creating matrix/array with number and string - arrays

I am using matlab. I have a function which at the moment returns 5 arrays, but I want to join the array into a single matrix or just a cell array with heading of each being the output of the current function?
For instance, giving output like:
low_sec lowmid_sec
1 7
2 6
35 5
5 43
Any ideas?
function [low_sec ,lowmid_sec , middle_sec , upmid_sec , upper_sec]= sepfunc(intensdata)lengthofdata=length(intensdata);
for i= 1:lengthofdata %loop to seperate count number of data in 5 groups
if (intensdata(i,1)<0.05)
elseif (intensdata(i,1)>=0.05 && intensdata(i,1)<0.1)
elseif (0.1<=intensdata(i,1) && intensdata(i,1)<0.15)
elseif (0.15<=intensdata(i,1) && intensdata(i,1)<0.2)
elseif (intensdata(i,1)>=0.2 )
for i= 1:lengthofdata %to seperate original data into 5 different sub-groups.
if (intensdata(i,1)<0.05)
j=j+1 ;
elseif(0.05<=intensdata(i,1) && intensdata(i,1)<0.1)
elseif(0.1<=intensdata(i,1) && intensdata(i,1)<0.15)
elseif(0.15<=intensdata(i,1) && intensdata(i,1)<0.2)
elseif( intensdata(i,1)>=0.2)

You have a few options, ues a cell array as you mentioned, use the new table structure or the easiest would be to just create a struct.
To do this, all you need is to add the following at the end of your function:
sec.low = low_sec;
sec.lowmid = lowmid_sec;
sec.middle = middle_sec;
sec.upmid = upmid_sec;
sec.upper = upper_sec;
and then to change your first line to be:
function sec = sepfunc(intensdata)


Repeat current poly reduce function on multiple objects that are selected?

I'm looping through multiple objects, but the loop stops before going to the next object.
Created a loop with condition. If condition is met, it calls a ReduceEdge() function. Problem is it will only iterate once and not go to the next object and repeat the procedure.
global proc ReduceEdge()
polySelectEdgesEveryN "edgeRing" 2;
polySelectEdgesEveryN "edgeLoop" 1;
polyDelEdge -cv on;
string $newSel[] = `ls -sl`;
for($i = 0; $i < size($newSel); $i++)
select $newSel[$i];
int $polyEval[] = `polyEvaluate -e $newSel[$i]`;
int $temp = $polyEval[0];
for($k = 0; $k < $temp; $k++)
string $polyInfo[] = `polyInfo -fn ($newSel[$i] + ".f[" + $k + "]")`;
$polyInfo = stringToStringArray($polyInfo[$i]," ");
float $vPosX = $polyInfo[2];
float $vPosY = $polyInfo[3];
float $vPosZ = $polyInfo[4];
if($vPosX == 0 && $vPosY == 0 && $vPosZ == 1.0)
select ($newSel[$i] + ".e[" + $k + "]");
Expected results:
If I select 4 cylinders, all their edges will reduce by half the current amount.
Actual results:
When 4 cylinders are selected, only one reduces down to half the edges. The rest stay the same.
Since my comment did help you out, I'll try and give a more thorough explanation.
Your first loop (with $i) iterates over each object in your selection. This is fine.
Your second loop (with $k) iterates over the number of edges for the current object in the loop. So far, so good. Though, I'm wondering if it would be more correct to loop of the number of faces...
Now you ask for an array of all face normals of the face at index $k at object $i, with string $polyInfo[] = `polyInfo -fn ($newSel[$i] + ".f[" + $k + "]")`;.
If you try and print the size and values in $polyInfo, you'll realize you have an array with one element, which is the face normal of the particular face you queried just before. Therefore, it will always be element 0, and not $i, which would increases with every iteration.
I have made a Python/PyMEL version of the script, which may be nice for you to see.
import pymel.core as pm
import maya.mel as mel
def reduceEdge():
mel.eval('polySelectEdgesEveryN "edgeRing" 2;')
mel.eval('polySelectEdgesEveryN "edgeLoop" 1;')
def reducePoly():
selection =
for obj in selection:
for i, face in enumerate(obj.f):
normal = face.getNormal()
if (normal.x == 0.0 and normal.y == 0.0 and normal.z == 1.0): + '.e[' + str(i) + ']')

