Updating multiple rows with respect to a change in one row - database

I am using PostgreSQL and let's say I have a tasks table to keep track of task items. Tasks table is as follows;
Id Name Index
7 name A 1
5 name B 2
6 name C 3
3 name D 4
Index column in tasks table stores the sort order of the tasks. Therefore I will output the tasks with respect to index in increasing order.
So When I change Task D(id = 3)' s index into 2 the new indexes should be as below;
Id Name Index
7 name A 1
5 name B 3
6 name C 4
3 name D 2
or when I change Task A(id = 7)' s index into 4 the new indexes should be as below;
Id Name Index
7 name A 4
5 name B 2
6 name C 3
3 name D 1
What I think is updating all row's index values one by one is pretty inefficient.
So what is the most efficient way to update all index values when I change one of the indexes in my Tasks table?
Edit :
First of all sorry for the confusion. What I am asking is not a simple exchanging two row indexes. If you look at the examples when I change Task D's index in to 2 more than one rows change. So when Task D is 2, Task B becomes 3 and Task C becomes 4.
For instance;
It is like when you drag Task D and drop below Task A so that it's index becomes 2 and B and C's index increases by 1.

SQL Fiddle
What you are doing is exchanging two row's indexes. So it is necessary to store the index value of the first updated one in a temp variable and setting it temporarily to a special value to avoid a unique index collision, that is, if the index is unique. If the index is not unique that step is unnecessary.
create temp table t as
select index
from tasks
where id = 3
) as index,
select id
from tasks
where index = 2
) as id
update tasks
set index = -1
where id = (select id from t)
update tasks
set index = 2
where id = 3
update tasks
set index = (select index from t)
where id = (select id from t)
drop table t;

The following assumes the index column (as well as id) is unique:
with swapped as (
select n1.id as id1,
n1.name as name1,
n1.index as index1,
n2.id as id2,
n2.name as name2,
n2.index as index2
from names n1
join names n2 on n2.index = 2 -- this is the value of the "new index"
where n1.id = 3 -- this is the id of the row where the index should be changed to the new value
update names as n
set index = case
when n.id = s.id1 then s.index2
when n.id = s.id2 then s.index1
from swapped s
where n.id in (s.id1, s.id2);
The CTE first creates a single row with the ids of the two rows to be swapped and then the update just compares the ids of the target table with those from the CTE, swapping the values.
SQLFiddle example: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!15/71dc2/1


Using the window function "last_value", when the values of the sorted field are same, the value snowflake returns is not the last value

As we all known, the window function "last_value" returns the last value within an ordered group of values.
In the following example, group by field "A" and sort by field "B" in positive order.
In the group of "A = 1", the last value is returned, which is, the C value 4 when B = 2.
However, in the group of "A = 2", the values of field "B" are the same.
At this time, instead of the last value, which is, the C value 4 in line 6, the first C value 1 in B = 2 is returned.
This puzzles me why the last value within an ordered group of values is not returned when I encounter the value I want to use for sorting.
This puzzles me why the last value within an ordered group of values is not returned when I encounter the value I want to use for sorting.
For partition A equals 2 and column B, there is a tie:
The sort is NOT stable. To achieve stable sort a column or a combination of columns in ORDER BY clause must be unique.
To ilustrate it:
FROM tab
It could return either 1 or 4.
If you sort by B within A then any duplicate rows (same A and B values) could appear in any order and therefore last_value could give any of the possible available values.
If you want a specific row, based on some logic, then you would need to sort by all columns within the group to reflect that logic. So in your case you would need to sort by B and C
Good day Bill!
Right, the sorting is not stable and it will return different output each time.
To get stable results, we can run something like below
last_value(column3) over (partition by column1 order by
column2,column3) as column2_last
from values
(1,1,2), (1,1,1), (1,1,3),
(1,2,4), (2,2,1), (2,2,4)
order by column1;

