Animation with display flex - angularjs

When I open the item-accordion I have used the animation .But the item-accordion has the image that is wrap in the multiple row using display flex property of the CSS3. Whenever I open the accordion the extra content is displayed on the right during transition.So can anyone suggest what can be done to solve it?And this happens when width of the content is small
Another problem is i have used the animate-repeat animation to delete the item.But when i open the item-accordion the animation is applied to them also hence animating the image as a list.
.list .item-accordion {
-webkit-transition:0.09s all linear ;
transition: 0.09s all linear;
This is the animation I am using.
The demo of the code is over here:

I have had similar issues when having to meet complex animation requirements. I have used greensock for more complex animations but that doesn't seem to be needed here. The general concept is that you are going to want to animate something but change/alter the properties before and after the animation has completed. You are going to have to be using a few callback promises to run additional animation after the first part of the animation has completed or do some manual calculations and adjust properties before starting or ending.
Angular Animate
Ionic Animate
It seems like ionic is allowing for onStart and onEnd callbacks. I would hide or force certain properties onStart and reset them onEnd so that you can get around what you are trying to work with. If you are not wanting to work with a fixed width or height you are going to have to grab window/screen size and so some basic calculations based on that. So you would get your window size set the size based on the window for the animation then reset back to auto when completed.


Weird behavior of material-ui slider on mobile with custom Thumb component

I am using the material ui Slider Library and adding Thumbcomponent prop doesn't allow you to drag the slider around from the thumb on mobile, however, the slider does allow you to start dragging after tapping on a mark and resuming sliding that way. It seems that the thumb becomes static after tapping it.
I am trying to draw lines between the thumbs of three sliders by adding a ref to each thumb and running getBoundingClientRect() on each ref in the componentdidUpdate of the parent holding the sliders. I have add some additional hacky code to account for the fact that the sliders are located on a drawer. I do intend for the thumb to be an image as well.
Can find the demo on
I tried removing the ref from the span (in Thumbcomponent, line 54) so that the custom location code goes away but the issue still prevails leading me to believe, its not the ref that is causing the issue and nor is it the custom code.
On desktop, this behavior doesn't occur but I've tried running this on android, IOS and the chrome dev tools mobile simulation where it does.
Kind of working with removing pointer events for the custom thumb:
pointer-events: none;
The problem seems to be that the touch events are not propagated from the thumb to the actual slider.

amcharts chart does not show when div is initially closed by ng-show

I have an amchart in a div whose show/hide is managed by angularjs. Sometimes it charts data that's already in memory. When that is the case, the div opens, chart is rendered and the SVG in there has a width of 10. As a result the chart does not appear on screen. Resize the window a mite and the chart appears because amcharts is listening to resize events I guess. This I think is a known issue - I have seen some SO posts on them and I hope one of them will work for me. My suspicion is that the angular machine does not get cycles to run open the div before amcharts gets to draw its magic (just a hunch no solid evidence.)
Next, I added an event watcher
divs.chart_div.on('yes', 'snowy', function(){ // same with 'shown','resize''============= woah ========');
Now a strange thing happened. I see the following error stack in my console
Error: [jqLite:onargs] jqLite#on() does not support the `selector` or `eventData` parameters
at REGEX_STRING_REGEXP (http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:8762:12)
at jqLiteOn (http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:11733:39)
at Object.JQLite.(anonymous function) (http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:11951:17)
at Object.makePieChart (http://localhost:8100/common/services/graphinghelperService.js:528:34)
at obj.controller.$scope.myExt.renderFunc (http://localhost:8100/directives/boxRenderers2.js:179:24)
at _render_it (http://localhost:8100/modules/dashboard/dashboard.js:246:30)
at $scope.showBox.deferred.promise.then.workarea.showChild (http://localhost:8100/modules/dashboard/dashboard.js:310:17)
at processQueue (http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:21888:27)
at http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:21904:27
at Scope.$get.Scope.$eval (http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:23100:28)
And that funky behavior is gone ! The chart appears if I click to redraw it out of cached data, hides when click again, and all good. No more bland background colored div to stare at!!.
However, if I change the watch to divs.chart_div.on('shown', function(){ then the event handler is not called and the chart does not appear when rendered out of cached data.
I wonder what's going on.
Looks like something (might be the armchart library?) is expecting jQuery to be available to bind to an event. Angular comes with jqLite, a stripped down version of jQuery so that's why you're getting that exception.
I'm guessing it's something here on this line.
at Object.makePieChart (http://localhost:8100/common/services/graphinghelperService.js:528:34)
Use the full version of jQuery instead to take care of that problem:

AngularJS height equalizer hidden div

I am currently trying to build a slider on my page. The slider slides between different content, which means each slider has a different div height. This makes it hard to use animations since I need to use position:absolute; for those (to slide left/right). To work around this, I added a parent container with a position:relative; and used this directive to get equal height on my divs. However, the problem I am facing is that it only gets the height of the first visible div. Meaning it will work fine if the div with the highest height is shown first, but otherwise it won't work (since content will come outside of the slider).
How can I adjust this so that the equalizer gets the height of each div, and gets the one with the highest value in height, and uses that instead of the only visible one?
Additional info:
Using ng-show to show the current slide, and css3 animations.
The solution was pretty logical. I'm not that great with directives. But after some researching I saw that this directive had a function called equalize() - meaning I could only call EqualizerState.equalize() once I had added EqualizerState to my dependencies.

ngShow/ngHide fadeout animation not working

I am trying to fadeout a message text after some n seconds. I have tried something like this
but its not working, after 8 seconds the text message is hiding immediately.
In your plunker above you delete the message before being able to animate the text. In fact, your div container animates (its opacity is transitioned to 0) but you cannot see it because of the missing text.
Another point is to use either ng-show or ng-class when trying to animate elements. Using both of them force you to overwrite the classes added to the element and can make your code quite confusing.
You can test the plunker here

Properly animate hiding/showing element with Angular and animate.css

I have a basic plunker which shows the problem: When you click on the button the first element is shown/hidden with a bouncy animation. This works fine, but the problem is that the items below it just jump to the new place which is quite ugly and jarring.
So, if you click on the button, item One slides away and then a second later items Two and Three jump up. I'd like everything to slide up while item One slides away. How can this be done? Do I need to drop animate.css and write my own custom animations? How would that work? (I don't really care about the bouncy animation, it should just slide away / back into view.)
The current bouncy animation that you have is using a transform property which isn't going to effect sibling elements. If you did something like animate the margin, other elements would move as well.
You could either change the animation method on your target element, or leave it and additionally animate the target's adjacent sibling. I modified your Plunker demonstrating the latter:
*This also demonstrations using transitions on the hide and keyframes on the show.
To select the adjacent sibling next to the one being effected by ng-hide, make a css selector with the + symbol: + .item {...}
Then by transitioning/animating margin-top, the remaining item elements will get pushed around too.
