Replacing startup files in a bare metal embedded system - c

I'm using the gcc cross-compiler for the LEON2 processor (Sparc v8), however after inspecting the startup code I wanted to provide my own for various reason (we are working in space applications and the code is not up to standards and its also very complicated in my opinion. Also I find this part very interesting). And since we are only using the ported newlib and no RTOS I thought this could be doable without too much work.
In order to do this I compiled my application with -nostartfiles and so I provided my own start entry point etc... The code was taken from the actual startup files with some modification from me.
This seems to work however I'm now stuck at the part where I'm supposed to initialize the newlib.
In order to understand how this works I compiled with and without the -nostartfiles flag to find the differences. I'm only showing the last part here when gcc calls collect2 since the other parts are not relevant.
This is a simple application built without -nostartfiles
--start-group -lc -lgcc -lleonbare --end-group
--start-group -lc -lgcc -lleonbare --end-group
Now after some tweaking I managed to get something similar for my application.
-o debug/BSW
-lgcc -lc -lgcc -lleonbare -lgcc -lc -lgcc -lleonbare
I've debugged this in GDB and I can see my code is properly executed, at least it seems, up until the main is called. My main is very simple with just a call to printf. Sadly this call to printf never returns and seems to loop forever. So I guess some initialization is not correctly done.
I'm trying to understand how things are done but all this stuff is quite obscure and not a lot of documentation seems available. I'm still learning so I probably am missing something important but maybe some knowledgeable people on here could provide some way forward? Thanks.

There is some good documentation on porting Newlib here, including implementation of the C Runtime initialisation. The CRT tasks include:
Set up the target platform in a consistent state. For example setting up appropriate exception vectors.
Initialize the stack and frame pointers
Invoke the static data initialization including C++ constructors for static objects.
Carry out any further platform specific initialization.
Call the C main function.
Call C++ static object destructors on exit from main().
Exit with the return code supplied on exit from main().
It is not clear how you have determined than printf() is not returning, but there are a number of possibilities such as insufficient stack, or in fact it does return but when the printf() call returns main() will exit and what happens then is up to your C runtime - presumably it will loop indefinitely? If exit from main() disables interrupts and your printf() output is buffered and interrupt driven, you might not see any output. Another possibility is that as the last statement in main() the printf() call return may be optimised by "merging" it with the main() return. I suggest you at least place a for(;;); at the end of main() to block it from returning.
printf() itself is somewhat heavyweight as a starting point for test; it required significant stack space and working support for stdout and syscalls. I'd perhaps start with something lower level and simpler with fewer or no dependencies on the library such as toggling a GPIO or unbuffered serial output.


Prevent my C code from printing (seriously slows down the execution)

I have an issue.
I finally found a way to use an external library to solve my numerical systems. This library automatically prints the matrices. It is fine for dim=5, but for dim=1.000.000, you understand the problem...
Those parasite "printf"s slow down considerably the execution, and I would like to get rid of them. The problem is: I don't know where they are ! I looked in every ".h" and ".c" file in my library: they are nowhere to be found.
I suspect they already are included in the library itself: I can't access them, thus.
How could I possibly prevent my C code from printing anything during the execution ?
Here is my Makefile. I use the libsuperlu-dev library, directly downloaded from Ubuntu. The .so file was already there.
main: superlu.o read_file.o main.o sample_arrays.o super_csr.o
cc $^ -o $# $(LIB)
rm *.o
rm main
Just to explain the LD_PRELOAD method that was mentioned, that I use sometimes precisely for that usage (or, on the contrary to add some printf, for example, when I want to pipe the output of a GUI), here is how you can do a rudimentary version of it
int printf(char *, ...){
return 0;
int putchar(int){
return 0;
gcc -shared -std=gnu99 -o myprint.c
LD_PRELOAD=./ ./main
Forces the load of your printf and putchar symbols before any other library has the opportunity to load them force. So, no printing occurs. At least none with printf. But you may have to add some other functions to the list, such as fprintf, fputc, fputs, puts, ...
And of course, another problem of overloading the fthing functions (and even possibly the others), is that you might also prevent some wanted behavior. Such as writing files. Or interacting with some devices.
It may be even worse if those printing are done with low level write function. That one, you very likely can't afford to overload (unless you overload it with a function that calls the real write, loaded manually by dlopen) filtering only the ones that you want to avoid, based on target file descriptor (1) or on content of written data.
Note: if you want to verify if the is responsible of those printing, you can check with nm if it is referring to some well known printing functions, such as printf

