moble app deploy in Ccomonsere - database

hi i develope a mobile app with phonegap frame work and html5,erything works fine but for future exist i need to connect my app to server db to make app multi-user. rit now i just create a local storage by using js which store all the user data in perticular local storage? what are the options i have to make the db server connected do web services work with this if so what kind of service i need to use. itried for few web services but all they are related to web applications. plzz help me thanku

Your phonegap App is like a Web App. The advantage that your phonegap app has over Web App, is that you can access native features (camera, Contact, etc..) of the phone with phonegap, which is not possible with a pure webapp. So all the backend services that you can use with web app can be used by your phonegap app.
Now which web servcies you want to uses depends upon your preference.
You can use web services or RESTful service for getting data from the backend.


Responsive website into app or Hybrid mobile app?

So after too many searches I decided to ask this question.
First of all I'm building a mobile app using angularjs in my website (Online) not localhost. The app is a kind of a CRM based (CRUD mostly).
I have the cordova mobile application ready. I have a few questions here.
Is it acceptable, if I use the website URL directly in the inappbrowser URL (Like an iframe)?
Or. Should I need to put the angularjs files inside the www directory of the cordova app and access the server functions via API?
Which way is preferable? Why?
Will there be any performance differences?
If the No.1 is not a best practice, what is the major drawback on using the inappbrowser?
You can build Hosted Web App in an Apache Cordova:
For this scenario, you use a thin Cordova client (think of it as a web
browser embedded in a native app) that automatically redirects to your
Web site.
See also: Wrapping an existing web application in Cordova.
Other option: PWA.
From Wiki:
Progressive web applications (PWAs) are web applications that load
like regular web pages or websites but can offer the user
functionality such as working offline, push notifications, and device
hardware access traditionally available only to native applications.
PWAs combine the flexibility of the web with the experience of a
native application.

API REST to be used for an angular application and a mobile application

I'm building a REST APIs in Symfony2. The idea is to use these apis from a angular web app and a mobile app. Authentication is required to use the APIs.
I thought in the following possibilites:
Separate Symfony and angular in diferent projects:
The URLs under /api would use OAuth2 to authenticate user (FOSOAuthServerBundle). Both web and mobile app would need to use an access token.
Include angular inside Symfony: In the web app the users are authenticated using a symfony form, and therefore no need to protect the urls under /api with OAuth2. But how would authenticate users from the mobile app?
Please, any help is good!
In short, what I need is that the APIs can be used from two clients: web app and mobile app
I'm currently studying and suffering from the same problem and so far the best option I've seen is to keep the projects separate. If you include angularJS in your Symphony project, you will end up using resources that Symphony provides that you won't be able to replicate in the mobile structure. By detaching the server with the client completely, your Web App built only with Angular will be more similar to your mobile app, mimicking the stand-alone application mode.
Personally, I chose JWT Auth since it doesn't require 12 tables in your database, but using OAuth2 would have similar result.
Is always better to choose some solution that is already tested for many people and is used by them. So, I think is better you to use the OAuth technique, so you can consume your api from mobile, web and every other technology.
If you will join the API and WEBApp is up to you. because REST use no session and every call is a new call that you need to check and block or respond. I have an app that has an Codeigniter API and an AngularJS APP in the same project, but thoose does not share any exclusive thing as sessions.
I built e-commerce with FOSRestBundle, HWIOOauthBundle and FOSUserBundle
From server side, generate accesstoken and authenticate via api/login/ api/login_check/
write your security.yml routing access
From client side, call your api. It should render 200 or 403 HTTP_Code.

how can I use google app engine with an application in phonegap

I have been developing a Phonegap client application, I need to create a web service that storage all the data that i will be sending through the app.
I want to use google app engine to create the database and the web service.
I have read a lot, but i don't find a concrete example of how to do it and how to call the web service then from the application with phonegap.
Anyone have an example of how to do this?
You can use Cloud Endpoints with your app:
Google Cloud Endpoints consists of tools, libraries and capabilities
that allow you to generate APIs and client libraries from an App
Engine application, referred to as an API backend, to simplify client
access to data from other applications. Endpoints makes it easier to
create a web backend for web clients and mobile clients such as
Android or Apple's iOS.
For mobile developers, Endpoints provides a simple way to develop a
shared web backend and also provides critical infrastructures, such as
OAuth 2.0 authentication, eliminating a great deal of work that would
otherwise be needed. Furthermore, because the API backend is an App
Engine app, the mobile developer can use all of the services and
features available in App Engine, such as Datastore, Google Cloud
Storage, Mail, Url Fetch, Task Queues, and so forth. And finally, by
using App Engine for the backend, developers are freed from system
admin work, load balancing, scaling, and server maintenance.
It is possible to create mobile clients for App Engine backends
without Endpoints. However, using Endpoints makes this process easier
because it frees you from having to write wrappers to handle
communication with App Engine. The client libraries generated by
Endpoints allow you to simply make direct API calls.
Available in Python | Java
we have done similar thing for our Cordova/ionic based application. Its very simple and straight forward using javascript client of google cloud endpoint.

Using Google App Engine with mobile apps and a web app

I have just started looking into using Google App Engine for a project I'm developing. The project will have an Android and iPhone app as well as a web application that a set of users can log into. I have a couple basic questions concerning the use of Google App Engine...
Is it possible to use google app engine in conjunction with your own web app? Or would I post the web app itself on Google App Engine? Is it that I'd use my web app AND Google App Engine, or would those be the same thing? I guess this is the main point I'm not clear on.
I'm kind of concerned about putting all of our data on Google's servers and not directly owned by myself. Is this just something I'll have to get over?
Thanks for any help!
Edit: The web app will need to have a decent amount of functionality in addition to the mobile apps. Is the Google App Engine mostly for projects which only/mainly have mobile apps?
Google App Engine includes Google Cloud Endpoints for Android, iOS and web clients. The client web app can be hosted on AppEngine or elsewhere. If you host the client web app in the same application that hosts the Cloud Endpoints, authentication and data sharing is easier to achieve.
Yes, you'll just have to get over putting all of your data on Google's servers. Google does not publish or index your data, except for the data your app itself publishes to anonymous clients.

Using with GAE

I want to try using
We have a Web App and using GAE.
How can we test our Web App with
I see that on the "WEB" section of the toolkit there's only a spot for "Heroku".
Is it possible?
Do we need to migrate?
How can i test our web app with android? I couldn't find a place to direct it to our index.html.
Thanks a lot.
The web section in the Toolkit basically lets you deploy your mobile app as a mobile website, based on Node.js.
If you have an existing web app that you'd like to use as the backend for a mobile app, then it's a case of exposing some sort of HTTP API which your mobile app then interacts with.
Having the mobile app just receive JSON from GAE, build its HTML views and present them to the user works really well.
