Adding Custom Header in AngularJs upon bootstrapping - angularjs

Suppose I have an angular app called chococalateApp that depends on 3 other modules, namely Product, Sales and LogIn.
Now, my app is building on RESTful API. Upon successful login, the server will respond by sending back an authentication token. I would like to append this token as a custom header X-AUTH whenever $http services are used. Since all my REST API requires the auth token, I would need to append this header in every $http request. This is doable by configuring the $httpProvider, as shown below:
.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider){
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-AUTH'] = 'randomkeybyserver'
My question is, can I inject the value of the auth-token AFTER the module has been bootstrapped?
For example, I have a service in LogIn module that is able to do the authentication, and retrieved the required token. How do I pass the token back to my main chocolateApp module and configure it? Will this result in circular dependency, or is it that my understanding of DI is wrong here?
If this is not achievable, how should this be designed?

You can do it from your Login service after authentication and it will be available across your app.
login: function(...) {
$ {
$http.defaults.headers.common['X-AUTH'] =;


Getting external Token into my Angular application

My http server framework is serving a static (Angular) SPA.
To authenticate users, they will need to enter their email adress and submit it. They receive a link per email in the form of (inspired by For later accesses, the token will be stored with localStorage.
My problem is: I have no solid idea how the SPA can learn about that token. Of course, the user may copy&paste that token. Or I can embed that token within the served HTML, but I don't see that being very elegant or even fast, and possible not very secure either.
Is there a simple way to do this I'm missing?
If you are using '$location', then you can simply parse the '$location.url()' and get the token.
If you are using the '$routeProvider', then you can define the routeProvider configuration like this:
$routeProvider.when('/reset_password/:token', { /*controller and template conf here*/ })
And in your controller:
var theToken = $routeParams.token;

authorisation and login control in an Angular app

So for the past few months I have been developing the 'login functionality' of my Angular apps like this. The user logs in and if the credentials are correct, the REST API returns a token. I take that token and store it as a cookie:
$cookies.put('authorisation', data['token']);
Whenever I call the $http service, I submit the authorisation cookie as a header and it authorises the http request. Then on the controller of each view I add:
if (!$cookies.get('authorisation')) {
So if the cookie doesn't exist, the user is automatically kicked to the login screen.
This has worked for me just fine up until now but I can't help but feel that it is not the 'correct' way of doing things. Could anyone shed a little light on what the best practice method for this could be? And perhaps why what I'm doing is 'wrong'?
Are you familiar with Angular $http Interceptors:$http#interceptors
You could use the request interceptor to have your authorization checked before each $http request.
If you do this you also have to integrate a custom Flag on each $http config object (e.g. skipAuthorization) in order to allow the user to perform Requests without being logged in (useful for actually logging in ;-))
#AzzyDude to your comment:
I'm using ui-router to do the navigation inside of my Angular 1.6.X Application.
You can either integrate own config-properties on the states (isGuestState) or if its a closed application such as mine, hard-coded in a $stateChange event, like this:

Integrating Laravel, Facebook and Angular with token-based-authentication

My use case:
User is already logged in automatically server side using Facebook with laravel and Socialite.
I check if the user exists in the db and if not create it and log them into laravel.
Then I need to start an Angular app and make sure they are logged in with Laravel / Facebook.
After reading this article, it looks like this token based approach is what I should take.
In the tutorial you serve a login form with Angular, and then pass the email and password to an authenticate controller (Laravel), which returns a token (create by JWT-Auth).
Once the token is in Angular all is well, my problem is that I want to get the token directly into Angular without a login form since the user is already logged in as mention above.
I'm wondering if I could just output the token in markup somewhere and then pick it up from Angular or would that somehow be a security risk? I guess people will only be able to view source and see their own token?
If this is the wrong way to do this, then how should I do it? Do I need to authenticate with Facebook with Javascript, and then create a new laravel user with ajax?
Thanks so much!
One approach you could take is to add something to your .config block that checks for the presence of a JWT in local storage and if there isn't one there, makes a request to the API to see if the user is logged in on the Laravel side. If the user is logged in, a JWT is returned which can be picked up and saved in local storage. Since the .config block is run when the Angular app loads, this will only happen once, which is probably what you're looking for.
Here's what that might look like. First the Laravel side:
// AuthenticateController.php
// Simulates a user being logged in on the Laravel side through something
// other than credentials sent from the front-end. Obviously you would use
// Socialite
public function authenticate()
$user = User::find(1);
$token = JWTAuth::fromUser(1);
return response()->json(compact('token'));
Then the Angular:
// app.js
.run(function($rootScope, $state, $auth) {
if(!$auth.isAuthenticated()) {
// No credentials provided because the user is already logged in on the server
$auth.login().then(function() {
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState) {
This would just run when the Angular app loads, which will be after your user has logged in with Socialite. It's essentially just checking whether there is a user logged in on the back end and if so, the token is retrieved. It's a bit hacky and the interface isn't obvious, so it might not be the best solution.
You would need to arrange your authenticate controller on the Laravel side such that it returns the token if the user has logged in via socialite or require credentials if he/she hasn't (which is the traditional login).
You could also look at this approach to see if it works for you:
Let me know if that works out!

Get user role in clear text along with JWT when using AngularJs, WebAPI and OAuth2

I am sing OAuth2 in WebAPI project. I am authenticating user request in OWIN middleware. On successfull authentication I am sending an JWT access token to client. Now I can validate subsequent request at server and use [Authorize(Roles="myRole")] attribute on Api Controllers.
But how can I show validate client content in AngularJs and show pages based on user role? I have JWT at client and no idea how to get user role out of it?
Is it a good approach to extract information from JWT?
You will need to parse that JWT and get the values out. You can do that with the help of the angular-jtw library.
1) Download the angular-jwt.min.js (
2) put a dependecy of "angular-jwt" on the application module:
var app = angular.module("YOUR_APP", ["angular-jwt"]);
3) pass the jwtHelper to your service or controller or wherever it is that you wish to use it.
app.module.factory("YOUR_SERVICE", function(jwtHelper){
4) use the decodeToken method of the jwtHelper you passed in to decode your token
For example, the code below is parsing out the role object from a jwt that came back from my service endpoint. Upon succssful return from the server the role is extracted from the jwt and returned.
return $, data, config)
.then(function (response) {
var tokenPayLoad = jwtHelper.decodeToken(;
//Now do whatever you wish with the value. Below I am passing it to a function: (determineRole)
var userRole = determineRoles(tokenPayLoad.role);
return userRole;
Hope that helps
Currently we don't offer anything that would help you to take advantage of that information on the client. Also note: as today we do not validate the token on the client, we cannot really trust its content... while the [Authorize] attribute on the server side gets the role info only after the pipeline before it had a chance of validating the signature and deciding that the token is valid.
We might introduce something that will help with this scenario in the future, but for the time being you'd need to write custom code or rely on the server side to echo things back.

Angularjs with restangular inject header after authentication

I am using restangular to talk to a RESTful api. The API requires a valid token to authenticate against.
Users in the app have logged in and have a generated token. How do I set the default headers/intercept requests after login to include this token header.
I have been able to do it when I first bootstrap the application using RestangularProvider.setFullRequestInterceptor but the user has not logged in at this stage and does I can not therefore insert he header.
If you want to add it to the header, look at $http.defaults object\array. Since Restangular also uses $http this would affect Restangular too.
You can inject $http into the service which gets the access token and that service can add to the defaults.
Check $http documentation$http
