I am working on a batch processing application that allows users to submit requests for information about particular vehicles. Users can submit a request either using a VIN or a License Plate/State combination. I proposed the following table structure:
My colleague argued that this was poor design, because every record in Vehicles would either have a null VIN field, or null plate and state fields. Instead, they proposed the following:
where an entry in Vehicles would either consist of one row for a vin:
or two rows for a plate/state:
2|"plate"|"abc 123"
I thought that the first solution would be much easier to query without having any significant downside. Which design should be preferred? Are guaranteed null fields really an indicator of bad design?
What your colleague proposed is about the ultimate antipattern in database design.
Google for Bill Karwin's "antipatterns" book and for "EAV".
Ask your colleague how he proposes to enforce that "plate" and "state" values always appear in pairs in his database. If he points to the application code, ask him how he proposes to enforce that the database will only ever get updated through his application.
Your solution is a thousand times better than his. Still "better" (from the perspective of relational purity which involves avoiding all nulls) is to give each type of request its own table :
If historical trace is to be kept of the statuses over time for each query, that stuff has to be singled out in its own table.
In a word: no. This is a case of misplaced optimization. His schema will actually take up more space on average, due to storing the strings; and of course the more complex code and queries will have worse performance.
Think of it as multiple ways to identify a vehicle. You vehicle has one or many identities. The local police may identify your vehicle using LPN while the parking authority may use permit badges or active/passive transponders, furthermore the dmv probably relies on vrn numbers.
If you really want to build a flexible way to bind a vehicle to multiple identities I would use an Identity type table so a vehicle can have one or many identities.
VehicleIdentity PK
VehicleID FK
IdentityType (Type)
VehicelID PK
I updated the answer by removing a table that I see would be of no use :)
Nulls are fine. They are particularly useful for Single Table Inheritance, and if your system needs "Draft" entities.
If you use a quality database like Postgres, there is no storage penalty for nulls.
Anyways, if the problem is "we need A OR B, and A and B are pretty darn similar" then the answer is almost always Table Inheritance. If you want to move fast then use Single Table Inheritance. If NULLs make you sad, then use Class Table Inheritance.
create table vehicle_identifiers (
id int primary key,
type text not null check (type in ( 'VIN', 'STATE_N_PLATE' ) )
vin null,
state char(2) null,
plate text null,
check ( ( type='VIN' and vin is not null ) or ( type='STATE_N_PLATE' and state is not null and plate is not null ) )
create table vehicle_identifiers (
id int primary key
create table vehicle_identifiers_vin (
id int primary key references vehicle_identifiers(id),
vin text not null
create table vehicle_identifiers_state_n_plate (
id int primary key references vehicle_identifiers(id),
state text not null,
plate text not null
I'm developing a simple babysitter application that has 2 types of users: a 'Parent' and the 'Babysitter'. I'm using postgresql as my database but I'm having trouble working out my database design.
The 'Parent' and the 'Babysitter' entities have attributes that can be generalized, for example: username, password, email, ... Those attributes could be
placed into a parent entity called 'User'. They both also have their own attributes, for example: Babysitter -> age.
In terms of OOP things are very clear for me, just extend the user class and you are good to go but in DB design things are differently.
Before posting this question I roamed around the internet for a good week looking for insight into this 'issue'. I did find a lot of information but
it seemed to me that there was a lot a disagreement. Here are some of the posts I've read:
How do you effectively model inheritance in a database?: Table-Per-Type (TPT), Table-Per-Hierarchy (TPH) and Table-Per-Concrete (TPC) VS 'Forcing the RDb into a class-based requirements is simply incorrect.'
Table: `users`; contains all similar fields as well as a `user_type_id` column (a foreign key on `id` in `user_types`
Table: `user_types`; contains an `id` and a `type` (Student, Instructor, etc.)
Table: `students`; contains fields only related to students as well as a `user_id` column (a foreign key of `id` on `users`)
Table: `instructors`; contains fields only related to instructors as well as a `user_id` column (a foreign key of `id` on `users`)
etc. for all `user_types`
When to use inherited tables in PostgreSQL?: Inheritance in postgresql does not work as expected for me and a bunch of other users as the original poster points out.
