fork()- multiple files accessed by parent & child processes - c

For educational purposes, I wrote a program that forks a process and ...
the child continuously reads 3 files, prints the contents, sleeps for 10ms.
the parent keeps a counter for each file. each file also has a delay time associated with it.
each time a file's timer expires, the counter is incremented and the file is overwritten with the
new counter value. Each delay value is different, so all 3 files get updated at different rates.
The problem is, the counters only increment for a short time, and everything freezes after a few seconds. Can anyone give a good explanation of what is happening here?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#define CHAN1WAIT 100000
#define CHAN2WAIT 750000
#define CHAN3WAIT 1000000
#define NCHAN 3
FILE *chanfiles[NCHAN] = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; //file pointers for fake 'devices'
char *filenames[NCHAN] = {"_chan1tmpfile_", "_chan2tmpfile_", "_chan3tmpfile_"};
int chanwait[NCHAN] = {CHAN1WAIT, CHAN2WAIT, CHAN3WAIT}; //time it takes for each 'device' to be updated with a new value
int chancount[NCHAN] = {0, 0, 0}; //value for each device
int clrcount = NCHAN * 8;
uint8_t chan1;
int read_chan (int chan)
char buf[4];
char c;
int i, ret;
short count = 0;
uint8_t set = 0;
char * retstr;
while (! set)
if (chanfiles[chan] == NULL) //if file is not in use
if ((chanfiles[chan] = fopen(filenames[chan], "r")) == NULL)
printf("Error opening file %s for reading.\n%s\n", filenames[chan], strerror(errno));
while ((c = fgetc(chanfiles[chan])) != EOF)
buf[count] = c;
chanfiles[chan] = NULL;
retstr = malloc(count + 1);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) retstr[i] = buf[i];
ret = atoi(retstr);
set = 1;
return ret;
void write_chan (int chan)
uint8_t set = 0;
while (! set)
if (chanfiles[chan] == NULL) //if file is not in use
if ((chanfiles[chan] = fopen(filenames[chan], "w")) == 0)
printf("Error opening file %s for writing.\n%s\n", filenames[chan], strerror(errno));
if (fprintf(chanfiles[chan], "%d", chancount[chan]) < 0)
printf("Error writing to file %s:\n%s\n", filenames[chan], strerror(errno));
chanfiles[chan] = NULL;
set = 1;
time_t get_usecs()
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
return tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec;
int main (int argc, char * argv[])
pid_t pid;
time_t curtime;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NCHAN; i++) write_chan(i);
for (i = 0; i < NCHAN; i++) printf("%8d", i);
printf("\n Value:");
pid = fork();
// This process reads all 3 files, prints the values,
// then sleeps for 10ms, in an infinite loop.
if (pid == 0)
int j;
while (1)
uint8_t set;
for (j = 0; j < NCHAN; j++)
int value;
set = 0;
value = read_chan(j);
printf("%8d", value);
for (j = 0; j < clrcount; j++) printf("\b"); fflush(stdout);
// This process updates the values of all 3 files at
// different rates, based on the value in chanwait[]
// for each file.
time_t timers[NCHAN];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NCHAN; i++) timers[i] = get_usecs();
while (1)
for (i = 0; i < NCHAN; i++)
if ((get_usecs() - timers[i]) >= chanwait[i])
timers[i] = get_usecs();

I am not sure this is your only problem, but your get_usecs function is suspect. You probably meant this
return tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec;
Rather than
return tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec;
Although, note that time_t is only guaranteed to be large enough for the time in seconds, not the number of microseconds as you have used it.


How to read the same file byte by byte asynchronously from within a few threads?

I am trying to read a file with aio.h byte by byte using aio_read with a number of threads. But I don't know if I am on the right track since there are not so many stuff to read on the Internet.
I have just created a worker function to pass it to my threads. And also as an argument to pass to the thread, I created a struct called thread_arguments and I pass a few necessary arguments in it, which will be needed for aiocb such as offset, file_path to open, buffer size, and priority.
