malloc of char* also change other char* variable - c

I'm programming atmega8535 using C. I want to save data into flash disk using ALFAT OEM module. But, I have problem because the data that I want to save change into other variable in the middle program (Data saving is success, but the data is wrong). It occurs after malloc. I already malloc the variable data. I'm using hyperterminal to debugging my program
This is my code. I only show that related
// Declare your global variables here
char* reply = NULL;
char* directory = NULL;
char* fileName = NULL;
char* getFileName = NULL;
void writeCommand(char* command){ //to give command to ALFAT
//not related
void readCommand(){ //to request reply from ALFAT
//related (because contains malloc and also change my variable) but I give another example
void get_ErrorCode(char errorCode[4]){ //to get errorCode from ALFAT's reply
//not related
void get_Version(){ //to know ALFAT's version
//not related
void mountUSB0(){ //to mount USB port 0
//not related
void mountUSB1(){ //to mount USB port 1
//not related
void get_fileName(){ //to get fileName from ALFAT's reply after N command
//not related
int check_File(char port[1]){ //to check whether file already exists or not
//related (because contains malloc and also change my variable) but I give another example
void separate_Directory(char* fullDir, char* data){ //to separate directory and fileName from fullDirectory "fullDir"
int i,j;
int numSlash = 0; //numberOfSlash
int curNumSlash = 0; //currentNumberOfSlash
printf("1st GUNYUH data = %s, address data = %x, directory = %s, address directory = %x\n",data,data,directory,directory);
//count backslash '\'=0x5C
for (i=0;i<strlen(fullDir);i++){
if(fullDir[i]== 0x5C ) numSlash++;
//count number of char for directory
curNumSlash = 0;
while (curNumSlash != numSlash){
if(fullDir[i]== 0x5C) curNumSlash++;
//i = number of char for directory
//number of char for filename = strlen(fullDir)-total char directory
directory = (char *) malloc (i+1);
fileName = (char *) malloc (strlen(fullDir)-i+1);
printf("2nd GUNYUH data = %s, address data = %x, directory = %s, address directory = %x\n",data,data,directory,directory);
//save into directory until last backslash
curNumSlash = 0;
while (curNumSlash != numSlash){
if(fullDir[i]== 0x5C) curNumSlash++;
directory[i] = fullDir[i];
directory[i] = '\0';
//remaining fullDir into fileName
while (i < strlen(fullDir)){
fileName[j] = fullDir[i];
fileName[j] = '\0';
printf("3rd GUNYUH data = %s, address data = %x, directory = %s, address directory = %x\n",data,data,directory,directory);
printf("separate directory = %s, fileName = %s, fullDir = %s\n",directory,fileName,fullDir);
void writeData (char* data, char* fullDir, char port[1], char statFileHandler[16]){
//I omit that not related
printf("1)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DATA = %s, ADDRESS DATA = %x, DIRECTORY = %s, ADDRESS DIRECTORY = %x\n",data,*data,directory,*directory);
printf("2)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DATA = %s, ADDRESS DATA = %x, DIRECTORY = %s, ADDRESS DIRECTORY = %x\n",data,*data,directory,*directory);
void main(){
char* data;
char* fullDir = NULL;
char port[1]="";
char statFileHandler[16];
//omitted (also omit the mounting)
data = (char *) malloc (strlen("meong")+1); //+1 utk \0
data[strlen("meong")] = '\0';
fullDir = (char *) malloc (strlen("\\f1\\nyan.txt")+1);
fullDir[strlen("\\f1\\nyan.txt")] = '\0';
fullDir[i] = toupper(fullDir[i]);
//omit some printf for debugging
printf("fullDir di main= %s\n",fullDir);
printf("data di main = %s\n",data);
printf("address data di main = %x\n",*data);
writeData (data, fullDir, port, statFileHandler);
Check the GUNYUH part. The output in HyperTerminal:
1st GUNYUH data = meong, address data = 196, directory = , address directory = 0
2nd GUNYUH data = , addressdata = 196, directory = , address directory = 196
3rd GUNYUH data = \F1\, address data = 196, directory = \F1\, address directory = 196
my data in main is "meong".
1st GUNYUH before malloc, the data still "meong"
2nd GUNYUH after malloc, the data already changed
3rd GUNYUH after defined the directory, the data also changed. (Well because the address also same so it point to the same address)
why it changed?
Is it because lack of memory problem? But, when there's no enough heap memory, the malloc will return NULL so it never go out from the loop. I already experienced the lack of heap memory before and it did can't go out from the loop.
I have also experience overlapping like this. But it is because I didn't use malloc. (but I didn't check the address and go for static array but not enough memory so back into dynamic and found that it need malloc)
some help please?

