Testing AngularJS with Selenium - angularjs

I have a SPA application on stack ASP MVC + AngularJS and I'd like to test the UI.
For now I'm trying Selenium with PhantomJS and WebKit drivers.
This is a sample testing page - view with single element. The list items <li> load dynamically from server and are bounded by Angular.
<div id="items">
I'm trying to pass a test and there is an error in this line:
At this point there are no loaded elements and _driver.PageSource doesn't contain elements.
How can I wait for the items to load? Please do not suggest Thread.Sleep()

This will wait for page loads / jquery.ajax (if present) and $http calls, and any accompanying digest/render cycle, throw it in a utility function and wait away.
/* C# Example
var pageLoadWait = new WebDriverWait(WebDriver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeout));
(driver) =>
return (bool)JS.ExecuteScript(
try {
if (document.readyState !== 'complete') {
return false; // Page not loaded yet
if (window.jQuery) {
if (window.jQuery.active) {
return false;
} else if (window.jQuery.ajax && window.jQuery.ajax.active) {
return false;
if (window.angular) {
if (!window.qa) {
// Used to track the render cycle finish after loading is complete
window.qa = {
doneRendering: false
// Get the angular injector for this app (change element if necessary)
var injector = window.angular.element('body').injector();
// Store providers to use for these checks
var $rootScope = injector.get('$rootScope');
var $http = injector.get('$http');
var $timeout = injector.get('$timeout');
// Check if digest
if ($rootScope.$$phase === '$apply' || $rootScope.$$phase === '$digest' || $http.pendingRequests.length !== 0) {
window.qa.doneRendering = false;
return false; // Angular digesting or loading data
if (!window.qa.doneRendering) {
// Set timeout to mark angular rendering as finished
$timeout(function() {
window.qa.doneRendering = true;
}, 0);
return false;
return true;
} catch (ex) {
return false;

Create a new class that lets you figure out whether your website using AngularJS has finished making AJAX calls, as follows:
import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.ExpectedCondition;
public class AdditionalConditions {
public static ExpectedCondition<Boolean> angularHasFinishedProcessing() {
return new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
return Boolean.valueOf(((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("return (window.angular !== undefined) && (angular.element(document).injector() !== undefined) && (angular.element(document).injector().get('$http').pendingRequests.length === 0)").toString());
You can use it anywhere in the your code by using the following code:
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(getDriver(), 15, 100);

We have had a similar issue where our in house framework is being used to test multiple sites, some of these are using JQuery and some are using AngularJS (and 1 even has a mixture!). Our framework is written in C# so it was important that any JScript being executed was done in minimal chunks (for debugging purposes). It actually took a lot of the above answers and mashed them together (so credit where credit is due #npjohns). Below is an explanation of what we did:
The following returns a true / false if the HTML DOM has loaded:
public bool DomHasLoaded(IJavaScriptExecutor jsExecutor, int timeout = 5)
var hasThePageLoaded = jsExecutor.ExecuteScript("return document.readyState");
while (hasThePageLoaded == null || ((string)hasThePageLoaded != "complete" && timeout > 0))
hasThePageLoaded = jsExecutor.ExecuteScript("return document.readyState");
if (timeout != 0) continue;
Console.WriteLine("The page has not loaded successfully in the time provided.");
return false;
return true;
Then we check whether JQuery is being used:
public bool IsJqueryBeingUsed(IJavaScriptExecutor jsExecutor)
var isTheSiteUsingJQuery = jsExecutor.ExecuteScript("return window.jQuery != undefined");
return (bool)isTheSiteUsingJQuery;
If JQuery is being used we then check that it's loaded:
public bool JqueryHasLoaded(IJavaScriptExecutor jsExecutor, int timeout = 5)
var hasTheJQueryLoaded = jsExecutor.ExecuteScript("jQuery.active === 0");
while (hasTheJQueryLoaded == null || (!(bool) hasTheJQueryLoaded && timeout > 0))
hasTheJQueryLoaded = jsExecutor.ExecuteScript("jQuery.active === 0");
if (timeout != 0) continue;
"JQuery is being used by the site but has failed to successfully load.");
return false;
return (bool) hasTheJQueryLoaded;
We then do the same for AngularJS:
public bool AngularIsBeingUsed(IJavaScriptExecutor jsExecutor)
string UsingAngular = #"if (window.angular){
return true;
var isTheSiteUsingAngular = jsExecutor.ExecuteScript(UsingAngular);
return (bool) isTheSiteUsingAngular;
If it is being used then we check that it has loaded:
public bool AngularHasLoaded(IJavaScriptExecutor jsExecutor, int timeout = 5)
string HasAngularLoaded =
#"return (window.angular !== undefined) && (angular.element(document.body).injector() !== undefined) && (angular.element(document.body).injector().get('$http').pendingRequests.length === 0)";
var hasTheAngularLoaded = jsExecutor.ExecuteScript(HasAngularLoaded);
while (hasTheAngularLoaded == null || (!(bool)hasTheAngularLoaded && timeout > 0))
hasTheAngularLoaded = jsExecutor.ExecuteScript(HasAngularLoaded);
if (timeout != 0) continue;
"Angular is being used by the site but has failed to successfully load.");
return false;
return (bool)hasTheAngularLoaded;
After we check that the DOM has successfully loaded, you can then use these bool values to do custom waits:
var jquery = !IsJqueryBeingUsed(javascript) || wait.Until(x => JQueryHasLoaded(javascript));
var angular = !AngularIsBeingUsed(javascript) || wait.Until(x => AngularHasLoaded(javascript));

