ng-repeat Circular Reference Screen Refresh - angularjs

I'm a noob to AngularJS. As a learning exercise I am creating a typeahead control.
The typeahead is comprised of a text box for filtering the options, an unordered list for displaying the menu of short-listed options, and a Show/Hide button for manually toggling the list.
The text box filters the li elements using ng-repeat. When selecting an li item from the list, I populate the text box with the selected value, and then hide the list.
<div class="xtab-typeahead" ng-controller="xTabTypeAheadCtrl">
<input type="text" class="xtab-typeahead-search" placeholder="{{type}}" ng-model="" ng-focus="showMenu()" ng-init=" = undefined" />
<button ng-click="toggleMenu()">Show/Hide</button>
<ul class="xtab-typeahead-menu" ng-class="{true:'active',false:''}[isActive]">
<li ng-repeat="item in menuItems | filter:query"
ng-click="hideMenu(); =">
My issue is that when the value is assigned to the text box, the list is momentarily filtered to the one option selected (because the text box is also the source of the ng-repeat filter), before hiding the menu. What I want id for the menu to be hidden without being refreshed with the filter first.
It should be noted that this only occurs when using CSS transitions which I am using to fade the menu out.
Here is a plnkr to illustrate.

Here's a working Plnkr. I basically gave your menu time to finish its animation before setting the value. Relevant code is as follows:
$scope.selectItem = function(id){
$scope.isActive = false;
$ = id;
}, 250);
...and the HTML using the newly created selectItem method:
<div class="xtab-typeahead" ng-controller="xTabTypeAheadCtrl">
<input type="text" class="xtab-typeahead-search" placeholder="{{type}}" ng-model="" ng-focus="showMenu()" ng-init=" = undefined" />
<button ng-click="toggleMenu()">Show/Hide</button>
<ul class="xtab-typeahead-menu" ng-class="{true:'active',false:''}[isActive]">
<li ng-repeat="item in menuItems | filter:query"


Screen reader not reading list values while navigating with arrow keys

I have an input field where a typeahead popup comes on searching for something. The screen reader is unable to read the values of suggestions in the popup.
I am maintaining the focus using $ActiveIndex variable. I am able to navigate the list using only the arrow keys, the screen reader just reads the input text when navigating the popup list and not the actual values in the suggestions
The HTML code is something like this:
<input type="text"
title="Search User"
ng-model-options="{ debounce: 300 }"
aria-label="{{ placeholder }}"
ng-required="requiredattr" />
<ul class="ui list menu typeahead popup-layer vertical" ng-show="vm.MenuShown" ng-mousedown="vm.RetainFocus()">
<li class="item"
ng-class="{ active: $index == vm.ActiveIndex }"
ng-repeat="match in vm.Matches track by $index">
<div class="header">
<i class="ban icon" ng-if="match.Deleted"></i>
<span ng-bind-html="match.DisplayName"></span> <!-- I want this DisplayName to be read -->
The UI looks like this
The screen reader is just reading "suh" everytime I navigate the results with arrow keys.
Things I have tried:
Adding aria-label attribute to list item - Didn't work, I guess the element should be tab focusable for the aria label to be read out.
Adding tabindex = -1 to the list item to make it focusable but not navigable. Didn't work either.
You can use aria-active-descendant attribute and set it to the list options IDs and also use aria-owns property from the input box to refer the list items.

How to handle conditional sub-category in AngularJS product gallery

Just starting out learning AngularJS and decided to mock up a basic product gallery using what I've learned so far and I've hit a roadblock. Currently I have a simple product gallery with 3 templates(category listing, products in category listing and product overview). What I would like to do is set up some sort of conditional, where if the products in a selected category have a sub-category, it displays a list of sub-categories using the category-list template. If they don't have a sub-category it just goes straight to the product-list template.
I have created this Plunker showing where I am at so far.
In the above example, if someone clicks on "Cars" I want it to then show a listing of sub-categories using the category-list template. So when you click "Cars" it would take you to a screen with 2 buttons: 4-door and 2-door. Clicking on one of those buttons would then show you the products from those sub-categories using the product-list template. However, if you were to click on "Trucks" from the initial screen, it would just take you directly to the product-list template since the trucks don't have sub-categories.
Here is my category-list template:
<section id="categories" ng-hide="productsVisible">
<div ng-repeat="product in vm.products" class="category">
<div ng-click="vm.selectCategory(product); showProducts();">
And here is my product-list template:
<section id="products" ng-show="productsVisible">
<div ng-repeat="product in vm.selectedCategory.items" class="product">
<a href ng-click="vm.selectProduct(product); showResults();">{{}}</a>
See my updated plunker
Basically, you need to extend the selectCategory method by grouping the sub-categories and checking whether we're about to enter this sub-category in subsequent click. Like this:
vm.selectCategory = function(category) {
var subCats = [],
map = {};
if (category.items && !category.items[0].subCategory){
vm.selectedCategory = category;
vm.inSubCat = true;
vm.inSubCat = !category.items;
if (category.items) category.items.forEach(function(e){
if (!map[e.subCategory]) subCats.push({category: e.subCategory, name: category.category});
map[e.subCategory] = true;
vm.products = subCats;
if (vm.inSubCat) vm.selectedCategory = {items:{
return c.category ==;
return p.subCategory == category.category;
}) };
I would suggest your data model could use some work, and put all the products in a single array with categories and subcategories as properties. However, you can get what you want with this change to the products-list.html.
<div ng-show="vm.selectedCategory.category=='Cars'">
<input type="radio" ng-model="subcategory" value="2-Door">Coupe
<input type="radio" ng-model="subcategory" value="4-Door">Sedan
<section id="products" ng-show="productsVisible">
<div ng-repeat="product in vm.selectedCategory.items" class="product">
<a ng-show="product.subCategory===subcategory" href ng-click="vm.selectProduct(product); showResults();">{{}}</a>
I advice you to refactor the code in two possible ways:
a) Try to remove lines from controller that control the view (the process of displaying different directives) and use events in directives
b) Control your view by using ng-show and ng-hide directives that will show or hide some part of your code.