I can read a file with one thread from start to end successfully. But when it comes to reading a file as chunks from within a few threads, I couldn't make it. And I am not even sure if I can do that with aio->reqprio without using semaphores or mutexes. (Trying to open a file from within a few threads at the same time?)
How can I read a few number of bytes from within a few threads asynchronously?
Let's say the file contains "foobarquax" and we have three threads using aio library.
Then first one should read "foo",
the second should read "bar" and
the last one should read "quax" asynchronously.
You can see screenshots of issues regarding running it with multiple threads on here
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <aio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h> // open -> file descriptor O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, O_RDWR
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
typedef struct thread_args {
char *source_path;
char *destination_path;
long int buffer_size;
long int buffer_size_last; // buffer size for the last thread in case there is a remainder.
long int offset;
int priority;
} t_args;
void *worker(void *thread_args) {
t_args *arguments = (t_args *) thread_args;
struct aiocb *aiocbRead;
aiocbRead = calloc(1, sizeof(struct aiocb));
aiocbRead->aio_fildes = open(arguments->source_path, O_RDONLY);
if (aiocbRead->aio_fildes == -1) {
printf("opened on descriptor %d\n", aiocbRead->aio_fildes);
aiocbRead->aio_buf = malloc(sizeof(arguments->buffer_size));
aiocbRead->aio_offset = arguments->offset;
aiocbRead->aio_nbytes = (size_t) arguments->buffer_size;
aiocbRead->aio_reqprio = arguments->priority;
int s = aio_read(aiocbRead);
if (s == -1) {
printf("There was an error");
while (aio_error(aiocbRead) == EINPROGRESS) {}
printf("Bytes read %ld", aio_return(aiocbRead));
for (int i = 0; i < arguments->buffer_size ; ++i) {
printf("%c\n", (*((char *) aiocbRead->aio_buf + i)));
// Returns a random alphabetic character
char getrandomChar() {
int letterTypeFlag = (rand() % 2);
if (letterTypeFlag)
return (char) ('a' + (rand() % 26));
return (char) ('A' + (rand() % 26));
void createRandomFile(char *source, int numberofBytes) {
FILE *fp = fopen(source, "w");
for (int i = 0; i < numberofBytes; i++) {
fprintf(fp, "%c", getrandomChar());
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char *source_path = argv[1];
char *destination_path = argv[2];
long int nthreads = strtol(argv[3], NULL, 10);
// Set the seed.
// Get random number of bytes to write to create the random file.
int numberofBytes = 10 + (rand() % 100000001);
// Create a random filled file at the source path.
createRandomFile(source_path, 100);
// Calculate the payload for each thread.
long int payload = 100 / nthreads;
long int payloadLast = payload + 100 % nthreads;
// Create a thread argument to pass to pthread.
t_args *thread_arguments = (t_args *) malloc(nthreads * sizeof(t_args));
for (int l = 0; l < nthreads; ++l) {
// Set arguments in the struct.
(&thread_arguments)[l]->source_path = source_path;
(&thread_arguments)[l]->destination_path = destination_path;
(&thread_arguments)[l]->buffer_size = payload;
(&thread_arguments)[l]->buffer_size_last = payloadLast;
(&thread_arguments)[l]->offset = l * payload;
(&thread_arguments)[l]->priority = l;
pthread_t tID[nthreads];
// Create pthreads.
for (int i = 0; i < nthreads; ++i) {
pthread_create(&tID[i], NULL, worker, (void *) &thread_arguments[i]);
// Wait for pthreads to be done.
for (int j = 0; j < nthreads; ++j) {
pthread_join(tID[j], NULL);
return 0;
This code is reading succesfully if I just call it from one thread but doesn't work if I use it for more than one threads which is what I want.

Segmentation fault before main is executed

For some reason I am getting a segmentation fault before any of my code is actually executed in the main() function. I have tried following the line of execution by putting in printfs but nothing is actually executed. I don't see anything in my program that would be causing a stack overflow, as I hardly even use memory.
If someone has better eyes than me and can spot this error it would be very much appreciated!