Trying to summarize list in arcpy

I have a list of xy points that I'm trying to sum together and identify the centroid, but it only uses the last value in the row. I'm trying to create a centroid for each state, Here's the code:
Total_X1 = 0
Total_Y1 = 0
TotalPop1 = 0
#Cat = "cali"
cntyName1 = "cnty"
stateName1 = "statename"
for row in cursor:
#if row[0] >= : ### for condition that is met
#if row[0]== []:
TheStateName1 = row[0]
thecntyName1 = row[4]
idpoly1 = row[5]
idobject1 = row[6]
stateFIPS1 = row[7]
countyFIPS1 = row[8]
fips1 = row[9]
fipSnum1 = row[10]
fipsNumer1 = row[11]
#totarea = row[12]
XPoint = row [13]
YPoint = row[14]
#print Cat
print TheStateName1
print thecntyName1
print row ### do something with that value!
Total_X1 += row[2] *row[3]
print Total_X1
Total_Y1 += row[1] *row[3]
print Total_Y1
TotalPop1 += row[3]
print TotalPop1
print ""
print "X is: " , Total_X1
print "POP is: " , TotalPop1
centroid_X1 = Total_X1/TotalPop1
print "your x centroid is: ",centroid_X1
print ""
#print Cat
print thecntyName1
print TheStateName1
Any Suggestions, Thanks!
The cursor can only 'see' one row at a time, you have to pull info from that row and store it elsewhere.
loc_list = [(row[0], row[1]) for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(dataset, ['X_coord', 'Y_coord'])
Will give you a list of X,Y tuples from your attribute table.
After that you've got multiple options for turning that list of tuples into a spatial dataset before calculating the mean - start by reading the ESRI documentation for arcpy.Point and all the related topics linked, and go from there. If you have 10.3 or above you can use Mean Center once you have a point layer.
You'll probably get a wrong answer if you just take the mean of the X and Y without projecting first, so don't.

Matlab not solving if statements

I'm having a bit of trouble iterating through a few if statements more than eight times. The code seems to work fine for the first several comparisons, performs the arithmetic and return/saves the output row 'export_data'. However, after that, it only returns the else condition and response. The variables beings assessed have 1500 rows each. I've added the code below and two photos showing the outputs. Any insight will be very much appreciated.
function [export_data] = WS_Zones(Forecast_WS, Observed_WS)
if (Forecast_WS > Observed_WS)
WS_Zone_1 = Observed_WS.*1.24;
WS_Zone_2 = Observed_WS.*1.28;
elseif (Forecast_WS < Observed_WS)
WS_Zone_1 = Observed_WS.*0.76;
WS_Zone_2 = Observed_WS.*0.72;
WS_Zone_1 = Observed_WS;
WS_Zone_2 = Observed_WS;
export_data=[Forecast_WS Observed_WS WS_Zone_1 WS_Zone_2];
filename = 'testdata.xlsx';
sheet = 1;
xlRange = 'A1';
Expected Output
Wrong Output
This statement:
if [1 2 3] > [1 1 1]
will never print "hello" even though 2 and 3 are both greater than 1. This is because the if statement needs to evaluate to either scalar true or false. If a vector is used, than only the first element is used to determine if the statement is true or not (comparisons between other elements are ignored). You can use any and all if you want to apply conditions on all elements.
If Forecast_WS and Observed_WS aren't scalars then you need to wrap your if statement in a for loop, e.g.:
WS_Zone_1 = Observed_WS;
WS_Zone_2 = Observed_WS;
for i = 1:numel(Forecast_WS)
if Forecast_WS(i) > Observed_WS(i)
WS_Zone_1(i) = Observed_WS(i).*1.24;
WS_Zone_2(i) = Observed_WS(i).*1.28;
elseif Forecast_WS(i) < Observed_WS(i)
WS_Zone_1(i) = Observed_WS(i).*0.76;
WS_Zone_2(i) = Observed_WS(i).*0.72;
or vectorize it using logical indexing:
WS_Zone_1 = Observed_WS;
WS_Zone_2 = Observed_WS;
idx = (Forecast_WS > Observed_WS);
WS_Zone_1(idx) = Observed_WS(idx).*1.24;
WS_Zone_2(idx) = Observed_WS(idx).*1.28;
idx = (Forecast_WS < Observed_WS);
WS_Zone_1(idx) = Observed_WS(idx).*0.76;
WS_Zone_2(idx) = Observed_WS(idx).*0.72;