Where does GCC find printf ? My code worked without any #include

I am a C beginner so I tried to hack around the stuff.
I read stdio.h and I found this line:
extern int printf (const char *__restrict __format, ...);
So I wrote this code and i have no idea why it works.
extern int printf (const char *__restrict __format, ...);
printf("Hello, World!\n");
sh-5.1$ ./a.out
Hello, World!
Where did GCC find the function printf? It also works with other compilers.
I am a beginner in C and I find this very strange.
gcc will link your program, by default, with the c library libc which implements printf:
$ ldd ./a.out (0x00007ffd5d7d3000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdf2d307000)
/lib64/ (0x00007fdf2d4f0000)
$ nm -D /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep ' printf' | head -1
0000000000056cf0 T printf##GLIBC_2.2.5
If you build your program with -nolibc you have to satisfy a few symbols on your own (see
Compiling without libc):
$ gcc -nolibc ./1.c
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/Scrt1.o: in function `_start':
(.text+0x12): undefined reference to `__libc_csu_fini'
/usr/bin/ld: (.text+0x19): undefined reference to `__libc_csu_init'
/usr/bin/ld: (.text+0x26): undefined reference to `__libc_start_main'
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/user/1000/ccCFGFhf.o: in function `main':
1.c:(.text+0xc): undefined reference to `puts'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
You need to understand the difference between the compile and link phases of program compilation.
In the compilation phase you describe to the compiler the various things you intend to call that may be in this file, in other files or in libraries. This is done using function declarations.
int woodle(char*);
for example. This is what header files are full of.
If the function is in the same file then the compiler will work out how to call it while it compiles that file. But for other functions it leaves a note in the generated code that says
please wire up the woodle function here so I can call it.
Usually called an import and there are tools you can use to look at the imports in an object file - name depends on platform and toolset
The linkers job is to find those imports and resolve them. It will look at objects files passed on the command line, at libraries included on the command line and also standard libraries that the c standard says should be available to all programs.
In your printf case the linker found printf in the c standard library that the linker includes automatically.
BTW - the linker looks for 'exports' from objects and libraries, there are tools to look at those too. The linkers job is to match each 'import' to an 'export'
First, realize what the gcc program is. Technically, it is not a compiler, but a compiler driver. A compiler driver is responsible for driving the various other tools which perform compilation-related tasks. Some of the tools are found in PATH, whereas others are in internal compiler directories.
There are various ways to check what the driver is doing. I won't go into much detail about how I made the rest of this post, but briefly:
strace -f -e %process gcc is a Linux-specific way of showing all the programs executed (elsewhere in this answer, I assume Linux when specifying details but it doesn't matter)
gcc -v will dump out various information, but you have to learn what parts actually matter for whatever you are doing.
there exists a "specs" file that controls some of the argument-related stuff the driver does
Now for the actual data:
Here's the tree of processes that gcc might execute:
gcc, the "driver" (input various, output various. Some arguments are handled by the driver itself, but most are passed to the various subprocesses)
(these are repeated for every input file. If -pipe is passed, temporary files are omitted and processes are run in parallel; if --save-temps is passed, intermediate files are preserved):
cc1 -E -lang-asm, the "preprocessor" for assembly code (input .S, output .s - yes, case matters. Only relevant if you're trying to compile separate ASM files that need preprocessing)
cc1 -E, the "preprocessor" for C code (input .c; output .i. Only a separate process if -fno-integrated-cpp is passed, which is rare. Note that the cpp program in PATH is never called, even though it is provided by GCC - rather, it calls this. If -E is passed, the driver stops after this)
cc1, the "compiler" proper (input (usually) .c or (rarely) .i; output .s. If -S is passed, the driver stops after this; if -fsyntax-only is passed, this stage doesn't even complete)
(For other languages, replace cc1 with cc1plus, cc1d, cc1obj, f951, gnat1, etc. Note that the different drivers like g++, gdc, etc. only affect what extra libraries are linked by default)