#include "../inc/protos.h"
HistogramData *histogram_data;
bool signal_caught = false;
sem_t *semaphore_id;
int letter_count[kLetterCount] = { 0 };
int wait_time = 0;
int main(void)
int shared_memory_id = 0;
key_t shared_memory_key = 0;
char buffer[kBufferLength] = { 0 };
int heads = 0;
int tails = 0;
histogram_data->signal_caught = false;
signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
//Get the key to the allocated shared memory
shared_memory_key = ftok("/tmp", 'M');
if(shared_memory_key == -1)
printf("(CONSUMER) Cannot allocate key.\n");
return 1;
//Look for shared memory every 10 seconds until it finds it
if((shared_memory_id = shmget(shared_memory_key, sizeof(histogram_data), 0)) == -1)
printf("(CONSUMER) Shared Memory does not exist. Please run the Producer program.\n");
printf("(CONSUMER) Our Shared Memory ID is %d.\n", shared_memory_id);
//Attach the structure to the shared memory
histogram_data = (HistogramData*) shmat(shared_memory_id, NULL, 0);
if(histogram_data == NULL)
printf("(CONSUMER) Cannot attach to Shared Memory.\n");
return 3;
semaphore_id = sem_open("/HISTOGRAM_SEM", O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, 1);
signal(SIGALRM, alarm_handler);
//Set the watchdog timer to 2 seconds.
//Detach from shared memory
return 0;
void signal_handler(int signal_number)
printf ("(CONSUMER) Received a signal. SIGINT ID is %d\n", signal_number);
histogram_data->signal_caught = true;
// Send SIGINT to Producer2
kill(histogram_data->producer2_pid, SIGINT);
// Send SIGINT to Producer1
kill(histogram_data->producer1_pid, SIGINT);
void print_line(int num)
int hundreds = num / 100;
num = num % 100;
int tens = num / 10;
num = num % 10;
int ones = num;
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < hundreds; i++)
for(i = 0; i < tens; i++)
for(i = 0; i < ones; i++)
void display_histogram(int letter_count[])
int i = 0;
printf("\n********** HISTOGRAM **********\n");
for(i = 0; i < kLetterCount; i++)
printf("%c-%03d ", i + 65, letter_count[i]);
void alarm_handler(int signal_number)
int wait_time = 0;
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < kDCReads; i++)
int* read_index = &histogram_data->read_index;
if(histogram_data->circular_buffer[*read_index] != 0)
int read_data = histogram_data->circular_buffer[*read_index];
histogram_data->circular_buffer[*read_index] = 0;
++letter_count[read_data - 65];
if(*read_index == kCircleBufferSize)
*read_index = 0;
if(*read_index == histogram_data->write_index)
if(signal_caught == true)
//Read and write indexes from the histogram data structure
int* read_index = &histogram_data->read_index;
int* write_index = &histogram_data->write_index;
//Read data from buffer
while(*read_index != *write_index)
//Data read in from the circular buffer
int read_data = histogram_data->circular_buffer[*read_index];
//Mark element as read
histogram_data->circular_buffer[*read_index] = 0;
++letter_count[read_data - 65];
//Increment the elements
if(*read_index == 256)
*read_index = 0;
if(*read_index == *write_index)
//Display a histogram listing
if(wait_time >= 5)
wait_time = 0;
//Release semaphore lock
//Set the alarm for the watchdog to be two seconds
//Reactivate watchdog signal
signal(signal_number, alarm_handler);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#define kCircleBufferSize 256
#define kBufferLength 126
#define kLetterCount 20
#define kDCReads 60
#define kAlarmSeconds 2
#define kSleepTime 10
typedef struct HistogramData HistogramData;
struct HistogramData
int read_index;
int write_index;
int is_wrap_around;
pid_t producer1_pid;
pid_t producer2_pid;
char circular_buffer[kCircleBufferSize];
bool signal_caught;
void signal_handler(int signal_number);
void print_line(int num);
void display_histogram(int letter_count[]);
void alarm_handler(int signal_number);
For some reason I am getting a segmentation fault before any of my code is actually executed in the main() function.
