Create/Modify new WPF UI components - wpf

I want to change the graphical UI elements in WPF.
For example, I want to use a kind of a stack panel, but on the other hand I want to show my details in a star, or circle, etc.
Maybe setting a bitmap as a background, but I am working with lots of Data using zoom tool.
I found tutorials, documentation only for changing attributes of "old components", but nothing to make new ones.

Great resource for WPF beginners is
One of the best idea of WPF is separation of concerns:
UI Control = Logic in Code/XAML + Template
Using templates in XAML we can vary representation without modifying the control.
For example, if there is a need in creation of list of items. Then we can use ListBox control:
By default LisboxItem internal part is just binded TextBlock.
Now making UI modification without changing control source code:
<ListBox ImageSource="{Binding PathToSource}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Source="{StaticResource ProjectIcon}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=PropertyName}" />
there appears image and text.
If there is a need in creating exclusive control then you can always use Custom Control.
Using raster images (e.g. PNG) is not good point, especially with zoom behaviour. If it is possible better to use vector images, that can be created in XAML or imported from SVG.


Vertical alignment of Label inside TextBlock is wrong

In a WPF popup window that I display to the user I want to put a text that is bound to a variable inside a block of text.
I've tried to do so by putting a <Label> inside a <TextBlock>.
However, this leads to alignment problems, see markup and picture below.
I wonder how I can get the text in the Label to align vertically with the text in the TextBlock, or if there is a better solution?
I could put the entire text in a variable, but then I don't know how to get <Bold> formatting for part of the text.
<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" TextWrapping="Wrap"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="99" Width="339" Grid.RowSpan="3">
The user is <Bold>responsible</Bold> for
<Bold><Label Content="00" Padding="0"/></Bold> vehicles
You can use the Run inline element for data binding text.
Starting in the .NET Framework 4, the Text property of the Run object is a dependency property, which means that you can bind the Text property to a data source.
It also has properties for styling the text, like FontWeight, no need for <Bold> here.
<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" TextWrapping="Wrap"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="99" Width="339" Grid.RowSpan="3">
The user is <Bold>responsible</Bold> for
<Run Text="{Binding YourProperty}" FontWeight="Bold"/> vehicles
The result looks like this:
As a general note on the issue: The elements inside TextBlock should be inline elements. Here is an article that has links to other inline elements that could be useful to you, like span that allows for grouping other inline elements and applying styles or to them.
How to: Manipulate Flow Content Elements through the Inlines Property
WPF has two fundamental base types, UIElement and ContentElement. While a TextBlock and Label are UIElements, the content of TextBlock are inlines, which are ContentElements. That is why the alignment is off, they serve very different purposes. You can read up more on the differences and concepts here:
Base Element APIs in WPF Classes
UIElement is a base class for WPF core level implementations building on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) elements and basic presentation characteristics.
Provides a WPF core-level base class for content elements. Content elements are designed for flow-style presentation, using an intuitive markup-oriented layout model and a deliberately simple object model.
Flow Document Overview

How can I switch Telerik ribbonview elements according to the type of my child viewmodel?

I'm using an MVVM pattern for my WPF application. If the "home" view model, which controls the layout of my application's main window, I have a ChildViewModel property. This holds a viewmodel that can be switched according to what the user is doing. When they select menu items, the child view model switches and the main area of the screen (it's in an Outlook style) switches accordingly.
I do this with a ContentControl and DataTemplate like this: (I'm only showing one of the embeddable views here to keep it short).
<ContentControl Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Margin="3"
Content="{Binding ChildViewModel}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:VersionsViewModel}">
<Embeddable:VersionsView />
I also want to add a ribbon to my main window, using the Telerik RadRibbonView control. I want this to have some fixed tabs and buttons that are always visible. In addition, I want to add and remove entire tabs, and buttons within existing tabs, according to the type of child view model. I'd like this to be done in the view in a similar manner to the way I've done the content control, above.
Is this possible? I've tried lots of things but got nowhere so far. I know I could do it by creating a huge "super ribbon" and binding visibility properties but this seems cludgey. I could also have multiple ribbons, each containing the common controls, but this would cause a maintenance problem.
In the end I went with the "super ribbon" approach, as I couldn't find any other way.

