accessing array elements in another frame as3 - arrays

I have created an Array in frame 1 and dynamically create a list of movieclips with it , and I want to create the same Array in frame 3 and those movieclips again if something is true or it possible ? because when I'm trying to do this , I will get this error :
1151: A conflict exists with definition i in namespace internal.
here is my code at frame 1 :
import flash.display.MovieClip;
var p_x:uint = 90;
var p_y:uint = 108;
var my_list:String = "Games,Videos, Medias,Images,Photos,Personal Photos,Social Media,Private,Social,None,Names,Families";
var myListString:Array = my_list.split(",");
var myArray:Array=new Array ();
var listObject = 1;
for (var i:uint=0; i<12; i++)
var myItemList:mrb=new mrb();
myItemList.x = p_x;
myItemList.y = p_y + 80;
myItemList.y = (p_y + (listObject * 65));
myItemList.txt.text = i.toString();
myItemList.txt.text = myListString[i].toString(); = "item"+i;
addChild(myItemList) as MovieClip ;
and here is code at frame 3 :
var tmpCurFrame:int = currentFrame;
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, handleUpdate)
function handleUpdate(e:Event):void {
if (tmpCurFrame != currentFrame) {
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, handleUpdate);
if ( != undefined)
if ( == "on")
for (var i:int = 0; i < myListString.length;)
{ if (myListString[i].indexOf() > -1)
var myRectangle:mrb=new mrb();
trace("found it at index: " + i);
myRectangle.x = p_x;
myRectangle.y = (p_y + (findobject * 50));
trace('p_y+80 =' + (p_y+(findobject*80)) + 'p_x = ' + p_x );
myRectangle.txt.text = myListString[i].toString();
trace(my_array2[i].toString() );

This error message simply means that you use twice the same variable i. You just have to give them differents names.


Why array comparison isn't working? (GAS)

The code below used to work. Now, when comparing two arrays, even though there is a difference, as highlighted below, the code says that there is a duplicate.
I've tried it using .join() as well, but I keep getting the same result.
function SaveEditedEntry() {
const lock = LockService.getScriptLock();
if (lock.hasLock()) {
var sourceSheet = 'Entries';
var destinationSheet = 'Database';
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sourceSheet);
var LastRowSource = sheet.getLastRow();
//var LastColumnSource = sheet.getLastColumn();
var entryValues = sheet.getRange(7, 1, LastRowSource, 16).getValues();
var dbSheet = ss.getSheetByName(destinationSheet);
var entryDataPushed = [];
var dbData = dbSheet.getRange(2, 1, dbSheet.getLastRow(), 16).getValues();
var dbDataPushed = [];
//var dbDataPushed = new Array();
var company = sheet.getRange("B3").getValue();
var period = sheet.getRange("B4").getValue();
var entryID = sheet.getRange("J5").getValue();
var timeStamp = new Date();
var user = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
if (company == '') {
Browser.msgBox('Make sure that you have chosen a valid company.');
if (period == '') {
Browser.msgBox('Please, make sure that you have chosen a valid period.');
var emptyRow = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < entryValues.length; i++) {
if (entryValues[i][0] != '') {
emptyRow = i + 1;
if (emptyRow < 1) {
Browser.msgBox('Please, make sure that you have entered a transaction.');
if (entryValues[i][0] != '') {
for (var n = 0; n < dbData.length; n++) {
if (dbData[n][1] != '' && dbData[n][0] == company && dbData[n][14] == period) {
var duplicate = false;
for (var x = 0; x < entryValues.length; x++) {
for (var j = 0; j < dbDataPushed.length; j++) {
if (JSON.stringify(entryValues[x]) == JSON.stringify(dbDataPushed[j])) {
duplicate = true;
break loop1;
Logger.log("EntryDataPushed: " + entryDataPushed);
Logger.log("dbDataPushed: " + dbDataPushed);
if (duplicate == true) {
Browser.msgBox('No change has been made.');
This is the logs print:
Could anyone point me to the right direction on getting this solved?
