Dynamic Form and AngularJs - angularjs

We have a dynamic Form being rendered based on database configurations. I am using code as mentioned in the below fiddle
But am not able to get the value of the checkbox element selected. Please guide me through this.
I am using checklist-model for Checkbox Elements.
<label ng-repeat="cCheck in form.color">
<input type="checkbox" checklist-model="outputs[form.databaseAttr]" checklist- value="cCheck" ng-init="outputs[form.databaseAttr] = form.defaultValue"> {{cCheck}} <br>
Fiddle Link
Please let me know if we have anybetter way of handling Dynamic Forms. Something like jQuery Serialize where we pass the formId and get all elements from the form.

There is a checklist-directive developed to solve the checkbox problem. You can download check-list.js and add it as the module dependency as following:
var exampleApp = angular.module('example', ["checklist-model"]);
So, in your html, you should use checklist-model and checklist-value instead of ng-model and ng-value respectively:
<div ng-switch-when="checkbox">
<br>{{form.text}} <br>
<label ng-repeat="cCheck in form.color">
<input type="checkbox" checklist-model="outputs[form.databaseAttr]" checklist-value="cCheck" ng-init="outputs[form.databaseAttr] = form.defaultValue"> {{cCheck}} <br>
Try it yourself.
EDIT: In order to set default values of the checkbox, you can put the values that you want into the outputs[from.databaseAttr] array. In your case, defaultValue:
text: 'select mutiple colors',
databaseAttr: 'checkbox',
type: 'checkbox',
color: ['red', 'blue', 'black'],
defaultValue: ['blue'] // <-- blue is set as default


AngularJS - Check checkboxes dynamically

I am new to AngularJS. I am working on checkboxlist using WebApi and angularJS and need help.
Well, there is a checkboxlist where user can select multiple options. I am able to write successful code for this. The selected options are saved into the database. But, on edit, I want those options selected already. How can I achieve this?
Here is my checkboxlist:
<div ng-repeat="value in getCheckboxlist">
<input ichecklist type="checkbox" id="{{value.Id}}" value="{{value.Id}}">
Declaration of array:
$scope.selection: [];
and this is how I am getting selected IDs from database on edit:
$scope.selection: selectedValues;
where 'selectedValues' contains json of selected IDs.
Your are looking for the ngChecked directive from AngularJS
Sets the checked attribute on the element, if the expression inside ngChecked is truthy.
Use it like this
<input id="checkSlave" type="checkbox" ng-checked="expression">
You can replace expression by a call to a function that will verify if this checkbox should be checked or not. The function should return true or false
By using ng-checked you can write it as follow
//Angular Controller codes
$scope.Checkboxlist = [{id:1, value: true, Name: "A"}, {id:2, value: false, Name: "B"}];
//View codes
<div ng-repeat="value in Checkboxlist">
<input ichecklist type="checkbox" id="{{value.Id}}" ng-checked="Checkboxlist[$index].value">

Angularjs placeholder not showing when dynamically generate textbox

I am generating a dynamically text boxes using angularjs. I set a array in controller and repeating in view with ng-repeat. Here is controller code :-
this.total_options = [
{text : 'form.options.Option1' , placeholder: 'Enter Option Here'},
{text: 'form.options.Option2', placeholder: 'Enter Option Here' }
Now in view i am repeating this options like :-
<li data-ng-repeat="option in mcssController.total_options">
<input required="required" type="text" ng-model="option.text" class="option" placeholder="{{option.placeholder}}" />
But when page is rendered the textbox showing ng-model property 'form.options.optoin1' instead of placeholder('Enter Option Here'). How can i solve this problem ?
See if you clear out the form, you should be able to see the placeholder!
<li data-ng-repeat="option in mcssController.total_options">
<input required="required" type="text" ng-init="model=$eval(option.text)" ng-model="model" class="option" placeholder="{{option.placeholder}}" />
You want ngModel to bind to a model, not a property that represents a string. Since you want to interpret the string as a model, you can use $scope.$eval. It should work if you use $scope.$eval in an ngInit expression, and then use result to bind to ngModel.

Why is angular ng-repeat adding properties to my model?

