Can only add entity kinds/attributes if they already exist in GAE dev server - google-app-engine

I am unsure if this is a bug, by design (though I can't see the benefit), or if I am just being dimwitted.
Using Google App Engine development server, v1.9.8, I can only add a datastore entity if another of the same kind already exists. Otherwise the drop-down physically does not show the entity kind.
Further, even on an entity kind that does exist, I can only change attributes (or create them if it's new) if that attribute is not null on at least one of the other existing entities of that kind.
This is annoying, since in order to test things I have to first do:
entityKind(every=Possible, attribute=Set, to=Something, even=If,
i=Dont, yet=Need).put()
Refresh, and then remember to delete this line before refreshing again to avoid duplicating the entry in datastore.
Note though, that if I happen to be testing with only entities that do not use every attribute, I have to keep this dummy one just in case I want the others later.
I must, surely, be missing something here? I can't believe there isn't a way to just create datastore entities without hacking around it like this?

You are talking about creating entities manually using a Dev server. Over the past 4 years of using GAE I wished once or twice that this would be possible, but I never needed this feature. You create entities in your code, and you debug your code if something does not work.
You can (and should) write unit tests to test your code. A proper unit test creates an entity, saves it, reads it, verifies that all the properties are correct, deletes it, verifies that it was deleted. There is no code to cut and paste (or comment/uncomment), and there are no test entities left after testing is completed.

Your mistake is in thinking of the web console as a part of your workflow. It is absolutely not, and not intended to be. It is a vaguely hacked-together tool that allows you to do some basic operations on your data, and nothing else.
Interact with the datastore via code, and leave the web console for simple verifications.


Apex basics - quick question on code coverage

My company hired an agency to create an MQL salesforce object. Its constructed from an Apex class with various triggers.
We no longer have a need for it, and as the standing saleforce admin, there is none at the company who knows Apex. I'm taking classes to learn it, but wanted to check in and see how I can deprecate the object from salesforce by archiving/deleting (or even just commenting out the code) to push the update to production.
Does anyone have insight into how to go about doing this? All of the courses I've taken are basic understanding of Apex and how to write small triggers, classes and queries. The agency who built the class left 0 documentation on its code.
You can't write code in production so whatever you'll try to do - will have to be done in sandbox, tested and then deployed.
There's a way to do a "destructive deployment" and really delete it but you'll need programming tools (VSCode, Eclipse IDE or Ant + Migration Tool). It's bit advanced topic, I'd suggest you hire a dev ;) or try to just comment them out.
In sandbox you can comment out the body (bodies?) of triggers and classes. You shouldn't kill whole file, leave some empty skeletons like
public with sharing class MqlGenerator{
/* kill everything
trigger MqlTrigger on MQL__c (after insert){
/* kill everything
Of course if there's trigger on Account and it does 10 things, only 2 of them relate to MQL then don't comment everything out ;) It'll be bit of trial and error for you, depends how clean the code is.
You will have to touch triggers, normal classes and likely unit tests too because if they did decent job - there will be tests that verify these triggers do something and now these tests will start to fail.
Add the files to changeset as you go (you do changesets, right? Doesn't sound like you deploy with Git+SFDX for example). From time to time run Apex Classes -> Compile all classes and run unit tests. Some manual testing wouldn't hurt too. If you are unsure what's left you can click on MQL's fields, there's "Where is this used?" button. Or even try clicking delete & repeating until it succeeds ;)
After you deploy this changeset...
If the MQL__c has no triggers (for example it is created in Account updates but itself doesn't have triggers), you might actually be able to delete the object. If there are related triggers, workflows etc SF will stop you. The only way to really delete it would be to run this destructive deploy. It's possible without installing anything, use the link I included and for example workbench would let you make a deployment. But it's bit "pro", if you're unsure start with commenting stuff out and maybe leave the empty skeleton until you're more comfortable. You can always hide the object's Tab, remove right to Read the object and it'll disappear from listviews, reports... it'll be an eyesore only for sysadmins.
If object has to stay around but the data storage is significant you could try truncating the object. If it gives you trouble - Data Loader, export all records (just IDs), then delete. Maybe even with hard delete option so you skip recycle bin.

