how to change table structure after data binding using ng-repeat - angularjs

I have a table its data generated by ng-repeat
<tr ng-repeat="item in list" post-repeat-directive>
I want to combine frist td if they have the same value in the adjacent tr after binding, but do nothing if they are different.
I've tried to use directive
app.directive('postRepeatDirective', function() {
return function(scope, element, attrs) {
if (scope.$last){
// combine if they have the same value
But in scope.$last, they are still {{item.col1}}, but not the value from "list". So all first td are combine to one.
What can I do?

I've solved it myself using $timeout to execute the function delay a few time then ng-repeat is done
if (scope.$last) {
}, 10);


Execute script/function on each iteration of ng-repeat

I am using ng-repeat on an element like this:
<div ng-repeat="aSize in BC.aOutputSizesArr" style="width:{{aSize}}px; height:{{aSize}}px;">
So basically on every repeat, i need to draw to the canvas based on the value of aSize, is it possible to execute a function on every iteration of ng-repeat? I tried putting that script tag in there, but it doesnt work.
Here's an example of what I mean with using a directive.
This directive:
angular.module('directives', []).directive('alerter', function () {
return {
model: {
size: '#'
link: function ($scope, element, attrs, controller) {
Used like:
<alerter size=10>alert 10</alerter>
<alerter size=15>alert 15</alerter>
Will execute.
You can use a custom directive or the directive ngInit
and pass a function from the controller.
This directive will execute once the tag is created by the ngRepeat.
<canva ng-init="function()"/> <!-- function from $scope -->
As #Jorg said, create a directive:
.directive('myCanvas', function(){
return {
scope: {
size: '=size'
template: '<canvas></canvas>',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs){
Then inside your ng-repeat
<div ng-repeat="aSize in BC.aOutputSizesArr">
<my-canvas size="aSize"/>
This was quickly written and untested, but hopefully you get the idea. Just remember that the example above is just one way of binding, depending on your requirements for aSize (like can it be changed dynamically, etc).
<tr ng-repeat="app in appList" ng-init="getActivationFunction(app)"> <!-- function from $scope -->
<td><h4> {{ app.Name }} </h4></td>
<td> <img src="{{ app.ava_img }}"/> </td>
in controller call the below function ...
$scope.getActivationFunction = function(modelRecieve) {
.then(function(response) {
var date =;
$ = date;
// ...

AngularJS directive runs before element is fully loaded

I have a directive attached to a dynamically generated <table> element inside a template. The directive manipulates the DOM of that table inside a link function. The problem is that the directive runs before the table is rendered (by evaluating ng-repeat directives) - the table is empty then.
How can I make sure that the directive is ran after the table has been fully rendered?
<table directive-name>
<tr ng-repeat="...">
<td ng-repeat="..."></td>
module.directive("directiveName", function() {
return {
scope: "A",
link: function(scope, element, attributes) {
/* I need to be sure that the table is already fully
rendered when this code runs */
You can't, in a general sense, be ever "fully sure" by just having a directive on the <table> element.
But you can be sure in certain cases. In your case, if the inner content is ng-repeat-ed, then if the array of items over which ngRepeat works is ready, then the actual DOM elements will be ready at the end of the digest cycle. You can capture it after $timeout with 0 delay:
link: function(scope, element){
console.log(element.find("tr").length); // will be > 0
But, in a general sense, you can't be certain to capture the contents. What if the ngRepeated array is not there yet? Or what if there is an ng-include instead?
<table directive-name ng-include="'templates/tr.html'">
Or, what if there was a custom directive that worked differently than ngRepeat does?
But if you have full control of the contents, one possible way to know is to include some helper directive as the innermost/last element, and have it contact its parent directiveName when it's linked:
<table directive-name>
<tr ng-repeat="...">
<td ng-repeat="...">
<directive-name-helper ng-if="$last">
.directive("directiveNameHelper", function(){
return {
require: "?^directiveName",
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl){
if (!ctrl) return;
Try wrapping in a $timeout the code from your link function as it will execute after the DOM is rendered.
$timeout(function () {
//do your stuff here as the DOM has finished rendering already
Don't forget to inject $timeout in your directive:
.directive("directiveName", function($timeout) {
There are plenty of alternatives but I think this one is cleaner as the $timeout executes after the rendering engine has finished its job.
A clean way would be to use something like lodash's _.defer method.
You can call it with _.defer(your_func, your_func_arg1, your_func_arg2, ...) inside your link to execute the method, when the current call stack has cleared and everything is ready.
This way, you don't have to estimate a $timeout by yourself.