Thank you!
You were comparing entryValues vs dbDataPushed but is logging entryDataPushed and dbDataPushed. Is this expected?
Anyways, since you are logging the variables, I assume the variables logged are the ones you need to compare.
Convert them into JSON string by wrapping the variables with JSON.stringify(). I use this all the time when I encounter an issue similar to yours right now.
var duplicate = false;
if (JSON.stringify(entryDataPushed) == JSON.stringify(dbDataPushed)) {
duplicate = true;
See resource below for other ways to properly compare arrays if the above code doesn't work.
StackOverflow Reference

Looking for a solution to replace tags in a loop where template also contains tables

I have the following docx file:
%Life.EntityNo% - %Life.Name1% %Life.Name2%
The following is a table with a header row
Cover Type Sum Insured Modal Premium
BenefitVal SumValue ModalValue
This is the last line of the document.
I am looping through LOOP blocks iteratively - replacing each variable with data
All remaining text is being cut from wordDoc and pasted to remainingParagraphs then re-pasted at the end after the loop values have been pasted back in
Not all paragraphs are being processed this way due to the condition
if (wordDoc.Paragraphs[i].ParentContainer == Container.Body)
condition. Without this condition all paragraphs are processed in the right order but the XML is corrupt. With this condition the table values are not transferred and thus appear incorrectly BEFORE the loop values.
If there is a simpler approach without all the cutting and pastings that would be ideal
This is my current code snippet:
private void ProcessRepeatingText(DocX wordDoc, Dictionary<string, DocumentView> views)
var textDoc = wordDoc.Text;
var opn = 0;
while (opn != -1)
int cls, cma;
string tag, dto, rsn, key, where;
object repo;
// Get each loop DataView that has been defined, select a collection of data and store it in "views"
opn = textDoc.IndexOf("%LOOP=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (opn == -1) break;
cls = textDoc.IndexOf("%", opn + 1, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
tag = textDoc.Substring(opn, cls - opn + 1);
cma = tag.IndexOf(",", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
dto = tag.Substring(6, cma - 6);
opn = tag.IndexOf("NAME=", cma, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
cls = tag.IndexOf(",", opn + 5, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
rsn = tag.Substring(opn + 5, cls - opn - 5);
cma = tag.IndexOf(",", cls, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
opn = tag.IndexOf("KEY=(", cma, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
cls = tag.IndexOf(")", opn + 4, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
key = tag.Substring(opn + 5, cls - opn - 5);
where = BuildWhereClause(dto, key, views);
repo = _baseRepository.CreateInstance(dto + "Repository");
var sec = repo.GetType().GetMethod("GetWhere").Invoke(repo, new object[] { where });
views.Add(rsn, new DocumentView { Rsn = rsn, Dto = dto, Data = sec, Pointer = 0 });
var loopTag = tag;
var i = -1;
var startAt = 0;
var tagBlocks = new List<TagBlock>();
opn = textDoc.IndexOf(loopTag, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
while (opn != -1)
if (textDoc.Substring(opn, 6) == "%LOOP=")
