Audio tone for Microcontroller p18f4520 using a for loop - c

I'm using C Programming to program an audio tone for the microcontroller P18F4520.
I am using a for loop and delays to do this. I have not learned any other ways to do so and moreover it is a must for me to use a for loop and delay to generate an audio tone for the target board. The port for the speaker is at RA4. This is what I have done so far.
#include <p18f4520.h>
#include <delays.h>
void tone (float, int);
void main()
ADCON1 = 0x0F;
TRISA = 0b11101111;
/*tone(38.17, 262); //C (1)
tone(34.01, 294); //D (2)
tone(30.3, 330); //E (3)
tone(28.57, 350); //F (4)
tone(25.51, 392); //G (5)
tone(24.04, 416); //G^(6)
tone(20.41, 490); //B (7)
tone(11.36, 880); //A (8)*/
tone(11.36, 880); //A (8)
void tone(float n, int cycles)
unsigned int i;
for(i=0; i<cycles; i++)
PORTAbits.RA4 = 0;
PORTAbits.RA4 = 1;
So as you can see what I have done is that I have created a tone function whereby n is for the delay and cycles is for the number of cycles in the for loop. I am not that sure whether my calculations are correct but so far it is what I have done and it does produce a tone. I'm just not sure whether it is really a A tone or G tone etc. How I calculate is that firstly I will find out the frequency tone for example A tone has a frequency of 440Hz. Then I will find the period for it whereby it will be 1/440Hz. Then for a duty cycle, I would like the tone to beep only for half of it which is 50% so I will divide the period by 2 which is (1/440Hz)/2 = 0.001136s or 1.136ms. Then I will calculate delay for 1 cycle for the microcontroller 4*(1/2MHz) which is 2µs. So this means that for 1 cycle it will delay for 2µs, the ratio would be 2µs:1cyc. So in order to get the number of cycles for 1.136ms it will be 1.136ms:1.136ms/2µs which is 568 cycles. Currently at this part I have asked around what should be in n where n is in Delay10TCYx(n). What I have gotten is that just multiply 10 for 11.36 and for a tone A it will be Delay10TCYx(11.36). As for the cycles I would like to delay for 1 second so 1/1.136ms which is 880. That's why in my method for tone A it is tone(11.36, 880). It generates a tone and I have found out the range of tones but I'm not really sure if they are really tones C D E F G G^ B A.
So my questions are
1. How do I really calculate the delay and frequency for tone A?
2. for the state of the for loop for the 'cycles' is the number cycles but from the answer that I will get from question 1, how many cycles should I use in order to vary the period of time for tone A? More number of cycles will be longer periods of tone A? If so, how do I find out how long?
3. When I use a function to play the tone, it somehow generates a different tone compared to when I used the for loop directly in the main method. Why is this so?
4. Lastly, if I want to stop the code, how do I do it? I've tried using a for loop but it doesn't work.
A simple explanation would be great as I am just a student working on a project to produce tones using a for loop and delays. I've searched else where whereby people use different stuff like WAV or things like that but I would just simply like to know how to use a for loop and delay for audio tones.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.

First, you need to understand the general approach to how you generate an interrupt at an arbitrary time interval. This lets you know you are able to have a specific action occur every x microseconds, [1-2].
There are already existing projects that play a specific tone (in Hz) on a PIC like what you are trying to do, [3-4].
Next, you'll want to take an alternate approach to generating the tone. In the case of your delay functions, you are effectively using up the CPU for nothing, when it could be done something else. You would be better off using timer interrupts directly so you're not "burning the CPU by idling".
Once you have this implemented, you just need to know the corresponding frequency for the note you are trying to generate, either by using a formula to generate a frequency from a specific musical note [5], or using a look-up table [6].
What is the procedure for PIC timer0 to generate a 1 ms or 1 sec interrupt?, Accessed 2014-07-05, <>
Introduction to PIC18′s Timers – PIC Microcontroller Tutorial, Accessed 2014-07-05, <>
Generate Ring Tones on your PIC16F87x Microcontroller, Accessed 2014-07-05, <>
AN655 - D/A Conversion Using PWM and R-2R Ladders to Generate Sine and DTMF Waveforms, Accessed 2014-07-05, <>
Equations for the Frequency Table, Accessed 2014-07-05, <>
Frequencies for equal-tempered scale, A4 = 440 Hz, Accessed 2014-07-05, <>