Connect Four game in Scala

I'm trying to make a connect four game in scala. Currently i have the board print out and ask player 1 for a move, once player 1 choses a number a board prints out with an X in the column where player 1 chose. then player 2 picks a number. My problem is that once i pick a number that player's letter fills the whole column and you ant build on top of that.
heres an example of what happens
. X . O X . . .
. X . O X . . .
. X . O X . . .
. X . O X . . .
. X . O X . . .
. X . O X . . .
. X . O X . . .
. X . O X . . .
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// Initialize the grid
val table = Array.fill(9,8)('.')
var i = 0;
while(i < 8){
table(8)(i) = (i+'0').toChar
i = i+1;
/* printGrid: Print out the grid provided */
def printGrid(table: Array[Array[Char]]) {
table.foreach( x => println(x.mkString(" ")))
/*//place of pieces X
def placeMarker(){
val move = readInt
//var currentRow = 7
while (currentRow >= 0)
if (table(currentRow)(move) != ('.')){
currentRow = (currentRow-1)
table(currentRow)(move) = ('X')
return (player2)}
table(currentRow)(move) = ('X')
return (player2)
//place of pieces O
def placeMarker2(){
val move = readInt
//var currentRow = 7
while (currentRow >= 0)
if (table(currentRow)(move) != ('.')){
currentRow = (currentRow-1)
table(currentRow)(move) = ('O')
return (player1)}
table(currentRow)(move) = ('O')
return (player1)
def placeMarker1(){
val move = readInt
var currentRow = 7
while (currentRow >= 0)
if (table(currentRow)(move) !=('.'))
{currentRow = (currentRow-1)}
else{table(currentRow)(move) = ('X')}
def placeMarker2(){
val move = readInt
var currentRow = 7
while (currentRow >= 0)
if (table(currentRow)(move) !=('.'))
{currentRow = (currentRow-1)}
else{table(currentRow)(move) = ('O')}
//player 1
def player1(){
println("Player 1 it is your turn. Choose a column 0-7")
//player 2
def player2(){
println("Player 2 it is your turn. Choose a column 0-7")
for (turn <- 1 to 32){
Your global state is messing you up: var currentRow = 7
Instead of trying to keep track of a global "currentRow" across all columns, I'd recommend one of two things:
Keep a separate "currentRow" for each column in a currentRows array.
Just iterate through the column each time you place a piece to find the lowest empty slot.
Actually, it looks like you were originally doing the second suggestion, but you commented out your local currentRow variables and declared a global (instance-level) one instead.

MATLAB autohandle array out of bounds with give 0

I'd like to auto handle array out of bounds index access by giving 0 instead.
But what I have now is code like
evenIndexNext = 2*j+1 + 2*i ;
oddIndexPrev = 2*j+1 - i ;
evenValueNext = 0 ;
oddValuePrev = 0 ;
if( evenIndexNext <= n )
evenValueNext = s( evenIndexNext ) ;
if( oddIndexPrev >= 1 )
oddValuePrev = s( oddIndexPrev ) ;
Where s is the array. A bit clunky.
Maybe, you could do:
evenValueNext = s( evenIndexNext ) ;
or, you could define a function to do that:
function y=checkBound(l,i)
if (i<1) || (i>numel(l))
evenValueNext = checkBound(s,evenIndexNext);
oddValuePrev = checkBound(s,oddIndexPrev) ;
You could define a new class to handle this. If you overloaded the subsref method of the class, you could tell it to check if the index was out of bounds, and return 0 if that was the case.