cls = textDoc.IndexOf("%", opn + 1, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
tagBlocks.Add(new TagBlock { From = opn, Upto = -1, FromIndex = -1, UptoIndex = -1 });
tagBlocks[i].FromIndex = IndexOfParagraph(wordDoc, textDoc.Substring(opn, cls - opn + 1), ref startAt);
opn = opn + 6;
if (textDoc.Substring(opn, 8) == "%ENDLOOP")
tagBlocks[i].Upto = opn;
if (tagBlocks[i].FromIndex != -1)
tagBlocks[i].UptoIndex = IndexOfParagraph(wordDoc, textDoc.Substring(opn, 9), ref startAt);
opn = opn + 8;
if (i == -1) break;
var remainingParagraphs = new List<Novacode.Paragraph>();
for (i = tagBlocks[0].UptoIndex + 1; i < wordDoc.Paragraphs.Count; i++)
// if (wordDoc.Paragraphs[i].ParentContainer == ContainerType.Body)
// {
// }
var loopDoc = DocX.Create(new MemoryStream());
if (tagBlocks[0].FromIndex != -1)
if (tagBlocks[0].UptoIndex != -1)
for (i = tagBlocks[0].FromIndex + 1; i < tagBlocks[0].UptoIndex; i++)
for (i = tagBlocks[0].UptoIndex; i > tagBlocks[0].FromIndex; i--)
opn = tagBlocks[0].From;
cls = textDoc.IndexOf("%", opn + 1, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
tag = textDoc.Substring(opn, cls - opn + 1);
var paragraph = wordDoc.Paragraphs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Text.Contains(tag));
if (paragraph != null)
paragraph.ReplaceText(tag, "");
paragraph.ReplaceText("%ENDLOOP%", "");
var loopTxt = loopDoc.Text;
// Now get the secondary DataView data from "views"
DocumentView view;
if (views.TryGetValue(rsn, out view) != true)
view.Pointer = 0;
var list = (IList)view.Data;
for (view.Pointer = 0; view.Pointer < list.Count; view.Pointer++)
var item = list[view.Pointer];
// Process conditional text, with a dependency on this secondary RSN, within this loop
loopTxt = ProcessConditionalText(loopDoc, view.Rsn, views, loopTxt);
// Process repeating text (LOOP..ENDLOOP) with a dependency on this secondary RSN
ProcessRepeatingText(loopDoc, views);
// Perform the data tag replacements, for this RSN, within this loop
ReplaceParameters(loopDoc, item, view.Rsn);
foreach (var p in loopDoc.Paragraphs)
foreach (var p in remainingParagraphs)
wordDoc.Paragraphs.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Text == loopTag)?.Remove(false);
wordDoc.ReplaceText(loopTag, "");
textDoc = wordDoc.Text;
opn = 0;

My if-statement doesn't work

It's either going to be "Riktig, bokstaven forekommer" for right letter chosen or otherwise. What have i done wrong, when i start it now none of the Messages show.
btnStart.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, start);
var feil:Array = new Array ;
var riktig:Array = new Array ;
var bokstav:Array = new Array ;
bokstav[0] = "b";
bokstav[1] = "r";
bokstav[2] = "e";
bokstav[3] = "v"
var txtBokstav:TextField = new TextField( );
txtBokstav.maxChars = 1;
txtBokstav.restrict = "a-z æ ø å";
txtBokstav.type = flash.text.TextFieldType.INPUT;
function start(evt)
var bokstavInn:String = String(txtBokstav.text);
if (txtBokstav.text.length == 1)
if (bokstav.indexOf(bokstavInn) >= 0)
txtUtskrift.text = "Riktig, bokstaven forekommer";
for (var i = 0; i < riktig.length; i++)
txtUtskrift.appendText(riktig[i] + ", ");
txtUtskrift.text = "Feil, bokstaven forekommer ikke";
for (var l = 0; l < feil.length; l++)
txtUtskrift.appendText(feil[l] + ", ");
1) Are you sure that txtUtskrift is on the Stage and visible?
