Disable LightBox HTTP Requests - lightbox2

I'm trying to maintain a website that was built with the jquery lightbox plugin. When a user loads one of the pages which uses lightbox, the server logs indicate that lightbox is making a second http request. The sequence of events in the logs looks like this:
The user requests example.com/subfolder/data/myPage.jsp
When lightbox loads, it initiates a http request to example.com/subfolder/data
Since there isn't anything meaningful in example.com/subfolder/data (it's just the parent folder for the jsp), it just throws some errors in the log about page not found. These errors are filling up lots of errors on the server and my goal is to make lightbox stop initiating these requests.
Does anyone have any suggestions about what lightbox config I might have misconfigured to cause these http requests? When I look at the jsp page, the only things that I see is the line which loads the lightbox javascript library and an attribute data-lightbox="image-1" on one of the html tags.


calling react page from postman is possible or not?

We created a react js application.
Problem: Not able to hit react URL from the postman to run component's function.
local URL: http://localhost:3000/rules/routine
Note: Above URL can be reached without login.
When we are calling a url from browser it's working however when we hit from a postman then it always returns public/index.html page but not the expected response.
So it is not calling the proper url http://localhost:3000/rules/routine.
Please find attached screenshots on below links
browser hit: https://prnt.sc/73gDWh4PiHgu
Postman hit: https://prnt.sc/fhVL78yaiATP
It's technically possible, and working it seems, but I suspect your expectations are a little skewed in what you think Postman will do or is capable of.
Keep in mind that all React apps are effectively a single page app, even when they use a routing/navigation package like react-router. react-router is only manipulating the URL in the address bar in the browser window, the app is still running from the single location on a server where it's hosted, i.e. public/index.html.
The servers hosting the app are configured to route all page requests, i.e. "http://localhost:3000/rules/routine" to the root index file, i.e. "http://localhost:3000/index.html" so the React app is loaded and can handle the "/rules/routine" internally.
So from what I see here, the response from Postman is absolutely correct and what I'd expect to see. It made a request to the development server for a nested directory "/rules/routing" and the server responded with the root index.html file. When the browser makes this request to the development server and gets a HTML file back it loads and renders it, and in this case, it's your React app.
Postman isn't a browser so it's not going to load the HTML response and do anything with it.

Single Page App on React.js and ZF2. Is it possible?

I'm thinking how to implement a SPA on Zend framework 2 using Reactjs? Haven't seen any tutorial that might help me. So, I was asking if this is possible. How would zf2 will handle the routes?
The routes are handled on the client side (by pushing URLs into browser's history so you can also use browser's back button for navigation)
Simply put, changing a route will not load a whole page from the server.
The server does not even know that your JS app is changing the URL in the browser (imagine you write by hand http://example.com#test while you were already on example.com; that #test thing is a fragment URL and it will never be sent to a server)
Instead, the JS application will respond to (once again, client-side) route changes by rendering a different page or section, and making some ajax calls to the server to fetch or update data.
Now let's see what the server should do:
send the first page (the "single-page") and the assets (CSS, JS) on
the first load
respond to app-originated AJAX API calls once the page is loaded and
the JS app has been started
That's why they call them "single page apps", because they do much of the logic and the presentation in the browser (DOM rendering, routes), and the server merely acts as a data layer, or a backend if you like this word better.

create page maintenance page in angular js

How to setup maintenance page when my application runing in production and value should be in Boolean so that we switch modes from maintenance to normal and vice versa in angular js
Using route concept
We did it this way:
I created a normal HTML page and changed my gruntfile, that this file will not be minified.
After that, we did the configurations for showing this Error or Maintanance sites via Load Balancer.
A other possible solution for that, is to create a interceptor like shown here
At this interceptor you could call the Maintanance Page if a specific statuscode is sent by the server. If you create a http interceptor, each request to the backend will go through it.

Server-side redirect to angular SPA view

How do you get a server-side redirect to go to a certain view in an angular app? I am guessing it has something to do with the redirect not triggering the part after the hash, but can this limitation be beat?
More info
I'm redirecting from an MVC controller to a page with an angular app. I'm using ui-router. The page containing the ui-view gets rendered, but processing stops there. If I refresh twice or go to the URL manually the page works as expected.
The MVC controller is called from a form which posts a file to the server and asynchronously populates a database and redirects when it's finished.
I don't see the problem, you can send a full url with hash and all on the location header and the browser will follow it, just check the response headers for this:
What you can't do is getting the hash part directly from the request on the server side.

Best way to set up 404 pages in a angular SPA?

I have an application running on angular and I already have an http intercept setup. My issue is that my api returns some 404 errors that I would want to redirect to a 404 page and some that I wouldn't. For example when navigating to a new page, if the content of that page returns a 404 I want to direct to a 404 page instead of loading an empty template. However on a page where a user is checking out (paying for a purchased item) I check to see if they have a credit card token stored on file. If they do we can offer them the choice to use it. If they don't have one on file the api returns a 404 and we ask them to enter one.
My issue is that because of these two cases, it's not as simple at calling $state.go('404') anytime a 404 is thrown. I'm weighing a few options. One, have the api return a special message if it should redirect to a 404. This seems less than ideal, not really the responsibility of the api and we have multiple clients on a shared api. I could try to detect the current state/page in the http intercept and create a list of states that should redirect. I could $rootScope.$broadcast('no-template-data') or something similar from each controller that needs this and redirect from an global app.run function.
Has anyone else faced this challenge with single page applications?