I am really confused about which approach I should take. Class-table-inheritance (https://stackoverflow.com/tags/class-table-inheritance/info) seems like the most correct in
my OOP mindset but I would very much appreciate and updated DB minded opinion.
The way that I think of inheritance in the database world is "can only be one kind of." No other relational modeling technique works for that specific case; even with check constraints, with a strict relational model, you have the problem of putting the wrong "kind of" person into the wrong table. So, in your example, a user can be a parent or a babysitter, but not both. If a user can be more than one kind-of user, then inheritance is not the best tool to use.
The instructor/student relationship really only works well in the case where students cannot be instructors or vice-versa. If you have a TA, for example, it's better to model that using a strict relational design.
So, back to the parent-babysitter, your table design might look like this:
full_name TEXT,
email TEXT,
phone_number TEXT
preferred_payment_method TEXT,
alternate_contact_info TEXT,
) INHERITS(user);
CREATE TABLE babysitter (
age INT,
min_child_age INT,
preferred_payment_method TEXT,
) INHERITS(user);
CREATE TABLE parent_babysitter (
parent_id INT REFERENCES parent(id),
babysitter_id INT REFERENCES babysitter(id),
PRIMARY KEY(parent_id, babysitter_id)
This model allows users to be "only one kind of" user - a parent or a babysitter. Notice how the primary key definitions are left to the child tables. In this model, you can have duplicated ID's between parent and babysitter, though this may not be a problem depending on how you write your code. (Note: Postgres is the only ORDBMS I know of with this restriction - Informix and Oracle, for example, have inherited keys on inherited tables)
Also see how we mixed the relational model in - we have a many-to-many relationship between parents and babysitters. That way we keep the entities separated, but we can still model a relationship without weird self-referencing keys.
All the options can be roughly represented by following cases:
base table + table for each class (class-table inheritance, Table-Per-Type, suggestions from the dba.stackexchange)
single table inheritance (Table-Per-Hierarchy) - just put everything into the single table
create independent tables for each class (Table-Per-Concrete)
I usually prefer option (1), because (2) and (3) are not completely correct in terms of DB design.
With (2) you will have unused columns for some rows (like "age" will be empty for Parent). And with (3) you may have duplicated data.
But you also need to think in terms of data access. With option (1) you will have the data spread over few tables, so to get Parent, you will need to use join operations to select data from both User and Parent tables.
I think that's the reason why options (2) and (3) exist - they are easier to use in terms of SQL queries (no joins are needed, you just select the data you need from one table).
I have a data schema similar to the following:
phone number
I have an auditing table for any changes to the system
record_type (enum: "users", "photos", "...")
Is there a name for this setup where an enum in one of the fields refers to the name of one of the other table? And effectively, the record_type and record_id together are a foreign key to the record in the other table? Is this an anti-pattern? (Note: new_value, and all the thing we would be logging are the same data type, strings).
Is this an anti-pattern?
Yes. Any pattern that makes you enforce referential integrity manually1 is an anti-pattern.
Here is why using FOREIGN KEYs is so important and here is what to do in cases like yours.
Is there a name for this setup where an enum in one of the fields refers to the name of one of the other table?
There is no standard term that I know of, but I heard people calling it "generic" or "polymorphic" FKs.
1 As opposed to FOREIGN KEYs built-into the DBMS.
Actually, I think 'Anti-Pattern' is a pretty good name for this set up, but it can be a realistic way to go - especially in this example.
I'll add a similar example with a new table which records LIKES of users' photos, etc, and show why it's bad. Then I'll explain why it might not ne too bad for your LOGS example.
The LIKES table is:
RecordType ("users", "photos", "...")
This is pretty much the same as the LOGS table. The problem with this is that you cannot make RecordId a foreign key to the USERS table as well as to the PHOTOS table as well as any other tables. If User 1234 is being liked, you couldn't insert it unless there was a PHOTO with ID 1234 and so on. For this reason, all RDBMS's that I know of will not let a Foreign Key be defined with multiple Primary keys - after all, Primary means 'only one' amongst other things.