2) Make sure that start() is being called (use a breakpoint or trace)
3) As askmozo suggests, place trace statements in the possible flow of execution. So, at the beginning of the start function, and within each possible if condition. You might add an else for the text.length test:
function start( evt )
trace( "start()..." );
if (txtBokstav.text.length == 1)
// ... what you already have
trace( "txtBokstav length not valid:", txtBokStav.text.length );
trace( "...start()" );

Flash CS3 Deleting objects on stage

Ok so I have this minigame inside my main timeline. The minigame creates a bunch of objects dynamically inside an array using addChild(new a0), new a1, new a2 etc... Anyways at the end of the game, there's an option to either restart (resets scores and goes back to starting frame) or finished (goes back a few frames to the "main screen" which is on a different layer and back a few frames. If I choose either options, any of the objects that werent deleted from playing the game (getting a match) are left on the stage even when restarting or going back to the main frame. I've tried various methods of calling removeChild, setting arrays to empty and what not and I can't seem to figure out how to remove them. With the code that I will display here, I get this error:
ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at mousiesDay_fla::MainTimeline/clearGame()[mousiesDay_fla.MainTimeline::frame258:11]
at mousiesDay_fla::MainTimeline/tryAgain()[mousiesDay_fla.MainTimeline::frame258:29]
Here is the code
scoreWindow.visible = false;
scoreWindowText.visible = false;
finBtn.visible = false;
tryBtn.visible = false;
finBtn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, finished);
tryBtn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, tryAgain);
function clearGame() {
for( var i:int = 0; i < numClips; i++ ) {
removeChild( myClip[i] );
myClip.length = 0;
scoreWindow.visible = false;
scoreWindowText.visible = false;
finBtn.visible = false;
tryBtn.visible = false;
finBtn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, finished);
tryBtn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, tryAgain);
function finished(evt:MouseEvent) {
function tryAgain(evt:MouseEvent) {
backBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goBack);
function goBack(evt:MouseEvent) {
import flash.utils.*;
var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000);
myTimer.addEventListener("timer", timedFunction);
function timedFunction(eventArgs:TimerEvent) {
var tc:int= 31 - myTimer.currentCount;
pTime.text = tc.toString();
if (myTimer.currentCount > 30) {
for (var k:Number = 0; k < numClips; k++) {
myClip[k].removeEventListener("mouseDown", pieceMove);
myClip[k].removeEventListener("mouseUp", pieceMove);
scoreWindow.visible = true;
scoreWindowText.visible = true;
scoreWindowText.text = "Congratulations. You got " + upgameScore + " / 10. \nClick FINISHED to go back or TRY AGAIN to restart.";
finBtn.visible = true;
finBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, finished);
tryBtn.visible = true;
tryBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, tryAgain);
var mySound:Sound = new correctSound();
upgameScore = 0;
var numClips:Number = 7;
var myClip = new Array(numClips);
myClip[0] = addChild(new a0());
myClip[1] = addChild(new a1());
myClip[2] = addChild(new a2());
myClip[3] = addChild(new a3());
myClip[4] = addChild(new a4());
myClip[5] = addChild(new a5());
myClip[6] = addChild(new a6());
//myClip[7] = addChild(new a7());
//myClip[8] = addChild(new a8());
//myClip[9] = addChild(new a9());
myClip[0].name = "piece0";
myClip[1].name = "piece1";
myClip[2].name = "piece2";
myClip[3].name = "piece3";
myClip[4].name = "piece4";
myClip[5].name = "piece5";
myClip[6].name = "piece6";
//myClip[7].name = "piece7";
//myClip[8].name = "piece8";
//myClip[9].name = "piece9";
var nph = new Array(numClips);
nph[0] = nph0_mc;
nph[1] = nph1_mc;
nph[2] = nph2_mc;
nph[3] = nph3_mc;
nph[4] = nph4_mc;
nph[5] = nph5_mc;
nph[6] = nph6_mc;
//nph[7] = nph7_mc;
//nph[8] = nph8_mc;
//nph[9] = nph9_mc;
var tpg = new Array(numClips);
tpg[0] = tpg0_mc;
tpg[1] = tpg1_mc;
tpg[2] = tpg2_mc;
tpg[3] = tpg3_mc;
tpg[4] = tpg4_mc;
tpg[5] = tpg5_mc;
tpg[6] = tpg6_mc;
//tpg[7] = tpg7_mc;
//tpg[8] = tpg8_mc;
//tpg[9] = tpg9_mc;