This is not an answer but it is too big for comments.
You have the following bugs:
In four different printf lines you cause undefined behaviour by passing null pointer for %s. (the variable directory). After undefined behaviour has begun, all bets are off.
Printing a pointer with %x causes undefined behaviour. To print a pointer use %p and cast the pointer to (void *) .
You do *THING instead of THING in 3 different places, for printf
Don't cast malloc, the cast may be hiding an error message indicating a bug
On the line for(i=0;i<strlen("\\f1\\nyan.txt");i++){ , i is undeclared.
You failed to include stdio.h, stdlib.h string.h and ctype.h .
There are two more } than { in your code.
After the line with fullDir = (char *) malloc... , you do not check to see whether malloc failed.
This code should not compile. This leads me to believe that you are not posting your real code. It is important that you post exactly the code that is failing.
You need to create a minimal program, test that that program still shows the problem, and post the code of that program unaltered.
This is because there could be problems that are in the "real code" but not in the code you posted. Since you don't know where the problem is, you can't be sure that you have included the part that causes the problem.
In fact, if I fix all the bugs listed above and remove the infinite loop at the end of main(), your code compiles and runs successfully for me. That suggests that either one of the listed points is the problem, or the problem is in code that you didn't post.


Segmentation fault while function call

I got a struct Chat
struct Chat
int m_FD;
int m_BindPort;
char m_NameLength;
char* m_Name;
char m_PeerCount;
char** m_PeerList;
} typedef Chat_t;
i'm initializing it with this function:
int chat_init(Chat_t* this, unsigned int nameLen, char* name, unsigned short int bindPort, unsigned int peerCount, char** peerList)
this->m_NameLength = nameLen;
this->m_Name = malloc(sizeof(char) * (nameLen+1));
strcpy(this->m_Name, name);
this->m_BindPort = bindPort;
this->m_PeerCount = peerCount;
this->m_PeerList = malloc(sizeof(char*) * peerCount);
for(int i=0; i<peerCount; i++)
this->m_PeerList[i] = malloc(sizeof(char) * 16); // enough for\0
strcpy(this->m_PeerList[i], peerList[i]);
//Socket initialization for TCP connection...
//Commenting this out doesn't change anything so i'm hiding it for simplification
return 0;
After that i'm calling a second function
int chat_communicate(Chat_t* this)
//Some stuff that doesn't matter because it isn't even called
return retVar;
in main like this
void main(void)
char* peerList[1];
char username[USERNAME_MAX_LEN];
int initRet;
int loopRet;
Chat_t chat;
peerList[0] = "";
memset(username, 0, USERNAME_MAX_LEN);
printf("Please enter your user name: ");
scanf("%s", username);
username[USERNAME_MAX_LEN-1] = 0;
initRet = chat_init(&chat, strlen(username), username, 1234, 1, peerList);
printf("File Descriptor: %d\n", chat.m_FD);
printf("Binding Port: %d\n", chat.m_BindPort);
printf("Name Length: %d\n", chat.m_NameLength);
printf("Name: %s\n", chat.m_Name);
printf("Peer Count: %d\n", chat.m_PeerCount);
for(int i=0; i< chat.m_PeerCount; i++)