How to compute the number of cycles for delays to get a tone of 440Hz ? I will assume that your clock speed is 1/2MHz or 500kHz, as written in your question.
1) A 500kHz clock speed corresponds to a tic every 2us. Since a cycle is 4 clock tics, a cycle lasts 8 us.
2) A frequency of 440Hz corresponds to a period of 2.27ms, or 2270us, or 283 cycles.
3) The delay is called twice per period, so the delays should be about 141 cycles for A.
About your tone function...As you compile your code, you must face some kind of warning, something like warning: (42) implicit conversion of float to integer... The prototype of the delay function is void Delay10TCYx(unsigned char); : it expects an unsigned char, not a float. You will not get any floating point precision. You may try something like :
void tone(unsigned char n, unsigned int cycles)
unsigned int i;
for(i=0; i<cycles; i++)
PORTAbits.RA4 = 0;
PORTAbits.RA4 = 1;
I changed for Delay1TCYx() for accuracy. Now, A 1 second A-tone would be tone(141,440). A 1 second 880Hz-tone would be tone(70,880).
There is always a while(1) is all examples about PIC...if you just need one beep at start, do something like :
void main()
ADCON1 = 0x0F;
TRISA = 0b11101111;
Regarding the change of tone when embedded in a function, keep in mind that every operation takes at least one cycle. Calling a function may take a few cycles. Maybe declaring static inline void tone (unsigned char, int) would be a good thing...
However, as signaled by #Dogbert , using delays.h is a good start for beginners, but do not get used to it ! Microcontrollers have lots of features to avoid counting and to save some time for useful computations.
timers : think of it as an alarm clock. 18f4520 has 4 of them.
interruption : the PIC stops the current operation, performs the code specified for this interruption, erases the flag and comes back to its previous task. A timer can trigger an interruption.
PWM pulse wave modulation. 18f4520 has 2 of them. Basically, it generates your signal !


How to use KissFFT with audio?

I have an array of 2048 samples of an audio file at 44.1 khz and want to transform it into a spectrum for an LED effect. I don't know too much about the inner workings of fft but I tryed it using kiss fft:
kiss_fft_cpx *cpx_in = malloc(FRAMES * sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx));
kiss_fft_cpx *cpx_out = malloc(FRAMES * sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx));
kiss_fft_cfg cfg = kiss_fft_alloc( FRAMES , 0 ,0,0 );
for(int j = 0;j<FRAMES;j++) {
float x = (alsa_buffer[(fft_last_index+j+BUFFER_OVERSIZE*FRAMES)%(BUFFER_OVERSIZE*FRAMES)] - offset);
cpx_in[j] = (kiss_fft_cpx){.r = x, .i = x};
kiss_fft(cfg, cpx_in, cpx_out);
My output seems really off. When I play a simple sine, there multiple outputs with values way above zero. Also it generally seems like the first entries are way higher. Do I have to weigh the outputs?
I also don't understand how I have to treat the complex numbers, I'm currently using my input values on the real and imaginary part and for the output I use the abs, is that right?
Also usually spectrum analyzers for audio have logarithmic scaling, so I tried that but the problem is that the fft output as far as I know isn't logarithmic, so the first band for example is say 0-100hz but optimally my first LED on the effect should be only up to like 60hz (so a fraction of the first outputs band), while the last LED would be say 8khz to 10khz which would in that case be 20 fft outputs.
Is there any way to make the output logarithmic? How do I limit the spectrum to 20khz (or know what the bands of the output are in general) and is there any other thing to look out for when working with audio signals?