If you're using AngularJS then using Protractor is a good idea.
If you use protractor you can use it's waitForAngular() method which will wait for http requests to complete. It's still good practise to wait for elements to be displayed before acting on them, depending on your language and implementation it might look this in a synchronous language
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, timeoutInSeconds);
Or in JS you can use wait method which executes a function until it returns true
browser.wait(function () {
return browser.driver.isElementPresent(elementToFind);

You may just mine protractor for useful code snippets. This function blocks until Angular is done rendering the page. It is a variant of Shahzaib Salim's answer, except that he is polling for it and I am setting a callback.
def wait_for_angular(self, selenium):
callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
Replace 'html' for whatever element is your ng-app.
It comes from https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/71532f055c720b533fbf9dab2b3100b657966da6/lib/clientsidescripts.js#L51

I did the following code and it helped me for the async race condition failures.
$window._docReady = function () {
var phase = $scope.$root.$$phase;
return $http.pendingRequests.length === 0 && phase !== '$apply' && phase !== '$digest';
Now in selenium PageObject model, you can wait for
Object result = ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).executeScript("return _docReady();");
return result == null ? false : (Boolean) result;

If your web app is indeed created with Angular as you say, the best way to do end-to-end testing is with Protractor.
Internally, Protractor uses its own waitForAngular method, to ensure Protractor waits automatically until Angular has finished modifying the DOM.
Thus, in the normal case, you would never need to write an explicit wait in your test cases: Protractor does that for you.
You can look at the Angular Phonecat tutorial to learn how to set up Protractor.
If you want to use Protractor seriously, you will want to adopt pageobjects. If you want an example of that have a look at my page object test suite for the Angular Phonecat.
With Protractor you write your tests in Javascript (Protractor is indeed based on Node), and not in C# -- but in return Protractor handles all waiting for you.

For my particular problem with the HTML page containing iframes and developed with AnglularJS the following trick saved me a lot of time:
In the DOM I clearly saw that there is an iframe which wraps all the content.
So following code supposed to work:
waitUntilVisibleByXPath("//h2[contains(text(), 'Creative chooser')]");
But it was not working and told me something like "Cannot switch to frame. Window was closed".
Then I modified the code to:
waitUntilVisibleByXPath("//h2[contains(text(), 'Creative chooser')]");
After this everything went smoothly.
So evidently Angular was mangling something with iframes and just after loading the page when you expect that driver is focused on default content it was focused by some already removed by Angular frame.
Hope this may help some of you.