printf("Peer[%d]: %s\n", i, chat.m_PeerList[i]);
ret = chat_communicate(&chat);
//Even more Stuff that isn't even called
My program outputs the following
File Descriptor: 3
Binding Port: 1234
Name Length: 4
Name: User
Peer Count: 1
Segmentation Fault
It compiles without errors or even warnings.
You can also assume that every string is null-Terminated The stuff i replaced with comments itn't that complicated but just too much to show.
Every value inside the struct is printed with printf right before but when passing this very struct per reference the application crashes.
What i want to know is why i'm getting this Segmentation Fault. Since it appeared while calling a function i thought it is some kind of layout problem but i havn't find anything like that.
Because some people weren't able to believe me that the code i hid behind "some stuff" comments doesn't change anything i want to state this here once again. This code just contains a tcp socket communication and only performs read-operations. I also am able to reproduce the error mentioned above without this code so please don't get stuck with it. Parts does not influence the object under observation at all.
Among other potential problems,
this->m_PeerList = malloc(sizeof(char)*peerCount);
is clearly wrong.
m_PeerList is a char **, yet you're only allocating peerCount bytes, which only works if a char * pointer is one byte on your system - not likely.
Replace it with something like
this->m_PeerList = malloc(peerCount * sizeof( *( this->m_peerList ) ) );
Note that sizeof( char ) is always one - by definition.
You're not allocating enough memory for the this->m_Name. It should be on more than this if you want it to store the null-terminated string of the name.
That, or we need more information about the peerList.
Now that you have posted an almost complete code, I was able to spot two problems next to each other:
int chat_init(Chat_t* this, unsigned int nameLen, char* name, unsigned short int bindPort, unsigned int peerCount, char** peerList)
this->m_NameLength = nameLen;
this->m_Name = malloc(sizeof(char) * (nameLen + 1)); // correct
//< this->m_Name = malloc(sizeof(char) * nameLen); // wrong
strcpy(this->m_Name, name); // correct
//< memcpy(this->m_Name, name, nameLen); // wrong
The lines starting with //< is your original code:
Here you don't allocate enough space, you need to account for the NUL terminator:
this->m_Name = malloc(sizeof(char) * nameLen);
And here you don't copy the NUL terminator:
memcpy(this->m_Name, name, nameLen);
You really need to be aware how strings work in C.
Why don't you debug it yourself. If using GCC, compile your code with options -g -O0. Then run it with gdb:
gdb ./a.out
(gdb) r
If it crashes do:
(gdb) bt
This will give exactly where it crashes.
Update: There may be potential problems with your code as found by other users. However, memory allocation related issues will not crash your application just on calling function chat_communicate. There could be different reasons for this behaviour ranging from stack overflow to improper compilation. Without seeing the whole code it is very difficult to tell. Best advice is to consider review comments by other users and debug it yourself.