One of your preloaded data structures is likely to be causing overflow in the stack. You also have a lot of buffering going on to the output and, additionally, you have several places where you use printf() but do not append the newline \nto flush the console buffer. Alternatively, you can follow #sabbahillel's comment by putting fflush() after your printf() statements.
You create histogram_data as a pointer to HistogramData, but don't create a HistogramData object. Then, when you call histogram_data->signal_caught = false in main, you program dereferences a NULL pointer.
Instead, allocate memory for HistogramData before using the pointer (for example, histogram_data = malloc(sizeof *histogram_data);). Don't forget to free it later, too.

libgps for extract data from the gpsd daemon

I wanted to use libgps to interface with gpsd daemon. That's why I've implemented a little testing application in order to extract a value from a specific satellite.
The documentation on its HOWTO page tells us that
The tricky part is interpreting what you get from the blocking read.
The reason it’s tricky is that you’re not guaranteed that every read
will pick up exactly one complete JSON object from the daemon. It may
grab one response object, or more than one, or part of one, or one or
more followed by a fragment.
As recommended the documentation, the PACKET_SET mask bit is checked before doing anything else.
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <gps.h>
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_t t_thread;
struct t_args {
unsigned int ID;
unsigned int status = 0;
int elevation;
int p_nmea(void *targs);
void start_test(void)
struct t_args *args = malloc(sizeof *args);
status = 1;
args->ID = 10;
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
if (pthread_create(&t_thread, &attr, (void *)&p_nmea, args) != 0)
perror("create: \n");
int test_result(int * Svalue)
int res;
if(status == 1)
void * t_res;
if(pthread_tryjoin_np(t_thread, &t_res) != 0)
status = 1;
if((int)t_res == 1)
res = 3;
*Svalue = elevation;
elevation = 0;
res = 4;
return res;
int p_nmea(void *targs)
struct t_args *thread_args = targs;
struct gps_data_t gpsdata;
int ret = -1;
int count = 10;
int i,j;
if(gps_open((char *)"localhost", (char *)DEFAULT_GPSD_PORT, &gpsdata) != 0)
(void)fprintf(stderr, "cgps: no gpsd running or network error: %d, %s\n", errno, gps_errstr(errno));
return (-1);
(void)gps_stream(&gpsdata, WATCH_ENABLE, NULL);
if(!gps_waiting(&gpsdata, 1000000))
if(gps_read(&gpsdata) == -1)
return (-1);
if(gpsdata.set & PACKET_SET)
for (i = 0; i < MAXCHANNELS; i++)
for (j = 0; j < gpsdata->satellites_visible; j++)
if(gpsdata->PRN[i] == thread_args.ID)
elevation = (int)gpsdata->elevation[i];
ret = 1;
if(gpsdata->PRN[i] == thread_args.ID)
}while(count != 0);
(void)gps_stream(&gpsdata, WATCH_DISABLE, NULL);
(void)pthread_exit((void*) ret);
As recommended in the documentation too, I had a look at cgps and gpxlogger for example codes, but the subtleties of libgps escape me. A while loop has been added before gps_waiting() in order to get, at least, one entire response object. Before introducing pthread, I noted that call the function test_result() just after start_test() take few seconds before returning an answer. By using a thread I thought that 3 would be imediately returned, then 3 or 4 .. but it's not ! I am still losing few seconds. In addition, I voluntarily use pthread_tryjoin_np() because its man page says
The pthread_tryjoin_np() function performs a nonblocking join with the thread
Can anybody give me his help, I guess that I understand something wrongly but I am not able to say about which part yet? Basically, why I come into the do while loop at least four times before returning the first value ?
EDIT 1 :
After reading the documentation HOWTO again I highlight the lines :
The fact that the data-waiting check and the read both block means that, if your application has to deal with other input sources than the GPS, you will probably have to isolate the read loop in a thread with a mutex lock on the gps_data structure.
I am a little bit confusing. What does it really mean ?
Your loop is executing multiple times before returning a full packet because you do not have a sleep condition. Therefore each time the daemon registers a packet (even when not a full NMEA message), the gps_waiting() function returns. I'd recommend sleeping at least as long as it takes your GPS to register a full message.
