One way binding angularjs - angularjs

I have a list of employees in a select, where the user can pick an employee and edit its details. Then he triggers an ajax call through a button, so the server can update the record in the DB.
I am binding with ngModel the fields and the data from my list of employees, but it is problematic if the update fails on the database side, because my list of employees is updated through the two way binding.
Is there a way to initialize my fields when the user picks an element in the select and update my employee list only when I get response?
Here is my explicit code from my directive (view):
select(ng-model='selectedEmployee' ng-options=" for employee in employees")
input(type='input' ng-model='selectedEmployee.userId')
input(type='input' ng-model='')
button (type='button' ng-click='updateEmployee()') update
and the directive
app.directive('employeeList', ['employeeServices',
function(employeeServices) {
var employeeListController = function($scope) {
.success(function(result) {
$scope.employees =
.error(function(err) {
$scope.selectedEmployee = null
$scope.updateEmployee = function() {
userId: $scope.selectedEmployee.userId,
name: $
.success(function(data) {
//I want to update my $scope.employees here
.error(function(data) {
//Otherwise I show some error message
.then(function() {
$scope.selectedEmployee = {}
return {
controller: employeeListController
So in order to solve the problem I used angular.copy along with ng-change. I've added ng-change to the select, where I copied the selectedEmployee to selectedEmployeeDirty that I supplied as model for my form. Then in the service's callback I updated the selectedEmployee.

Very simple. Object, in javascript, are shared throught a "reference".
In fact, this is a C pointer - or something like that -, how share the memory location of your object.
If you do this:
var a = {},
b = a;
a.toto = true;
You will see
b = { toto: true }
Keep that in mind.
Now, how can we isolate your edited object, without updating the original one? Make a copy! angular.copy is a friend, and would duplicate every properties of src to the dst.
Use the ng-model as you did, save change, and, only on callback, update the original one :-)


Search method to show record before data update in sql server Angularjs asp.netmvc

Angular js function updating some record. After updating record i am calling search method to show data on view.
But record does not updated before that search method call that does not get data so show null on view.
I have separate button for search on its ng-click this search method call. After some second if i click that button it shows data on view.
my code is,
vm.Update = function (value)
var test = value;
searchCriteria = {
From: vm.From,
To: vm.To,
Region: vm.Region,
City: vm.SelectedCity
surveyService.UpdateVisit(searchCriteria,value).then(function (d) {
var Confrm = JSON.parse(;
if ( {
toastr.success(Updated, {
autoDismiss: false
else {
This searchvisit call and service unable to update data in database so i do not get any record on view. When i call this searchvisit method from separate button for searching it shows record with updated data.
Hopes for your suggestions how to pause execution before calling searchvisit method or any alternative that it gets any response than move execution control to searchvisit method.
This is due to the asynchronous nature in JS.
From your code, surveyService.UpdateVisit(searchCriteria,value) returns a promise. Thus, when vm.searchVisit(0); is called, surveyService.UpdateVisit(searchCriteria,value) has not been resolved yet, meaning updating is still in progress and have not been completed. There for vm.searchVisit(0); shows records that are not updated.
If your second function is dependent on the values of the first function call, please add it as shown below inside the success callback.
surveyService.UpdateVisit(searchCriteria,value).then(function (d) {
var Confrm = JSON.parse(;
if ( {
toastr.success(Updated, {
autoDismiss: false
else {
//Add this here.