var x0 = myClip[0].x = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+530-20))+20;//Math.random()*400+50;
var y0 = myClip[0].y = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+380-20))+20;//Math.random()*50+50;
var x1 = myClip[1].x = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+530-20))+20;//Math.random()*400+50;
var y1 = myClip[1].y = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+380-20))+20;//Math.random()*50+50;
var x2 = myClip[2].x = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+530-20))+20;//Math.random()*400+50;
var y2 = myClip[2].y = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+380-20))+20;//Math.random()*50+50;
var x3 = myClip[3].x = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+530-20))+20;//Math.random()*400+50;
var y3 = myClip[3].y = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+380-20))+20;//Math.random()*50+50;
var x4 = myClip[4].x = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+530-20))+20;//Math.random()*400+50;
var y4 = myClip[4].y = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+380-20))+20;//Math.random()*50+50;
var x5 = myClip[5].x = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+530-20))+20;//Math.random()*400+50;
var y5 = myClip[5].y = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+380-20))+20;//Math.random()*50+50;
var x6 = myClip[6].x = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+530-20))+20;//Math.random()*400+50;
var y6 = myClip[6].y = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+380-20))+20;//Math.random()*50+50;
/*var x7 = myClip[7].x = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+530-20))+20;//Math.random()*400+50;
var y7 = myClip[7].y = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+380-20))+20;//Math.random()*50+50;
var x8 = myClip[8].x = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+530-20))+20;//Math.random()*400+50;
var y8 = myClip[8].y = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+380-20))+20;//Math.random()*50+50;
var x9 = myClip[9].x = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+530-20))+20;//Math.random()*400+50;
var y9 = myClip[9].y = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+380-20))+20;//Math.random()*50+50;*/
var j:Number;
for (var k:Number = 0; k < numClips; k++) {
myClip[k].addEventListener("mouseDown", pieceMove);
myClip[k].addEventListener("mouseUp", pieceMove);
function pieceMove(evt:Event):void {
if (evt.type == "mouseDown") {
else if (evt.type == "mouseUp") {
for (j = 0; j < numClips; j++) {
if ( == "piece" + j &&[j]) == true) {
nph[j].alpha = 0;
tpg[j].alpha = 100;
if (j == 2) {
setChildIndex(tpg[j], 1);
else if ( == "piece" + j) { = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+530-20))+20;//Math.random()*400+50; = Math.floor(Math.random()*(1+380-20))+20;//Math.random()*50+50;
scor.text = upgameScore.toString();
if (upgameScore == 10) {
msgbox.text = "Congratulations !";
for (var k:Number = 0; k < numClips; k++) {
myClip[k].removeEventListener("mouseDown", pieceMove);
myClip[k].removeEventListener("mouseUp", pieceMove);
scoreWindow.visible = true;
scoreWindowText.visible = true;
scoreWindowText.text = "Congratulations. You got " + upgameScore + " / 10. \nClick FINISHED to go back or TRY AGAIN to restart.";
I should mention that if you look near the end of the code where I do the testHitObject and then call removeChild after that, THAT particular delete works and removes the object from the frame.
Solved this one too. I should probably spend a bit more time before I post these.
As it turns out, when objects were being matched they were being removed as per the removeChild() function that was working. What I was doing then was iterating through the array and attempting to remove some objects that were already removed. So what i did was kept an array that matched the objects and when they were removed, changed a flag to 0. Then at the end, iterate through the new array and if there's a 1, remove the child object from the array with the same index. If there's a 0, ignore it. Now it works.

Dynamically populate Text Fields in Flash (AS3)

I am trying to figure out how to dynamically populate textfields in Flash. The text in the fields will either say ON or OFF based on the value of bstatus.
var bstatus will either have a value of 0 or 1
I have the following textfields listed below.
