Publishing SQL Server database in Access to Sharepoint - sql-server

In my project I need to publish an Access database into Sharepoint. I need to add a web form into it. Is it possible to add a WebForm that can be shown in the Sharepoint site, using ODBC(Database from SQL server on local machine)?
I can connect to that database and edit records in it. But I can't make a form with that web icon on it. Is that even possible to publish something from Access to Sharepoint using local SQL server and make a form to show data from it?

I found something like that:
I totally missed the fact that this was a web app. Access web apps
work with SharePoint, no other data source. That's true for Access
2010. But in Access 2013, there is a hybrid solution possible: Access Client + Access Web + SQL Server. It's still very new and not
common yet, and unfortunately there isn't a migration path from Access
2010 web forms to Access 2013 web forms. You have to build the web app
from scratch. But it's a better platform than Access 2010 offered.
that means i should use access 2013 ?

I am no expert and can't test my ideas, but I read that if you publish an Access db with Access tables to SP, Access tables will be converted to a SQL Server table by SP. Perhaps you could then delete or rename the SP created table on SP's SQL Server and create a view with the same name which points to you table on the other server ?
Have a look at the SP site:


infopath connecting to an access database on Sharepoint

I have an Access Database (accdb) with relationships (and linked tables) that is incompatible with Access Services. It is currently saved locally but I have it on a SharePoint site as well.
I also have created an Infopath form that queries the local Access Database for different fields, and is able to submit data back to make changes to the tables, etc.
I now want to shift the connection to the database that is saved on the SharePoint site. I went to modify my Main data connection (the locally saved Access Database), changed database to point it to the access database that is on the SharePoint site. It definitely recognized that it was an Access Database, because it even showed me my tables and queries and asked me to select a table. But when I do so, it says there is "An unspecified error occurred while attempting to
connect to the data source. Microsoft Office InfoPath supports only MS SQL
Server and MS Office Access databases. Please check the connection to ensure
it uses one of these two databases."
Would any of you know how to resolve this error, without having to set up SharePoint Lists to connect back to my Access Database (I don't see how this would allow the initial querying of the data that my InfoPath form has to do).
Thanks in advance for your help.
Make sure your database it Access 2013 or older, older versions of access aren't supported in SharePoint to modify.
I would create with Access 2016 a database that lives in the SharePoint Data Connected Library and connect to that.

Microsoft Access Web App Sharepoint (SQL Server)

Hi let me start of with saying I have Zero Experience with SharePoint. I have tons of experience with MS Access and SQL Server.
Normally when i need a Data entry front end i'll go for MS Access, but in this case most (probably all of my users) do no have MS Access so a standard MS Access Desktop App is useless.
I have heard that MS Access Web App can be published on to SharePoint, and then Sharepoint can be shared with our users so that they can enter the data.
Now through doing some reading up. I know that you can create a MS Access Web App through sharepoint then design your forms on MS Access and publish them, and the data will be then stored on to SQL Server of the Sharepoint. I hope I have that correct.
I need to be able to access that data through SSMS infact it will be so much better if I can just create the sharepoint app pointing to my sql server.
It would be really helpful if you could offer some guidance on this.
Create MS Access Web app on sharepoint (With data going into another SQL Server)
Craete MS Access Web App on SharePoint (With data going to the SharePoint Server) - but in this case I need to be able to access the database, and be able to add triggers and constraints.
This might be a very stupid question, but I have no idea how Web App and SharePoint work and I currently have no access to SharePoint so I cannot test. I am basically researching before going ahead and asking for SharePoint from my company.

How can I Upload my ASP.NET website(with database)?

this is my first project ^_^
and I have no previous experience.
I did create the database in my project from within the MVC.
Add New Item > SQL Server Database
then I use ADO.NET Entity DataModel
and I don't need to open my connection each time I deal with the database.. it's only the connection string in the Web.config..
my question is :
how can I upload my database?
is there any resource for such beginner as me :$ ?
I did Google it but I found it very hard for me to know if this is what I want or not, that's why I came here :$
It really depends on what type of access you have to your server.
If you have remote desktop access then run remote desktop (mstsc in run) and connect to your server.
This article shows how to install your web application in IIS on server.
This blog post from Scott Guthrie shows you how to deploy your sql database to your server.
In case you only have access to your server via a control panel (plesk) you should still be able to do the same via a different interface. (you need to go through the instructions given for the specific control panel you are using).
Hope this helps.
For ASP.Net website, just upload all files using FTP, in wwwroot folder of your hosting.
For SQL Server database there are following option.
Attach your MDF file on hosting database server (if you have remote desktop).
Generate a script of whole database with full data, schema, and indexes etc. and run the script in query editor of your hosting panel.
First of all create a database from your hosting panel and a user for your database then Use SQL Serer 2008 (R2 most preferable) and connect with your hosting SQL Server using hosting server name in Server name, your db user id in User Name, and same for password. And then connect, you will find a long list of databases including your own database. Now right click on your database and import data from your local database server to remote database server.

Delivering Business Intelligence with SQL Server Analysis Services over the web

I have a cube developed using SQL Server Analysis Services (2005). Its hooked up to an excel front end.
At the moment users have their own logon to the reporting server and access the reports that way. However, it would be nice of they could access the reports over the web.
Are there options for this? I could upgrade to 2008 if there was a compelling case.
The reporting server runs on IIS, so you'd need to treat this as any other IIS server. Common practice is to not expose a database server directly to the internet, so you would want to have a separate server hosting reporting services, which needs another SQL license - if you are not already configured that way.
I'm not sure if you're asking for a way to connect a local excel to the cube, or if you're just wanting to get into the reports interface.
I highly recommend using the aspxpivotgrid to expose your cube data within a web app.
note: not an employee of developerexpress
CellSetGrid is an Open Source ASP .Net (c#) control, which offers pivot table like functionality.
[This used to be available for download in this site:
Now the site does not host this control anymore. So I have uploaded the source of the control - CellSetGrid here.
1) You can build the source
2) Add this as a Control in Visual Studio toolbox.
3) Drag and Drop control to a web form
4) Set the connection string to the cube
5) This will show all the dimensions and measure groups so you can drag n drop what you want to get a pivot table like functionality
SSRS is running on IIS, meaning user can access the reports over web with proper access permission.
Also you can build a custom ASP.NET application with ReportViewer control which is using almost the same report file used in report server.

Silverlight SQL 2005

I want to allow a user to provide their SQL login credentials, and display local SQL tables, stored procs, etc. in a listing. Is this possible? Note: I do not want to install some local, small SQL variant. I'm talking about the full version of SQL 2005+ that's already sitting on a developer's workstation.
Silverlight provides no mechanism for connecting to a SQL Database directly. You either need to provide a set of web services to interface with your data source or use ADO.NET Data services.
Connecting to a local SQL database using Silverlight alone isn't possible.
Something I almost missed is that you don't want to connect back to a database on the web server. You want information about a possible sql server instance on the user's (developer's) local machine. That isn't possible from within Silverlight alone.
I had thought you might be able to send the credentials on to the web server, have it dynamically generate a connection string, and then use the information_schema views to return lists of tables and views like any other data source. But that won't work.
However, in that scenario the web server is essentially acting as a proxy for your silverlight app. You might be able to build something else to act a proxy instead. Perhaps a small clickonce winforms app. That would install from a web page via hyperlink, so you could craft a link to install it on the page hosting your silverlight app.
With silverlight you cannot access the local machine/network resources. you will need to use wpf/xbap.