angular-dialog-service update parent scope data object

I've a template:
<p class="text-right">
<a ng-click="editTherapeuticProposal(meow.accepted_tp)" class="fa fa-pencil"></a>
which calls the editTherapeuticProposal function defined in its controller, passing it the meow.accepted_tp object (here I use angular-dialog-service:
// here tp is equal to meow.accepted_tp
$scope.editTherapeuticProposal = function(tp) {
dialogs.create('surgeon/templates/create_edit_therapeutic_proposal.tpl.html', 'SurgeonCreateEditTherapeuticProposalCtrl', {scope: $scope, tp: tp}, { copy: false });
tp is an object.
Then in the dialog controller I display a form in order to let the user modify tp. I do some stuff, the relevant ones are:
// data is the object received by the dialog controller: {scope: $scope, tp: tp}
if(typeof != 'undefined') {
$scope.therapeuticProposal = angular.copy(;
I copy the object to work on a different object (I don't want data to be updated if not saved)
When pressing the save button in the dialog, the following function runs:
var complete = function(tp) { = tp;
Ok, the problem is that meow.accepted_tp in the parent scope doesn't get updated. If I do
var complete = function(tp) { = 'meow';
Its title gets updated. There is clearly something wrong with the prototypal inheritance, I know that in order to get variables updated they should be properties of an object, but tp is already passed as an object property (of the data object). Any ideas?
After re-reading the angular-dialog-service docs, you can pass a result back using modalInstance. It sounds like this is what you want to do.
The reason your binding isn't working is because you're changing the object reference from a child scope, rather than a property on the object bound (which is why = 'meow' works).
Anyway, for your case, try this:
// here tp is equal to meow.accepted_tp
$scope.editTherapeuticProposal = function(tp) {
var dlg = dialogs.create('surgeon/templates/create_edit_therapeutic_proposal.tpl.html', 'SurgeonCreateEditTherapeuticProposalCtrl', {scope: $scope, data: data}, { copy: false });
dlg.result.then(function(tp) {
// Get the result and update meow.accept_tp
$scope.meow.accepted_tp = tp;
Then in the dialog, when you complete, do:
var complete = function(tp) {
For an example, see, in particular the customDialogCtrl (not customDialogCtrl2) is what you want.

AngularJS watch model value if model is not null

Simple question here.
I have this watch:
// Watch our model
$scope.$watch(function () {
// Watch our team name
}, function (name) {
// if we have a name
if (name) {
// Store our model in the session
sessionStorage.designer = angular.toJson(self.model);
The team model is pull in from the database as a promise (hence the data) so when the watch first fires has not been set so it is null.
How can I get my watch to either wait until it has been set or add a check into the return function of the watch?
Use a watch expression instead of a function. This will catch any errors with missing objects and return undefined.
// Watch our model
$scope.$watch('', function (name) {
// if we have a name
if (name) {
// Store our model in the session
sessionStorage.designer = angular.toJson(self.model);
There is no magic here - if one of the variables you are accessing could be null/undefined, then you cannot get its property if it's null/undefined. So, you have to guard against that:
return ( && || undefined;
// ...
The only "magic" is when you "$watch" for expressions, but the expressions need to be exposed on the scope. So, you could do:
$scope.model = self.model;
$scope.$watch("", function(v){
// ...
But, really, you have to ask yourself why you need a $watch here to begin with. It seems to me that you are getting the team asynchronously once - it does not look like it will change except by maybe another async call. So, just handle that when you receive the data without the $watch:
someSvc.getTeam() // I made an assumption about a service that pulls the data from db
var name =;
// if we have a name
if (name) {
// Store our model in the session
sessionStorage.designer = angular.toJson(self.model);
An unnecessary $watch is expensive - it is evaluated on every digest cycle, so, it's best to reduce the number of $watchers.

