Error handling in custom directive - angularjs

I am currently build a set of directives that we will be shipping to customer to use.
Now some of the directives has got required parameter and also some validation on parameters.
Is there some sort of guideline to what a person must do if a required field is not there or a validation failed.
Must you default values,throw exception, or use angularjs exception handling thing.

you are the one who has written a directive, you must be the one who should answer these questions...
guideline to what a person must do if a required field is not there or a validation failed.
only thing you can help with is making sure that if some required parameters are missing, is give some indication user of the directive, either by some exception logging or console messages etc.
its exactly like how angular tells us how to use ng-change or ng-click for that matter.


Intercept parsleyjs validation

I want to delete validation errors generated by PHP (that is server-side) when user triggers any validation.
I can delete previous validation errors when in fact there are new errors using the errorsContainer option.
(As on the next example:
But I do want to intercept validations always, no matter if valid or invalid ones.
How can I intercept a validation?
Inventive use of errorsContainer, but it's really not meant to be used this way.
Listen to the events like field:validate instead.

Validation stages

I am validating with Cake 3 but can't get it working probably.
As the docs says there are two stages of validating:
Before you save your data you will probably want to ensure the data is correct and consistent. In CakePHP we have two stages of validation:
Before request data is converted into entities, validation rules around data types and formatting can be applied.
Before data is saved, domain or application rules can be applied. These rules help ensure that your application’s data remains consistent.
So, if I understand this right, at first validation rules are used when I pass data via newEntity and patchEntity.
After that, the application rules are used when using save or delete.
However, when I am passing data (an array) via newEntity the application rules are never used (buildRules is never called). When using newEntity without passing data, application rules are used!
So, my first question, is it right that not both rules are runned, only one (OR validation rules, OR application rules?). I would expect that first validation rules would be called to check the input, and before saving, ALSO the application rules would be called to check if the entity is valid to the applicaton.
Second question, how should I validate with my API? The actions pass their data via the newEntity method, but I want to check if (for example) the category_id belongs to the same user. Thats typical an application rule I guess?
Thank you very much ;)
Quoting CakePHP documentation:
Validation objects are intended primarily for validating user input, i.e. forms and any other posted request data.
Basically, validation is done when you use newEntity or patchEntity to check that the incoming data is consistent:
You don't have a random string where you should have a number
The user email is of correct format
Standard and confirmation passwords are equals
Validation is not done when you set field manually:
$user->email = 'not a valid email' ; // no validation check
Basically, validation rules are meant to tell the user « Hey, you did something wrong! ».
Application rules on the other end are always checked when you call save or delete, these may be used for:
Checking uniqueness of a field
Checking that a foreign key exist - There is an Group that correspond to your group_id
Your first assumption is somehow false because in the following scenario, both validation and application rules are checked:
$article = $this->Articles->newEntity($this->request->data);
$this->Articles->save($article) ;
This part of the documentation explain the difference between the two layers of validation.
Concerning your second question, you should not check that a user has the right to do something in your model, this should be done by your controller, see CakePHP book for more details.

Determining if a specific form field has a required error

I've created a directive that wraps a text input field. One of the things I plan to embed in this directive is the validation behavior when it is required, but I'm stuck on one point. You are supposed to be able to refer to the validation errors for an input field using myForm.myField.$error or myForm[myField].$error. However, because my input is created by my directive, it shows up as myForm["{{myDirectiveName"].$error. This is unacceptable because I will have many such fields and I need to distinguish between them.
Plunkr that illustrates this.
The key line that causes problems is this:
console.log( !! form["{{htTextField}}"].$error.required);
What I expect to be able to write is:
console.log( !! form[attrs.htTextField].$error.required);
Many thanks for any help.
I ended up solving this by implementing my own required directive, borrowed from angular's, and customized to modify my own scope variables. Perhaps what I observed in my question is a bug, but I'm not expert enough to fix it in angular's code.

Django REST framework + angular, autmatically appending backed errors to the DOM

I am working on a new project, which includes several standard forms(Login, Registration, etc).
I have a basic client side validation with ng-required, type, and etc.
The problem is that I might get other kinds of errors from the Django REST backend, such as length, unique constraint and others, and those rules might change quite frequently.
The django REST server returns the errors in a JSON string, in shich the key is the field, and the value is the description of the error.
Is there anyway to write something in angular that will automatically append an error next to the invalid element, as a modular unit, that can be reused, so I won't have to add an error container and ng-bind for it per each field in my form?.
Thanks for any assistance.
When you want to write reusable code like this, your best choice is to use directives. You can create a directive named <email></email> and then inside the template, populate it with the input element and display the {{error}} next to it. There are several ways of getting the error into the directive template, but I'd suggest isolate scope and pass the data into the directive. This helps make directives more reusable.
If you've done things correctly then your backend 'Django REST' shouldn't have anything to do with this front-end functionality for the directive. All you need to do is change the data inside the controller and it will automatically change the data in the directive. So it gives a good level of abstraction as well.

Mail validation angularjs

I have an issue with angularjs and the email input type.
I want to create dynamic inputs with a directive, but the input type validation might be buggy.
Here is the jsfiddle of my test
To avoid some trouble I have to use this trick
element.find('input')[0].type = input.type;
When I had a second character in the input the model field disappears (In the html panel)
I don't know why is this a bug or am I doing something wrong ?
The problem with your directive is not that e-mail validation doesn't work but the fact that dynamic type attribute is not supported by AngularJS (and jQuery BTW). This is due to the fact that IE doesn't allow changing input's type on-the-fly (Changing the <input> type in IE with JavaScript).
This topic was discussed in great details on the AngularJS mailing list, here is the reference:!topic/angular/Itl-fYzeF18 where someone had exactly the same problem as yours.
The way out of this situation is to manually compile a template using the $compile service. Unfortunately this is not trivial, you can see evidence of some experiments here:
An alternative, simpler approach is to use ngInclude directive to include different inputs based on their type. Yet another possibility is to use the compile function and manually transform template's markup. But yes, all of those techniques require several lines of non-trivial code.