Malloc/free double free or corruption error

I have a problem with a simple malloc/free functions I use in a more complex program and I can't find how to get rid of this problem.
My project looks like :
I tried a lot of tests to know where it come from but I just can't find a solution...
here is the code part where it seems to bug :
void programm(){
... Creating variables and getting infos from socket ...
char a[512];
char b[512];
char* MessageOut = NULL;
MessageOut = (char*)malloc(strlen(a)+strlen(b));
printf("MessageOut Is Null\n");
printf("Size of Malloc:%d\n",strlen(a)+strlen(b));
sprintf( (char*)MessageOut, "%s%s",a, b );
MessageOut[0] = 0x02;
MessageOut[1] = Data[1];
MessageOut[2] = Data[2];
MessageOut[3] = 0x03;
byte_nb = sendto(client_socket, (void *)MessageOut, strlen(a)+strlen(b), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&dist_addr, addr_len);
if (byte_nb == -1) {
printf("send error:%s\n", strerror(errno));
} else {
printf("%i bytes sent\n", byte_nb);
printf("MessageOut Is Null\n");
As I said it is just a part of my code, I tried to summarize it to the part where it goes wrong.
All of this is in a while(1)-loop.
The error I got is double free or corruption (!prev)
The printf give me :
Size Of Malloc : 196
196 Bytes sent
The first loop works correctly but after a few one I got
Error: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x01c7eeb0
It does not seems to be a problem with the socket because I have the same address before and after the sendto.
strlen() is passed an uninitialised a which invokes undefined behaviour.
To initially set a initialise it on definition:
char a[512] = "blablabla";
or set it right after:
char a[512];
strcpy(a, "blablabla");
(The same applies to b)
Assuming a and b were set correctly this call
sprintf( (char*)MessageOut, "%s%s",a, b );
would write 1 char beyond MessageOut bounds, as after setting the data as per a and b and additional '\0' will be put, the so called 0-terminator, that every C-"string" carries to maker is end.
To fix this adjust the related call to malloc() accordingly:
MessageOut = malloc(strlen(a) + strlen(b) + 1); /* There is no need to cast
the result fo malloc in C. */