I'm not sure if the syntax is correct, but I was thinking that the text fields would be in an array, and I would create a for loop--that will go through the array in order to have the fields populated.
var textFields:Array = new Array();
textFields[0] = compTxt.text;
textFields[1] = bathLightTxt.text;
textFields[2] = computerLightTxt.text;
textFields[3] = kitchenLight.text;
textFields[4] = livingLightTxt.text;
textFields[5] = descLightTxt.text;
textFields[6] = laundryLightTxt.text;
textFields[3] = ovenTxt.text;
textFields[8] = tvTxt.text;
textFields[9] = washerTxt.text;
I'm thinking that that the textFields Array will go inside a function called populateFields()
// function populateFields ------------------------------------------------------------------
function populateFields(bstatus:int)
var displayText:String="";
var textFields:Array = new Array();
textFields[0] = compTxt.text;
textFields[1] = bathLightTxt.text;
textFields[2] = computerLightTxt.text;
textFields[3] = kitchenLight.text;
textFields[4] = livingLightTxt.text;
textFields[5] = descLightTxt.text;
textFields[6] = laundryLightTxt.text;
textFields[3] = ovenTxt.text;
textFields[8] = tvTxt.text;
textFields[9] = washerTxt.text;
if (bstatus == 0) {
// textfield will say OFF
displayText = "OFF";
} else if (bstatus == 1) {
// textfield will say ON
displayText = "ON";
for (var i:int=0;i<textFields.length;i++)
// do something
Entire Code:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import; //event dispatcher
public class House extends MovieClip
// List Objects inside Treehouse here....
//private var comp:MovieClip; // comp is a property of TreeHouse
//private var light:MovieClip;
//var comp:HouseObjects = new HouseObjects(); //do this inside another class
var HouseObjects:Array = new Array(); // creates HouseObjects array
var onList:Array = [];
var obj_num:int = 10;
var power:int; // holds value of individual House Objects
var bstate:int; // 0 or 1 (ON or OFF)
var bstatus:int;
var userInput:int; // stores user data (of selected data); holds value of e.currentTarget.power
var currentPower:int; // stores current power
//var objName:String;
var objSelect:Object;
// Constructor--------------------------------------------------------------------
public function House()
var currentPower:int = 0;
HouseObjects[0] = new Comp();
HouseObjects[1] = new Light(); // bathroom light
HouseObjects[2] = new LightB(); // computer area light
HouseObjects[3] = new LightC(); // kitchen light
HouseObjects[4] = new LightD(); // living room light
HouseObjects[5] = new LightE(); // description light
HouseObjects[6] = new LightF(); // laundry room light
HouseObjects[7] = new Oven();
HouseObjects[8] = new Tv();
HouseObjects[9] = new Washer();
//HouseObjects[10] = new Car();
trace("Tracing onList Array: " + onList);
// list properties of the objects -----------------------------------------------------------------
HouseObjects[0].power = 2; // amount of power
HouseObjects[0].name = "comp";
//comp.bstate = 0; // button state
HouseObjects[1].power = 1; // amount of power
HouseObjects[1].name = "light";
HouseObjects[2].power = 1; // amount of power
HouseObjects[2].name = "lightB";
HouseObjects[3].power = 1; // amount of power
HouseObjects[3].name = "lightC";
HouseObjects[4].power = 1; // amount of power
HouseObjects[4].name = "lightD";
HouseObjects[5].power = 1; // amount of power
HouseObjects[5].name = "lightE";
HouseObjects[6].power = 1; // amount of power
HouseObjects[6].name = "lightF";
HouseObjects[7].power = 3; // amount of power
HouseObjects[7].name = "oven";
HouseObjects[8].power = 4; // amount of power
HouseObjects[8].name = "tv";
HouseObjects[9].power = 5; // amount of power
HouseObjects[9].name = "washer";
//HouseObjects[9].power = 6; // amount of power
//HouseObjects[9].name = "car";
// end of list properties of the house objects -----------------------------------------------------
for (var i:int=0;i<obj_num;i++)
HouseObjects[i].buttonMode = true;