So you'ld have to create the LIKES table with no relational integrity. This may not be a bad thinbg sometimes, but in this case I'd think I'd want an important table such as LIKES to have valid entries.
To do LIKES properly, I would create the table as:
LikedByUserId (allow null)
PhotoId (allow null)
OtherThingId (allow null)
...and create the appropriate foreign keys. This will actually make queries that read the data easier to read and maintain and probably more efficient too.
However, for a table like LOGS which probably isn't central to the functionality of my system and I'm only doing some ad-hoc querying from to check what's been happening, then I might not want to put in the extra effort and add the complexity that results in more efficient reading. I'm not sure I would actually skip it, though. It is an anti-pattern but depending on usage it might be OK.
To emphasise the point, I would only do this if the system never queried the table; if the only people who look at the data are admin's running ad-hoc queries against it then it might be OK.
Cheers -
Is there a simple method to decide on what fields and indexes are needed for each table in an app you design?
For example, if it is a webapp that simply lets people create lists (any number of lists, and users can create "things to do" list or "shopping" list), and the user can assign other users to edit the list, and whether the list is viewable publicly or to only certain users, how can the tables be design so that it is very accurate and designed quickly? What about the indexes?
I did that in college and then revisited the question some time ago and have a method, but would like to find out if there are standard and good ways to do it out in the field.
Database design is hard ...
As with many things in life, it's a series of tradeoffs. The first thing you need to decide is what DBMS you will use, (MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, one of the "Object-oriented" databases, etc.
Then you need to decide on normalization v. insane numbers of JOINs to get to your data. Questions like "how much logic will I implement in triggers, stored procedures, in app code, etc" need to be addressed.
There is no "Quick'n'Easy" way to design anything but the most trivial of databases.
'Course, that's just my experience. YMWV.
it is beyond the scope of this answer to fully explain database design
I generally break my design into three parts (part 1 and 2 happen up front, while 3 is usually near the project end)
1) create the tables based on relationships (parent/child/etc)
2) create fields based on content (parent has x atributes, etc)
3) create indexes last based on how you select data from your tables
Haven't heard of any formal approaches to this problem but there are rules of thumb. All nouns and business objects become tables, normalized of course. And I'd think the attributes sort of speak for themselves. I guess?
As for indexes, it just comes with working with the data. Any column that's joined off of deserves an index (maybe even clustered). It's very... depends. But there are patterns. But other than optimizing for joins, many indexes are directly related to how the data is used, and this isn't something that can be provided by rule of thumb. Like if you look up users by pk and elsewhere by last_name, last_name deserves an index.
I think the solution is a subjective one. When I have to design tables I look at the Java object that will represent that particular data model and go from there. You'll find a lot of frameworks (Django, CakePHP, RoR) have you develop the model and the frameworks will build the corresponding tables.
So I would suggest evaluating what functionality and data you need to store and develop your tables from that. Also look into whether the tool set you have at your disposal offers to generate the tables for you from the object structure.
I would go for the straightforward (almost) normalized design:
listid serial,
name varchar,
ownerid int references users(userid)
CREATE TABLE list_items (
listid int references lists(listid),
value varchar,
date datetime
CREATE TABLE permissions (
permissionid serial,
description varchar,
CREATE TABLE list_permissions (
listid int references lists(listid),
permissionid int references permissions(permissionid)
userid int references users(userid)
userid serial,
name varchar
Which indexes to create would depend on what are the actual most used queries and how are they performing. For instance, if you query a lot on the lists and list_items (likely) you'd want an index on listid and on name, if you'll be searching by name.
Just some ideas. Hope they're helpful.
I'd try not to lock yourself in if you're still trying to see what works.
Just from your description, you'd want a table for your users' information, as well as:
ID_list (primary key)
UserID (foreign key to list owner)
ID_listItem (primary key)
ListID (foreign key to list)
ID_permission (primary key)
UserID (foreign key to user you're granting permission to)
PermissionTypeID (what kind of permission)
ID_permissionType (primary key)
Description ("can view", "can edit", etc.)