How can i create a truly random number in C (IDE: MPLAB)

I am making a game on a PIC18F2550 and I need to create a random number between 1 and 4.
I've found out already that the rand() function sucks for truly random numbers.
I've tried the srand(time(NULL)), this is the main file
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main(void) {
while(timed_to_1ms()) {
this is the fsm_game.c file
void randomSpawn(int time2) {
if(counter%time2==0) {
int x = rand()%4 +1; // Makes number between 1 and 4
When I try to build this I get an error saying:
":0: error: (499) undefined symbol:
_time(dist/default/production\Dontcrash.production.obj) "
I think the problem may be in the fact that a microProcessor doesn't 'know the time', so if that's the case, what can I do to solve this problem?
To initialize the random number generator you could read the voltage present on a floating pin with the PIC's ADC, and set the seed with srand().
Additionally, you could save the seed to EEPROM every time the program starts, and read the previous seed value from EEPROM, combine it with the ADC value to make things less predictable. - I think this would be good enough for a game, otherwise that would be too crude I guess.
unsigned int seed = read_seed_from_adc();
seed ^= read_seed_from_eeprom(); /* use something else than XOR here */
I think the problem may be in the fact that a microProcessor doesn't
'know the time', so if that's the case, what can I do to solve this
Time is usually measured with an RTC on a microcontroller, so it depends on your hardware if the RTC can be used (the RTC usually needs an quartz resonator and a backup battery to keep it running all the time, some micros use an external RTC). Since most often only a small C library is used on microcontrollers, time() usually will not be available, and you would need to read out the RTC registers yourself. - It could also be used to initialize the PRNG.
Since your PIC doesn't have a hardware RNG, you'll have to settle for a software PRNG. Yes, the one in many C libraries is not very good (though many modern compilers are getting better). For small embedded systems, I like to use Marsaglia's XOR shift:
static uint32_t rng_state;
uint32_t rng_next() {
rng_state ^= (rng_state << 13);
rng_state ^= (rng_state >> 17);
rng_state ^= (rng_state << 5);
return rng_state - 1;
You seed the above by just setting rng_state to an initial value (other than 0).
"Anyone who attempts to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin." - John von Neumann
There are sources of true random numbers on the internet, such as LavaRnd.
It is also possible to get some physical random input from your computer's microphone socket, as long as there is no microphone connected. That will deliver thermal noise which can be used as a basis for a TRNG. Best to gather a large quantity of the data, at least fifty times as many bits or more for security, and extract the entropy with a good quality cryptographic hash function. You will need to experiment, depending on how much entropy your equipment delivers.
More complex would be a full implementation of Fortuna or similar, which gather entropy from a number of sources.
Most expensive would be to purchase a true random source on a card and install that.