//add event listeners -- listens to functions that are called
HouseObjects[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rolloverToggle);
HouseObjects[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, rolloutToggle);
HouseObjects[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleClick);
HouseObjects[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleClick);
HouseObjects[i].bstate = 0;
stage.addChild(HouseObjects[i]); // add House Objects to stage ------------------------------
}// end of for loop ------------------------------------------------------------------------
//computer's position
HouseObjects[0].x = 585;
HouseObjects[0].y = 233;
//bathroom light's position
HouseObjects[1].x = 340;
HouseObjects[1].y = 161;
//computer lightB's position
HouseObjects[2].x = 579;
HouseObjects[2].y = 158;
//computer lightC's position
HouseObjects[3].x = 316;
HouseObjects[3].y = 368;
//computer lightD's position
HouseObjects[4].x = 657;
HouseObjects[4].y = 367;
//computer lightE's position
HouseObjects[5].x = 517;
HouseObjects[5].y = 549;
//computer lightF's position
HouseObjects[6].x = 531;
HouseObjects[6].y = 1000;
//oven's position
HouseObjects[7].x = 380;
HouseObjects[7].y = 449;
//tv's position
HouseObjects[8].x = 543;
HouseObjects[8].y = 423;
//washer's position
HouseObjects[9].x = 637;
HouseObjects[9].y = 1155;
} // end of Constructor -----------------------------------------------------------
// function rollOver --------------------------------------------------------------
function rolloverToggle(e:MouseEvent) {
if (e.currentTarget.currentFrame == 1)
if (e.currentTarget.currentFrame == 3)
// function rollOut -----------------------------------------------------------------
function rolloutToggle(e:MouseEvent) {
if (e.currentTarget.currentFrame == 2)
if (e.currentTarget.currentFrame == 4)
// function toggleClick-------------------------------------------------------------
function toggleClick(e:MouseEvent) {
// On MouseEvent gotoAndStop(Frame Number)
if (e.currentTarget.currentFrame == 2)
e.currentTarget.bstate = 1;
if (e.currentTarget.currentFrame == 4)
e.currentTarget.bstate = 0;
// trace statements -------------------------------------------------------
//trace("movieClip Instance Name = " + e.currentTarget); // [object Comp]
//trace(houseArray[]); // comp
trace("using currentTarget: " +; // comp
//trace("powerData: " + powerData); // power of user data
//trace("houseArray: " + houseArray[0]); // the 0 index of house array
// trace(e.currentTarget.power); // currentTarget's power************
//trace ("bstate in click function: " + e.currentTarget.bstate);
//objName =;
trace("target: " + e.currentTarget);
bstatus = e.currentTarget.bstate;
userInput = e.currentTarget.power;
objSelect = e.currentTarget;
trace("objSelect: " + objSelect);
// end of trace statements -------------------------------------------------
calcPower(userInput, bstatus);
//trace("i am bstatus: " + bstatus);
//trace("i am power: " + userInput);
//trackItems(objSelect, bstatus);
} // end of function toggleClick ----------------------------------------------------
// function calcPower ------------------------------------------------------------------
function calcPower(userInput:int, bstatus:int):void
//trace("i arrived");
//trace("power: " + userInput + " and " + "bstate: " + bstatus);
if (bstatus == 0) {
trace("i have been clicked OFF");
currentPower -= userInput; // if OFF then minus
trace("currentPower: " + currentPower);
} else if (bstatus == 1) {
trace("i have been clicked ON");
currentPower += userInput; // if OFF then minus
trace("currentPower: " + currentPower);
// function populateFields ------------------------------------------------------------------
function populateFields(bstatus:int)
var displayText:String="";
var textFields:Array = new Array();
textFields[0] = compTxt.text;
textFields[1] = bathLightTxt.text;
textFields[2] = computerLightTxt.text;
textFields[3] = kitchenLight.text;
textFields[4] = livingLightTxt.text;
