How to check Windows system directory contents via Nagios? - nagios

I've run into a request for a new Nagios monitor to ensure that a system is processing inbound records. The system in question is a Windows box and I'm monitoring several other things there with check_nt. The parameters that I have been given is to check a specific directory and alarm if there are more than 5 files in that directory which is indicative of the MSSQL stored procedure not pulling the files properly.
I have been having no luck finding a complete list of all the options available for check_nt. For instance, I do check a specific log file on another Windows server for activity using the "FILEAGE" option for check_nt but I sure can't find any reference to that any longer and I'm honestly not sure how I found the syntax for that years ago when I initially setup that particular check.
Anyone have any ideas how to get a count of files in a specific directory using check_nt?


Trying to find information on how to build a simple file version controll system

Im want to build a file system for non-tecks( dont care about old versions of the file so no merging or svn/git). The thougt is that a user should be able to download a file, in the same instance the file should be locked for other users. When the first user is done editing the, the file should then automaticaly upload to the server. When he closes the file, the lock should den be opend.
Is this even possible? Im thingking a sort of browser plugin, but I cant find anywone that has done the same thing. (besides microsoft, but who want to go down that road)
That would be: Sharepoint, Alfresco, (almost every WIKI), ...
Actually that is a basic feature of most document management systems. Even SVN has that already and IIRC you can set that up with mod_dav_svn without a line of code (considering configuration is not code).
Also the interesting question is, IMHO, not TheHappyCase where the described unit of work goes well but what about this*:
I Checkout 50 random documents you need
(get some popcorn and wait for your stresslevel to go up)
I get bored and forget about it (everything still being checked out)
*: Points (1) and (2) may change order

What is a good pattern to synchronize files between computers in parallel (in CentOS)?

Trying to find a good way to copy code between one "deployment" computer and several "target" computers, hopefully in parallel. The idea is that the deployment computer holds a copy of the files as they are supposed to be copied to the target servers. We would like to have copying happen in parallel, as it might involve several tens of target servers.
Our current scheme involves using rsync to synchronize the containing directory where the files reside, in order to keep the target servers up-to-date on the deployment server.
So, the questions are:
What is a good / better way to do this?
What sort of tools are used to do this?
Should this problem be faced from a different angle or perspective that I'm totally missing?
Thanks very much!
Another option is pdsh, a parallel, distributed shell. It's available from EPEL, and allows running remote commands (via ssh) on multiple nodes in parallel. For example:
pdsh -w node10,node11,node12 command
Runs "command" on all three nodes in parallel. It also has a handy hostname expression feature to do the same thing with a bit less typing:
pdsh -w node[10-12] command
It also includes the pdcp command copies files to multiple nodes in parallel. (The pdsh package needs to be installed on all nodes for pdcp to work.)
pdcp -w node[10-12] /local/file /remote/dir/
The local file is copied to the /remote/dir on all three nodes.
We use the lftp command to sync our remote web server to our local backup machine. We wrote a BaSH script to automatically sync all backups on the server to the local box, and we set that script up on a cron to run nightly.
rsync is a fine way of handling this, and I might recommend moving your current protocol into a cron setup if it isn't already.
Unison is also a tool available for setting up two way sync, if you requie that functionality.
Hope this helps!
There is a program called clusterssh that is available on debian based operating systems (but I was able to install it onto RHEL 6.3 using an RPM and resolving other dependencies) that will allow you to open an ssh terminal for multiple machines, with a single input location (this allows you type once onto as many machines as you have terminals open). Then you just have to use a simple scp. I have used this program to move a file from a development workstation to as many as 25 other workstations at the same time, but this option is only really useful if you're trying to accomplish what you stated in the question, that is, copying files from one computer to several others.
This is not an effective syncing mechanism. If you really want it to sync then the above answer would be best.