Dynamically create ng-table directive from another directive on same element

I'm trying to create wrapper directive for ng-table directive. My wrapper should instantiate ng-table directive on same element as the first directive is applied to and add some custom configuration to ng-table.
I am using following code to create ng-table directive.
.directive('mkTable', function($compile) {
return {
'link': function ($scope, element, attributes) {
element.removeAttr('mk-table'); // Must remove attribute because of recursion
element.attr('ng-table', 'tableParams');
It does create ng-table (you can see it by pagination) but it doesn't display any data. If you check console output you can see that getData() function is called.
I presume that problem is in compiling child elements (tr, td) and bounding it to new ng-table scope, but I was not able to find the solution.
I think the problem is ng-repeat on tr element is being compiled couple of times, so I did a little naughty trick :) -insert "fake" to break Angular binding-
<tr fake-ng-repeat="user in $data">
<td data-title="'Name'">{fake{}}</td>
<td data-title="'Age'">{fake{user.age}}</td>
Then in the directive remove all "fake(s)" before recompiling:
element.html(element.html().replace(/fake-?/g, ''));
Although it's working, I believe it's dirty trick.
After a lot of experimenting I figured it out. Solution is to use compile function insted of link.
.directive('mkTable', function($compile) {
return {
compile: function(element, attributes) {
element.attr('ng-table', 'tableParams');
var compileFn = $compile(element);
return function($scope, element, attributes) {
Updated demo:

Disabling orderBy in AngularJS while editing the list

After applying orderBy in my list of input boxes if i edit any field it starts sorting immediately and i loose focus. I tried to dug in the angular code and found out they have applied something like $watch on the orderBy's attributes therefore whenever the value changes it sorts the list.Is there any way to disable orderBy while editing? I dont want to let the orderBy sort data while editing text. Any help will be appreciated
Here is my plunker
Note: I want to use orderBy & don't need any alternative like sorting the list from any controller itself. I just want the orderBy to sort the list once on page load and then remain quite.
I was using orderBy on a list that could be re-ordered using angular-sortable, and ran into a similar issue.
My solution was to perform the ordering manually, by calling the orderBy filter inside the controller when the page was initialised, and then calling it subsequently when necessary, for example in a callback function after re-ordering the list.
You could override the directive to change the moment of the update to the moment you wish the reordering. You could also just not use ng-model and rely on a custom directive.
This thread discuss overriding the input directive to change the model update to be triggered by tge blur event. Take a look at the fiddle.
Although you might override the directive, you shouldn't do this, and the best solution, as explained and exemplified by #Liviu T. in the comments below would be to create a custom directive that removes the event keyup binding and adds a blur one. Here is directive code, and here is Liviu's plunker:
app.directive('modelChangeBlur', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, elm, attr, ngModelCtrl) {
if (attr.type === 'radio' || attr.type === 'checkbox') return;
elm.bind('blur', function() {
scope.$apply(function() {
<input type="text" ng-model="variable" model-change-blur/>
Unfortunately, as Angular events are not namespaces, you will have to remove any previously added event.
A different approach may be to not loose focus to begin with. If your main problem is that your loosing focus, then instead of disabling orderBy, add this directive to your input:
app.directive("keepFocus", ['$timeout', function ($timeout) {
Intended use:
<input keep-focus ng-model='someModel.value'></input>
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function ($scope, $element, attrs, ngModel) {
ngModel.$parsers.unshift(function (value) {
$timeout(function () {
return value;
Then just:
<input keep-focus ng-model=""/>
I know this does not directly answer you question, but it might help solve the underlying problem.
Following #CaioToOn works but it breaks in Angular 1.2.4 (possibly the whole 1.2.X branch). To get it to work you also need to declare the priority of the custom directive to be 1 (the input directive is 0).
The directive then becomes:
app.directive('modelChangeBlur', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
priority: 1,
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, elm, attr, ngModelCtrl) {
if (attr.type === 'radio' || attr.type === 'checkbox') return;
elm.bind('blur', function() {
scope.$apply(function() {
See and for related priority fix.
There's no easy or straightforward way to accomplish what you want, but there are some options. You would have to work without ng-model, and instead use the blur event:
var app = angular.module('myapp', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.items = [
{ name: 'foo', id: 1, eligible: true },
{ name: 'bar', id: 2, eligible: false },
{ name: 'test', id: 3, eligible: true }
$scope.onBlur = function($event, item){
// Here you find the target node in your 'items' array and update it with new value
_($scope.items).findWhere({id:}).name = $event.currentTarget.value;
app.directive('ngBlur', function($parse) {
return function ( scope, element, attr ) {
var fn = $parse(attr.ngBlur);
element.bind( 'blur', function ( event, arg ) {
scope.$apply( function(){
fn(scope, {
$event : event,
arg: arg
<div ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="item in items | orderBy:'name'" >
<input value="{{}}" ng-blur="onBlur($event, item)"/>
But be aware that this would break the two-way binding between the model and the view.
You can create custom filter and call that only when necessary. Example when you click on 'Grid header' for sorting or after dynamically adding/removing values to array, or simply click of a button(Refresh Grid)
You need to dependency Inject Angular filter and sort filter
.controller('MyController', ['filterFilter', '$filter', MyContFunc])
function ExpenseSubmitter(funcAngularFilter, funcAngularFilterOrderBy) {
oCont = this;
oCont.ArrayOfData = [{
name: 'RackBar',
age: 24
}, {
name: 'BamaO',
age: 48
oCont.sortOnColumn = 'age';
oCont.orderBy = false;
var SearchObj = {
name: 'Bama'
oCont.RefreshGrid = function() {
oCont.ArrayOfData = funcAngularFilter(oCont.ArrayOfData, SearchObj);
oCont.ArrayOfData = funcAngularFilterOrderBy('orderBy')(oCont.ArrayOfData, oCont.sortOnColumn, oCont.orderBy);
and call in HTML something like:
<th ng-click="oCont.sortOnColumn = 'age'; oCont.RefreshGrid()">Age</th>
<th ng-click="oCont.sortOnColumn = 'name'; oCont.RefreshGrid()">Name</th>
<tr ng-repeat="val in oCont.ArrayOfData">
You can freeze the current ordering while you are editing. Say your html looks like this:
<tbody ng-repeat="item in items | orderBy:orderBy:reverse">
<tr ng-click="startEdit()">
In your controller you write:
var savedOrderBy, savedReverse;
$scope.startEdit() = function() {
$scope.items = $filter('orderBy')($scope.items, $scope.orderby, $scope.reverse);
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.items.length; ++i) {
if (i < 9999) {
$scope.items[i]['pos'] = ("000" + i).slice(-4);
savedOrderBy = $scope.orderBy;
savedReverse = $scope.reverse;
$scope.orderBy = 'pos';
$scope.reverse = false;
Before the user starts editing, you first sort the current items in exactly the same order that they currently appear in the page. You do that by calling the orderBy $filter() with the current sorting parameters.
Then you go over your - now sorted - items, and add an arbitrary property (here "pos") and set it to the current position. I zero-pad it so that position 0002 collates before 0011. Maybe that is not necessary, no idea.
You normally want to remember the current ordering, here in the scope variables "savedOrder" and "savedReverse".
And finally you tell angular to sort by that new property "pos" and voilĂ  the table order is frozen, because that property simply does not change while editing.
When you are done editing, you have to do the opposite. You restore the old ordering from the scope variables "savedOrder" and "savedReverse":
$scope.endEdit = function() {
$scope.orderBy = savedOrderBy;
$scope.reverse = reverse;
If the order of the $scope.items array matters for you, you would also have to sort it again to its original ordering.
Try using a scope variable to change the order. In this case, when you are going to order, you call a function in your controller that changes the variable order value to the field you want to order by, and when you are editing, you reset it.
<li ng-repeat="item in filtered = (items | filter:search) | orderBy:order:rever" >
So here we have the variable "order" to tell the ng-repeat by which field the list must be ordered. A button calls a function in the controller that changes the "order" value.
<button type="button" id="orderName" click="changeOrder('')" >Name order </button>
<button type="button" id="orderDate" click="changeOrder('')" >Date order </button>`
And then, in the changeOrder function
$scope.order = param;
Where 'param' is the field you want to order by. If you don't do anything else, you are going to have the same problem you had, so then, after you have assigned the correct value to the order variable you go
$scope.order = "";
Which resets the ordering.
The result is that the ordering is just going to be effective when the button is pressed and then it wont order again unless you press the button again.
This can be changed so it orders again when, for example, you have finished editing an item, as you wanted.