lexical analyser correct output but pointer "filename" contains wrong name

The purpose of this code is to read the following txts(d.txt,e.txt,f.txt) and do the actions that are required in order to put the alphabet with the correct order into the output.txt. The code suppose to work since in output.txt i get the correct results but there is a problem with the testing i did using the printf (it's at the end of newfile function). In order to run i give as input d.txt and output.txt.
It should print
top->prev points to file :d
top->prev points to file :e
but instead it prints the following and i can't find the reason
top->prev points to file :d
top->prev points to file :f
#include e.txt
#include f.txt
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct yyfilebuffer{
struct yyfilebuffer *prev;
FILE *f;
char *filename;
int i;
char temporal[7];
void newfile(char *filename);
void popfile();
void create();
%s INC
%option noyywrap
"#include " {BEGIN INC;}
<INC>.*$ {for(i=1;i<strlen(yytext)-2;i++)
<<EOF>> {popfile();
void main(int argc,int **argv)
if ( argc < 3 )
printf("\nUsage yybuferstate <filenamein> <filenameout>");
yyout = fopen(argv[2], "w");
void create()
top = NULL;
void newfile(char *filename)
struct yyfilebuffer *newptr;
if(top == NULL)
newptr = malloc(1*sizeof(struct yyfilebuffer));
newptr->prev = NULL;
newptr->filename = filename;
newptr->f = fopen(filename,"r");
newptr->bs = yy_create_buffer(newptr->f, YY_BUF_SIZE);
top = newptr;
newptr = malloc(1*sizeof(struct yyfilebuffer));
newptr->prev = top;
newptr->filename = filename;
newptr->f = fopen(filename,"r");
newptr->bs = yy_create_buffer(newptr->f, YY_BUF_SIZE);
top = newptr;
yy_switch_to_buffer(top->bs); //edw
if(top->prev != NULL)
printf("top->prev points to file : %s\n",top->prev->filename);
void popfile()
struct yyfilebuffer *temp;
temp = NULL;
if(top->prev == NULL)
printf("\n Error : Trying to pop from empty stack");
temp = top;
top = temp->prev;
You need to think about how you manage memory, remembering that C does not really have a string type in the way you might be used to from other languages.
You define a global variable:
char temporal[7];
(which has an odd name, since globals are anything but temporary), and then fill in its value in your lexer:
for(i=1;i<strlen(yytext)-2;i++) {
There are at least three problems with the above code:
temporal only has room for a six-character filename, but nowhere do you check to make sure that yyleng is not greater than 6. If it is, you will overwrite random memory. (The flex-generated scanner sets yyleng to the length of the token whose starting address is yytext. So you might as well use that value instead of computing strlen(yytext), which involves a scan over the text.)
You never null-terminate temporal. That's OK the first time, because it has static lifetime and will therefore be filled with zeros at program initialization. But the second and subsequent times you are counting on the new filename to not be shorter than the previous one; otherwise, you'll end up with part of the previous name at the end of the new name.
You could have made much better use of the standard C library. Although for reasons I will note below, this does not solve the problem you observe, it would have been better to use the following instead of the loop, after checking that yyleng is not too big:
memcpy(temporal, yytext + 1, yyleng - 2); /* Copy the filename */
temporal[yyleng - 2] = '\0'; /* NUL-terminate the copy */
Once you make the copy in temporal, you give that to newfile:
And in newfile, what we see is:
newptr->filename = filename;
That does not copy filename. The call to newfile passed the address of temporal as an argument, so within newfile, the value of the parameter filename is the address of temporal. You then store that address in newptr->filename, so newptr->filename is also the address of temporal.
But, as noted above, temporal is not temporary. It is a global variable whose lifetime is the entire lifetime of the program. So the next time your lexical scanner encounters an include directive, it will put it into temporal, overwriting the previous contents. So what then happens to the filename member in the yyfilebuffer structure? Answer: nothing. It still points to the same place, temporal, but the contents of that place have changed. So when you later print out the contents of the string pointed to by that filename field, you'll get a different string from the one which happened to be in temporal when you first created that yyfilebuffer structure.
On the whole, you'll find it easier to manage memory if newfile and popfile "own" the memory in the filebuffer stack. That means that newfile should make a copy of its argument into freshly-allocated storage, and popfile should free that storage, since it is no longer needed. If newfile makes a copy, then it is not necessary for the lexical-scanner action which calls newfile to make a copy; it is only necessary for it to make sure that the string is correctly NUL-terminated when it calls newfile.
In short, the code might look like this:
/* Changed parameter to const, since we are not modifying its contents */
void newfile(const char *filename) {
/* Eliminated this check as obviously unnecessary: if(top == NULL) */
struct yyfilebuffer *newptr = malloc(sizeof(struct yyfilebuffer));
newptr->prev = top;
// Here we copy filename. Since I suspect that you are on Windows,
// I'll write it out in full. Normally, I'd use strdup.
newptr->filename = malloc(strlen(filename) + 1);
strcpy(newptr->filename, filename);
newptr->f = fopen(filename,"r");
newptr->bs = yy_create_buffer(newptr->f, YY_BUF_SIZE);
top = newptr;
yy_switch_to_buffer(top->bs); //edw
if(top->prev != NULL) {
printf("top->prev points to file : %s\n",top->prev->filename);
void popfile() {
if(top->prev == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error : Trying to pop from empty stack\n");
struct yyfilebuffer temp = top;
top = temp->prev;
/* Reclaim memory */
Now that newfile takes ownership of the string passed to it, we no longer need to make a copy. Since the action clearly indicates that you expect the argument to the #include to be something like a C #include directive (surrounded either by "..." or <...>), it is better to make that explicit:
<INC>\".+\"$|"<".+">"$ {
/* NUL-terminate the filename by overwriting the trailing "*/
yytext[yyleng - 1] = '\0';
newfile(yytext + 1);

Why does malloc provoke memory corruption here?

