RTOS MicroC tasking - c

I've been working on some RTOS MicroC project and whenever I've implemented some function it works just fine outside the task, but whenever I put in the task it just wouldn't do anything. I know I might not get answer to this, but any tips where to start looking would be a big help, thanks in advance.
a_sem = OSSemCreate(1);
static void AppTask1(void *p_arg)
(void) p_arg;
INT8U perr;
while (1)
OSSemPend(a_sem, 0, &perr);
planeAngles();// Functon that works outside the task
static void AppTask2(void *p_arg)
(void) p_arg;
INT8U perr;
while (1)
OSSemPend(a_sem, 0, &perr);
servoTurns(); // Functon that works outside the task

Both tasks wait on a semaphore, but it is not clear where that semaphore is initially given. It seems likely that neither task ever returns from the OSSemPend call.

Somewhere in your code, before AppTask1 and AppTask2 are created, you should have a line of code like this:
OSSemCreate(a_sem, 1, &perr);
You are creating a semaphore, a_sem with an initial value of 1 so that the first task that calls OSSemPend will successfully acquire the semaphore.
Also, you should not block forever on OSSemPend. Wait for awhile and then check the error status:
OSSemPend(a_sem, 10, &perr);
if(perr == OS_ERR_NONE)
/* You have the semaphore */
/* Error! Maybe a timeout */


FreeRTOS: xEventGroupWaitBits() crashes inside a loop with scheduler running

We have several tasks running on an STM32 MCU. In the main.c file we call all the init functions for the various threads. Currently there is one renewing xTimer to trigger a periodic callback (which, at present, does nothing except print a message that it was called). Declarations as follows, outside any function:
TimerHandle_t xMotorTimer;
StaticTimer_t xMotorTimerBuffer;
EventGroupHandle_t MotorEventGroupHandle;
In the init function for the thread:
xMotorTimer = xTimerCreateStatic("MotorTimer",
( void * ) 0,
xTimerStart(xMotorTimer, 100);
One thread starts an infinite loop that pauses on an xEventGroupWaitBits() to determine whether to enter an inner loop, which is then governed by its own state:
bool done = false;
EventBits_t event;
for (;;)
Packet * pkt = NULL;
event = xEventGroupWaitBits( MotorEventGroupHandle,
EVT_MOTOR_START | EVT_MOTOR_STOP, // EventBits_t uxBitsToWaitFor
pdTRUE, // BaseType_t xClearOnExit
pdFALSE, // BaseType_t xWaitForAllBits,
portMAX_DELAY //TickType_t xTicksToWait
if (event & EVT_MOTOR_STOP)
if (event & EVT_MOTOR_START)
done = false;
while (!done && !abortTest)
xQueueReceive(motorQueue, &pkt, portMAX_DELAY);
if (pkt == NULL)
done = true;
} else {
done = MotorExecCmd(pkt);
done = ( uxQueueMessagesWaiting(motorQueue) == ( UBaseType_t ) 0);
xEventGroupWaitBits() fires successfully once, the inner loop enters, then exits when the program state meets the expected conditions. The outer loop repeats as it should, but when it arrives again at the xEventGroupWaitBits() call, it crashes almost instantly. In fact, it crashes a few lines down into the wait function, at a call to uxTaskResetEventItemValue(). I can't even step the debugger into the function, as if calling a bad address. But if I check the disassembly, the memory address for the BL instruction hasn't changed since the previous loop, and that address is valid. The expected function is actually there.
I can prevent this chain of events happening altogether by not calling that xTimerStart() and leaving everything else as-is. Everything runs just fine, so it's definitely not xEventGroupWaitBits() (or at least not just that). We tried switching to xEventGroupGetBits() and adding a short osDelay to the loop just as an experiment. That also froze the whole system.
So, main question. Are we doing something FreeRTOS is not meant to do here, using xEventGroupWaitBits() with xTimers running? Or is there supposed to be something between xEventGroupWaitBits() calls, possibly some kind of state reset that we've overlooked? Reviewing the docs, I can't see it, but I could have missed a detail. The