How to dynamically add in custom directive from other custom directive

I've created a directive that has similar functionality to datatables, but it's been customized for our app. One thing I have in my directive scope is columnDefinitions. Each object in that array has a property called data. I've got it set up so that if it is set to a string, it looks for that property on the entity, and it's a function, it will call that function with the entity. So basically this:
scope.getEntityData = function(entity, currColumnDefinitionData) {
var entityData = null;
if (angular.isString(currColumnDefinitionData))
entityData = entity[currColumnDefinitionData];
else if(angular.isFunction(currColumnDefinitionData))
entityData = currColumnDefinitionData(entity);
$log.error("Column defintion data property must be a string or a function. Cannot get entity data.");
return entityData;
And then in my directive template, something like this:
<tr ng-repeat="currEntity in entities">
<td ng-repeat="currColDef in columnDefinitions">
This works great when I just need to output a string. I now have a case where I want it to insert a directive for the data in that column. I first just had the data property equal the HTML string. For example:
data: function(entity) {
return '<div my-directive></div>';
However, that resulted in the string just being inserted into the table cell (Angular escaping the text for me)
What I'm wanting to know, is how I can set up my directive so that I can get compiled directives into my table cells. I thought about having some way of telling myself it was a directive, and then compiling it with the $compile service, but then I don't know what to return from my function for it all to work right. Any ideas would be much appreciated.
Here's how I would do it
The directive:
[ '$compile', function(compile) {
return {
restrict : 'A',
link : function(scope, elem, attrs) {
var html = scope.$eval('[' + attrs['uiCompile'] + ']')[0];
} ]);
The template:
<tr ng-repeat="currEntity in entities">
<td ng-repeat="currColDef in columnDefinitions" ui-compile="currColDef"></td>
Basically for each column definition compile the content as a template using the current scope.
