Touch sensor not working - c

I am attempting to create a very simple program in RobotC. In this program the robot will move forward until the touch sensor is hit.
#pragma config(Sensor, S2, touchSensor, sensorTouch)
void setMotors(int a, int b){
motor[motorA] = a;
motor[motorB] = b;
task main(){
wait1Msec(100);//Wait for sensor to init
setMotors(50, 50);
while(sensorValue(touchSensor) == 0){
//Do Nothing
setMotors(0, 0);
This code should make the robot move forward until the touch sensor is triggered.
Whenever I try and do anything with the touch sensor it does not work. When I output the value to the debug log it shows 180 when pressed and 1024 when released. I have verified that it is working normally by viewing the value on the brick itself.
Robot C Version: 4.0

Apparently, your touch sensor is stuck in SensorRaw mode. It is unclear - from the documentation I could find - how this could be fixed in code, but a work-around would be to explicitly put the sensor into raw mode (in case the situation changes in the future), and then compute the boolean value with a function like this:
bool sensorIsOn(short sensorRawValue)
bool isOn = false;
if(sensorRawValue > 512)
isOn = true;
return isOn;


Sound Sensor RGB LED coding

So we connected a sound sensor to our board to light up our LED light when sound is heard, it kinda works but there some hiccups.
We tried messing with the code for a while but no matter what we do the senor will only react to loud even when we put in a threshold. If you see in the picture, it it only displaying "loud" noise to the display and cant seem be able to go to the other condition we set in our threshold. We configure the sensor with our screw driver but nothing seem to work. Our code is below & before we continue on, we wanted to know if there a problem with it that can fix out the issue,thanks you
ALSO the sound sensor is a "ko9A01"
PS: we use "energia" to code this.
#include <msp430.h>
#include <Wire.h>
int soundsensor = 2;
int led = 3;
void setup()
Serial.println("Begin Test");
void loop()
int sensorValue = digitalRead(soundsensor);
if (sensorValue == 1)
EDIT: NOW With the help of Brydon we change the output to input and change it to this we change it to this and now we get this new error voi
void setup()
Serial.println("Begin Testing");
and it only show
"begin test":
0 and wont move from there
You have the sound sensor configured as an OUTPUT in the setup.
I assume you want it to be an input? That would be the case if you're reading values from it.
I can't tell what sensor you have - but with more information on the sensor, we can read the documentation and help you configure the inputs appropriately (ie a threshold)

Embedded C programming: Clearing LCD properly

I am trying to write the code for an embedded board (RX63N)in which I want to use the LCD along with the on board switches for the following functionality:
On pressing the switch the program should "pause" or "unpause" depending on the previous state and the LCD should display "paused" when it is paused. On unpausing, the LCD should display the custom graphics at the position defined by x and y. It is displayed using the function Set_LCD_Char(N) where N is defined as a custom graphic from a bitmap image. But I will need to clear the LCD before making any changes and that is where I am struggling. On using lcd_clear() function anywhere in the while keeps the LCD blank (or almost blank i.e. the text and graphics are so faint that they are as good as absent) Can someone please help me? heres the code:
while (1)
// lcd_clear();
if(g_sw3_press == true){ //detect switch press
pause_flag = !pause_flag;
g_sw3_press = false; //reset switch
if (pause_flag){
jet_x = 0;
jet_y = 0;
Set_Font_Bitmap(); //changes from text mode to bitmap
else if(!(pause_flag)){
lcd_display(LCD_LINE1, " PAUSED ");
Firstly, it's generally not a good idea to do a busy polling loop as you are doing. But I can't recommend any concrete alternatives as platform and OS (if any) have not been provided (perhaps your platform has no support for events).
Anyway, not sure if this is the answer you need. But since you ask for an example and I can't effectively put code into the comments, below is what I mean. The problem is that you are continuously writing and clearing the LCD. So in effect the two operations are competing with each other. So one way to solve this is to only update the LCD when the state changes.
while (1)
if(g_sw3_press == true){ //detect switch press
pause_flag = !pause_flag;
g_sw3_press = false; //reset switch
} else {
/* No state change - nothing to do. Poll again. */
if (pause_flag){
jet_x = 0;
jet_y = 0;
Set_Font_Bitmap(); //changes from text mode to bitmap
} else {
lcd_display(LCD_LINE1, " PAUSED ");