Binary Semaphore to synchronize an Interrupt with a task in FreeRTOS

Hello everyone im doing my first steps with RTOS. Im trying to receive an amount of data using UART in an interrupt mode. I have a Display Task where the commands are being written to a global buffer, and i just created a UART Handler Task where i want to read the bytes. The problems im facing are.
The semaphore i use inside the UART Task is unknown, even though i declared it global in the main function, so the xSemaphoreTake() function has errors there. Maybe a helpful Note: the UART Task is in a seperated file.
Is my implemntation of the HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback and the UART Task clean?
here is the code i wrote:
SemaphoreHandle_t uartInterruptSemaphore = NULL;
int main(void)
void mainTask(void* param) {
uartInterruptSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
if(uartInterruptSemaphore != NULL) {
// Display Thread with a 2 priority
xTaskCreate(&displayTask, "Display Thread", 1000, &huart4, 2, NULL);
// deferred Interrupt to be synchronized with the Display Task, must have a higher priority than the display task
xTaskCreate(&UartHandlerTask, "UART Handler Task", 1000, &huart4, 3, NULL);
the callback function i wrote:
void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *uart_cb) {
BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
if(uart_cb->Instance == USART4) {
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(uartInterruptSemaphore, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken);
and the handler task:
void UartHandlerTask(void* param) {
huart_cache = param;
const uint8_t tmp = rx_byte; //rx byte is global volatile variable
if(xSemaphoreTake(uartInterruptSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY) == pdPASS) {
HAL_UART_Receive_IT((UART_HandleTypeDef *)huart_cache, (uint8_t *)&rx_byte, 1);
// write data to the buffer
I would recommend getting a better handle on C before trying to use an RTOS. This will also show you a better way of unblocking a task form an interrupt than using a binary semaphore: https://www.freertos.org/2020/09/decrease-ram-footprint-and-accelerate-execution-with-freertos-notifications.html

GtkSpinner with long-lasting function with C

I'm making a GTK+3 application in C and I want a spinner to show when the program is processing the data. Here's what I generally have:
//Some statements
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(btnGenerate), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(Generate), &mainform);
void Generate(GtkWidget *btnGenerate, form_widgets *p_main_form)
Begin_Lengthy_Processing(Parameters, Galore, ...);
I have the stop function commented out so I can see the spinner spin even after the function has finished, but the spinner starts after the function is finished, and I suspect it turns on in the main loop.
I also found out that the entire interface freezes during the execution of the long going function.
Is there a way to get it to start and display inside the callback function? I found the same question, but it uses Python and threads. This is C, not Python, so I would assume things are different.
You need to run your lengthy computation in a separate thread, or break it up into chunks and run each of them separately as idle callbacks in the main thread.
If your lengthy computation takes a single set of inputs and doesn’t need any more inputs until it’s finished, then you should construct it as a GTask and use g_task_run_in_thread() to start the task. Its result will be delivered back to the main thread via the GTask’s GAsyncReadyCallback. There’s an example here.
If it takes more input as it progresses, you probably want to use a GAsyncQueue to feed it more inputs, and a GThreadPool to provide the threads (amortising the cost of creating threads over multiple calls to the lengthy function, and protecting against denial of service).
The GNOME developer docs give an overview of how to do threading.
This is what I got:
int main()
// Statements...
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(btnGenerate), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(Process), &mainform);
// More statements...
void Process(GtkWidget *btnGenerate, form_widgets *p_main_form)
GError *processing_error;
GThread *start_processing;
active = true;
if((start_processing = g_thread_try_new(NULL, (GThreadFunc)Generate, p_main_form, &processing_error)) == NULL)
printf("%s\n", processing_error->message);
printf("Error, cannot create thread!?!?\n\n");
void Generate(form_widgets *p_main_form)
// Long process
active = false;
My program, once cleaned up and finished, as there are many other bugs in the program, will be put on GitHub.
Thank you all for your help. This answer comes from looking at all of your answers and comments as well as reading some more documentation, but mostly your comments and answers.
I did something similar in my gtk3 program. It's not that difficult. Here's how I would go about it.
g_idle_add_full() expects a pointer to a function with the signature below:
(*GSourceFunc) (gpointer user_data).
So your function signature must adhere to that in order to be called.
But you might want to pass variables to the function.
If you don't want to have the variables in the global scope
then you can do this:
typedef struct myDataType {
char* name;
int age;
} myDataType;
myDataType person = {"Max", 25};
then when calling g_idle_add_full() you do it this way:
g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE, myFunction, person, NULL);
int main()
// Assumming there exist a pointer called data
g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE, lengthyProcessCallBack, data, NULL);
// GTK & GDK event loop continues and window should be responsive while function runs in background
gboolean lengthyProcessCallBack(gpointer data)
myDataType person = (myDataType) *data;
// Doing lenghthy stuff
while(;;) {
sleep(3600); // hypothetical long process :D
return FALSE; // removed from event sources and won't be called again.