If you don't want to make the entire switch to Protractor but you do want to wait for Angular I recommend using Paul Hammants ngWebDriver (Java). It's based on protractor but you don't have to make the switch.
I fixed the problem by writing an actions class in which I waited for Angular (using ngWebDriver's waitForAngularRequestsToFinish()) before carrying out the actions (click, fill, check etc.).
For a code snippet see my answer to this question

Here is an example for how to wait on Angular if you're using WebDriverJS. Originally I thought you had to create a custom condition, but wait accepts any function.
// Wait for Angular to Finish
function angularReady(): any {
return $browser.executeScript("return (window.angular !== undefined) && (angular.element(document).injector() !== undefined) && (angular.element(document).injector().get('$http').pendingRequests.length === 0)")
.then(function(angularIsReady) {
return angularIsReady === true;
$browser.wait(angularReady, 5000).then(...);
Sadly this doesn't work with PhantomJS because of CSP (content-security-policy) and unsafe-eval. Can't wait for headless Chrome 59 on Windows.

I have implemented usage based on D Sayar's answer
And it might helpful for someone. You just have to copy all boolean functions mention over there in to single class, And then add below PageCallingUtility() method. This method is calling internal dependency.
In your normal usage you need to directly call PageCallingUtility() method.
public void PageCallingUtility()
if (DomHasLoaded() == true)
if (IsJqueryBeingUsed() == true)
if (AngularIsBeingUsed() == true)

Beside eddiec's suggest. If you test an AngularJS app, I strongly suggest you to think about protractor
Protractor will help you solve the waiting matter (sync, async). However, there are some notes
1 - You need to develop your test in javascript
2 - There are some different mechanism in handling flow


Wait for AngularJS Service to finish running (chrome console)

I'm manipulating some angular services/functions via Chrome console. (I have to specifically do this for a task I'm working on).
What I want to do is wait for the AddBagIfLimitNotReached() function to execute and finish running. And only then access the variable this.option.Quantity.
angular.element(document.querySelector(".quantity-button")).controller()._registeredControls[1].Scope.AddBagIfLimitNotReached = async function(n) {
console.log("tthis", this)
if (this.HasReachedMaximumBaggageAllowance()) {
console.log("Quantity", this.option.Quantity);
With this function, I'm adding a product to my basket. And this.option.Quantity should console.log 1. But it actually consoles.log 0.
However, if I check the object itself, it shows 1.
So I think what is happening, is I'm console.logging my bag quantity, before the bag has actually finished being added to the basket.
For example, if I added a settimeout of 2 seconds, the correct bag value = 1 is console.logged.
angular.element(document.querySelector(".quantity-button")).controller()._registeredControls[1].Scope.AddBagIfLimitNotReached = async function(n) {
console.log("tthis", this)
if (this.HasReachedMaximumBaggageAllowance()) {
// Returns 1
setTimeout(function(){ console.log("Quantity", this.option.Quantity); }, 2000);
Is there a better way I can achieve this, without using settimeout? I have tried async/await/promises, but I still can't seem to find a way to wait for the function to finish loading.
Async/await returns an error - it doesn't like the function this.HasReachedMaximumBaggageAllowance() and throws an error stating this.HasReachedMaximumBaggageAllowance is not a function.
Any tips/ideas would be much appreciated.
I found a solution, I'm using $watch, to watch a key/value, in the this object. And this seems to work:
angular.element(document.querySelector(".quantity-button.plus-button")).controller()._registeredControls[1].Scope.AddBagIfLimitNotReached = function(n) {
let bagCount = this.option.Quantity;
console.log("bagCount", bagCount);
if (this.HasReachedMaximumBaggageAllowance()) {
this.$watch("this.option.Quantity", function (newValue) {
console.log(`Value of foo changed ${newValue}`);
if (newValue > 0) {
document.querySelector(`.luggage-tile-weight-${n.Weight} .tile-title .tick-box`).classList.add("green-tick");
if (newValue === 0) {
document.querySelector(`.luggage-tile-weight-${n.Weight} .tile-title .tick-box`).classList.remove("green-tick");