For example, if you expect GPPAT messages, you could reasonably expect to have 12 characters in the message. Thus at 9600 baud, that would take 1/17.5 seconds or about 57 ms. In this case, your code could look like this:
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <gps.h>
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_t t_thread;
struct t_args {
unsigned int ID;
unsigned int status = 0;
int elevation;
int p_nmea(void *targs);
void start_test(void)
struct t_args *args = malloc(sizeof *args);
status = 1;
args->ID = 10;
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
if (pthread_create(&t_thread, &attr, (void *)&p_nmea, args) != 0)
perror("create: \n");
int test_result(int * Svalue)
int res;
if(status == 1)
void * t_res;
if(pthread_tryjoin_np(t_thread, &t_res) != 0)
status = 1;
if((int)t_res == 1)
res = 3;
*Svalue = elevation;
elevation = 0;
res = 4;
return res;
int p_nmea(void *targs)
struct t_args *thread_args = targs;
struct gps_data_t gpsdata;
int ret = 0;
int count = 10;
int i,j;
if(gps_open((char *)"localhost", (char *)DEFAULT_GPSD_PORT, &gpsdata) != 0)
(void)fprintf(stderr, "cgps: no gpsd running or network error: %d, %s\n", errno, gps_errstr(errno));
return (-1);
(void)gps_stream(&gpsdata, WATCH_ENABLE, NULL);
ret = 0; // Set this here to allow breaking correctly
usleep(50000); // Sleep here to wait for approx 1 msg
if(!gps_waiting(&gpsdata, 1000000)) break;
if(gps_read(&gpsdata) == -1) break;
if(gpsdata.set & PACKET_SET)
for (i = 0; i < MAXCHANNELS && !ret; i++)
for (j = 0; j < gpsdata.satellites_visible; j++)
if(gpsdata.PRN[i] == thread_args.ID)
elevation = (int)gpsdata.elevation[i]; // Be sure to not deref structure here
ret = 1;
}while(count != 0);
(void)gps_stream(&gpsdata, WATCH_DISABLE, NULL);
(void)pthread_exit((void*) ret);
Alternatively, you could just set your count higher and wait for the full message.

Build a framework using C, and let it have some futures like erlang

I use sigsetjmp/siglongjmp to change the progame stack. This is the demo:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define POOLSIZE 4096
int active = 0;
int total = 0;
struct thread
int tid;
sigjmp_buf env;
char buf[4096];
int state;
ssize_t size;
struct thread *thread_pool = 0L;
char* anchor_beg = 0L;
char* anchor_end = 0L;
void(*new_thread)(int) = 0L;
void sig_call(int sig)
char anchor;
anchor_end = &anchor;
if(sigsetjmp(thread_pool[active].env, 0) == 0)
thread_pool[active].size = anchor_beg - anchor_end;
memcpy(thread_pool[active].buf, anchor_end, thread_pool[active].size);
siglongjmp(thread_pool[0].env, 1);
memcpy(anchor_beg - thread_pool[active].size, thread_pool[active].buf, thread_pool[active].size);
void thread_new(void(*pfn)(int))
new_thread = pfn;
thread_pool[0].state = 2;
// printf("create new thread:%d\n", total + 1);
void test(int thread)
int i = 0;
for(;i != 1000000; i++)
void thread_main(int thread)
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 4000; i++)
void call(void(*pfn)(int))
active = ++ total;
thread_pool[active].tid = active;
thread_pool[active].state = 1;
ualarm(500, 0);
thread_pool[active].state = 0;
void dispatcher()
thread_pool = (struct thread*)malloc(sizeof(struct thread) * POOLSIZE);
char anchor;
anchor_beg = &anchor;
thread_pool[0].tid = 0;
thread_pool[0].state = 1;
if(sigsetjmp(thread_pool[0].env, 0) == 0)
signal(SIGUSR1, sig_call);
signal(SIGALRM, sig_call);
else if(thread_pool[0].state == -1)
else if(thread_pool[0].state == 2)
thread_pool[0].state = 1;
int i, alive = 0;
for(i = 1; i <= total; i++)
if(thread_pool[i].state == 1)
alive ++;
ualarm(500, 0);
active = thread_pool[i].tid;
siglongjmp(thread_pool[i].env, 1);
if(alive == 0)
int main()
Is there any problem here? And when i want to call some third party interface, and maybe it is a block I/O there, can i do something to change another context to execute? and How?