Alternative solutions to an array search in PostgreSQL

I am not sure if my database design is good for this tricky case and I also ask for help how the query for this could look like.
I plan a query with the following table:
search_array | value | id
{XYa,YZb,WQb} | b | 1
{XYa,YZb,WQb,RSc,QZa} | a | 2
{XYc,YZa} | c | 3
{XYb} | a | 4
{RSa} | c | 5
There are 5 main elements in the search_array: XY, YZ, WQ, RS, QZ and 3 Values: a, b, c that are concardinated to each element.
Each row has also one value: a, b or c.
My aim is to find all rows that fit to a specific row in this sense: At first it should be checked if they have any same main elements in their search_arrays (yellow marked in the example).
As example:
Row id 4 an row id 5 wouldnt match because XY != RS.
Row id 1, 2 and 3 would match two times because they have all XY and YZ.
Row id 1 and 2 would even match three times because they have also WQ in common.
And second: if there is a Main Element match it should be 'crosschecked' if the lowercase letters after the Main Elements fit to the value of the other row.
As example: The only match for Row id 1 in the table would be Row id 4 because they both search for XY and the low letters after the elements match each value of the two rows.
Another match would be ROW id 2 and 5 with RS and search c to value c and search a to value a (green and orange marked).
My idea was to cut the search_array elements in the query in two parts with the RIGHT and LEFT command for strings. But I dont know how to combine the subqueries for this search.
Or would be a complete other solution faster? Like splitting the search array into another table with the columns 'foregin key' to the maintable, 'main element' and 'searched_value'. I am not sure if this is the best solution because the program would all the time switch to the main table to find two rows out of 3 million rows to compare their searched_values to the values?
Thank you very much for your answers and your time!
You'll have to represent the data in a normalized fashion. I'll do it in a WITH clause, but it would be better to store the data in this fashion to begin with.
WITH unravel AS (
SELECT t.id, t.value,
substr(u.val, 1, 2) AS arr_main,
substr(u.val, 3, 1) AS arr_val
FROM mytable AS t
CROSS JOIN LATERAL unnest(t.search_array) AS u(val)
SELECT a.id AS first_id,
a.value AS first_value,
b.id AS second_id,
b.value AS second_value,
a.arr_main AS main_element
FROM unravel AS a
JOIN unravel AS b
ON a.arr_main = b.arr_main
AND a.arr_val = b.value
AND b.arr_val = a.value;

ms sql table adding rows whenever level changes by more than 1 so that every row has difference of 1 in start_level and end_level

(This is my first stack overflow question. So please let me know suggestions for posing a better question, if you cannot understand.)
I have a table of around 500 people(users) who are going up the stairs from floor x (0=x, max(y) = 50). A person can climb zero/one or many levels in a single go which corresponds to a single row of the table along with the time taken to do so in seconds.
I want to find average time taken to go from floor a to a+1 where a is any of the floor number. To do so I intend to divide every row of the mentioned table into rows which have start_level+1= end_level. Duration will be divided equally as shown in EXPECTED OUTPUT TABLE for user b.
start_level end_level duration user
1 1 10 a
1 2 5 a
2 5 27 b
5 6 3 c
start_level end_level duration user
1 1 10 a
1 2 5 a
2 3 27/3 b
3 4 27/3 b
4 5 27/3 b
5 6 3 c
Note: level jumps are in integers only.
After getting expected output, I can simply create a column sum(duration)/count(distinct users) at a start_level level to get average time taken to get one floor above from each floor.
Any help is appreciated.
You can use a Numbers table to "create" the incremental steps. Here's my setup:
[start_level] INT,
[end_level] INT,
[duration] DECIMAL(10, 4),
[user] VARCHAR(50)
VALUES (1,1,10,'a'),
Then, using a Numbers table and some LEFT JOIN/COALESCE logic:
-- Create a Numbers table
;WITH Numbers_CTE
FROM sys.columns)
SELECT [start_level] = COALESCE(n.[Number], f.[start_level]),
[end_level] = COALESCE(n.[Number] + 1, f.[end_level]),
[duration] = CASE
WHEN f.[end_level] = f.[start_level] THEN f.[duration]
ELSE f.[duration] / ( f.[end_level] - f.[start_level] )
FROM #floors f
ON n.[Number] BETWEEN f.[start_level] AND f.[end_level]
AND f.[end_level] - f.[start_level] > 1
Here are the logical steps:
LEFT JOIN the Numbers table for cases where end_level >= start_level + 2 (this has the effect of giving us multiple rows - one for each incremental step)
new start_level = If the LEFT JOIN "completes": take Number from the Numbers table, else: take the original start_level
new end_level = If the LEFT JOIN "completes": take Number + 1, else: take the original end_level
new duration = If end_level = start_level: take the original duration (to avoid divide by 0), else: take the average duration over end_level - start_level