as, the "assembler" (input .s; output .o. This is looked up in PATH; it is shipped as part of Binutils, not GCC. If -c is passed, the driver stops here)
collect2, the "linker" wrapper (supposedly this has something to do with constructors, and potentially calls ld twice, but in practice I've never seen it. Just think of it as forwarding all its arguments to ld, even if you have constructors normally)
ld, the "linker" proper (input .o or others (assumed to be libraries); output executable or shared library. Like as, this is actually part of Binutils, not GCC, so it is looked up in PATH)
The driver has a lot of logic, so it is important that you use it. Notably, you should never call as or ld yourself, since that will omit arguments that rely on the driver's sense of "exact current platform".
Now, getting to your specific question:
Ignoring irrevelant arguments and simplifying paths, the ld call ends up looking like:
ld -o foo Scrt1.o crti.o crtbeginS.o foo.o -lgcc -lgcc_s -lc -lgcc -lgcc_s crtendS.o crtn.o
The various "crt" loose object files are a mixture of parts of GLIBC and GCC, needed to support the C runtime (note that there are others as well; which are linked depends on arguments). The gcc and gcc_s libraries are needed to run code on the platform at all; they are repeated because they rely on the c library which also relies on them.
Since -lc is passed by default (regardless of language), the printf symbol can be resolved. Notably, -lm, -lrt, -lpthread and others are not passed by default, so other symbols from differents parts of the C library will not be resolved unless you pass them manually.
All of this is completely independent of what headers are included.
That your program compiles without a header present means that the compiler settings were lenient. You should still get a warning though. The reason that your program links is that the C standard library, which contains the code of the function printf, is linked automatically. Almost every C program needs it because input and output, or generally interaction with peripherals, which that library handles, are the general means of generating a "side effect", an effect outside the program. The opposite is so uncommon that one must make the wish to not link with it explicit.
So why does your compiler accept a call to a function which has not been declared?
C emerged at a time when programs were much smaller and software development as an engineering discipline didn't formally exist:
Four years later [i.e., in 1978], as a still-junior faculty member, I tried to get my colleagues [...] to create an undergraduate computer-science degree. A senior mechanical engineer of forbidding mien snorted surely not: Harvard had never offered a degree in automotive science, why would we create one in computer science? I waited until I had tenure before trying again (and succeeding) in 1982. -Harry R. Lewis
That was about 10 years after Denis Ritchie had started to develop this versatile new programming language, the successor to B. The problems involved in creating and maintaining large programs back then were simply not as pressing and not as well-understood as they are, perhaps, today.
Among the many things that help us today, at least in most compiled languages, is strong typing. Every identifier we use is declared with a static type. But the importance and benefits of that were not that obvious in the 1970s, and early C permitted mixing and matching integers and pointers at will. It's all numbers, right? And a function is just a name for a jump address, right? The user will know what to put on the stack, and the function will read it off the stack — I really don't see a problem here ;-). This attitude brought us functions like printf().
After this stage-setting we are slowly getting to the point. Because a function is just a jump address, no function declaration needed to be present in order to to call one. The assumed parameters were what you presented, and the presumed return type defaulted to int, which was often correct or at least didn't hurt. And for a long time C kept this backward compatibility. I think the C99 standard forbid the use of undeclared identifiers, and the standard drafts for C11 and C21 both say:
An identifier is a primary expression, provided it has been declared as designating an object (in which case it is an lvalue) or a function (in which case it is a function designator)91
Footnote 91 says "Thus, an undeclared identifier is a violation of the syntax." (All emphasis by me.)
All compilers I tried compile it anyway (with a warning), perhaps because some ancient code that still gets compiled frequently depends on it.