I keep getting the following error:
*** Error in `./vice': malloc(): memory corruption: 0x08e77530 ***
Aborted (core dumped)
The relevant code is:
open_result *
open_file_1_svc(open_args *argp, struct svc_req *rqstp)
static open_result result;
int obtained_fd;
int just_read;
int total_read = 0;
int max_bytes_read = 1024;
char *ptr_file;
char *pathName = "MyFiles/"; // strlen = 8
int toReserve;
xdr_free((xdrproc_t)xdr_open_result, (char *)&result);
// Construct full name of the file (in "MyFiles")
toReserve = strlen(argp->fname) + strlen(pathName) + 1; // "\0"
char *fullName = malloc(toReserve*sizeof(char));
fullName = strdup(pathName);
fullName = strcat(fullName, argp->fname);
// Call to open in POSIX
obtained_fd = open(fullName, argp->flags);
result.fd = obtained_fd;
/* If there was an error while reading, the error code will be sent, but not
the file (it might not even exist) */
if (obtained_fd < 0) {
result.characters = "";
result.number_characters = 0;
/* If the file opening was successful,
both the fd and the file will be sent */
else {
char *file_just_read = malloc(max_bytes_read * sizeof(char)); // This is the problem
ptr_file = file_just_read;
/* Reading the file byte by byte */
while((just_read = read(obtained_fd, ptr_file, max_bytes_read)) > 0) {
total_read += just_read;
file_just_read = realloc(file_just_read, (total_read+max_bytes_read) * sizeof(char));
ptr_file = file_just_read + total_read;
result.characters = file_just_read;
result.number_characters = total_read;
return &result;
Let me explain what the code does. This is a server named "vice" which communicates with its clients via RPC. This function is supposed to receive "open_args" and return "open_result". These are defined in the "vice.x" file. The relevant part of this file is:
struct open_args {
string fname<>;
int flags;
struct open_result {
string characters<>;
int number_characters;
int fd;
open_file_1_svc is supposed to try to open a file with the name given in argp->fname in the directory MyFiles. If open is successful, open_file_1_svc will attempt to copy the contents of the file in result.characters, sending a copy of the contents of the file to the client this way. The number_characters will allow me to know if there are any null bytes in between.
The error I'm getting appears when I attempt to allocate some memory for the part of the file I'm about to read.
I've been reading about this type of error, but I don't understand what's wrong with this particular case.
malloc does not "provoke" the corruption; malloc detects it.
This error is telling you that something had scribbled over the heap meta data before malloc was called (this time); you probably have a buffer overrun.
Both malloc calls in this code are before anything writes to memory, so the overrun is most likely elsewhere. (I've not done a detailed check that this code is right, but it's after-the-fact here.)
Edit: I missed the implicit malloc call inside the strdup. This will cause an overrun because the duplicated string has a smaller allocation. I think you mean strcpy, not strdup.

Pointer to Pointer

I am having a lot of trouble with this piece of code (I am not good at pointers :P). So here is the code.
printf("\n Enter the file name along with its extensions that you want to delete:-");
result_5 = deletefile_1(&deletefile_1_arg, clnt);
if (result_5 == (int *) NULL) {
clnt_perror (clnt, "call failed");
printf("\n File is deleted sucessfully");
goto Menu2;
Function that is getting called is as following.
int *
deletefile_1_svc(char **argp, struct svc_req *rqstp)
static int result;
printf("\nFile Has Been Deleted");
return &result;
I am getting test2 on console but. It does not print value of argp / removes that perticular file. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Please help me.
The argp is a pointer to a pointer char, and you are trying to use it as a pointer to char, try change your code to:
printf("%s", *argp);
You would also need to change your remove call to:
I always found drawing pictures helped understand pointers. Use boxes for memory addresses and a label for the box is the variable name. If the variable is a pointer, then the contents of the box is the address of another box (draw line to the other box).
You are using pointers when you don't need to. Your "deletefile1_svc" function doesn't manipulate the value of "argp" at all so it doesn't need a pointer-to-pointer. Plus your "result" doesn't need to be returned as a pointer since it is simply a numeric value. You also don't initialize result (it might be zero) or re-initialize it (it is static so it will remember the last value assigned to it).
deletefile_1_svc(const char *argp, struct svc_req *rqstp)
int result = 0; /* Initial value => failure */
if (remove (argp) == 0)
result = 1; /* 1 => success */
return result;
To call the function use:
result_5 = deletefile1_svc(filename, clnt);
if (result_5 == 0)
// Failed
// Success
That will make the code simpler and less prone to bugs.
