Simulink: How to use a local variable in a level 2 s-function? - c

I have written a Simulink S-function (Level 2) in C. The resulting block has one output and one parameter. This parameter is stored in a variable, which is defined at file scope, right after setting up the block:
#define NUM_PARAMS 1
#define NUM_INPORTS 0
#define NUM_OUTPORTS 1
unsigned short int MASK_INDEX;
I assign it within mdlInitializeSizes, and do some operations on its value:
static void mdlInitializeSizes(SimStruct *S) {
// Check Parameters
ssSetNumSFcnParams(S, NUM_PARAMS);
if (ssGetNumSFcnParams(S) != ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S)) {
MASK_INDEX = *mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S, 0));
(...) operations
My problem is, that the variable MASK_INDEX seems to be global, and shared among all blocks of the same type. Therefore, it holds the same value for all blocks.
As a workaround, I reload it every time, and re-do the operations, for example:
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid) {
MASK_INDEX = *mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S, 0));
(...) operations
How can I get a true "local variable", so that I don't have to repeat all this every time?

You haven't mentioned where you've declared MASK_INDEX, but from your description it sounds like it's at file scope. If so, then yes, this variable will be shared across all instances. This is not isolated to S-Functions in any way, it's how shared libraries on most, if not all, platforms behave. A single instance of the shared library will be loaded by an application, in this case MATLAB; consequently there is only one copy of global variables.
The easiest option is to use ssGetSFcnParam every time you want to access the parameter. If you dig into those S-Function macros, they're simply accessing fields of the SimStruct, so it's unlikely repeated access will result in performance degradation. I've even seen macros being used to wrap common use cases such as the one you have.
If you really want to go about caching the dialog parameter, the easiest is probably to use ssSetUserData. Declare a struct containing a MASK_INDEX member (you don't have to use a struct but this approach is more extensible). Dynamically allocate an instance using mxMalloc within mdlStart and assign it to the block's user data. Make sure you set SS_OPTION_CALL_TERMINATE_ON_EXIT in the ssSetOptions call in mdlInitializeSizes. Then define the mdlTerminate function within which you'll access the allocated struct using ssGetUserData and mxFree it. Now you can access the struct members within mdlOutputs using ssGetUserData.
There are other, more advanced options as well, such as work vectors, probably a PWork vector.
Another option, if your parameter is tunable, is using runtime parameters, which let you cache, and optionally transform, a block's dialog parameters.
In your case, I'd just stick with using ssGetSFcnParam every time within mdlOutputs.


How to pass GoLang's struct's method as C callback

In Go source I have
type T struct {
// some data
func (t *T)M(arg0 SomeType1) {
// some computations
var Obj *T
In C sources I have
// SomeType1C is equivalent to SomeType1.
typedef void (*CallbackFunc)(SomeType1C);
// callback will be called !after! register_callback function returns.
void register_callback(CallbackFunc callback);
I would like to use Obj.M as callback for register_callback in C.
On MS Windows for winapi I pass smth like C.CallbackFunc(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.NewCallback(Obj.M))) to register_callback for this (not sure is it fully correct, but at least this works). But where is no NewCallback for non-Windows systems.
I'm sure that callback is registered after T is initialised and removed before T is removed.
I may have multiple instances of T and some of them may be used to callback's 'source' at same time (so T is not some kind of singltone).
Function pointer callbacks in GoLang's wiki uses gateway function, but I don't see how to adequate use it with struct's method.
Base idea:
Use exported callback as a proxy between C and Go:
//export callback
func callback(data0 SomeType1C, data1 Data){ // data1 - data passed to register_callback_with_data
obj := convertDataToObj(data1)
and register it like this:
register_callback_with_data(callback, convertObjToData(obj));
Where are 3 ways: wrong (and easy), limited (medium) and right (hard).
Wrong (and easy) way:
Pass pointer to Go struct into C (as in original answer). This is totally wrong because Go runtime can move struct in memory. Usually this operation is transparent (all Go pointers will be updated automatically). But pointers in C memory to this struct will not be updated and program may crash/UB/... when tries to use it. Do not use this way.
Limited (medium) way:
Similar to previous, but with Go struct allocated in C memory:
Obj = (*T)(C.calloc(C.size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(T{}))))
In this case Obj can not be moved by Go runtime because it is in C memory. But now if Obj has pointers to Go memory (fields with *-variables, maps, slices, channels, function-pointers, ...) then this also may cause crash/UB/... This is because:
if there are no (other) Go pointers to the same variable (memory), then Go runtime thinks that this memory is free and can be reused,
or, if there is other Go pointer to same variable (memory), then Go can move this variable in memory.
So, use this way only if struct has no pointers to Go memory. Usually this means that struct contains only primitive fields (ints, floats, bool).
Right (and hard) way:
Assign id (of integer type for example) for each object of type T and pass this id into C. In exported callback you should convert id back to object. This is right way with no limitation, so this way may be used always. But this way requires to maintain some array/slice/map to convert between objects and ids. Moreover, this convertation may require some synchronization for thread-safe (so see sync.Mutex and sync.RWMutex).
Original answer:
Not best answer and has restrictions, but no other suggested. In my case I can pass additional data to register_callback. This data will be passed back to callback on each call. So I pass unsafe.Pointer(Obj) as data and use gateway function:
//export callback
func callback(data SomeType1C, additionalData unsafe.Pointer){
obj := (*T)(additionalData) // Get original Obj (pointer to instance of T)
dataGo := *(*SomeType1)(unsafe.Pointer(&data)) // Cast data from C to Go type
and register it like this:
register_callback_with_data(callback, unsafe.Pointer(Obj));
PS: but still want to know how to do this better in general case (without additional data).