Unfortunately, what you're trying to do doesn't work, because (per the setjmp manual):
The longjmp() routines may not be called after the routine which called
the setjmp() routines returns.
This is because the setjmp/longjmp family of functions (including the sig variants) do not preserve the entire contents of the process stack.

Was given this code on SO, but how to make it output to stdout instead?

a kind user here gave me some code to work with for a command line shell, but I want it to output to stdout and stderr instead of using a screen or whatever it is doing right now. I am new to C so I don't know anything about converting it. I also need its ability to detect arrow keys preserved... I'm trying to make a simplistic bash clone. This is what I have right now, it's about 50% my code and 50% others'... yes, it is buggy. There are large sections commented out because they were no longer being used or because they were broken. Ignore them. :)
The particular difficulty is in the use of draw_frame() in main().
#include "os1shell.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h> /* standard unix functions, like getpid() */
#include <sys/types.h> /* various type definitions, like pid_t */
#include <signal.h> /* signal name macros, and the kill() prototype */
#include <ncurses/curses.h> /* a library for cursor-based programs */
#include <poll.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <time.h>
/** VT100 command to clear the screen. Use puts(VT100_CLEAR_SCREEN) to clear
* the screen. */
#define VT100_CLEAR_SCREEN "\033[2J"
/** VT100 command to reset the cursor to the top left hand corner of the
* screen. */
#define VT100_CURSOR_TO_ORIGIN "\033[H"
struct frame_s {
int x;
int y;
char *data;
char* inputBuffer; /* the command input buffer, will be length 65 and null
* terminated. */
char** cmdHistory; /* the command history, will be no longer than 20
* elements and null terminated. */
int historySize = 0;
void addToHistory(char* newItem) {
char** h;
int historySize = 0;
for (historySize; historySize < 21; ++historySize) {
if (cmdHistory[historySize] == NULL) break;
if (historySize == 20) {
char** newPtr = cmdHistory + sizeof(char *);
cmdHistory = newPtr;
h = (char**)realloc(cmdHistory,21*sizeof(char *));
cmdHistory = h;
cmdHistory[19] = newItem;
cmdHistory[20] = NULL;
} else {
h = (char**)realloc(cmdHistory,(historySize+2)*sizeof(char *));
cmdHistory = h;
cmdHistory[historySize] = newItem;
cmdHistory[historySize+1] = NULL;
/* Some help from*/
char** getArguments(char* input) {
char** arguments;
int k = 0;
char* tokenized;
arguments = calloc(1, sizeof (char *));
tokenized = strtok(input, " &");
while (tokenized != NULL) {
arguments[k] = tokenized;
arguments = realloc(arguments, sizeof (char *) * (k + 1));
tokenized = strtok(NULL, " &");
// an extra NULL is required to terminate the array for execvp()
arguments[k] = NULL;
return arguments;
void printHistory(struct frame_s *frame) {
snprintf(frame->data, frame->x, "\n\n");
char** currCmd = cmdHistory;
while (*currCmd != NULL) {
snprintf(frame->data[(2*frame->x)], frame->x, "%s\n", *currCmd);
snprintf(frame->data, frame->x, "\n\n");
/* Some help from*/
static int draw_frame(struct frame_s *frame) {
int row;
char *data;
int attrib;
for ( row = 0, data = frame->data;
row < frame->y;
row++, data += frame->x ) {
// 0 for normal, 1 for bold, 7 for reverse.
attrib = 0;
// The VT100 commands to move the cursor, set the attribute,
// and the actual frame line.