HTML div not being updated

Not an angular expert. I'm developing a python-flask application with angularjs in the front end. I make a http call to python that returns an object. I then check if the value of a key is 'dev' or 'prd' and then use ng-show to display the corresponding divs. My problem is that the div does not update correctly every time I click on the button to retrieve the data from python.
angular.forEach(response.data,function (value,key) {
if (value == 'dev') {
} else if (value == 'prd') {
I tried $scope.$apply(), $timeout() and also tried to set the ng-show variable to false but none worked. $scope.$apply gave me an error that the digest cycle is in progress. So,i think the divs are being processed by angular. Need help to determine what's wrong. Thanks for your time.
You could set you showval and showprd as false initially and in a certain condition your can assign it as true like following:
angular.forEach(response.data, function(value, key) {
if (value == 'dev') {
$scope.showval = true;
$scope.showprd = false;
} else if (value == 'prd') {
$scope.showprd = true;
$scope.showval = false;
And i am supposing your html like
<div ng-show="showval && !showprd">Dev</div>
<div ng-show="!showval && showprd">Prod</div>

Jasmine: Testing a function returning a promise

I am writing tests using Jasmine for my angular application. All the tests are passing. My class looks like follows:
class xyz implements ng.IComponentController {
private myList: ng.IPromise<MyList[]> ;
//declare necessary variables
/* #ngInject */
constructor(private ListService: ListService,
) {
this.myList = this.ListService.getList();
public onChange(): void {
scope.isUnique = unique;
scope.errorNameInput = !reg.test(scope.name) || !scope.isUnique;
//do something
public isNameUnique(name: string): ng.IPromise<boolean> {
return this.myList
(names) => {
_.mapValues(names, function(name){
return name.uuid.toLowerCase();
return (_.findIndex(names, { uuid : uuid.toLowerCase() }) === -1) ? true : false;
Here, I am using ListService to pre-populate my list in the constructor itself (so it calls the service only once). Then, in my onChange method, I am checking
if a name is unique or not. The isNameUnique is returning a boolean promise.
Now, I'm trying to get 100% coverage for my test. I'm getting confused about testing isNameUnique method here. My first test is:
(Assuming myList is a json similar to response I will get from service)
this.$scope.myFunction = jasmine.createSpy('myFunction');
it('should ...', function() {
this.view.find(NAME_INPUT).val('blue').change(); // my view element.
this.controller.isNameUnique('blue').then(function (unique) {
expect(unique).toEqual(false); //since blue is already in my json
expect(this.controller.errorNameInput).toEqual(true); //since its not unique, errornameinput will be set to true
I would expect this test to cover the line: scope.errorNameInput = !reg.test(scope.name) || !scope.isUnique and invocation of myFunction() but it still shows uncovered. Not sure why.
Please let me know if you see anything else wrong since I'm quite new to Angular and Jasmine. Thanks.
You need to call $scope.$digest() to cause your promise to resolve in your test. There is a handy tutorial that discusses this in depth here
Hope that helps!

