Kony Middleware mandatory for RESTful service calls? - mobile

Referring to this question:
Is it mandatory to use Kony middleware for Kony application?
One of the response said that if the response is in JSON, then it is not necessary to go through the middleware.
However, if the services are RESTful but not in JSON (say in XML), does it still need to be routed through the Middleware?

To be able to consume webservice without the middleware the response should be in JSON, otherwise its not going to work (and the middleware became mandatory in this scenario)

We can call or consume the services without using the middleware using the HTTPRequest API
var request = new kony.net.HttpRequest();
request.onReadyStateChange = callbackHandler1;
request.open(constants.HTTP_METHOD_GET, service_url);


Intercept routes without tracing

The application I'm working on is a middleware app that allows routing among tons of applications (mostly SOAP services).
We encountered saturation because of the automatic logs generated by Camel.
The log volume was reduced with the new interceptors. However, if a service is called inside a current route, all I got is the Request Body from the SendToEndpoint interceptor.
Given that all service calls in the application was made that way, I can not change the current routes.
Old interceptors:
getContext().setTracing(true); // <--- trace every step of all routes
configureRoutes() {
// route logic
New interceptors:
configureRoutes() {
// route logic
Example of a route :
from("scheduler endpoint")
.to("DAO method to find the case from database")
.process(//First processor to call the SOAP service)
.to("SOAP endpoint")
.convertBodyTo(SOAP ResponseBody.class) <-- convert the MessageContentsList to SOAP response body generated from the WSDL
.process(//Second processor to check if the response code is OK in the SOAP response body);
How can I implement an interceptor that allows to log also the SOAP response body ?
Thank you for your help.
I dislike to use interceptors to this porpoise, I suggest you to use the EventNotifier interface, you just need to declare it as a bean in camel context and override the notify method.
See: https://camel.apache.org/maven/current/camel-core/apidocs/org/apache/camel/spi/EventNotifier.html
Here is an usage example: http://camel.apache.org/eventnotifier-to-log-details-about-all-sent-exchanges.html
Note: Camel has some events that you can uss like: CamelContextCreated, ExchangeCreatedEvent, ExchangeSendingEvent, ExchangeSentEvent, ExchangeCompletedEvent, ExchangeFailedEvent, etc.

Appending some info to each requset in REST API

I have an angular application. From frontend I can set some value. This value is something like config, which can be changed.
It is simple string variable. How to attach this config to each REST request ?
I ask mainly about approach.
Maybe pass it via headers is good idea ?
For angular 1.x, write an Interceptor:
For purposes of global error handling, authentication, or any kind of
synchronous or asynchronous pre-processing of request or
postprocessing of responses, it is desirable to be able to intercept
requests before they are handed to the server and responses before
they are handed over to the application code that initiated these
For angular 2.x / 4.x, RequestOptions should be the key to solve your problem. Set base url for angular 2 http requests
I'm using angular2, my solution is create a Service and inject "Http" dependency, then write two methods "get", "post", these methods add an entry to header before calling "Http", in other component / service, I just inject this Service class, then call its "get" or "post".
Your code should be somewhat like this If your working in angular 1.3 or less
The data should be sent as body data to server
var basecall = Restangular.all('url');

How to send POST login request to a rails api-only app using React?

I have a working rails RESTful api-only app.
I use Postman to consume that api. Now, to use the api the user have to login to http://localhost:3002/authenticate first by setting content-type to application-json in Header then Email and Password's value in body. After sending the POST request to the server I get auth-token as a json response. Then after successful login I have to pass that auth-token as a Authorization key in each GET request to get respective data.
Now, I want to build a UI for that back-end api as I learn React js. But till now all tutorials I could find was how to send GET requests without any authorization factor. And they are using axios, redux etc.
Can any-one please guide me on where should I start or how to
approach this problem?
Do I necessarily have to use a third-party library for this purpose?
If so which will be better axios or redux??
Any beginner friendly tutorial link would be of tremendous help
How start
Securing React Redux Apps With JWT Tokens - Rajaraodv explains how you get a jwt token and how to keep it in the front end app. I think this way will fits for you.
Keep the auth-token
Rajaraodv uses localStorage to keep the jwt token, you can use the same or keep directly in redux store, it's your choice, the best manner that fits you.
Ajax call
You can use Axios to make Ajax calls, or use fetchApi from the browser as Rajaraodv did, it's up to you.
"If so which will be better axios or redux??" these two libraries are totally different, each with it's own purpose.

CSRF protection for file upload posts

I have an angularJS application in which I use Angular's CSRF protection mechanism for all POST, PUT and other nonsafe web service calls. It works well except for one case: a multipart/form-data POST which uploads a file to the server.
In this case, as I am posting a form and file data directly to the web service, the angular $http service is not involved, and therefore does not append the CSRF header to the request in the way that it does with XHR requests.
I have a couple of questions:
do I need to protect this POST against CSRF (I imagine I do)
can I / how can I get Angular to add the CSRF header to the POST request?
If you uploads a file to the server by means of XHR through jQuery, you can add default header:
headers: {
"requestVerificationToken": myToken
I decided in the end that as the post was made by a form rather than AJAX, the method should have been in a standard MVC controller rather that a WebAPI one. That way I could use the standard MVC Html.AntiForgeryToken helper on the form and the ValidateAntiForgeryToken attribute on the method.

Is it mandatory to use Kony middleware for Kony application?

I am creating a Cross platform application using Kony Studio. We are having our backend and web services ready.
Can we consume same services with out accessing Kony middleware?
If yes, can you please help with some sample code and tutorials.
We can call consume the services without using the middleware using the HTTPRequest API
var request = new kony.net.HttpRequest();
request.onReadyStateChange = callbackHandler1;
request.open(constants.HTTP_METHOD_GET, service_url);
You will get the result in the call. Go through the documentation for complete details.
To consume web service directly from Kony without using middleware, web service response should be in json. Otherwise, it should go through middleware.
To consume the service otherwise you will have to go for an FFI implementation. This will lead to separate implementations for the different platforms that you are targeting. Therefore you should use the Kony middleware.
