Parse this string to an array of Guids or strings - arrays

I'm working with Sitefinity and when you add a custom Tags attribute to a Page it results in the following string value:
Does anyone have a clever conversion method that can convert this string into an array of guids or strings?
I would write something that splits by , and removes the brackets... I just feel there must be a better way though but it doesn't come to mind.

You can use Microsoft JavaScriptSerializer class, which can help you turn a JSON string into objects.
var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var deserializedResult = serializer.Deserialize<List<string>>(tags);

This is my current solution...
string tags = "[\"1f3560ca-84b9-6a87-9ce5-ff00009465c7\",\"893460ca-84b9-6a87-9ce5-ff00009465c7\"]";
return tags
.Replace("[", "")
.Replace("]", "")
.Replace(" ", "")
.Replace("\"", "")
.Where(t =>
Guid g;
return Guid.TryParse(t, out g);
}).Select(t => new Guid(t)))

Have you tried casting it to TrackedList?


How do I get the text from the li tag

How do I get the text from the li tag? I want to find the text "Password is required." only, not the text inside strong tag.
<li><strong>Error:</strong> Password is required.</li>
You need to show your code for somebody to give a complete answer. I guess that you already know how to do something like the following
WebElement something = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector(?))
string s = something.Text;
The next bit seems to be where you are stuck. There you need to parse the string s. That is nothing to do with Selenium-Webdriver. You could do something like
string[] s2 = s.split(new string[] {">","<"});
were the last element in s2 would be your answer here. This would be totally non generic though. Is this a situation in which you always want to purge html?
Here is the method developed in python.
def get_text_exclude_children(element):
return driver.execute_script(
var parent = arguments[0];
var child = parent.firstChild;
var textValue = "";
while(child) {
if (child.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE)
textValue += child.textContent;
child = child.nextSibling;
return textValue;""",
How to use in this:
liElement = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//li")
liOnlyText = get_text_exclude_children(liElement)
Please use your possible strategy to get the element, this method need an element from which you need the text (without children text).

Iterate JSONArray in Scala

I'm pretty new to the Scala language, so I need some help here.
I have this JSONArray (org.json is the name of the package):
If this was in java, I could solve this using the "foreach" structure, but I can't find something similar to that structure. I only need to get the JSONObjects from this array.
Is that possible or do I need to change the data structure? I prefer the first option, the second one is a little mess.
Thank you in advance.
Something like this should do:
val objects = (0 until jsonArray.length).map(jsonArray.getJSONObject)
I would introduce a class House to help extracting the data.
import org.json._
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
case class House(id: String, value: String)
val jsonArray = new JSONArray("""[
{"id":"7c587a4b-851d-4aa7-a61f-dfdae8842298", "value":"xxxxxxxxxxx"},
val objects = (0 until jsonArray.length).map(jsonArray.getJSONObject)
val houses = => Try(House(s.getString("id"), s.getString("value"))))
houses.foreach {
case Success(house) => println(house.value)
case Failure(exception) => Console.err.println(s"Error: $exception")

How to convert dictionary to a string angularjs

I am currently working on my project using angularjs. I got everything already it is just that, i need to convert the dictionary list to a string separated by comma. I can only do this using python.
I want to convert them to string
I would really appreciate your help. :)
.map and then .join will do
var array = [{"name":"john"},{"name":"mark"},{"name":"peter"}];
var names = {
The map() method creates a new array with the results of calling a function for every array element. Use this to loop and then add that value to a variable.
var dict=[{"name":"john"},{"name":"mark"},{"name":"peter"}];
var string;{
//do any stuff here
Try map function to concatenate the values:
var dict=[{"name":"john"},{"name":"mark"},{"name":"peter"}];
var str="";{
//feels ironical as question has AngularJS tag
<div id="log"></div>
You can simply iterate over each key-value pair and concat the extracted value with comma.
var obj = [{"name":"john"},{"name":"mark"},{"name":"peter"}]
var result = '';
for (var p in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
result += obj[p].name + ",";
result = result.replace(/,$/g,''); // to trim trailing comma

Convert json array into Array with swift

Can someone please help me with this. I saved my data into into column with type array (example: ["11:30","12:45,"13:02"], just some list of some times as string). I have tried to get this data with swift:
var take: NSMutableArray!
var query = PFQuery(className: "test")
(testData: PFObject!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
if (error == nil){
take = testData["workday"]
the problem is that i get only json array type:
How can I convert it into NSArray so it could be like:
var myArray = ["11:30","12:45,"13:02"]
Thank you for any suggestions because I tried every method I found here, but without any results.
The problem with JSON data is that it is it's own array that has to be sifted and groomed. normally people would end up using huge nested IF statements which ends up looking messy. Luckily, someone created a code that sifts through JSON data and gives you back usable types (Int, Arrays, Strings) by use of a massive switch table.
Look it up, it should help. Once you have it implemented you can call it by typing..
let json = JSON(Data : JSONData)
then to sift through, you use substrings.. (depending on the data, you match it with a string or int)
let firstIndex = json["workday"]
let firstIndexOfWorkDay = json["workday"][0]
let firstIndexOfWorkDay = json["workday"]["time"]
and so on... however, you will need to cast it once you singled out the data
let firstIndexOfWorkDay = json["workday"][0].valueOfFloat
//printing it would give 11:30
although personally I use ".description" .. since sometimes when I sift through all the array, its a mix of types.
let firstIndexOfWorkDay = json["workday"][0].description
//would literally give "11:30" including the quotation marks
then I use string methods to trim the quotations then cast it to whatever type I need. But it's up to your creativity once you figure out how it works

Using LINQ to find Excel columns that don't exist in array?

I have a solution that works for what I want, but I'm hoping to get some slick LINQ types to help me improve what I have, and learn something new in the process.
The code below is used verify that certain column names exist on a spreadsheet. I was torn between using column index values or column names to find them. They both have good and bad points, but decided to go with column names. They'll always exist, and sometimes in different order, though I'm working on this.
GetData() method returns a DataTable from the Excel spreadsheet. I cycle through all the required field names from my array, looking to see if it matches with something in the column collection on the spreadsheet. If not, then I append the missing column name to an output parameter from the method. I need both the boolean value and the missing fields variable, and I wasn't sure of a better way than using the output parameter. I then remove the last comma from the appended string for the display on the UI. If the StringBuilder object isn't null (I could have used the missingFieldCounter too) then I know there's at least one missing field, bool will be false. Otherwise, I just return output param as empty, and method as true.
So, Is there a more slick, all-in-one way to check if fields are missing, and somehow report on them?
private bool ValidateFile(out string errorFields)
data = GetData();
List<string> requiredNames = new [] { "Site AB#", "Site#", "Site Name", "Address", "City", "St", "Zip" }.ToList();
StringBuilder missingFields = null;
var missingFieldCounter = 0;
foreach (var name in requiredNames)
var foundColumn = from DataColumn c in data.Columns
where c.ColumnName == name
select c;
if (!foundColumn.Any())
if (missingFields == null)
missingFields = new StringBuilder();
missingFields.Append(name + ",");
if (missingFields != null)
errorFields = missingFields.ToString().Substring(0, (missingFields.ToString().Length - 1));
return false;
errorFields = string.Empty;
return true;
Here is the linq solution that makes the same.
I call the ToArray() function to activate the linq statement
(from col in requiredNames.Except(
from dataCol in data
select dataCol.ColumnName
select missingFields.Append(col + ", ")
errorFields = missingFields.ToString();