Partial updates to complex C11 atomic types and non-atomic read optimizations

I think the easy way to describe my question is to demonstrate it in code, so here is a contrived example in C to highlight the issues I am interested in answering:
// Just some complex user defined type
typedef struct {
} state_t;
typedef struct {
state_t states[16];
} state_list_t;
static _Atomic state_list_t s_stateList;
// For non-atomic reads
static state_t * const s_pCurrent = &s_stateList.states[0];
// Called from external threads
void get_state(state_list_t * pStateList)
*pStateList = atomic_load(&s_stateList);
// Only called by 'this' thread
static void update_state(struct state_data_t const * pData)
state_list_t stateList = atomic_load(&s_stateList);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
// Do some updating on the data
do_transition(&stateList[i], pData);
atomic_store(&s_stateList, stateList);
// Only called by 'this' thread
static void apply_state(state_t const * pState)
atomic_store(&s_stateList[0], *pState);
// Only called by this thread
static bool check_state()
// Check (read) some values in the current state
return isOkay(s_pCurrent);
First, my apologies for any syntax errors, but this should get the point across...
The first two functions are pretty straight forward usage of the C11 atomics, namely one thread is reading a value that another one is writing. My specific questions are really regarding the last two functions, apply_state, and check_state, and it really just boils down to whether these are okay things to do.
In apply_state, you can see that it is only updating part of the structure atomically, specifically, the first element of an array. It is my understanding that essentially every element of the _Atomic s_stateList is considered atomic (much like volatile), so the compiler is fine with the atomic_store call, but can this happen while another thread is 'atomically' reading from the object (i.e. in get_state), or is the synchronization essentially equivalent to a locking / unlock the same mutex in each call? I could see how it is possible that since it is basically a different variable (well, okay same address, but what if I used states[1]?) it could result in a different mutex being used. Also, what happens if state_t happens to be lock free?
I'm more confident that the check_state function is an okay thing to do here, because it only performs a read on an object that is modified only by the same thread, but I'm wondering if I'm missing anything here. I've just recently discovered that accessing an atomic variable directly (I think via assignment or function argument) is treated exactly like a call to atomic_load() or atomic_store(), so I am wondering if keeping a private reference for non-atomic reads is a worthwhile optimization, or if the compiler is otherwise smart enough to accomplish similar optimization on its own.
Edit: The result is undefined when dereferencing a non-atomic pointer to an atomic value.
No this doesn't fit into C11's model for atomics, and for good reasons. _Atomic is only syntactically a qualifier, semantically an _Atomic is a new type. This is reflected by the fact that the standard allows that size and alignement of such types are different from those for the base.
In your case of a wide atomic type, a permitted implementation of the atomic type is to add a hidden field to the struct that serves as a lock. Generally, such types are implemented as "not lock-free" that is with some hidden state (within the struct or seperately) that controls access to the data.
The standard can only guarantee you racefreeness by stitching together an access model. If you ask your whole data to be accessible atomic (in the sense of indivisible operations on that whole data at once), the model only allows you exactly that.
Accessing individual fields of an atomic object has undefined behavior. That means if your platform had specific properties it could allow you access to individual fields. You'd have to read up your platform's documentation and hope for the best, in particular that they don't change things from one version (compiler, processor, ...) to another.

