Clearcase Element existence - clearcase

I want to check with a batch file if a certain element is already existent in Clearcase, or if I still have to add it.
How can I put this into a conditional statement?
if cleartool exists myFileName do myaction
else doOtherAction

You need to build a function which returns true or false depending on the element full name being part of the ClearCase view elements or not.
Then you can call that function from your if... else... statement.
Here are various commands that your function could use in order to determine if a file is a ClearCase element (meaning already added to source control) or not:
You can start by using the result of cleartool ls -l: if its output includes view-private object, it isn't added to source control yet.
cmd-context ls -long
version Makefile##\main\3 Rule: element * \main\LATEST
view private object
version cm_add.c##\main\0 Rule: element * \main\LATEST
derived object (unshared) hello##2007-03-24T11:32.418
version hello.h##\main\CHECKEDOUT from \main\2
Rule: element * CHECKEDOUT
Here '' isn't added yet.
See more at "About view-private objects".
I already recommended that approach for a previous question using C#: "c# How to determine if a file is in ClearCase?".
Another approach is to use cleartool describe, which would trigger an error if the element described is a private one.
As mentioned in the technote "How to list view-private files in a view in Rational ClearCase", the command cleartool lsprivate works only in dynamic views, not in snapshot views.
For snapshot view, you can use: cleartool ls -r -view_only
Another approach is to use cleartool find, as in "Clearcase: How do I check if an element has a version on the trunk that was created after I branched off from the trunk?"

The following DOS batch file will add a file to ClearCase if it's not in there yet. Works in both dynamic and snapshot views.
cleartool ls -l %1 | FIND "view private object"
cleartool co -nc .
cleartool mkelem -nc -ci %1
cleartool ci -nc .
You may want to add suitable comments instead of using the -nc switch.


how can i use a wildcard in Cleartool?

I try to list my private files in Clearcase but i don't want to list all the files from all the folders, so i tried to use a wild card but without success.
I want only to list the private files in src folders.
The structure of the folders is like path1/to/src/ path2/to/src/
I tried in cleartool the cmd lsp -tag view_buildEnv .../.../src/...
but the wildcard .../.../src/... does not return any results.
In config spec i use the same command element .../.../src/... -none and it is working properly.
How could i make it with success also with cleartool ?
The main rules regarding wildcard (including ellipsis '...') are in "wildcards_ccase" (also detailed in "config_spec")
cleartool lsprivate works only in dynamic view.
The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you may need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.
So try:
cd/d M:\myview\myvob
# or
cd /view/myview/vobs/myvob
cleartool lsp -tag view_buildEnv ".../src/"
# or
cleartool lsp -tag view_buildEnv ".../src/..."
(you should not have to specify anything after src/: lsprivate should list all private elements under src and its subfolders).
(plus: "In non-config-spec contexts, the ... pattern matches directory names only.")
If works well inside a vob, but might not work inside a view for multiple vobs.
In that case:
cd/d M:\
cleartool lsprivate | grep src
In batch file:
cmd /v /c "cd/d M:\; cleartool lsprivate | grep src"

Checked out but removed error while merging activities

I wish to merge an activity with my activity, the former activity has new directories and new elements.
I am getting the following error on issuing a merge with the following command
ct findmerge activityname#/vob/** -fcsets -nc -merge
The errors are as follows in 2 cases
Case1: No new elements created directly the merge command
/vob/**/ [checkedout but removed]
/vob/**/file1 [checkedout but removed]
/vob/**/file2 [checkedout but removed]
/vob/**/file3 [checkedout but but removed]
cleartool: Error: Checked out version, but could not copy data to "/vob/siren/oam/sdh/pkg/" in view: Permission denied.
Correct the condition, then uncheckout and re-checkout the element.
Case2: I created the elements and the directory structure still the same error
Note: There are no errors for the elements which already exist in the vob
Try again your findmerge activity (as described here), but this time, without using cleartool setview (meaning without using a path starting with /vob, the mounting point for the dynamic view set by cleartool setview).
Always use the full path of the destination dynamic view (the one where the merge occur): as I told you in your previous question, cleartool setview is nothing but trouble.
cd /view/yourDestinationView/vobs/siren
ct findmerge activityname#/vob/** -fcsets -nc -merge

How to avoid repeat check outs on already checked out files or directories?

