 2
p[1] = 2;
// write(2)
// x = 1
x = 1;
// lim = 1
lim = 1;
// for i:=2 to n do
for(i = 2;i < index; i++){
// repeat (until prim)
do {
// x = x + 2
x += 2;
// if(sqr(p[lim]) <= x) then
if(p[lim] * p[lim] <= x){
// lim = lim +1
// k = 2
k = 2;
// prim = true
prim = true;
// while (prim and (k < lim)) do
while (prim && (k < lim)){
// prim = "x is not divisible by p[k]"
if((x % p[k]) == 0){
prim = false;
// k = k + 1
// (repeat) until prim
} while(!prim);
// p[i] := x
p[i] = x;
// write(x)
// end
printf("x = %d, lim_count = %d, k_count = %d \n",x,lim_count,k_count);
for(i = 0;i<index;i++){
printf("%d, ",p[i]);
It will print an index - 1 number of primes starting at 2.
You can easily change it now--for example: print only the primes up to index instead of index - 1 primes.
In your case the numbers for all six primes up to 13 gives
x = 13, lim_count = 2, k_count = 3
which is distinctly different from the result you want.
Your translation looks very sloppy.
for i:= 2 to n do begin
must translate to:
for (i=2; i<=n; i++)
until prim
must translate to:
do {
} while (!prim);
The while prim... loop is inside the repeat...until prim loop.
I leave it to you to apply this to your code and to check that all constructs have been properly translated. it doesn't look too difficult to do that correctly.
Note: it looks like the algorithm uses 1-based arrays whereas C uses 0-based arrays.

Optimization of Brute-Force algorithm or Alternative?

I have a simple (brute-force) recursive solver algorithm that takes lots of time for bigger values of OpxCnt variable. For small values of OpxCnt, no problem, works like a charm. The algorithm gets very slow as the OpxCnt variable gets bigger. This is to be expected but any optimization or a different algorithm ?
My final goal is that :: I want to read all the True values in the map array by
executing some number of read operations that have the minimum operation
cost. This is not the same as minimum number of read operations.
At function completion, There should be no True value unread.
map array is populated by some external function, any member may be 1 or 0.
For example ::
map[4] = 1;
map[8] = 1;
1 read operation having Adr=4,Cnt=5 has the lowest cost (35)
2 read operations having Adr=4,Cnt=1 & Adr=8,Cnt=1 costs (27+27=54)
#include <string.h>
typedef unsigned int Ui32;
#define cntof(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
#define ZERO(x) do{memset(&(x), 0, sizeof(x));}while(0)
typedef struct _S_MB_oper{
Ui32 Adr;
Ui32 Cnt;
typedef struct _S_MB_code{
Ui32 OpxCnt;
S_MB_oper OpxLst[20];
Ui32 OpxPay;
char map[65536] = {0};
static int opx_ListOkey(S_MB_code *px_kod, char *pi_map)
int cost = 0;
char map[65536];
memcpy(map, pi_map, sizeof(map));
for(Ui32 o = 0; o < px_kod->OpxCnt; o++)
for(Ui32 i = 0; i < px_kod->OpxLst[o].Cnt; i++)
Ui32 adr = px_kod->OpxLst[o].Adr + i;
// ...
if(adr < cntof(map)){map[adr] = 0x0;}
for(Ui32 i = 0; i < cntof(map); i++)
if(map[i] > 0x0){return -1;}
// calculate COST...
for(Ui32 o = 0; o < px_kod->OpxCnt; o++)
cost += 12;
cost += 13;
cost += (2 * px_kod->OpxLst[o].Cnt);
px_kod->OpxPay = (Ui32)cost; return cost;
static int opx_FindNext(char *map, int pi_idx)
int i;
if(pi_idx < 0){pi_idx = 0;}
for(i = pi_idx; i < 65536; i++)
if(map[i] > 0x0){return i;}
return -1;
static int opx_FindZero(char *map, int pi_idx)
int i;
if(pi_idx < 0){pi_idx = 0;}
for(i = pi_idx; i < 65536; i++)
if(map[i] < 0x1){return i;}
return -1;
static int opx_Resolver(S_MB_code *po_bst, S_MB_code *px_wrk, char *pi_map, Ui32 *px_idx, int _min, int _max)
int pay, kmax, kmin = 1;
if(*px_idx >= px_wrk->OpxCnt)
return opx_ListOkey(px_wrk, pi_map);
_min = opx_FindNext(pi_map, _min);
// ...
if(_min < 0){return -1;}
kmax = (_max - _min) + 1;
// must be less than 127 !
if(kmax > 127){kmax = 127;}
// is this recursion the last one ?
if(*px_idx >= (px_wrk->OpxCnt - 1))
kmin = kmax;
int zero = opx_FindZero(pi_map, _min);
// ...
if(zero > 0)
kmin = zero - _min;
// enforce kmax limit !?