What would be the correct variable name?

In a implementation for a real time embedded device, I have a status register variable for each channel (let's blindly assume my embedded device have multiple channels and some work has to be done for each of them).
So here's how the status variable is currently declared:
struct channel_status status[NCHANNELS];
Matter of performance, it is better to use an intermediate global variable that is the copy of the status variable for the selected channel.
struct channel_status status_shadow;
void some_work() {
for(channel = 0; channel < NCHANNELS; channel++) {
status_shadow = status[channel];
foo(); // Function that use the status_shadow as global
bar(); // "
baz(); // "
status[channel] = status_shadow;
Am I not discussing the implementation neither the possibility to use a pointer instead of a variable. My question is related to the name of the intermediate variable.
I chose status_shadow because I think I am doing some kind of shadowing.
Is there a better/more accurate technical name for such intermediate variable ?
Implementation considerations:
The reason why I decided to use this intermediate variable is because it is too resource consuming to pass either the channel pointer i or the status variable to each function foo, bar, baz, ... In terms of performance avoiding stack push/pop can save some precious time in real-time applications.
You are not technically shadowing; you would have to define a variable of the same name to shadow it. Moreover, shadowing is generally frowned upon because careless use could lead to easy confusion.
What you are doing is taking the current item for your cycle, so a suited name could be current_status or cur_status. If you used it as a parameter, so the name would be only contained into the for(), it could have been current or cur_item as well.
Another idea could be temp_channel_status, implying that the value is not to be considered fixed albeit the variable is global.
I would like a name such as work_status or status_copy.
You could use status_local, or status_local_copy.

Verifying data types/structs in a parser

I'm writing a recursive descent parser, and I'm at the point where I'm unsure how to validate everything. I'm not even sure if I should be doing this at the stage of the parser. What I mean is, I could have some syntax i.e:
int x = 5
int x = 5
And that would be valid, so would the parser check if x has already been defined? If so, would I use a hashmap? And what kind of information would I need to store, like how can I handle the scope of a variable, since x could be defined in a function in a local and global scope:
int x = 5;
void main() {
int x = 2;
And finally, when I store to the hashmap, how can I differentiate the types? For example, I could have a variable called foo, and a struct also called foo. So when I put foo in a hashmap, it will probably cause some errors. I'm thinking I could prefix it like storing this as the hashmaps key for a struct struct_xyz where xyz is the name of the struct, and for variables int_xyz?
Thanks :)
I'm going to assume that regardless of which approach you choose, your parser will be constructing some kind of abstract syntax tree. You now have two options. Either, the parser could populate the tree with identifier nodes that store the name of the variable or function that they are referencing. This leaves the issue of scope resolution to a later pass, as advocated in many compiler textbooks.
The other option is to have the parser immediately look the identifier up in a symbol table that it builds as it goes, and store a pointer to the symbol in the abstract syntax tree node instead. This approach tends to work well if your language doesn't allow implicit forward-references to names that haven't been declared yet.
I recently implemented the latter approach in a compiler that I'm working on, and I've been very pleased with the result so far. I will briefly describe my solution below.
Symbols are stored in a structure that looks something like this:
typedef struct symbol {
char *name;
Type *type;
Scope *scope; // Points to the scope in which the symbol was defined.
} Symbol;
So what is this Scope thing? The language I'm compiling is lexically scoped, and each function definition, block, etc, introduces a new scope. Scopes form a stack where the bottom element is the global scope. Here's the structure:
typedef struct scope {
struct scope *parent;
Symbol *buckets;
size_t nbuckets;
} Scope;
The buckets and nbuckets fields are a hash map of identifiers (strings) to Symbol pointers. By following the parent pointers, one can walk the scope stack while searching for an identifier.
With the data structures in place, it's easy to write a parser that resolves names in accordance with the rules of lexical scoping.
Upon encountering a statement or declaration that introduces a new scope (such as a function declaration or a block statement), the parser pushes a new Scope onto the stack. The new scope's parent field points to the old scope.
When the parser sees an identifier, it tries to look it up in the current scope. If the lookup fails in the current scope, it continues recursively in the parent scope, etc. If no corresponding Symbol can be found, an error is raised. If the lookup is successful, the parser creates an AST node with a pointer to the symbol.
Finally, when a variable or function declaration is encountered, it is bound in the current scope.
Some languages use more than one namespace. For instance, in Erlang, functions and variables occupy different namespaces, requiring awkward syntax like fun foo:bar/1 to get at the value of a function. This is easily implemented in the model I outlined above by keeping several Scope stacks - one for each namespace.
If we define "scope" or "context" as mapping from variable names to types (and possibly some more information, such as scope depth), then its natural implementation is either hashmap or some sort of search tree. Upon reaching any variable definition, compiler should insert the name with corresponding type into this data structure. When some sort of 'end scope' operator is encountered, we must already have enough information to 'backtrack' changes in this mapping to its previous state.
For hashmap implementation, for each variable definition we can store previous mapping for this name, and restore this mapping when we have reached the 'end of scope' operator. We should keep a stack of stacks of this changes (one stack for each currently open scope), and backtrack topmost stack of changes in the end of each scope.
One drawback of this approach is that we must either complete compilation in one pass, or store mapping for each identifier in program somewhere, as we can't inspect any scope more than once, or in order other than order of appearance in the source file (or AST).
For tree-based implemetation, this can be easily achieved with so called persistent trees. We just maintain a stack of trees, one for each scope, pushing as we 'open' some scope, and poping when the scope is ended.
The 'depth of scope' is enough for choose what to do in the situation where then new variable name conflicts with one already in mapping. Just check for old depth < new depth and overwrite on success, or report error on failure.
To differentiate between function and variable names you can use separate (yet similar or same) mappings for those objects. If some context permits only function or only variable name, you already know where to look. If both are permited in some context, perform lookup in both structures, and report "ambiguity error" if name corresponds to a function and a variable at the same time.
The best way is to use a class, where you define structures like HashMap, that lets you to do controls about the type and or the existence of a variable. This class should have static methods that interface with the grammar rules written in the parser.