Enable/disable validation for angular form with nested subforms using `ng-form`

I need to enable/disable all validation rules in Angular form or subform under ng-form="myForm" based on a scope variable $scope.isValidationRequired. So, if isValidationRequired is false, none of the validations set for the designated group of fields will run, and the result will always be myForm.$valid==true, otherwise, the validation rules will run as usual.
I did a lot of research, and realized that this feature is not available out of the box with Angular. However, I found some add-ons or with some customization, it is possible.
For example, I can use the add-on angular-conditional-validation (github and demo) with custom directive enable-validation="isValidationRequired". This will be perfect, except that I cannot apply this feature for a group of fields under ng-form. I have to add this directive for each and every field where applicable.
The other solution is to use custom validation using Angular $validators pipeline. This requires some extra effort and I don't have time since the sprint is almost over and I have to give some results in a few days.
If you have any other suggestions please post an answer.
Use Case:
To clarify the need for this, I will mention the use-case. The end user can fill the form with invalid data and he can click Save button and in this case, the validation rules shouldn't be triggered. Only when the user clicks Validate and Save then the validation rules should be fired.
See the final plunker code here.
UPDATE: as per comments below, the solution will cause the browser to hang if inner subforms are used under ng-form. More effort is needed to debug and resolver this issuer. If only one level is used, then it works fine.
UPDATE: The plunker here was updated with a more general solution. Now the code will work with a form that has sub-forms under ng-form. The function setAllInputsDirty() checks if the object is a $$parentForm to stop recursion. Also, the changeValidity() will check if the object is a form using $addControl then it will call itself to validate its child objects. So far, this function works fine, but it needs a bit of additional optimization.
One idea is to reset the errors in the digest loop if the validation flag is disabled. You can iterate through the form errors on change and set them to valid, one by one.
$scope.$watch(function() {
}, true);
$scope.changeValidity = function() {
if ($scope.isValidationRequired === "false") {
for (var error in $scope.form.$error) {
while ($scope.form.$error[error]) {
$scope.form.$error[error][0].$setValidity(error, true);
Here is a plunkr: https://plnkr.co/edit/fH4vGVPa1MwljPFknYHZ
This is the updated answer that will prevent infinite loop and infinite recursion. Also, the code depends on a known root form which can be tweaked a bit to make it more general.
References: Pixelastic blog and Larry's answer
Plunker: https://plnkr.co/edit/ycPmYDSg6da10KdoNCiM?p=preview
UPDATE: code improvements to make it work for multiple errors for each field in each subform, and loop to ensure the errors are cleared on the subform level
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', ["$scope", function($scope) {
$scope.isValidationRequired = true;
var rootForm = "form";
function setAllInputsDirty(scope) {
angular.forEach(scope, function(value, key) {
// We skip non-form and non-inputs
if (!value || value.$dirty === undefined) {
// Recursively applying same method on all forms included in the form except the parent form
if (value.$addControl && key !== "$$parentForm") {
return setAllInputsDirty(value);
if (value.$validate){
// Setting inputs to $dirty, but re-applying its content in itself
if (value.$setViewValue) {
return value.$setViewValue(value.$viewValue);
$scope.$watch(function() {
}, true);
$scope.changeValidity = function(theForm) {
//This will check if validation is truned off, it will
// clear all validation errors
if (!theForm) {
theForm = $scope[rootForm];
if ($scope.isValidationRequired === "false") {
for (var error in theForm.$error) {
errTypeArr = theForm.$error[error];
angular.forEach (errTypeArr, function(value, idx) {
var theObjName = value.$name;
var theObj = value;
if (theObj.$addControl) {
//This is a subform, so call the function recursively for each of the children
var isValid=false;
while (!isValid) {
isValid = theObj.$valid;
} else {
while (theObj.$error[error]) {
theObj.$setValidity(error, true);
} else {

Is it possible to prevent changing of router by clicking back button?

I'am building single page using BackboneJS and I need to prevent router executing on back button in a browser. To be exact I need to show confirmation custom popup with the text "Do you really want exit room? [yes|no]". So if user clicks yes then default actions should happens but if no then user should stay in the current screen.
I use Backbone.router with pushState: true. Does Backbonejs provide something like before router event to be possible prevent router handling or how could I archive it?
I'm not sure if this is still an issue, but this is how I would get around it. It may not be the best way, but could be a step in the right direction.
Backbone.History.prototype.loadUrl = function (fragment, options) {
var result = true;
if (fragment === void (0) && options === void (0) && this.confirmationDisplay !== void(0))
result = confirm('Are you sure you want to leave this room?');
var opts = options;
fragment = Backbone.history.fragment = Backbone.history.getFragment(fragment);
if (result) {
this.confirmationDisplay = true;
return _.any(Backbone.history.handlers, function (handler) {
if (handler.route.test(fragment)) {
//We just pass in the options
handler.callback(fragment, opts);
return true;
return this;
Essentially checking if we have a fragment and options, if not, we can assume the app just started, or the user clicked the back button.
Backbone router has an execute method which is called for every route change, we can return false to prevent the current transition. The code will probably look like below :
With an asynchronous popup (untested code, but should work)
execute: function(callback,args){
if(this.lastRoute === 'room'){
callback & callback.apply(this,args);
callback && callback.apply(this,args);
showPopup: function(){
var html = "<<div><p>Do you really want to exit</p><button id='yes'>Yes</button><button id='no'>No</button></div>"
var promise = $.Deferred();
return promise;
With synchronous confirm popup
execute: function(callback,args){
if(this.lastRoute === 'room'){
var conf = confirm("Do you really want to exit the room ?");
//Change the route back to room
return false;
callback && callback.apply(this,args);