Nested backbone model results in infinite recursion when saving

This problem just seemed to appear while I updated to Backbone 1.1. I have a nested Backbone model:
var ProblemSet = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
name: "",
open_date: "",
due_date: ""},
parse: function (response) { = response.set_id;
response.problems = new ProblemList(response.problems);
return response;
var ProblemList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Problem
I initially load in a ProblemSetList, which is a collection of ProblemSet models in my page. Any changes to the open_date or due_date fields of any ProblemSet, first go to the server and update that property, then returns. This fires another change event on the ProblemSet.
It appears that all subsequent returns from the server fires another change event and the changed attribute is the "problems" attribute. This results in infinite recursive calls.
The problem appears to come from the part of set method of Backbone.Model (code listed here from line 339)
// For each `set` attribute, update or delete the current value.
for (attr in attrs) {
val = attrs[attr];
if (!_.isEqual(current[attr], val)) changes.push(attr);
if (!_.isEqual(prev[attr], val)) {
this.changed[attr] = val;
} else {
delete this.changed[attr];
unset ? delete current[attr] : current[attr] = val;
// Trigger all relevant attribute changes.
if (!silent) {
if (changes.length) this._pending = true;
for (var i = 0, l = changes.length; i < l; i++) {
this.trigger('change:' + changes[i], this, current[changes[i]], options);
The comparison on the problems attribute returns false from _.isEqual() and therefore fires a change event.
My question is: is this the right way to do a nested Backbone model? I had something similar working in Backbone 1.1. Other thoughts about how to proceed to avoid this issue?
You reinstantiate your problems attribute each time your model.fetch completes, the objects are different and thus trigger a new cycle.
What I usually do to handle nested models:
use a model property outside of the attributes handled by Backbone,
instantiate it in the initialize function,
set or reset this object in the parent parse function and return a response omitting the set data
Something like this:
var ProblemSet = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
name: "",
open_date: "",
due_date: ""
initialize: function (opts) {
var pbs = (opts && opts.problems) ? opts.problems : [];
this.problems = new ProblemList(pbs);
parse: function (response) { = response.set_id;
if (response.problems)
return _.omit(response, 'problems');
parse gets called on fetch and save (according to backbone documentation), this might cause your infinite loop. I don't think that the parse function is the right place to create the new ProblemsList sub-collection, do it in the initialize function of your model instead.

Adding a computed field to every element of an array in an AngularJS model

I'm pulling an array of users into my AngularJS model from a JSON datasource. This data is being rendered in a table, and I'd like to create a column that is computed from two values of the existing user object, without modifying my underlying data service.
// My model
function UserListCtrl($scope,$http) {
$http.get('users').success(function(data) {
$scope.users = data;
In my partial template, I know I can do something like this:
<tr ng-repeat="for user in users">
<td>{{ / user.count | number:2}}</td>
But I'd rather add that field into the model, so I can use it like so:
How do I add the "amplification" field to every user in my model?
As an aside, is it possible to use the orderBy filter on something like this:
<td>{{ / user.count | number:2}}</td>
You can eather:
Just after loading user do:
$http.get('users').success(function(data) {
$scope.users = data;
$scope.user.amplification() = function() { return $ / $scope.user.count; }
And use as {{user.amplification()}}
Anywhere at controller:
$scope.$watch('user', function() {
$scope.userAmplification = $ / $scope.user.count;
}, true);
Or if do not change, do same as 1. but staticly calculate:
$http.get('users').success(function(data) {
$scope.users = data;
$scope.user.amplification = $ / $scope.user.count;
And OrderBy could be used on any expression (uncluding result of other filter)
If you don't need your amplicification() function to update when the data and count properties on your user update, you can do something like this in your controller:
$scope.users.forEach(function(user) {
user.amplification = function() {
return / user.count;
Adding a second answer as I feel it's appropriate as it's distinct from my first one.
After a little looking around, I found the method I originally posted falls over if you try to add new rows dynamically, or new elements to the array which depend on the computed value. This is because the $scope.array.forEach() will only run when the controller is created.
The best way to solve this problem is to create a properly defined object which contains the options you want. e.g.
function Task(id, name, prop1, prop2) { = id; = name;
this.prop1 = prop1;
this.prop2 = prop2;
this.computedProperty = function () {
return this.prop1 + this.prop2;
This is far more flexible as each new object created will have the new property.
The only downside is that in your ajax success callback, you'll need to pass each of your users into your 'Users()' constructor.
What worked for me was to add a loop and add the property to each item in that loop. I used a property of the controller but I am sure you can use scope the way you are approaching it in the question.
function(result) {
self.list = result;
angular.forEach(self.list, function(item) {
item.hasDate = function() {
return this.TestDate != null;
}.bind(item); // set this context
Then in my markup I just used it like this.
<div ng-repeat...>
<div ng-show="item.hasDate()">This item has a date.</div>