I'm working on an angular 1.2.x project and I have a list of radio button generated with ng-repeat and an array of objects.
<div ng-repeat="answer in question.answers track by $index">
<input type="radio" name="answers" ng-value="answer" ng-model="myDataModel">{{answer.text}}
"text":"brazil nuts"
If I use pre tags to view my model as I select through the radios like this...
<pre>{{myDataModel | json}}</pre>
I see random properties climbing onto my data like this
This is causing issues when I try to pre-select a radio button after loading data from my server. When my controller sets my model equal to one of the answers it doesn't have those properties so it doesn't select the radio. Additionally those property names change every time that I refresh the page so I'm not able to mock them. Where do these come from and what might I try to get around them when preselecting answers?
Alright, I found the culprit. It was this library https://github.com/isteven/angular-multi-select
It attaches spc and idx properties for it's purposes.
I can't reproduce what you're seeing either - here's a plunker with what you have above working:
One issue which what you have is the ng-model directive in your input tag. You shouldn't bind to primitives directly on the $scope. Here's a good description of why:
And an update to your code:
<div ng-repeat="answer in question.answers track by $index">
<input type="radio" name="answers" ng-value="answer" ng-model="myDataModel.myAnswer" />{{answer.text}}

Angular form with dynamic name are not initializing

I have a few objects and a form. Each object should remember the state of it's form (mainly, dirtyness).
I'm trying to create a form with a dynamic name like such:
<form name="selectedObject.form">
<input type="text" name="name" ng-model="selectedObject.name" required>
My problem is:
I make the first form dirty
Change the selected object
The form is considered dirty
I would think the using a dynamic name to the form would set a watch and have it rerender dynamically.
Anyway to do this?
Here's a plunkr simulating the problem:
As you would like to have it work, I think not. I also see problem in your code, namely form declaration. Name is string so now your form's name is always literal selectedObject.form. I think you ment to write it as <form name="{{ selectedObject.form }}"> and have actual name for the form instead of {} you have assigned now?
You could add isDirty as new property to your objects and toggle it manually.
$scope.objects = [{
name: 'Object1',
type: 'Type1',
form: 'form1',
isDirty: false
name: '',
type: 'Type2',
form: 'form2',
isDirty: false }];
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<button ng-click="setSelected()">Change selected</button>
<form name="{{ selectedObject.form }}">
<input type="text"
ng-change="selectedObject.isDirty = true">
{{ selectedObject.isDirty }}

Conditional tooltip with Bootstrap 3 and angular

So I can get tooltips to appear on field focus, but I only want them to sometimes. I want to add a manual trigger, but to say the docs are lacking would be to indicate that some exist. Here's what I've found so far (in the source)
// Default hide triggers for each show trigger
var triggerMap = {
'mouseenter': 'mouseleave',
'click': 'click',
'focus': 'blur'
* This allows you to extend the set of trigger mappings available. E.g.:
* $tooltipProvider.setTriggers( 'openTrigger': 'closeTrigger' );
this.setTriggers = function setTriggers ( triggers ) {
angular.extend( triggerMap, triggers );
So, how do you write one of these triggers?
if you are still searching for a solution it might be handy to know that the tooltips only show when there is a text value, otherwise they don't actually show.
I myself use the popover directive, here is a plunker where you can edit your text. When you clear the field, the tooltip won't show.
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<input type="text" size="100" ng-model="error"/><br/><br/>
<p class="btn btn-default"
popover-trigger="mouseenter">Hover my error!</p>
And in the controller you just set the error initial value. Make sure you include 'ui.bootstrap' as a dependency for your app, else it won't work.
var app = angular.module('plunker', ['ui.bootstrap']);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.error = 'Something went wrong';
AngularJS 1.5.7 and Bootstrap 3.3.6 support uib-tooltip-html properties on input, select and textarea elements. Unlike uib-tooltip properties, uib-tooltip-html properties support expressions. You should be able to express your conditions therein.
For example, here is a date of birth textbox with an expression that either names the field when valid OR explains the validation error:
<input id="dateOfBirth{{::vm.studentID}}"
placeholder="Date of Birth"
uib-tooltip-html="myFormName.dateOfBirth.$valid ? 'Date of Birth' : myFormName.dateOfBirth.$error.required ? 'Date of Birth is required' : 'Date of Birth is not a valid date: mm/dd/yyyy'"
tabindex="3" />
With a little more work you could explain the min and max date errors as well.
Open tooltips <span uib-tooltip="Hello!" tooltip-is-open="tooltipIsOpen" tooltip-placement="bottom">conditionally.</span>
Check the tooltip part of the API doc
we can use popover-enable property to show it conditional
This can be archived through Angular Property binding and the title property of the bootstrap element. In Bootstrap, a tooltip will only show in the DOM if some text was given for the title value. What you have to do is to bind property or method to the tooltip. Here getTooltip() should return either tooltip or empty string.
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" [title]="getTooltip()">
