google app engine, budget is short warning script - google-app-engine

I have a critical app running on GAE. I had 2 cases, when I went over budget.
I have tests warning me when I loose the website, but I'd love to get an earlier notification, when my buget is running out.
Is there a way to access the daily budget estination, so I can send myself a warning before it becomes a problem?

There's no API for this purpose sorry, your best bet right now (if it's that important) is parsing the quota page.
A ticket was opened a few years back, it's acknowledged but no news.


Google App Engine: debugging Dashboard > Traffic > Sent

I have an GAE app PHP72, env: standard which is hanging intermittently (once or twice a day for about 5 mins).
When this occurs I see a large spike in GAE dashboard's Traffic Sent graph.
I've reviewed all uses of file_get_contents and curl_exec within the app's scripts, not including those in /vendor/, and don't believe these to be the cause.
Is there a simple way in which I can review more info on these outbound requests?
There is no way to get more details in that dashboard. You're going to need to check your logs at the corresponding times. Obscure things to check for:
Cron jobs coming in at the same times
Task Queues spinning up

Google App Engine app has periods when it returns empty response instead of actual data

I have a small service discovery service running on Google App Engine free tier. It queries Google Cloud Datastore with simplest queries on the data that is virtually static. Recently we had incidents that the service was returning empty results. That was going on for 12 hours. After that results came back to normal. We only recently noticed it. In the logs I see at least 3 incidents like that.
I logged into a console and saw:
0 app errors
0 server errors
all green GCE status
max used quota is just 5%
intervals of time where every response is 204
I see absolutely no reason to receive an empty response and yet they are sometimes empty. I see no way to notify Google that there is cloud-side problems, since this is a free tier account with no support.
So, is there anything I might have missed?
UPD: As I look into the code, the only way to get 204+empty body is to have exception in getting an instance of javax.jdo.PersistenceManager or a new instance of javax.jdo.Query. So it is less likely that Cloud Datastore is at fault, because if the result would be empty, app should answer 200+[], if there was an error during a query, app should answer 204+<h1>Exception</h1>....
But again, I don't see how request could work now, but not work 5 minutes ago.
UPD2: The app was stable for more than two years.

Paying for crawlers on AppEngine

Yesterday my app has been visited 35 times by HUMANS. It seems however that a machine was crawling the website. I was overquota in a few hours (mostly frontend instance hours).
Today i pay max 5USD per day. For 35 real people it seems way too much.
I dont feel really good paying for crawlers that block the access to my website to regular users. 2 questions for you guys :
Is it normal that it happens?
What can i do to invest money in the real users instead of crawlers ? (and i am not talking about not referencing my app)
app :
A well-behaved crawler should:
follow the rules in /robots.txt - so upload one. This alone should be enough.
provide a distinct User-Agent HTTP request header - so look at the User Agents automatically recorded in the App Engine logs, then return error pages for User-Agents you don't like.

Intermittent "500 Server Error" on "/_ah/openid_verify" using AppEngine Federated / OpenID login

I am getting this error about 20% of the time. I've dumped and compared traffic on successful and failed requests and there is no noticeable difference:
There's nothing in the AppEngine logs or dashboard, and also no way to catch exceptions on requests that hit "/_ah" URLs. I've attached a script that tries the login every 5 minutes, as well as the traffic dumps for successful and failed requests.
I would really appreciate it if someone from Google could take a look at this. The error definitely occurs deep in the bowls of the AppEngine OpenID implementation and there is no way for an outsider to see such errors.
It could be related to this bug that is only 3.5 years old and not fixed as they don't consider it a "production issue".
The bug is about non-gmail accounts but I have the same server error with gmail accounts (started today for me, 01/12/2014).
No error acknowledged here

Appengine Cold start on every request call (Java)

I've recently started having coldstarts on nearly every call to my appengine app. Initially I thought this was an issue with Cloud Endpoints, however now I believe it is an appengine issue, or something else in my code.
This started on my most recent deployment. I'm at a loss right now as to what is going on. It has made my app useless. I have tried 1.7.4 and 1.7.5 and both have this problem.
The requests work other than being extremely slow! Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I can not continue with 10-15 request times!
Update: By looking at my running instances I see NO instances running even after making a request. Previously instances would remain running after requests were made. It appears when a request is made an instance is spun up, serves the request, and then dies. There are no errors in my logs. No changes have been made to my app settings or billing. This app does have billing enabled.
Update 2: I have adjusted my idle instance settings(which up to this point have worked and have been left untouched). I set to a min of 1 and max of 2. The instances are staying alive and serving requests as normal. Previously it was set to automatic-1. Not sure what is going on here, perhaps Google adjusting the request scheduler or something. Not COOL!
I have found an open issue on Apparently this is a real appengine issue that is effecting some, if not all apps at the moment. I do not have a solution at this time other than setting the idle minimum instances to 1 (or greater). Even doing this, the new dynamic instances that are spun up die almost immediately after serving a request. Just waiting on a fix from google at this point.