What exactly needs to be PROTECTed when writing C functions for use in R

I thought this was pretty straightforward, basically, any SEXP type objects I create in C code must be protected, but it starts getting a little murkier (to me) when using linked lists and CAR / CDR, etc. I started off with this comment in Writing R Extensions:
Protecting an R object automatically protects all the R objects pointed to in the corresponding SEXPREC, for example all elements of a protected list are automatically protected.
And this from R Internals:
A SEXPREC is a C structure containing the 32-bit header as described above, three pointers (to the attributes, previous and next node) and the node data ...
LISTSXP: Pointers to the CAR, CDR (usually a LISTSXP or NULL) and TAG (a SYMSXP or NULL).
So I interpret this to mean that, if I do something like:
SEXP s, t, u;
PROTECT(s = allocList(2));
SETCAR(s, ScalarLogical(1));
SETCADR(s, ScalarLogical(0));
t = CAR(s);
u = CADR(s);
Then t and u are protected by virtue of being pointers to objects that are within the protected list s (corollary question: is there a way to get the PROTECTED status of an object? Couldn't see anything in Rinternals.h that fit the bill). Yet I see stuff like (from src/main/unique.c):
// Starting on line 1274 (R 3.0.2), note `args` protected by virtue of being
// a function argument
SEXP attribute_hidden do_matchcall(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env)
// ommitting a bunch of lines, and then, on line 1347:
PROTECT(b = CAR(args));
// ...
This suggests all the objects within args are not protected, but that seems very odd since then any of the args objects could have gotten GCed at any point. Since CAR just returns a pointer to a presumably already protected object, why do we need to protect it here?
Think about it this way: PROTECT doesn't actually do something to the object. Rather, it adds a temporary GC root so that the object is considered alive by the collector. Any objects it contains are also alive, not because of some protection applied from C, but because they are pointed-to by another object that is itself already considered alive - the same as any other normal live object. So setting the car of a protected list not only keeps that object alive, it also potentially releases whatever was previously in the car for GC, removing it from that particular live tree (protecting the list didn't recursively affect the elements).
So in general you aren't going to have an easy way of telling whether an object is "protected" or not in this wider sense, because it's actually just following the same rules as GC does elsewhere and there's nothing special about the object. You could potentially trace through the entire PROTECT list and see if you find it, but that would be... inefficient, to say the least (there's also nothing to say that the ownership tree leading to the object in question from the one on the PROTECT list is the one that will keep it alive for the longest).
The line in do_matchcall is actually there for a completely unrelated reason: protecting CAR(args) only happens in one branch of a conditional - in the other branch, it's a newly-created object that gets protected. Redundantly protecting the value from this branch as well means that there's guaranteed to be the same number of objects on the PROTECT stack regardless of which branch was taken, which simplifies the corresponding UNPROTECT at the end of the function to an operation on a constant number of slots (no need to replicate the check down there to vary it).