mdChips with filter

I'm a Newbie to AngularJS trying something with Angular Material and need some ideas / help.
I have icons of Font Awesome which are displayed with ng-repeat:
<ul ng-repeat="item in items">
<i ng-class="{'test':}" class="fa fa-{{}}">{{}}</i>
Below I have a list of the icons a with checkboxes:
<span ng-repeat="item in items | filter: = false">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model=""> {{}}<br>
If a checkbox is activated, the list entry should disappear from the list.
This works with the filter of the property
Now I want to display the activated items above the list with md-chips (Angular Material Chips).
So if a list item is activated, the element should be a md chip above the list (not displayed in the list anymore).
If I click on the 'X' in md-chip, only the state of the property should change again to false.
I have my working files on Plunker, so my current working state can be read:
Does anybody got an idea how can I implement this?
The easiest way to do that is apply ng-click to your md-chip item and by this click it will set active = false:
<md-chips class="custom-chips" ng-model="items | filter: {active:true}" readonly="true">
<span ng-click="$">
Here is a plnkr example.
Modified plunker to show only active md-chips.
Hope it will help.
You may want to filter the chips array using the builtin filterFilter function. The watcher that contains the latter will invoke the listener whenever the filterText changes.
$scope.array = [
"active directory",
$scope.filterText = "";
$scope.$watch('filterText', function(newValue, oldValue) {
$scope.filteredArray = filterFilter($scope.array, $scope.filterText);
}, false);
The following markup will render and filter the chipset.
<md-content flex class="md-padding">
<label>Filter: <input ng-model="searchText"></label>
<md-chips ng-model="filteredArray" readonly="ctrl.readonly"
md-removable="removable" placeholder="Enter an issue...">
For further information on filters please see
For further information on $watch please see$rootScope.Scope

AngularJS ng-repeat list with buttons: Disable button after click

I have in AngularJS a list with multiple entries and for each entry a button. When clicking the button, the application will do some stuff and after that was successful, the button should be disabled.
The interesting part in my template look like this:
<li ng-repeat="item in items">
<button ng-click="doSomeStuff(item)">Request</button>
I already tried to use the ng-if directive, but then of course every button will disappear.
Previously, I thought about a solution in raw Javascript or jQuery, because it is very easy just to modify the button by its id. But is there a solution provided by AngularJS?
Use ng-disabled as follows:
<li ng-repeat="item in items">
<button ng-click="doSomeStuff(item)" ng-disabled="item.disabled">Request</button>
$scope.doSomeStuff = function(item) {
//do operations and finally set disabled to true for that button
item.disabled = true;

Use CSS3 animations with a list in Angular

I have a list of items with a checkbox for each item. I'm using CSS3 animations (this particular CSS and Angular to manipulate this list. I've managed to animate adding a new element to the list, but I'm having trouble animating removal of an item from the list (e.g. deleting or checking the checkbox).
This is what a list item looks like:
<li ng-class="{'animated fadeInDown' : task.isNew, 'animated fadeOutRight' : delete}" class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="task in tasks | filter:{is_done: false}" ng-mouseover="hovering = true" ng-mouseout="hovering = false">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="task.is_done" ng-click="toggleDone(task)">
<span class="done-{{task.is_done}}" ng-hide="editing" ng-dblclick="editing = true">{{}} </span><a href ng-show="hovering" ng-click="deleteTask(task); delete = true">x</a>
When I add a new task, the property task.isNew is set to true which sets 'animated fadeInDown' class to the list element. However, when I click on delete link, I would expect the class to be 'animated fadeOutRight' and that the removal is actually animated. This doesn't happen though, the item is removed but no animation is displayed.