WPF TreeView: WordWrap

I have this project that displays hierarchical data with huge amounts of text, and I'm transitioning from winforms to wpf, and with winforms treeview not wordwrapping out of the box I really wanna know how to do this in wpf. Is it possible to have Items in the TreeView use word wrapping, out of the box?
I've looped through a fair amount of threads and google results, but none got me any working method. ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="false" got me nowhere either.
If its not there, how would one approach the implementation? I'm quite new to wpf, so I'd appreciate a direction to push in.
Oh, and the framework is 3.5.
I think you'd have to bind the width of the root control of the treeview's node template to the actual width of the treeview itself. So something like the following:
<TreeView x:Name="tv">
<DataTemplate TargetType={x:Type TreeViewItem}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding PropertyToBind}" Width="{Binding ActualWidth, ElementName=tv}" TextWrapping="Wrap"/>
You should also be able to set the width binding using a relative source, but I can't recall the syntax.
Usually these types of problems are solved by forcibly constraining the element inside of its parent element (even though it should technically already do that). Just an idea. Good luck.

using autocomplete box in silverlight?

i am currently displaying data in the radgrid controls of telerik, i want to add an autotextbox over the column named "Name". how can i do this?
my radgrid only displays data and i want that whenever user enters into textbox a list of name pops up just like in stackoverflow web site.
please help..i have been using silverlight,wcf ria services,telerik controls.
You can use the AutoComplete textbox from the Silverlight 4 Toolkit. The toolkit is an advanced set of controls that are not part of the core Visual Studio library. To download & install, you can head here. Once you have it installed, you add a project reference to System.Windows.Controls add this to your UserControl declaration:
This gives you a reference point for the Silverlight Toolkit, specifically the input controls. Once that's done, here is an example of using the autocomplete textbox:
<input:AutoCompleteBox IsTextCompletionEnabled="False" HorizontalAlignment="Left" ItemsSource="{StaticResource SampleEmployees}" SelectionChanged="OnSelectionChanged"/>
This comes directly from the documentation from the Silverlight Toolkit. Link here. Click the 'AutoCompleteBox' in the left menu (under heading: Input). Once loaded, you can view the XAML/C# by clicking on any one of the items at the bottom of the window, such as 'AutoCompleteBoxSample.xaml' or 'AutoCompleteBoxSample.xaml.cs' This should give you the start/code you're looking for.
In your case, you'll also need to create a cell template for the radgridview. Here's a quick sample of what that might look like:
<radControls:RadGridView x:Name="registerGridView"
<radControls:GridViewToggleRowDetailsColumn />
<radControls:GridViewDataColumn Header="Client" />
<radControls:GridViewDataColumn Header="Site" />
<radControls:GridViewDataColumn Header="Name">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<input:AutoCompleteBox HorizontalAlignment="Left" ItemsSource="{Binding Names}" SelectionChanged="OnSelectionChanged"/>

Bing Maps in a Listbox boundary issue

Normally the silverlight controls know where they are in terms of who is in front of or behind. An example is putting an image inside a listbox and when you scroll up and down in the listbox, the image will disappear/hide inside the listbox boundaries.
I have put a bing map object(the one that comes with the windows phone 7 sdk) inside a listbox. When I scroll to where the map is in the listbox, it is acting like I have some flag set to "Always on Top". I can't seem to find a property that is setting this or if it's inherent in the way the maps are designed.
I haven't tried this yet, but I'm curious if I add layers with pushpins in them if they too would act "Always on Top". I've included an image to explain. As you can see below, the map is outside of the listbox's bounding area and is even overlapping a button outside of the listbox.
Link to Map Image
<ListBox Height="590">
<TextBlock IsHitTestVisible="False" Foreground="#F80046" Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextExtraLargeStyle}" TextAlignment="Center" Text="Map"></TextBlock>
<my:Map Width="445" x:Name="EventMap" Margin="0,0,0,20" LogoVisibility="Collapsed" CopyrightVisibility="Collapsed">
<my:ApplicationIdCredentialsProvider ApplicationId="OMITED"></my:ApplicationIdCredentialsProvider>
I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but this seems like more of a usage of ScrollViewer
rather than ListBox. But anyway, I couldn't reproduce the problem. Does that button have some custom margins that could be doing that?
Here's the solution file I created to see the problem you have in the image. Note that I wasn't able to reproduce it in the solution.