fprintf( stdout,
row + 1,
attrib, frame->x, data);
return (0);
/* Some help from*/
int main(void) {
const struct timespec timeout = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0 };
struct frame_s frame;
struct termios tty_old;
struct termios tty_new;
unsigned char line[65]; // the input buffer
unsigned int count = 0; // the count of characters in the buff
int ret;
struct pollfd fds[1];
sigset_t sigmask;
struct tm *tp;
time_t current_time;
cmdHistory = (char**)calloc(21,sizeof(char *)); // initialize the
// command history
cmdHistory[20] = NULL; // null terminate the history
int histInd = 0; // an index for the history for arrows
int t;
int r;
char** downTemp;
char** enterTemp;
// Set up a little frame.
frame.x = 80;
frame.y = 32; = malloc(frame.x * frame.y);
if ( == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "No memory\n");
exit (1);
memset(, ' ', frame.x * frame.y);
// Get the terminal state.
tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &tty_old);
tty_new = tty_old;
// Turn off "cooked" mode (line buffering) and set minimum characters
// to zero (i.e. non-blocking).
tty_new.c_lflag &= ~ICANON;
tty_new.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
// Set the terminal attributes.
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &tty_new);
// Un-mask all signals while in ppoll() so any signal will cause
// ppoll() to return prematurely.
fds[0].events = POLLIN;
fds[0].fd = STDIN_FILENO;
// Loop forever waiting for key presses. Update the output on every key
// press and every 1.0s (when ppoll() times out).
do {
fd_set rdset;
int nfds = STDIN_FILENO + 1;
ret = pselect(nfds, &rdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout, &sigmask);
if (ret < 0) { // check for pselect() error.
if (errno == EINTR) {
} else {
if (FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &rdset)) {
ret = read(STDIN_FILENO,&line[count],sizeof(line)-count);
// do {
// fds[0].revents = 0;
// ret = poll(fds, sizeof(fds) / sizeof(struct pollfd), 1000);
// if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) {
// ret = read(STDIN_FILENO,&line[count],sizeof(line)-count);
if (ret > 0) {
line[count + ret] = '\0';
if (strcmp(&line[count], "\033[A") == 0) {
if (histInd > 0) {
count = 0;
if(cmdHistory[histInd]!=NULL) {
"hist: %s",
strcpy(line, cmdHistory[histInd]);
} else if (strcmp(&line[count],"\033[B")==0) {
char** downTemp = cmdHistory;
r = 0;
while (*downTemp != NULL) {
if (histInd < r-1 && r!= 0) {
count = 0;
if(cmdHistory[histInd]!=NULL) {
"hist: %s",
strcpy(line, cmdHistory[histInd]);
} else if (line[count] == 127) {
if (count != 0) {
line[count] = '\0';
count -= ret;
snprintf(&[(2*frame.x)], frame.x, "backspace");
} else if (line[count] == '\n') {
char** arguments = getArguments(line);
snprintf( &[(2*frame.x)],
"entered: %s",
if (count > 0) {
int hasAmpersand = 0;
char* cmd = (char*)
strcpy(cmd, line);
char* temp = cmd;
while (*temp != '\0') {
if (*temp == '&') {
hasAmpersand = 1;
pid_t pid;
pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) {
int exeret;
exeret = execvp(*arguments,
if (exeret < 0) {
"Exec failed.\n\n");
} else if (pid < 0) {
"Fork failed.\n\n");
} else if (pid > 0) {
if (!hasAmpersand) {
} else {
enterTemp = cmdHistory;
t = 0;
while (*enterTemp != NULL) {
if (t > histInd) histInd = t;
count = 0;
} else {
// frame.x,
// "char: %c",
// line[count]);
count += ret;
// Print the current time to the output buffer.
//current_time = time(NULL);
//tp = localtime(&current_time);
//strftime( &[1 * frame.x],
// frame.x,
// "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S",
// tp);
// Print the command line.
line[count] = '\0';
"OS1Shell -> %s",
} while (1);
// Restore terminal and free resources.
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &tty_old);
int n = 0;
while (n < 21) {
return (0);
Any help getting it to act more like bash would be highly appreciated! Part of the credit is for using stderr correctly anyways, so it would definitely help to take the stdin/stdout/stderr approach.
It looks to me it already is going to STDOUT
fprintf( stdout,
row + 1,
attrib, frame->x, data);