Alternative to blocking code

Attempting to use mbed OS scheduler for a small project.
As mbed os is Asynchronous I need to avoid blocking code.
However the library for my wireless receiver uses a blocking line of:
while (!(wireless.isRxData()));
Is there an alternative way to do this that won't block all the code until a message is received?
static void listen(void) {
wireless.quickRxSetup(channel, addr1);
sprintf(ackData,"Ack data \r\n");
wireless.acknowledgeData(ackData, strlen(ackData), 1);
while (!(wireless.isRxData()));
len = wireless.getRxData(msg);
static void motor(void) {
led1 = 1;
static void sendData() {
wireless.quickTxSetup(channel, addr1);
strcpy(accelData, "Robot");
wireless.transmitData(accelData ,strlen(accelData));
void app_start(int, char**) {
You should remove the while (!(wireless.isRxData())); loop in your listen function. Replace it with:
if (wireless.isRxData()) {
len = wireless.getRxData(msg);
// Process data
Then, you can process your data in that if statement, or you can call postCallback on another function that will do your processing.
Instead of looping until data is available, you'll want to poll for data. If RX data is not available, exit the function and set a timer to go off after a short interval. When the timer goes off, check for data again. Repeat until data is available. I'm not familiar with your OS so I can't offer any specific code. This may be as simple as adding a short "sleep" call inside the while loop, or may involve creating another callback from the scheduler.

Problem with Array of Queues in FreeRTOS

I am building a FreeRTOS application. I created a module which registers a freeRTOS queue handle from another module and when an interrupt in this module module occurs, it sends a message to all the registered queues. But it seems I am able to send the message from the queue but not able to receive it at the other module.
Here is my code.
remote module:-
CanRxMsg RxMessage;
can_rx0_queue = xQueueCreate( 10, sizeof(CanRxMsg) ); // can_rx0_queue is globally defined
// Register my queue with can module
if (registerRxQueueWithCAN(can_rx0_queue) == -1)
while( xQueueReceive( can_rx0_queue, ( void * ) &RxMessage, portMAX_DELAY))
Here is the registration module
//xQueueHandle rxQueueStore[MAX_NUMBER_OF_RX_QUEUES];
typedef struct QUEUE_REGISTRY_ITEM
// signed char *pcQueueName;
xQueueHandle xHandle;
} xQueueRegistryItem;
xQueueRegistryItem rxQueueStore[MAX_NUMBER_OF_RX_QUEUES];
int numberOfQueuesRegistered;
#define cError -1
#define cSuccess 0
void processInterrupt()
for(int i=0; i < numberOfQueuesRegistered; i++)
if(xQueueSendFromISR(rxQueueStore[i].xHandle,(void *) &RxMessage,&tmp) != pdTRUE)
if(tmp)resched_needed = pdTRUE;
int registerRxQueueWithCAN(xQueueHandle myQueue)
if(numberOfQueuesRegistered == MAX_NUMBER_OF_RX_QUEUES)
// Over Flow of registerations
return cError;
rxQueueStore[numberOfQueuesRegistered].xHandle = myQueue;
return cSuccess;
Few points:-
xQuehandle is typdefed to "void *"
The code works if remove the registration thing and just do with directly pointer of queue in xQueueSendFromISR if I take the pointer by extern.
Any advice or information required?
At first glance I cannot see anything obviously wrong. The problem might be outside of the code you have shown, like how is can_rx0_queue declared, how is the interrupt entered, which port are you using, etc.
There is a FreeRTOS support forum, linked to from the FreeRTOS home page http://www.FreeRTOS.org
I think Richard is right. The problem could be issues that are not within your code that you have posted here.
Are you calling any form of suspension on the receiving Task that is waiting on the Queue? When you invoke a vTaskSuspend() on a Task that is blocked waiting on a Queue, the Task that is suspended will be moved to the pxSuspendedTaskList and it will "forget" that it is waiting on an Event Queue because the pvContainer of xEventListItem in that Task will be set to NULL.
You might want to check if your receiving Task is ever suspended while waiting on a Queue. Hope that helped. Cheers!
Your shared memory should at least be declared volatile:
volatile xQueueRegistryItem rxQueueStore[MAX_NUMBER_OF_RX_QUEUES] ;
volatile int numberOfQueuesRegistered ;
otherwise the compiler may optimise out read or writes to these because it has no concept of different threads of execution (between the ISR and the main thread).
Also I recall that some PIC C runtime start-up options do not apply zero-initialisation of static data in order to minimise start-up time, if you are using such a start-up, you should explicitly initialise numberOfQueuesRegistered. I would suggest that to do so would be a good idea in any case.
It is not clear from your code that RxMessage in the ISR is not the same as RxMessage in the 'remote module'; they should not be shared, since that would allow the ISR to potentially modify the data while the receiving thread was processing it. If they could be shared, there would ne no reason to have a queue in the first place, since shared memory and a semaphore would suffice.
As a side-note, there is never any need to cast a pointer to void*, and you should generally avoid doing so, since it will prevent the compiler from issuing an error if you were to pass something other than a pointer. The whole point of a void* is rather that it can accept any pointer type.