I have some files and directories out of which few are already checked out and few are not.
To check out those uncheck out files I am running recursive checkout:
ct co -nc ./*
Which gives below message for already checkout files or directory:
cleartool: Error: Element "abc/xyz" is already checked out to view "pqr".
Is there any way I can avoid performing ct co on already checked out files or directories?
First, you can check if you have the same issue when applying my old method "How do I perform a recursive checkout using ClearCase?".
cleartool find somedir -type f -exec "cleartool checkout -c \"Reason for massive checkout\" \"%CLEARCASE_PN%\""
(which is mirrored by the IBM technote swg21122520)
The other option is to:
first find checked out files (see "How to find all checkedout files with ClearCase cleartool?", without the -cview option, in order to list checked out files in all views)
redirect that find into a file
Then you can replace the -exec directive above in order, for each \"%CLEARCASE_PN%\" found, to:
check if it is listed in the checked out files found in the previous point
if it is not, proceed with the checkout.
In short: a two-step process.

Cleartool: How to apply label to files which are in my current view only?

I could not find the proper command to apply a label to files which are in my current view. I have tried the following command:
cleartool mklabel -r TEST_LABEL /vob/test/a
However, the problem is that this command will apply the "Test_Label" label to every files in the "vob/test/a" directories regardless of whether the files are in my current view.
Is there any command to apply label only to the files listed in my current view?
cleartool mklabel -r(ecurse) LABEL_NAME <directory name>
This command will apply LABEL_NAME to all files in folder and below of your view, you can just go to that directory,then type following command to create and apply label
> cd /vob/test/a
> cleartool mklbtype –nc TEST_LABEL
> cleartool mklabel -r TEST_LABEL .
The mklabel documentation state states, as to what version is labeled:
Processes the entire subtree of each pname that is a directory element (including pname itself). VOB symbolic links are not traversed during the recursive descent into the subtree.
One example mentions:
Attach that label to the version of the current directory selected by your view, and to the currently selected version of each element in and below the current directory.
Now, if you want to be really sure of the versions actually labelled, one solution is to use a find command, combined with your mklabel:
cleartool find . -cview -exec "cleartool mklabel TEST_LABEL \"%CLEARCASE_XPN%\""
If you had already that label applied to incorrect version and want to move it:
cleartool find . -cview -exec "cleartool mklabel -replace TEST_LABEL \"%CLEARCASE_XPN%\""
That way, you can first list the versions involved:
cleartool find . -cview -print
And then, if you agree with the output, apply the mklabel through the -exec directive.
The OP user1096966 reports making it work with a cleartool ls, to be sure to select only element visible in the current view:
cleartool ls -r -vis
The is no '-exec' directive, so a pipe might be involved, as in (not tested, but you get the idea):
cleartool ls -r -vis -s -nxn | xargs cleartool mklabel -replace TEST_LABEL
The doco is really clear about what is being labelled, in fact the first example shown in doco states that exactly...current view objects are labelled by default & currently selected versions (i.e. if in your view then label it, else not.)
....extract below from doco below (note: context and command and that label-type-selector pname is the last parameter...left blank below because resident in working dir)...
•Create a label type named REL6. Attach that label to the version of the current directory selected by your view, and to the currently selected version of each element in and below the current directory.
cmd-context> mklbtype –nc REL6

Recursive checkin using Clearcase

I want to check in a directory and all the sub-directories into the clear case.
Is there a specific command to achieve it?
Currently I am going into each directory and manually checking in each file.
I would recommend this question:
Now the problem is to checkin everything that has changed.
It is problematic since often not everything has changed, and ClearCase will trigger an error message when trying to check in an identical file. Meaning you will need 2 commands:
ct lsco -r -cvi -fmt "ci -nc \"%n\"\n" | ct
ct lsco -r -cvi -fmt "unco -rm %n\n" | ct
(with 'ct being 'cleartool' : type 'doskey ct=cleartool $*' on Windows to set that alias)
But if by "checkin" you mean:
"enter into source control for the first time"
"updating a large number of files which may have changed on an existing versionned directory"
I would recommend creating a dynamic view and clearfsimport your snapshot tree (with the new files) in the dynamic view.
See this question or this question.
the clearfsimport script is better equipped to import multiple times the same set of files, and automatically:
add new files,
make new version of existing files previously imported (but modified in the source set of files re-imported)
remove files already imported but no longer present in the source set of files.
make a clear log of all operations made during the import process.
clearfsimport -preview -rec -nset c:\sourceDir\* m:\MyView\MyVob\MyDestinationDirectory
did you used -recurse option in the clearfsimport command.
Example: clearfsimport -recurse source_dir .
This should help.
If you're using the Windows client, right-click on the parent folder, select Search, leave the file name field empty, click Search, select all the files in the result window (ctrl-A), right-click on them and select ClearCase -> Add to Source Control
If you are in windows you may try,
for /f "usebackq" %i in (`cleartool lsco -cview -me -r -s`) do cleartool ci -nc %i