Serial.print only once Arduino

I have a light sensor that prints the value of its input to the Serial monitor. It's pretty much a trip wire but when an object is in its way, it prints the value every 1 millisecond. If I add a delay it won;t trigger the second sensor until the delay is done. How would I get it to only print once, without any disturbance or interference with the other sensors?
void loop() {
if (analogRead(sensor1) == 0) {
timer.start ();
tStop = false;
//Serial.println (timer.elapsed());
Serial.println ("Start Time = 0");
This is quite an interesting problem, in the normal world of computers we would solve this via threading. However as you are running without an OS we have to do one of two things, implement coroutines (fake threading without an OS) or use asynchronous code and interrupts.
My understanding is that you print something when an object first comes into the way of your sensor, as the arduino uno as opposed to the due is not easy to implement coroutines on we shall try the interrupt route.
First you will likely be interested in this library
It allows you to add an interrupt service routine to run on a timer. Use the attachInterrupt(function, period) function in the library for this.
In your interrupt service routine you will want to check the sensor, set a variable to say how long ago since it was last triggered and print the message if appropriate. This means your main loop is completely free to run other code and will not block your other sensors.
For example:
void TimFun()
static int LastRead;
if(LastRead && (0 == analogRead(sensor1))
LastRead = analogRead(sensor1);
void loop()
// Do other stuff here
void setup()
// Rest of setup Here
I managed to make an int before the void setup and then used a while loop. with in the if statement.
int i = 1;
if (analogRead(sensor1) == 0) {
timer.start ();
tStop = false;
while (i == 1) {
Serial.println ("Start Time = 0");
You probably should use an if instead of a while loop that will never execute more than once.
bool tripped = false;
void setup(){
//setup stuff here
void loop() {
if ( analogRead(sensor1) == 0 )
timer.start ();
tStop = false;
if ( tripped == false )
Serial.println ("Start Time = 0");
tripped = true;

how to stop a loop arduino

I have this loop, how would I end the loop?
void loop() {
// read the pushbutton input pin:
a ++;
analogWrite(speakerOut, NULL);
if(a > 50 && a < 300){
analogWrite(speakerOut, 200);
if(a <= 49){
analogWrite(speakerOut, NULL);
if(a >= 300 && a <= 2499){
analogWrite(speakerOut, NULL);
This isn't published on but you can in fact exit from the loop routine with a simple exit(0);
This will compile on pretty much any board you have in your board list. I'm using IDE 1.0.6. I've tested it with Uno, Mega, Micro Pro and even the Adafruit Trinket
void loop() {
// All of your code here
/* Note you should clean up any of your I/O here as on exit,
all 'ON'outputs remain HIGH */
// Exit the loop
exit(0); //The 0 is required to prevent compile error.
I use this in projects where I wire in a button to the reset pin. Basically your loop runs until exit(0); and then just persists in the last state. I've made some robots for my kids, and each time the press a button (reset) the code starts from the start of the loop() function.
Arduino specifically provides absolutely no way to exit their loop function, as exhibited by the code that actually runs it:
for (;;) {
if (serialEventRun) serialEventRun();
Besides, on a microcontroller there isn't anything to exit to in the first place.
The closest you can do is to just halt the processor. That will stop processing until it's reset.
Matti Virkkunen said it right, there's no "decent" way of stopping the loop. Nonetheless, by looking at your code and making several assumptions, I imagine you're trying to output a signal with a given frequency, but you want to be able to stop it.
If that's the case, there are several solutions:
If you want to generate the signal with the input of a button you could do the following
int speakerOut = A0;
int buttonPin = 13;
void setup() {
pinMode(speakerOut, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
int a = 0;
void loop() {
if(digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW) {
a ++;
analogWrite(speakerOut, NULL);
if(a > 50 && a < 300) {
analogWrite(speakerOut, 200);
if(a <= 49) {
analogWrite(speakerOut, NULL);
if(a >= 300 && a <= 2499) {
analogWrite(speakerOut, NULL);
In this case we're using a button pin as an INPUT_PULLUP. You can read the Arduino reference for more information about this topic, but in a nutshell this configuration sets an internal pullup resistor, this way you can just have your button connected to ground, with no need of external resistors.
Note: This will invert the levels of the button, LOW will be pressed and HIGH will be released.
The other option would be using one of the built-ins hardware timers to get a function called periodically with interruptions. I won't go in depth be here's a great description of what it is and how to use it.
The three options that come to mind:
1st) End void loop() with while(1)... or equally as good... while(true)
void loop(){
//the code you want to run once here,
//e.g., If (blah == blah)...etc.
while(1) //last line of main loop
This option runs your code once and then kicks the Ard into
an endless "invisible" loop. Perhaps not the nicest way to
go, but as far as outside appearances, it gets the job done.
The Ard will continue to draw current while it spins itself in
an endless circle... perhaps one could set up a sort of timer
function that puts the Ard to sleep after so many seconds,
minutes, etc., of looping... just a thought... there are certainly
various sleep libraries out there... see
e.g., Monk, Programming Arduino: Next Steps, pgs., 85-100
for further discussion of such.
2nd) Create a "stop main loop" function with a conditional control
structure that makes its initial test fail on a second pass.
This often requires declaring a global variable and having the
"stop main loop" function toggle the value of the variable
upon termination. E.g.,
boolean stop_it = false; //global variable
void setup(){
boolean stop_main_loop(){ //fancy stop main loop function
if(stop_it == false){ //which it will be the first time through
Serial.println("This should print once.");
//then do some more can locate all the
// code you want to run once here....eventually end by
//toggling the "stop_it" variable ...
stop_it = true; // this
return stop_it; //then send this newly updated "stop_it" value
// outside the function
void loop{
stop_it = stop_main_loop(); //and finally catch that updated
//value and store it in the global stop_it
//variable, effectively
//halting the loop ...
Granted, this might not be especially pretty, but it also works.
It kicks the Ard into another endless "invisible" loop, but this
time it's a case of repeatedly checking the if(stop_it == false) condition in stop_main_loop()
which of course fails to pass every time after the first time through.
3rd) One could once again use a global variable but use a simple if (test == blah){} structure instead of a fancy "stop main loop" function.
boolean start = true; //global variable
void setup(){
void loop(){
if(start == true){ //which it will be the first time through
Serial.println("This should print once.");
//the code you want to run once here,
//e.g., more If (blah == blah)...etc.
start = false; //toggle value of global "start" variable
//Next time around, the if test is sure to fail.
There are certainly other ways to "stop" that pesky endless main loop
but these three as well as those already mentioned should get you started.
This will turn off interrupts and put the CPU into (permanent until reset/power toggled) sleep:
See also, for more details.
just use this line to exit function:

Updtaing a QProgressbar from a different Thread

I have developed my own hybrid stream cipher and for the GUI i am using Qt. Initially i wrote it on a single thread but it being a stream cipher was making GUI dysfunctional when operating on large files. So i shifted the encryption/decryption to a separate Qthread. Also to show the progress i included a standard QProgressbar onto the GUI. But when I run the File I/O the encryption/decryption works perfectly but the progress bar doesn't update properly. After the whole operation completes, the progress bar suddenly goes from 0% to 100% showing that it didn't get the chance to update during the operation. For the code, I emitted the completed percentage from the FileCrypto to the main GUI thread onto the QProgressbar's setValue(int) slot. Since it didn't work I also tried to sent a int poitner over to the FileCrypto thread whilst updating the pointer with the percentage and using a QTimer on the GUI thread to check the value of the int value locally and update the progress bar but still I got the exact same result.
Here is my code:
The FileCrypto class:
#include <QThread>
#include <QFile>
#include <PolyVernam.h> //my algo header
class FileCrypto : public QThread
FileCrypto(QString, QString, int);
bool stopIt;
void run();
void completed(int);
void msg(QString);
void pathMsg1(QString);
void pathMsg2(QString);
void keyMsg(QString);
QFile src, dest;
QString tag;
int mode;
qint64 length;
PolyVernam pv;
The Code:
#include <FileCrypto.h>
FileCrypto::FileCrypto(QString input, QString keyFile, int mode)
stopIt = false;
this->mode = mode;
if(mode == 1)
emit msg("Current Encryption/Decryption status: Encrypting file... :D:D");
tag = "-encrypted";
pv.setMode("encrypt", "");
emit msg("Current Encryption/Decryption status: Decrypting file... :D:D");
tag = "-decrypted";
pv.setMode("decrypt", keyFile);
dest.setFileName(QFileInfo(src).absolutePath() + "/" + QFileInfo(src).baseName()
+ tag + "." + QFileInfo(src).completeSuffix());
length = src.bytesAvailable();
void FileCrypto::run()
qint64 done = 0;
quint8 r, outChar;
char ch;
QDataStream in(&src);
QDataStream out(&dest);
while(!in.atEnd() && !stopIt)
in >> r;
ch = char(r);
if(mode == 1)
outChar = pv.encrypt(QString(ch)).at(0).toAscii();
outChar = pv.decrypt(QString(ch)).at(0).toAscii();
out << outChar;
emit completed(int((done / length) * 100));
if(mode == 1)
emit pathMsg1(QFileInfo(src).absoluteFilePath());
emit pathMsg2(QFileInfo(dest).absoluteFilePath());
emit pathMsg1(QFileInfo(dest).absoluteFilePath());
emit pathMsg2(QFileInfo(src).absoluteFilePath());
emit keyMsg(pv.keyFilePath);
emit msg("Current Encryption/Decryption status: Idle... :'(");
This is how I am making the thread and connecting it on the main GUI thread:
FileCrypto *fc = new FileCrypto(ui->lineEdit_4->text(), "", 1);
connect(fc, SIGNAL(completed(int)), ui->progressBar, SLOT(setValue(int)));
connect(fc, SIGNAL(msg(QString)), ui->statusBar, SLOT(showMessage(QString)));
connect(fc, SIGNAL(pathMsg1(QString)), ui->lineEdit_4, SLOT(setText(QString)));
connect(fc, SIGNAL(pathMsg2(QString)), ui->lineEdit_5, SLOT(setText(QString)));
connect(fc, SIGNAL(keyMsg(QString)), ui->lineEdit_2, SLOT(setText(QString)));
connect(fc, SIGNAL(keyMsg(QString)), this, SLOT(done()));
If I don't update the progress bar i.e. don't emit the percentage, the process happens much faster. I also tried printing the percentage. It slows it down like hell but the values are fine. Also can you suggest a way to change it to buffered IO....
Any sort of help is much appreciated here.......
The problem does not lie in the fact that you are calling from a different thread. It is located in:
emit completed(int((done / length) * 100));
Since done and length are int types, and done <= length, done/length == 0. So change it to:
emit completed(100 * done / length);
(it can lead to arithmetic overflow).
