Selenium tests with WebDriver and Visual Studio Online - selenium-webdriver

I'd like to run a number of Selenium tests as a part of my product's Contionous Integration mechanism. We're using Visual Studio Online.
I've tried using IE WebDriver and it could not connect to my resources. I've tried deploying portable versio of Firefox and tests appear to be stuck - I'm guessing that there is a firewall prompt happening?
I've tried PhantomJs web driver, but that does not appear to properly render the test page at all (unless I'm doing something completely wrong)...
so... is it even possible to run Selenium based browser tests from Visual Studio Online build servers?

It appears that this is currently not supported by the hosted build controller. The way to do it is to set up a remote build controller and connect it with your account. I haven't tried this out yet but here's instructions on how to do it with an Azure machine:


Facing issue While launching Logic App From VS Code

I am facing below error while trying to launch logic app from VS code locally . I created logic app after installing extensions like -
Azure tools
Functions app tools extension v3.x
Logic App (Standard) extension
ngFork for webhook
Below is the error I am getting when I click on overview from VS code -
Also my workflow is basic and simple as below -
Any help would be appreciated ! thanks !!
I have done repro from my end in my local environment, the below reasons are based on my analysis:
Visual Studio 2022 doesn't include support for the Azure Logic Apps extension. You can refer this MSDocs to check which version is supported for the logic apps extensions.
You can disable and reload the installed azure related extensions and then try launching a logic app in VS code.
And as you mentioned in the question, it may not be ngFork it is ngrok for webhooks extension which you need to install in your vs code. So currently ngrok is needed here as per my analysis and ngrok is mainly used to distribute proxy services to run in any cloud environment but not Ngfork.
Thanking #DEVIN RADER using his blog Configure Windows for Local Webhook Testing Using ngrok for better understanding and as you are using ngrok extension for webhooks, if needed run IIS express which allows http.sys to accept requests from other external sources. To run this, we need to start visual studio as an administrator.
Explicitly tell Windows to allow incoming requests to my ngrok domain by modifying the URL Access Control List (ACL).
When I click on overview logic app from vs code, I am able to get the expected output after checking the above reasons properly:
Right click on logicapp-> click on overview:
Overview of the logic app in VS code:
My workflow sample is also attached:
Right click on logic app -> open in Designer

switch between applications in silk4j

I have a test thant launches a desktop application and from this application a browser application with authentication window is launched. The problem is when running the test it executes all steps that are related to the desktop application and when it comes to the browser it fails to detect it
any help?
Which version of Silk Test and which browser + version are you testing against? As older versions of Silk Test may not provide support for the more recent browser versions. That's why it is recommended to stay version current.
Also if you log an incident via we would be happy to have a look at the issue in detail.
After desktop application steps, to connect to the browser application (which has been opened through desktop app) you can use below code,
Desktop.< window >find ("\BrowserWindow[#caption='']").setActive();

Testing with Internet Explorer on Selenium Grid with node as Windows service

We have build several Selenium tests of our corporate portal. The next step is to test on a Selenium Grid setup. We have access to a Hub and a Node which are started as a service on a Windows Server. We can connect to the Hub and the tests are started on the Node.
Because the Node is started as a service the tests are executed in the background. The tests have to be executed in IE11 because the portal only works correctly on that browser. So far so good.
Only our tests of the portal do not execute properly. The portal is made in Tibco and contains ActiveX elements and a lot of scripts.
We tried several possible solutions:
Started the service (of the node) with an actual user instead of the System user
Lowered all security settings
Switched protected mode in all area's
Added the portal url to the Trusted Sites
But nothing worked.
We also tried a test on a very simpel website with only a textbox and a button and that worked. Also when we navigate to the portal from the server where the node is located everything works fine.
Only when the tests are executed from the background it looks like the website cannot be properly loaded.
Has anyone encountered this problem before? Or does anyone know how to troubleshoot this issue?

Can we automate an application which runs on mobile browser(Not mobile app) using Selenium Webdriver

There is an application which users access on Samsung NOTE devices. Requirement is to automate the regression suite on mobile(Samsung NOTE). This application works on PC also, and I have managed to automate using selenium on PC successfully.
Could anyone help me know, if we can use selenium to automate the mobile version of it? I mean can my selenium script automate the mobile browser.
If we can't achieve, what automation tool can I use to automate the same?
Based on the provided comment you have 2 approaches you may take at this point:
Using Chrome options and mobile emulation params in WebDriver as DesiredCapabilities refer to this page for more details: - you can do the same from your own browser in dev tools. This should be enough for 90% of cases, however if you want to make sure that env you're running your tests is as close to real users as possible see 2.
Using special tools that create specific instances of WebDriver, like Selendroid or Appium - in this case you may either run your tests on emulated device(by creating instances from Android SDK or from Xcode) or you even have ability to connect real devices and execute your tests on them

Where to find a download for X3D-Edit 3.3

I used to have X3D-Edit 3.3 downloaded and working on my Netbeans IDE but I updated my laptop to Windows 10 and some of my files got deleted such as X3D-Edit and when I go onto, I get
This web page is not available
Google Chrome could not load the web page because took too long to respond. The website may be down or you may be experiencing issues with your Internet connection.
Check your Internet connection
Check any cables and reboot any routers, modems or other network devices you may be using.
Allow Chrome to access the network in your firewall or antivirus settings.
If it is already listed as a programme that is allowed to access the network, try removing it from the list and adding it again.
If you use a proxy server...
Check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working. If you don't believe you should be using a proxy server: Go to the Chrome menu > Settings > + Show advanced settings > Change proxy settings... > LAN Settings and deselect "Use a proxy server for your LAN".
I've tried that same site on two separate networks and I've tried it with and without a firewall. And I'm still getting the same problem, so I was wondering where I'd get X3D-Edit from?
Happy to announce that upgraded X3D-Edit 4.0 now available
Update: installers and help video now available on SourceForge
Downloadable zip includes runnable versions for Windows, Mac and Linux. Build environment is Apache NetBeans 12.6 and openjdk 19. Beta testing in progress, adding features and X3D4 nodes with special focus on validation, HTML5 integration and Web Audio API.
All test and usage reports welcome. Have fun with X3D4!