How to run code in wordpress to handle database

Whenever I have to run code on the database, change posts, or terms or what have you, I am running it on a custom page template.
Since this has been working for me up to know, I didn’t think about it much. But I need to delete a ton of terms now from a custom taxonomy and I can’t do it on the test page very effectively. Meaning I get 504 gateway errors all the time, because the code takes too long to run, and deletes only a part of the terms.
So I am wondering, if I need to run custom code to change a lot of data, what is the most efficient method to use?
Many people use a plugin named Code Snippets for this. Otherwise it's often more efficient to use direct SQL Queries using phpMyAdmin for example.

Create does not work in GAE Datastore viewer

When I try to create some entities I don't see the option to input fields. I just see the SaveEntity button.
However I can view all the existing entities.
What is very strange is - there is another entity called VideoEntity for which the create did not work yesterday but works today.
Can somebody help me with this seemingly unpredictable tool ?
i think the console knows what properties each entity has based on existing data, rather then your models. and the data is only updated periodically. when did you upload your app? maybe waiting a few hours will give the console time to update.
alternatively, you could use the remote api to add your entities, or write a small snippet and upload such as ...
VideoStatsEntity(app='home', ip='', params='tag=20130210').put()
Writing a simple interface to the data-store to allow you to edit/create models is probably the best thing to do in this case. You know what they contain so you can adjust your interface accordingly, rather then waiting for the admin interface to "catch up" as Gwyn notes.
I believe that there are some property types that are impossible to add via the admin interface that you are using so you'll probably get to the point sooner rather then later of creating a custom interface.
The admin datastore view is good for quickly checking out the contents of the datastore, but ever tried paging through 100's of entries? Not fun.