How do I use the GNU linker instead of the Darwin Linker?

I'm running OS X 10.12 and I'm developing a basic text-based operating system. I have developed a boot loader and that seems to be running fine. My only problem is that when I attempt to compile my kernel into pure binary, the linker won't work. I have done some research and I think that this is because of the fact OS X runs the Darwin linker and not the GNU linker. Because of this, I have downloaded and installed the GNU binutils. However, it still won't work...
Here is my kernel:
void main() {
// Create pointer to a character and point it to the first cell of video
// memory (i.e. the top-left)
char* video_memory = (char*) 0xb8000;
// At that address, put an x
*video_memory = 'x';
And this is when I attempt to compile it:
Hazims-MacBook-Pro:32 bit root# gcc -ffreestanding -c kernel.c -o kernel.o
Hazims-MacBook-Pro:32 bit root# ld -o kernel.bin -T text 0x1000 kernel.o --oformat binary
ld: unknown option: -T
Hazims-MacBook-Pro:32 bit root#
I would love to know how to solve this issue. Thank you for your time.
-T is a gcc compiler flag, not a linker flag. Have a look at this:
With these components you can now actually build the final kernel. We use the compiler as the linker as it allows it greater control over the link process. Note that if your kernel is written in C++, you should use the C++ compiler instead.
You can then link your kernel using:
i686-elf-gcc -T linker.ld -o myos.bin -ffreestanding -O2 -nostdlib boot.o kernel.o -lgcc
Note: Some tutorials suggest linking with i686-elf-ld rather than the compiler, however this prevents the compiler from performing various tasks during linking.
The file myos.bin is now your kernel (all other files are no longer needed). Note that we are linking against libgcc, which implements various runtime routines that your cross-compiler depends on. Leaving it out will give you problems in the future. If you did not build and install libgcc as part of your cross-compiler, you should go back now and build a cross-compiler with libgcc. The compiler depends on this library and will use it regardless of whether you provide it or not.
This is all taken directly from OSDev, which documents the entire process, including a bare-bones kernel, very clearly.
You're correct in that you probably want binutils for this especially if you're coding baremetal; while clang as is purports to be a cross compiler it's far from optimal or usable here, for various reasons. noticing you're developing on ARM I infer; you want this.
Aside from the fact that gcc does this thing better than clang markedly, there's also the issue that ld does not build on OS X from the binutils package; it in some configurations silently fails so you may in fact never have actually installed it despite watching libiberty etc build, it will even go through the motions of compiling the source of that target sometimes and just refuse to link it... to the fellow with the lousy tone blaming OP, if you had relevant experience ie ever had built this under this condition you would know that is patently obnoxious. it'd be nice if you'd refrain from discouraging people from asking legitimate questions.
In the CXXfilt package they mumble about apple-darwin not being a target; try changing FAKE_TARGET to instead of mn10003000-whatever or whatever they used, to apple-rhapsody some time.
You're still in way better shape just building them from current if you say need to strip relocations from something or want to work on restoring static linkage to the system. which is missing by default from that clang installation as well...anyhow it's not really that ld couldn't work with macho, it's all there, codewise in fact...that i am sure of
Regarding locating things in memory, you may want to refer to a linker script;a=blob_plain;f=new_mbed_bs.link_script.ld
As i have some code in there that will directly place things in memory, rather than doing it on command line it is more reproducible to go with the linker script. it's a little complex but what it is doing is setting up a couple of regions of memory to be used with my memory allocators, you can use malloc, but you should prefer not to use actual malloc; dynamic memory is fine when it isn't dynamic...heh...
The script also sets flags for the stack and heap locations, although they are just markers, not loaded til go time, they actually get placed, stack and heap, by the startup code, which is in assembly and rather readable and well commented (hard to believe, i know)... neat trick, you have some persistence to volatile memory, so i set aside a very tiny bit to flip and you can do things like have it control what bootloader to run on the next power cycle. again you are 100% correct regarding the linker; seems to be you are headed the right direction. incidentally another way you can modify objects prior to loading them , and preload things in memory, similar to this method, well there are a ton of ways, but, check out objcopy and can use gdb to dump srecs of structures in memory, note the address, and then before linking but after assembly use dd to insert the records you extracted with gdb back in to extracted one of my favorite ways just because is smartass route :D also, if you are tight on memory ever and need to precalculate constants it's one way to optimize things...that way is actually closer to what ld is doing, just doing it by hand... probably path of least resistance on this now though is linker script.