textFields[5] = descLightTxt.text;
textFields[6] = laundryLightTxt.text;
textFields[3] = ovenTxt.text;
textFields[8] = tvTxt.text;
textFields[9] = WasherTxt.text;
if (bstatus == 0) {
// textfield will say OFF
} else if (bstatus == 1) {
// textfield will say ON
for (var i:int=0;i<textFields.length;i++)
// do something
// function pwrPercentage ------------------------------------------------------------------
/*function pwrPercentage()
// function trackItems ------------------------------------------------------------------
function trackItems(objSelect:Object, bstatus:int):void
trace("i arrived in trackItems");
trace("tracing objSelect in function trackItems: " + objSelect);
//trace("tracing Array onList :" + onList);
//trace("power: " + userInput + " and " + "bstate: " + bstatus);
if (bstatus == 0) {
// remove from ON list (array) pop
// call function removeArrayItem
} else if (bstatus == 1) {
//trace("adding items to list");
//add to ON list (array) push
trace("Array:" + onList);
//return array .... only have one array...contain objects that are ONLY ON
// function removeArrayItem ------------------------------------------------------------------
function removeArrayItem(objSelect:Object):void
var arrayLength:int = onList.length;
// Searches item in array
for (var i:int=0; i<arrayLength; i++)
// Finds item and removes it
if (onList[i] == objSelect)
onList.splice(i, 1);
///*/**/*/trace("Item Removed: " + onList[i]);
trace("Array Updated: " + onList);
// function frameloop ------------------------------------------------------------------
/* function frameloop(e:Event)
// function sendPhp ------------------------------------------------------------------
function sendPhp(e:MouseEvent):void
// send vars to php
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("write_xml.php"); // the php file to send data to
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); // create an array of POST vars
variables['bathLight'] = compTxt.text;
variables['bathLight'] = bathLightTxt.text;
variables['computer'] = computerLightTxt.text;
variables['kitchenLight'] = kitchenLight.text;
variables['livingLight'] = livingLightTxt.text;
variables['descLight'] = descLightTxt.text;
variables['laundryLight'] = laundryLightTxt.text;
variables['oven'] = ovenTxt.text;
variables['tv'] = tvTxt.text;
variables['washer'] = washerTxt.text; = variables; // send the vars to the data property of the requested url (our php file)
request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; // use POST as the send method
var sender:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
sender.load(request); // load the php file and send it the variable data
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("vars.xml"), '_blank'); //show me the xml
catch (e:Error)
trace(e); // trace error if there is a problem
// function called when user clicks on update button-----------------------------------
/*function updateStage():void
for (var i:int = 0; i<=onList.length;i++) {
} //end of class
} // end of package
You will be better off keeping track of the reference to your textboxes in order to populate them afterwards:
var textFields:Array = new Array();
textFields[0] = compTxt;
textFields[1] = bathLightTxt;
textFields[2] = computerLightTxt;
textFields[3] = kitchenLight;
textFields[4] = livingLightTxt;
textFields[5] = descLightTxt;
textFields[6] = laundryLightTxt;
textFields[3] = ovenTxt;
textFields[8] = tvTxt;
textFields[9] = washerTxt;
I tried it out this way:
import fl.controls.*;
var textFields:Array = new Array(9);
textFields[0] = new TextInput();
textFields[1] = new TextInput();
textFields[2] = new TextInput();
textFields[3] = new TextInput();
textFields[4] = new TextInput();
textFields[5] = new TextInput();
textFields[6] = new TextInput();
textFields[7] = new TextInput();
textFields[8] = new TextInput();
textFields[9] = new TextInput();
var i:uint = 0;
for(i = 0; i < textFields.length; ++i){
textFields[i].text = "Set text at " + i;