Database errors in Quantum Grid demos in Delphi XE Professional

Whenever I open one of the Quantum Grid demos in Delphi XE Pro (on Windows 7 32-bit), the following error is displayed for every table (I think) in the project:
error message
The message is:
Network initialization failed.
File or directory does not exist.
Permission denied.
Directory: C:\.
I understand permission issues writing to c:\, but the result is that while I can build and run the demo projects, no data is displayed, which makes the demos rather useless. And what kind of database writes its configuration to c:\ directory in the 21st century anyway? :) (Yes, I know very little about Paradox databases, but I won't ever be using one either. I just want to learn how to use the grid.)
Using BDE Administrator I've tried changing the Paradox "NET DIR" value to a folder with write permissions on the C drive. Result: now the database tables cannot find their data:
Path not found.
File: C:..\..\Data\GENRES.DB.
...and the unhelpfully truncated path gives no indication where the files are expected to be.
Is there a way to work around the problem so that the demos can load their sample data correctly?
Did you install the BDE correctly? It should use the DBDEMOS files. Do you see such an alias in the BDE administration utility? Can you open that database in one of the Delphi demos?
The BDE is not a XXI century database, it was developed twenty years ago and never upgraded lately. It's an obsolete tecnology, but because it comes still with every release of Delphi with a known database it is still often used in demos because nothing new has to be installed.
Anyway that file is not its configuration file. It's a sharing lock file to allow more than one user to use the database concurrently. Because it is a file based database without a central server, it has to use such kind of shared files. Usually its position is changed to a network share, but it defaults to C:\ for historical reasons.
Anyway it's not only the BDE still attempting to write in the prong directories. I still see a full bunch of applications attempting to write to C:\ (especially logs) or other read-only positions.
Using BDE Admin to change the location for PDOXUSRS.NET helped, but it wasn't sufficient. DevExpress did the right thing in specifying a relative folder for the data location, and the relative folder seems perfectly allright, but for some reason the DB can't find it.
Solution: under the \Demos\ folder find all the *.dfm files that contain the string
and replace that string with the absolute path to the demos folder. That done, all the demos open correctly.
I know this message from our own applications. It has to do with security measures introduced with Windows Vista. The operating system trying to protect critical files denies access to them. There is a method how to bypass this mechanism without compromising security. Try to run your application in compatibility mode. When application is running in compatibility mode, read / write operations from / to system folders are redirected to "safe" directories located in C:\Users[Current User]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore.
More info on

Why doesn't checking out in TFS 2010 give me write permissions? It causes an exception in my project at the target of invocation

I just moved my code from subversion to TFS.
When I get latest version, I understand that I can't get write permissions.
However, when I check out and choose the option to take the exclusive lock, a check mark appears next to my files and I am able to edit them.
When I look in Windows explorer, however, some files are still marked "read only."
This becomes a problem when I try and run my application. For some reason, not having write permissions to everything gives me an exception at the target of invocation message (its a wpf project).
When I run the files out of version control, everything is fine. When I run the version under TFS, I get that exception--even when I've exclusively checked the files out.
Any idea what is going on here?
Sounds like quite a bit of confusion here. So i have a number of questions:
Did you specifically check out the files that are still marked "read only"? Or did you just check out other files which may be related to the ones marked "read only".
Did you use the Source Control window or the Solution Explorer when performing the checkout command? Did you select specific files or just the top level project file?
Are the files actually part of the project? or are they simply in the same folder but still under source control?
What exact error message are you getting?
What files are the problem? In other words have you checked in the compiled binaries from the BIN or OBJ folders?
TFS terminology is a little different than SVN.
"Get" represents an update in SVN terms.
"Checkin" commits your changes and both "Checkin" and "Checkout" are responsible for managing file locks.
"Checkin" releases the locks.
"Checkout" requests the locks.
There are 3 types of locking you can use or none at all. I would opt for using None as it's likely to cause the least issues, many of which can be resolved during a merge and a little bit of communication.

Icons from remote files

I have started coding an FTP client application (for fun). I’m trying to represent remotely hosted files with icons. For example, let’s say I’m browsing the root folder of an FTP server (/) and want to display the file with the icon association from that client operating system. On some systems, this may be the windows compression icon and other operating systems this may be WinZip or WinRAR icons.
I have the client browsing local files with the SHGetFileInfo() function. This works great with files that are local, however, this function requires the physical file in order to retrieve the associated icon. So, this will not work with remotely hosted files. I have found some samples of loading icons given a file extension, and this is really where the question comes in... What would be the best strategy to get icons associated to remote files?
Go to the registry every time and look up extension to icon associations
Create 1 byte files with each extension and use the SHGetFileInfo() function for remote files (using local 1 byte files as association for remote files)
Other strategies???
What would a professional software company creating an FTP client do?
Thank you for your time.
-Jessy Houle
I suggest that you don't go to the registry every time: go if you need to, but if you've already been for a given filetype then remember/cache that result (within your program) and reuse it.
Use the procedure here from a previous Stack Overflow question on the same idea and uses the registry instead of an actual file.
How can I get the filetype icon that Windows Explorer shows?