Average from error prone measurement samples without buffering

I got a µC which measures temperature with of a sensor with an ADC. Due to various circumstances it can happen, that the reading is 0 (-30°C) or a impossible large Value (500-1500°C). I can't fix the reasons why these readings are so bad (time critical ISRs and sometimes a bad wiring) so I have to fix it with a clever piece of code.
I've come up with this (code gets called OVERSAMPLENR-times in a ISR):
#define OVERSAMPLENR 16 //read value 16 times
#define TEMP_VALID_CHANGE 0.15 //15% change in reading is possible
//float raw_tem_bed_value = <sum of all readings>;
//ADC = <AVR ADC reading macro>;
if(temp_count > 1) { //temp_count = amount of samples read, gets increased elsewhere
float avgRaw = raw_temp_bed_value / temp_count;
float diff = (avgRaw > ADC ? avgRaw - ADC : ADC - avgRaw) / (avgRaw == 0 ? 1 : avgRaw); //pulled out to shorten the line for SO
if (diff > TEMP_VALID_CHANGE * ((OVERSAMPLENR - temp_count) / OVERSAMPLENR)) //subsequent readings have a smaller tollerance
raw_temp_bed_value += avgRaw;
raw_temp_bed_value += ADC;
} else {
raw_temp_bed_value = ADC;
Where raw_temp_bed_value is a static global and gets read and processed later, when the ISR got fired 16 times.
As you can see, I check if the difference between the current average and the new reading is less then 15%. If so I accept the reading, if not, I reject it and add the current average instead.
But this breaks horribly if the first reading is something impossible.
One solution I though of is:
In the last line the raw_temp_bed_value is reset to the first ADC reading. It would be better to reset this to raw_temp_bed_value/OVERSAMPLENR. So I don't run in a "first reading error".
Do you have any better solutions? I though of some solutions featuring a moving average and use the average of the moving average but this would require additional arrays/RAM/cycles which we want to prevent.
I've often used something what I call rate of change to the sampling. Use a variable that represents how many samples it takes to reach a certain value, like 20. Then keep adding your sample difference to a variable divided by the rate of change. You can still use a threshold to filter out unlikely values.
float RateOfChange = 20;
float PreviousAdcValue = 0;
float filtered = FILTER_PRESET;
//isr gets adc value here
filtered = filtered + ((AdcValue - PreviousAdcValue)/RateOfChange);
PreviousAdcValue = AdcValue;
Please note that this isn't exactly like a low pass filter, it responds quicker and the last value added has the most significance. But it will not change much if a single value shoots out too much, depending on the rate of change.
You can also preset the filtered value to something sensible. This prevents wild startup behavior.
It takes up to RateOfChange samples to reach a stable value. You may want to make sure the filtered value isn't used before that by using a counter to count the number of samples taken for example. If the counter is lower than RateOfChange, skip processing temperature control.
For a more advanced (temperature) control routine, I highly recommend looking into PID control loops. These add a plethora of functionality to get a fast, stable response and keep something at a certain temperature efficiently and keep oscillations to a minimum. I've used the one used in the Marlin firmware in my own projects and works quite well.

Duration for Sound on the 8051

I am trying to create a short tune using timers on the 8051. I am trying to send a square wave with a specified frequency to create the notes.
However, with my current code all I am getting is one infinite note, that never stops playing. Any help figuring out how to stop the note, and create a duration function would be greatly appreciated.
sbit speaker=P1^7;
void tone(unsigned char, unsigned char);
void main()
P1M1 = 0;
P1M2 = 0;
tone(0xC8, 0xF3);
void tone(unsigned char highval, unsigned char lowval)
I haven't programmed 8051's devices in a long time, but here's what I'd do:
1.a. figure out if it's tone() that never exits
1.b. if it is, I'd make sure that the while loop is indeed in there (see the disassembly of tone()), if it's not, the compiler optimizes the check out and it needs fixing (e.g. declaring TF0 as volatile)
1.c. see if the check is correct (the right bit in the right register, etc)
write an assembly routine to waste N CPU clocks, use the slowest instruction (was MUL or DIV the slowest?) in a loop or simply repeated M times so you get like a 10 ms delay or something, write a C function to call that routine as many times as necessary (e.g. 100 times for 1 second). (You could use a timer here, but this may be the simplest)