The more flexible you can make things while you're designing, the better. You can optimize later.
If you want to keep things very simple and are not too concerned with normalizing. You could create one big table that stores the main object your webapp is based around, ex: lists, and have other smaller supporting tables link to the big table, ex: tbl_listType, tbl_permission, tbl_list_items).
Then when you write queries, you almost certainly include the main table and you can link in other supporting tables for more granular details.
I need to make 100 or so tables. I have tables called PartStatsXXX and the tables to be made will all be called PartReviewXXX (they pair up with each other in a 1:n relationship).
Is it efficient to create one big table to store all product (product and part being the same term from a business perspective) reviews? Someone mentioned making a relationship from PartStatsXXX to PartsReview (one large table) with the value of XXX as part of the primary key from PartStatsXXX.
XXX is the name of the part type (eg battery, wiring loom, etc). So this will be varchar. Should I make a composite key? The part type wouldn't change names (though some part names can have multiple names depending on culture), but it's not really a candidate ID. It was then mentioned I could get several views for what I need depending on the value of XXX.
I hope this makes sense. What would be the best approach?
Multi-table PartStatsXXX is a bad idea: hard to code properly or with a framework, harder to maintain, nightmare to query...
Use two tables: PartStats and PartsReview, with approriate keys and indexes for performance.
It is more efficient to create tables based on what you want to store in each one. You do not need 100 tables for 100 products. you need 1 table for all products.
So for your needs I would create 2 tables:
id INT
id INT
product_id INT (foreign key to products.id)
rating INT (example column)
Unless you are storing different types of data for each product's reviews (i.e., each table has a different set of columns), using a different table per product will be creating an unnecessary nightmare.
As a general rule, you never want to have more than one table with the same set of columns. As already suggested, one table with a "product_id" column is the way to go.
If you want to save yourself some pain in a quick-and-dirty way, use two tables.
PartType VARCHAR(255),
CreateTable PartReview (
PartType VARCHAR(255),
and then join them up via
FROM PartStats ps JOIN PartReview pr
ON ps.PartType = pr.PartType;
This gets you out from having hundreds of tables, but sets you up for a different problem: Redundant data (PartType) that can get out of sync. A typo in a PartType can yield an orphaned review.
The solution here, assuming that you can have more than one PartStats entry for a given PartType, is to add a third table to the sole older of PartType names.
ID INT ...,
PartType VARCHAR(255),
and arrange for PartStats and PartReview to use the ID of a PartType. For example,
CREATE TABLE PartReviews (
This will prevent your making a PartStats or a PartReview for a non-existent PartType.
If query performance becomes an issue, adding secondary indexes on PartType_ID will help.
I can recommend you a couple of not bad books on database design (several months ago I decided to improve my database design skills so I took a look at several different books and chose these two):
1) Pro SQL Server 2008 Relational Database Design and Implementation (c) Louis Davidson
2) Relational database design clearly explain (c) Jan Harrington
Good luck!
For a database assignment I have to model a system for a school. Part of the requirements is to model information for staff, students and parents.
In the UML class diagram I have modelled this as those three classes being subtypes of a person type. This is because they will all require information on, among other things, address data.
My question is: how do I model this in the database (mysql)?
Thoughts so far are as follows:
Create a monolithic person table that contains all the information for each type and will have lots of null values depending on what type is being stored. (I doubt this would go down well with the lecturer unless I argued the case very convincingly).
A person table with three foreign keys which reference the subtypes but two of which will be null - in fact I'm not even sure if that makes sense or is possible?
According to this wikipage about django it's possible to implement the primary key on the subtypes as follows:
"id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES "supertype" ("id")
Something else I've not thought of...
So for those who have modelled inheritance in a database before; how did you do it? What method do you recommend and why?
Links to articles/blog posts or previous questions are more than welcome.
Thanks for your time!
Alright thanks for the answers everyone. I already had a separate address table so that's not an issue.
4 tables staff, students, parents and person for the generic stuff.
Staff, students and parents have forign keys that each refer back to Person (not the other way around).
Person has field that identifies what the subclass of this person is (i.e. staff, student or parent).