Creating the Front End MDE

I created a database for tracking metrics, with some automation tricks (email, .doc,.ppt presentations, etc) with a very large Main-table, and lots of forms/GUI. This is the first time I have ever I worried about an MDE/front-end for the thing. So if you would be so kind to answer a few questions, or offer any advice, it would be greatly appreciated (I would hate for all this work to not be utilized).
What is the first thing I need to do? It the 2000 version that must be converted to 03 to create the MDE, but does that get done before I use the database splitter?
Will the amount of objects in the database effect the ability to do this? I have something like 80 forms, 70 queries, 20+ macros, 12 tables, etc...but does the amount of objects prevent some of this from working well once the front end is there?
when i split the database, can I continue to work/make changes and such on the "back end", and have those changes directly effect the front end?
These may be some basic questions, but I don't know the answer so.....Thanks!
Here is my 2 ¢.
Question 1 - I have never used the database splitter as I feel I have more control doing it manually. If you do it manually you can do it to a version that does not have a database splitter. But if you do use the splitter then--yes--you will have to upgrade to a version that has a splitter before doing it.
To do it manually here are the steps.
Backup everything.
Create a copy of your file into the same directory. So if you have an MyApp.MDB create a copy into the same directory with a new name, such as MyAppDATA.mdb.
Open the new DATA file (MyAppDATA.mdb) and delete all of the objects EXCEPT the TABLES.
Open the App file (MyApp.mdb) and delete all of the tables.
Also in MyApp.mdb...go to the File/Get External Data/Link Tables menu to link the tables in MyAppDATA.mdb to MyApp.mdb. Select All and create the links.
That should do it. And if you screw up you made a backup...right?
A couple of tips and sure that you go to Tools/Options and that you are NOT showing System and Hidden tables. You just don't want to delete system tables from MyApp. Another way to do it is do NOT delete tables that start with MSys or USys.
Question 2 - Does not matter how many object you have. In fact you don't have that many objects anyway.
Question 3 - will make backend changes in MyAppData.mdb and when you open MyApp.mdb those changes will auto-magically be there to see and query against etc. (In the query designer you may need to save/close/reopen to see new fields if you made the mod while in the query). The EXCEPTION to that is New Tables You will have to use the File/Get External Data/Link Tables option to create links to new tables.
One thing to remember (and that I hope you already realize) is that the one downside of splitting the database is that when you deploy the front end file that usually the relative path to the data will vary from machine to machine and there is no automatic re-linking of tables in access. If your target clients have full access you can always use Tools/Database Utilities/Linked Table Manager to refresh the links to the right location. If you can't do that then you will have to do one of the following:
1. Write code that does the automatic re-linking for you. Basically it will check the links...if invalid it will prompt the user for the data location (or look it up in an INI file) and re-link the tables.
2. Always deploy your app to the same location on all machines. If you have commercial visions for your application this won't work...I mention it for academic reasons. It might be doable for a limited deployment where you have a lot of control over file placement on each machine.
3. Put the Data file (MyAppDATA.mdb) onto a network share and link the table across the network using a drive mapping or UNC (\myserver\mydata\ApplicationData\MyAppData.mdb). The latter is preferred but both of them run the same risks as number two.
PS This answer assumes Access 2003.
PPS If you have commercial visions for your application then the table linking has got to be REALLY robust.
PPPS I agree with the commenter that you may want to take the plunge and do SQL if it is in your skill set.
One thing that hasn't been discussed, and that's the issue of whether the compile to MDE could fail. Basically, if your code compiles in your front-end MDB, it will convert to an MDE. But I've noticed that lots of people never compile.
Some hints for keeping your VBA code in good shape:
in VBE options, turn off COMPILE ON DEMAND.
add the COMPILE button to your standard VBE toolbar and USE IT OFTEN.
periodically, backup your MDB and decompile/recompile it.
Also, remember that you must keep the MDB source, as the VBA code is not editable in an MDE and not recoverable by any good method.
Steps for a decompile:
backup your MDB.
start an instance of Access with the /decompile commandline argument. For, instance, I have a shortcut on my deskstop that has this as the target:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\MSACCESS.EXE" /decompile
having opened that instance of Access, open the MDB you want to decompile. You will see nothing happen. DO NOTHING FURTHER IN THIS INSTANCE OF ACCESS -- close this instance of Access (the reason for this is that Michael Kaplan, who knows a thing or two about this, recommended that you never do any work in an Access instance opened with the decompile switch because he said there was no guarantee that the Access application code executed under those circumstances in a way that was fully safe for all kinds of Access work).
open the just-decompiled MDB holding down the shift key (you want to be sure that startup routines don't run because that would likely recompile the product before you've finished your cleanup) and compact the MDB (holding down the shift key again).
open the code editor and compile the project (DEBUG -> COMPILE [db name] for those who haven't step #2 in my original compiling instructions at the top of the post before the edit).
compact the MDB (doesn't matter if you bypass startup, since it's already fully compiled).
Why so many steps?
Because the purpose of the decompile is to get rid of the compiled p-code in order to start afresh from the canonical VBA code. Following the steps above insures that you have completely cleared the data pages storing the compiled code before you recompile. The reason for this is that without the compact step after the decompile, under some very rare circumstances, the code can behave strangely. I can't imagine that the old discarded p-code is being used again, but there's something about the pointers between the canonical code and the compiled code that apparently doesn't get completely flushed by a decompile without a compact.
This would be a comment to Seth's answer, but my rep isn't high enough to comment yet.
Seth did a great job answering your questions, I just wanted to add a bit more to part #1 about using the Database Splitter. The Database Splitter in the Tools menu works fine. Doing it manually is alright too, but it's a whole lot faster and easier to use the Database Splitter. I've used it a dozen times and never encountered any issues after using it. has a decent page about some of the pros, cons of splitting your database. also has some good info when dealing with a split database in a multi-user environment.
Seth gave you a very good answer. But I'll add a few comments.
The number of objects only becomes relevant when you get close to about 1000 forms, reports and modules which have code. There's a limit about there. If you do get that message when trying to make an MDE then you almost certainly have a code error and need to compile to find the error
Another resource is "Splitting your app into a front end and back end Tips"
See the Auto FE Updater downloads page to make the process of distributing new FEs relatively painless.. The utility also supports Terminal Server/Citrix quite nicely.