How can inlining in C actually be slowing down this program?

In order to force a function to not be inlined that was consuming 46% of the runtime, I used __attribute__((noinline)) on the it and compiled the code with gcc -Wall -Winline -O2(these plus -g are what is used by the Makefile - I also see roughly the same effect when using -g as well) using gcc 4.5.2. I found that the program with the non-inlined function is more than 20% faster than the original. Does anyone know why this might be?
Let me provide some more details. The program that this occurred in is the latest version of the compression utility bzip2 for Linux. The key function ( generateMTFValues found in compress.c) in the program is the one that does the Move To Front transform. This function is only called by one function in the program.
Does anyone have any idea why the program runs faster in this case by forcing the compiler not to inline this function? The function only takes one parameter - a pointer to a struct that contains all of the block and compression info. Also, it only calls one other function which doesn't really consume any substantial processing time.
It can slow down the program, because the resulting code is larger and can lead to more misses of the CPU's instruction cache.
This is a complete WAG (Wild Ass Guess) based on near-perfect ignorance.
Could it be that for the inline version the optimizer is really busy juggling which values are in which registers and when? If that's the case, the procedure call version may give it room to devote more registers to what is happening in the loop.
As I said, just a WAG.

Compiling without libc

I want to compile my C-code without the (g)libc. How can I deactivate it and which functions depend on it?
I tried -nostdlib but it doesn't help: The code is compilable and runs, but I can still find the name of the libc in the hexdump of my executable.
If you compile your code with -nostdlib, you won't be able to call any C library functions (of course), but you also don't get the regular C bootstrap code. In particular, the real entry point of a program on Linux is not main(), but rather a function called _start(). The standard libraries normally provide a version of this that runs some initialization code, then calls main().
Try compiling this with gcc -nostdlib -m32:
// Tell the compiler incoming stack alignment is not RSP%16==8 or ESP%16==12
void _start() {
/* main body of program: call main(), etc */
/* exit system call */
asm("movl $1,%eax;"
"xorl %ebx,%ebx;"
"int $0x80"
__builtin_unreachable(); // tell the compiler to make sure side effects are done before the asm statement
The _start() function should always end with a call to exit (or other non-returning system call such as exec). The above example invokes the system call directly with inline assembly since the usual exit() is not available.
The simplest way to is compile the C code to object files (gcc -c to get some *.o files) and then link them directly with the linker (ld). You will have to link your object files with a few extra object files such as /usr/lib/crt1.o in order to get a working executable (between the entry point, as seen by the kernel, and the main() function, there is a bit of work to do). To know what to link with, try linking with the glibc, using gcc -v: this should show you what normally comes into the executable.
You will find that gcc generates code which may have some dependencies to a few hidden functions. Most of them are in libgcc.a. There may also be hidden calls to memcpy(), memmove(), memset() and memcmp(), which are in the libc, so you may have to provide your own versions (which is not hard, at least as long as you are not too picky about performance).
Things might get clearer at times if you look at the produced assembly (use the -S flag).