As pointed out by HLGM, addresses should exist in a seperate table, as any person may have multiple addresses. (However - I'm about to disagree with myself - you may wish to deliberately constrain addresses to one per person, limiting the choices for mailing lists etc).
Well I think all approaches are valid and any lecturer who marks down for shoving it in one table (unless the requirements are specific to say you shouldn't) is removing a viable strategy due to their own personal opinion.
I highly recommend that you check out the documentation on NHibernate as this provides different approaches for performing the above. Which I will now attempt to poorly parrot.
Your options:
1) One table with all the data that has a "delimiter" column. This column states what kind of person the person is. This is viable in simple scenarios and (seriously) high performance where the joins will hurt too much
2) Table per class which will lead to duplication of columns but will avoid joins again, so its simple and a lil faster (although only a lil and indexing mitigates this in most scenarios).
3) "Proper" inheritence. The normalised version. You are almost there but your key is in the wrong place IMO. Your Employee table should contain a PersonId so you can then do:
select employee.id, person.name from employee inner join person on employee.personId = person.personId
To get all the names of employees where name is only specified on the person table.
I would go for #3.
Your goal is to impress a lecturer, not a PM or customer. Academics tend to dislike nulls and might (subconciously) penalise you for using the other methods (which rely on nulls.)
And you don't necessarily need that django extension (PRIMARY KEY ... REFERENCES ...) You could use an ordinary FOREIGN KEY for that.
"So for those who have modelled inheritance in a database before; how did you do it? What method do you recommend and why?
Methods 1 and 3 are good. The differences are mostly in what your use cases are.
1) adaptability -- which is easier to change? Several separate tables with FK relations to the parent table.
2) performance -- which requires fewer joins? One single table.
Rats. No design accomplishes both.
Also, there's a third design in addition to your mono-table and FK-to-parent.
Three separate tables with some common columns (usually copy-and-paste of the superclass columns among all subclass tables). This is very flexible and easy to work with. But, it requires a union of the three tables to assemble an overall list.
OO databases go through the same stuff and come up with pretty much the same options.
If the point is to model subclasses in a database, you probably are already thinking along the lines of the solutions I've seen in real OO databases (leaving fields empty).
If not, you might think about creating a system that doesn't use inheritance in this way.
Inheritance should always be used quite sparingly, and this is probably a pretty bad case for it.
A good guideline is to never use inheritance unless you actually have code that does different things to the field of a "Parent" class than to the same field in a "Child" class. If business code in your class doesn't specifically refer to a field, that field absolutely shouldn't cause inheritance.
But again, if you are in school, that may not match what they are trying to teach...
The "correct" answer for the purposes of an assignment is probably #3 :
PersonId Name Address1 Address2 City Country
PersonId StudentId GPA Year ..
PersonId StaffId Salary ..
PersonId ParentId ParentType EmergencyContactNumber ..
Where PersonId is always the primary key, and also a foreign key in the last three tables.
I like this approach because it makes it easy to represent the same person having more than one role. A teacher could very well also be a parent, for example.
I suggest five tables
WHy - because people can have multiple addesses and people can also have multiple roles and the information you want for staff is different than the information you need to store for parent or student.
Further you may want to store name as last_name, Middle_name, first_name, Name_suffix (like jr.) instead of as just name. Belive me you willwant to be able to search on last_name! Name is not unique, so you will need to make sure you have a unique surrogate primary key.
Please read up about normalization before trying to design a database. Here is a source to start with:
Super type Person should be created like this:
CREATE TABLE Person(PersonID int primary key, Name varchar ... etc ...)
All Sub types should be created like this:
PRIMARY KEY (StudentId) ,
Foreign key in subtypes staffs,students,parents adds two conditions:
Person row cannot be deleted unless corresponding subtype row will
not be deleted. For e.g. if there is one student entry in students
table referring to Person table, without deleting student entry
person entry cannot be deleted, which is very important. If Student
object is created then without deleting Student object we cannot
delete base Person object.
All base types have foreign key "not null" to make sure each base
type will have base type existing always. For e.g. If you create
Student object you must create Person object first.