if(kmin > kmax){kmin = kmax;}
for(int _cnt = kmin; _cnt <= kmax; _cnt++)
px_wrk->OpxLst[*px_idx].Adr = (Ui32)_min;
px_wrk->OpxLst[*px_idx].Cnt = (Ui32)_cnt;
pay = opx_Resolver(po_bst, px_wrk, pi_map, px_idx, (_min + _cnt), _max);
if(pay > 0)
if((Ui32)pay < po_bst->OpxPay)
memcpy(po_bst, px_wrk, sizeof(*po_bst));
return (int)po_bst->OpxPay;
int main()
int _max = -1, _cnt = 0;
S_MB_code best = {0};
S_MB_code work = {0};
map[ 4] = 1;
map[ 8] = 1;
map[64] = 1;
map[72] = 1;
map[80] = 1;
map[88] = 1;
map[96] = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < cntof(map); i++)
if(map[i] > 0)
_max = i; _cnt++;
// num of Opx can be as much as num of individual bit(s).
if(_cnt > cntof(work.OpxLst)){_cnt = cntof(work.OpxLst);}
best.OpxPay = 1000000000L; // invalid great number...
for(int opx_cnt = 1; opx_cnt <= _cnt; opx_cnt++)
int rv;
Ui32 x = 0;
ZERO(work); work.OpxCnt = (Ui32)opx_cnt;
rv = opx_Resolver(&best, &work, map, &x, -42, _max);
return 0;
You can use dynamic programming to calculate the lowest cost that covers the first i true values in map[]. Call this f(i). As I'll explain, you can calculate f(i) by looking at all f(j) for j < i, so this will take time quadratic in the number of true values -- much better than exponential. The final answer you're looking for will be f(n), where n is the number of true values in map[].
A first step is to preprocess map[] into a list of the positions of true values. (It's possible to do DP on the raw map[] array, but this will be slower if true values are sparse, and cannot be faster.)
int pos[65536]; // Every position *could* be true
int nTrue = 0;
void getPosList() {
for (int i = 0; i < 65536; ++i) {
if (map[i]) pos[nTrue++] = i;
When we're looking at the subproblem on just the first i true values, what we know is that the ith true value must be covered by a read that ends at i. This block could start at any position j <= i; we don't know, so we have to test all i of them and pick the best. The key property (Optimal Substructure) that enables DP here is that in any optimal solution to the i-sized subproblem, if the read that covers the ith true value starts at the jth true value, then the preceding j-1 true values must be covered by an optimal solution to the (j-1)-sized subproblem.
So: f(i) = min(f(j) + score(pos(j+1), pos(i)), with the minimum taken over all 1 <= j < i. pos(k) refers to the position of the kth true value in map[], and score(x, y) is the score of a read from position x to position y, inclusive.
int scores[65537]; // We effectively start indexing at 1
scores[0] = 0; // Covering the first 0 true values requires 0 cost
// Calculate the minimum score that could allow the first i > 0 true values
// to be read, and store it in scores[i].
// We can assume that all lower values have already been calculated.
void calcF(int i) {
int bestStart, bestScore = INT_MAX;
for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { // Always executes at least once
int attemptScore = scores[j] + score(pos[j + 1], pos[i]);
if (attemptScore < bestScore) {
bestStart = j + 1;
bestScore = attemptScore;
scores[i] = bestScore;
int score(int i, int j) {
return 25 + 2 * (j + 1 - i);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// Set up map[] however you want
for (int i = 1; i <= nTrue; ++i) {
printf("Optimal solution has cost %d.\n", scores[nTrue]);
return 0;
Extracting a Solution from Scores
Using this scheme, you can calculate the score of an optimal solution: it's simply f(n), where n is the number of true values in map[]. In order to actually construct the solution, you need to read back through the table of f() scores to infer which choice was made:
void printSolution() {
int i = nTrue;
while (i) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
if (scores[i] == scores[j] + score(pos[j + 1], pos[i])) {
// We know that a read can be made from pos[j + 1] to pos[i] in
// an optimal solution, so let's make it.
printf("Read from %d to %d for cost %d.\n", pos[j + 1], pos[i], score(pos[j + 1], pos[i]));
i = j;
There may be several possible choices, but all of them will produce optimal solutions.
Further Speedups
The solution above will work for an arbitrary scoring function. Because your scoring function has a simple structure, it may be that even faster algorithms can be developed.
For example, we can prove that there is a gap width above which it is always beneficial to break a single read into two reads. Suppose we have a read from position x-a to x, and another read from position y to y+b, with y > x. The combined costs of these two separate reads are 25 + 2 * (a + 1) + 25 + 2 * (b + 1) = 54 + 2 * (a + b). A single read stretching from x-a to y+b would cost 25 + 2 * (y + b - x + a + 1) = 27 + 2 * (a + b) + 2 * (y - x). Therefore the single read costs 27 - 2 * (y - x) less. If y - x > 13, this difference goes below zero: in other words, it can never be optimal to include a single read that spans a gap of 12 or more.
To make use of this property, inside calcF(), final reads could be tried in decreasing order of start-position (i.e. in increasing order of width), and the inner loop stopped as soon as any gap width exceeds 12. Because that read and all subsequent wider reads tried would contain this too-large gap and therefore be suboptimal, they need not be tried.