TSQL - How to prevent optimisation in this query

I have a query analogous to:
update x
set x.y = (
select sum(x2.y)
from mytable x2
where x2.y < x.y
from mytable x
the point being, I'm iterating over rows and updating a field based on a subquery over those fields which are changing.
What I'm seeing is the subquery is being executed for each row before any updates occur, so the changed values for each row are not being picked up.
How can I force the subquery to be re-evaluated for each row of the update?
Is there a suitable table hint or something?
As an aside, I was doing the below and it did work, however since modifying my query somewhat (for logic purposes, not to try and solve this issue) this trick no longer works :(
declare #temp int
update x
set #temp = (
select sum(x2.y)
from mytable x2
where x2.y < x.y
x.y = #temp
from mytable x
I'm not particularly concerned about performance, this is a background task run over a few rows
It looks like task is incorrect or other rules should apply.
Let's see on example. Let's say you have values 4, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2
Sql will update rows based on original values. I.e. during single update statement newly calculated values is NOT mixing with original values:
-- only original values used
4 -> 9 (1+2+3+1+2)
1 -> null
2 -> 2 (1+1)
3 -> 6 (1+2+1+2)
1 -> null
2 -> 2 (1+1)
Based on your request you wants that update of each rows will count newly calculated values. (Note, that SQL does not guarantees the sequence in which rows will be processed.)
Let's do this calculation by processing rows from top to bottom:
-- from top
4 -> 9 (1+2+3+1+2)
1 -> null
2 -> 1 (1)
3 -> 4 (1+1+2)
1 -> null
2 -> 1 (1)
Do the same in other sequence - from bottom to top:
-- from bottom
4 -> 3 (2+1)
1 -> null
2 -> 1 (1)
3 -> 5 (2+2+1)
1 -> null
2 -> 2 (1+1)
How you can see your expected result is inconsistent. To make it right you need to correct the calculation rule - for instance define strong sequence of the rows to process (date, id, ...)
Also, if you want to do some recursive processing look at the common_table_expression:

VBA two dimensional arrays connecting to a database

I am working with vba in excel and a database in access. The access database is a table that contains 3 columns; OrderIDs which is a column of numbers saying what order the particular item was in, OrderDescription which is a column that contains the description of the item, and Item # which is a column that gives a number to each particular item (if the item is the same as another, they both are the same item).
I need to build a 2-dimensional array in excel using VBA holding which items were purchased in which orders. The rows will be the Order ID and the columns will be the Item ID. The elements of this array will contain an indicator (like True or a “1”) that indicates that this order contains certain items. For example, row 6 (representing order ID 6) will have “True” in columns 1, 5, and 26 if that order purchased item IDs 1, 5, and 26. All other columns for that order will be blank.
In order to do this, i think I will have to determine the max order number (39) and the max item number(33). This information is available in the database which I can connect to using a .connection and .recordset. Some order numbers and some item numbers may not appear.
Note also that this will likely be a sparse array (not many entries) as most orders contain only a few items. We do not care how many of an item a customer purchased, only that the item was purchased on this order.
MY QUESTION is how can I set up this array? I tried a loop that would assign the values of the order numbers to an array and the items numbers to an array and then dimensioning the array to those sizes, but it wont work.
is there a way to make an element of an array return a value of True if it exists?
Thanks for your help
It seems to me that the best bet may be a cross tab query run on an access connection. You can create your array with the ADO method GetRows : http://www.w3schools.com/ado/met_rs_getrows.asp.
TRANSFORM Nz([Item #],0)>0 AS Val
FROM Table
PIVOT [Item #]
With a Counter table containing integers from 1 to maximum number of items in a column (field) Num.
TRANSFORM First(q.Val) AS FirstOfVal
SELECT q.OrderNo
FROM (SELECT t.OrderNo, c.Num, Nz([Item #],0)>0 AS Val
FROM TableX t RIGHT JOIN [Counter] c ON t.[Item #] = c.Num
WHERE c.Num<12) q
GROUP BY q.OrderNo
OrderNo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 -1 -1 -1 -1
2 -1 -1 -1 -1