Pipelining 1D Convolution algorithm using C on DSP development board

The DSP board I am currently using is DSK6416 from Spectrum Digital, and I am implementing a convolution algorithm in C to convolve input voice samples with a pre-recorded impulse response array. The objective is to speak into the microphone, and output the processed effect so we sound like we are speaking in that environment where the impulse response array is obtained.
The challenge I am facing now is doing the convolution live and keep up the pace of the input and output speed of the interrupt function at 8 kHz.
Here is my brain storming idea:
My current inefficient implementation that does not work is as follows:
The interrupt will stop the convolution process, output the index, and resume convolution at 8 kHz, or 1/8kHz seconds.
However, a complete iteration of convolution runs much slower than 1/8kHz seconds. So when the interrupt wants to output the data from the output array, the data is not ready yet.
My ideal implementation for fast pipelining convolution algorithm:
We would have many convolution processes running in the background while outputting the completed ones as time goes on. There will be many pipes running in parallel.
If I use the pipelining approach, we would need to have N = 10000 pipeline processes running in the background...
Now I have the idea down (at least I think I do, I might be wrong), I have no clue how to implement this on the DSK board using C programming language because C does not support object orientation.
The following is the pseudo-code for our C implementation:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "DSK6416_AIC23.h"
Uint32 fs=DSK6416_AIC23_FREQ_48KHZ; //set sampling rate
#define DSK6416_AIC23_INPUT_MIC 0x0015
#define DSK6416_AIC23_INPUT_LINE 0x0011
Uint16 inputsource=DSK6416_AIC23_INPUT_MIC; // select input
//input & output parameters declaration
#define MAX_SIZE 10000
Uint32 curr_input;
Int16 curr_input2;
short input[1];
short impulse[MAX_SIZE ];
short output[MAX_SIZE ];
Int16 curr_output;
//counters declaration
Uint32 a, b, c, d; //dip switch counters
int i, j, k; //convolution iterations
int x; //counter for initializing output;
interrupt void c_int11() //interrupt running at 8 kHz
//Reads Input
//Start new pipe
//Outputs output to speaker
void main()
//Read Impulse.txt into impulse array
if (DIP switch pressed)
//convolution here (our current inefficient convolution algorithm)
//Need to run multiple of the same process in the background in parallel.
for (int k = 0; k < MAX_SIZE; k++)
if (k==MAX_SIZE-1 && i == 0) // special condition overwriting element at i = MAX_SIZE -1
output[k] = (impulse[k]*input[0]);
else if (k+i < MAX_SIZE) // convolution from i to MAX_SIZE
output[k+i] += (impulse[k]*input[0]);
else if (k+i-MAX_SIZE != i-1) // convolution from 0 to i-2
output[k+i-MAX_SIZE] += (impulse[k]*input[0]);
else // overwrite element at i-1
output[i-1] = (impulse[k]*input[0]);
else //if DIP switch is not pressed
j = 0;
curr_output = input[1];
output_sample(curr_output); //outputs unprocessed dry voice
} //end of while
Is there a way to implement pipeline in C code to compile on the hardware DSP board so we can run multiple convolution iterations in the background all at the same time?
I drew some pictures, but I am new to this board so I can't post images.
Please let me know if you need my pictorial ideas to help you help me~
Any help on how to implement this code is very much appreciated !!
You probably need to process data in chunks of some N samples. While one chunk is being I/O'd in an DAC/ADC interrupt handler, another one is being processed somewhere in main(). The main thing here is to make sure your processing of a chunk of N samples takes less time than receiving/transmitting N samples.
Here's what it may look like in time (all things in every step (except step 1) happen "in parallel"):
buf1=buf3=zeroes, buf2=anything
ISR: DAC sends buf1, ADC receives buf2; main(): processes buf3
ISR: DAC sends buf3, ADC receives buf1; main(): processes buf2
ISR: DAC sends buf2, ADC receives buf3; main(): processes buf1
Repeat indefinitely from step 2.
Also, you may want to implement your convolution in assembly for extra speed. I'd look at some TI app notes or what not for an implementation. Perhaps it's available in some library too.
You may also consider doing convolution via Fast Fourier Transform.
Your DSP only has so many CPU cycles available per second. You need to analyze your algorithm to determine how many CPU cycles it takes to process each sample on average. That needs to be less that the number of CPU cycles between samples. No amount of pipelining or object orientation will help if you don't have an algorithm that completes in a small enough number of cycles per sample on average.