How to Test Web Code?

Does anyone have some good hints for writing test code for database-backend development where there is a heavy dependency on state?
Specifically, I want to write tests for code that retrieve records from the database, but the answers will depend on the data in the database (which may change over time).
Do people usually make a separate development system with a 'frozen' database so that any given function should always return the exact same result set?
I am quite sure this is not a new issue, so I would be very interested to learn from other people's experience.
Are there good articles out there that discuss this issue of web-based development in general?
I usually write PHP code, but I would expect all of these issues are largely language and framework agnostic.
You should look into DBUnit, or try to find a PHP equivalent (there must be one out there). You can use it to prepare the database with a specific set of data which represents your test data, and thus each test will no longer depend on the database and some existing state. This way, each test is self contained and will not break during further database usage.
Update: A quick google search showed a DB unit extension for PHPUnit.
If you're mostly concerned with data layer testing, you might want to check out this book: xUnit Test Patterns: Refactoring Test Code. I was always unsure about it myself, but this book does a great job to help enumerate the concerns like performance, reproducibility, etc.
I guess it depends what database you're using, but Red Gate ( make a tool called SQL Data Generator. This can be configured to fill your database with sensible looking test data. You can also tell it to always use the same seed in its random number generator so your 'random' data is the same every time.
You can then write your unit tests to make use of this reliable, repeatable data.
As for testing the web side of things, I'm currently looking into Selenium ( This appears to be a cross-browser capable test suite which will help you test functionality. However, as with all of these web site test tools, there's no real way to test how well these things look in all of the browsers without casting a human eye over them!
We use an in-memory database (hsql : Hibernate ( makes it easy for us to point our unit tests at the testing db, with the added bonus that they run as quick as lightning..
I have the exact same problem with my work and I find that the best idea is to have a PHP script to re-create the database and then a separate script where I throw crazy data at it to see if it breaks it.
I have not ever used any Unit testing or suchlike so cannot say if it works or not sorry.
If you can setup the database with a known quantity prior to running the tests and tear down at the end, then you'll know what data you are working with.
Then you can use something like Selenium to easily test from your UI (assuming web-based here, but there are a lot of UI testing tools out there for other UI-flavours) and detect the presence of certain records pulled back from the database.
It's definitely worth setting up either a test version of the database - or make your test scripts populate the database with known data as part of the tests.
You could try it is more for GUI testing rather than a data layer testing application but does record your actions which then can be played back to automate tests across different platforms.
Here's my strategy (I use JUnit, but I'm sure there's a way to do the equivalent in PHP):
I have a method that runs before all of the Unit Tests for a specific DAO class. It puts the dev database into a known state (adds all test data, etc.). As I run tests, I keep track of any data added to the known state. This data is cleaned up at the end of each test. After all the tests for the class have run, another method removes all the test data in the dev database, leaving it in the state it was in before the tests were run. It's a bit of work to do all this, but I usually write the methods in a DBTestCommon class where all of my DAO test classes can get to them.
I would propose to use three databases. One production database, one development database (filled with some meaningful data for each developer) and one testing database (with empty tables and maybe a few rows that are always needed).
A way to test database code is:
Insert a few rows (using SQL) to initialize state
Run the function that you want to test
Compare expected with actual results. Here you could use your normal unit testing framework
Clean up the rows that were changed (so the next run won't see the previous run)
The cleanup could be done in a standard way (of course, only in the testing database) with DELETE * FROM table.
In general I agree with Peter but for creating and deleting of test data I wouldn't use SQL directly. I prefer to use some CRUD API that is used in product to create data as similar to production as possible...
