Writing IAR output to ARM chips without IAR - arm

We currently hold a full license for the IAR EWARM IDE but we need to upload firmware to units being made meaning only one person can do the uploading as the application is way over the kickstart size.
I'm wondering if there is an alternative method for just uploading (no debugging) IAR's outputted executable without the need for a fully licensed version? I've looked into the Eclipse plugin but this seems to rely on the IAR compiler still.
We're using the TMS470 chip and a JLink programmer.
Any advice would be much appreciated.

In your project options, there is a category for Output Converter. In this section you can get a Motorola S-record format, Intel hex format, binary, or other output type. From here, you can use the J-Link software, though you will need to purchase a license to be able to download arbitrary code not as a part of the debug process.
J-Flash is the software component needed for stand-alone flashing support: J-Flash order page.

J-Flash licences are locked the the hardware serial number - you will need one for each J-Link you want to use. They are somewhat expensive for an existing J-Link.
OpenOCD includes support for Segger J-Link (which IAR rebadge), and can be used a for stand-alone flash programmingbut whether it works apparently depends on the J-Link firmware version, so YMMV.
There are lower cost JTAG debugger/programmers(example) that will work reliably with OpenOCD and cost much less that a single J-Link licence.

Segger offers J-Flash, a PC software program that interfaces with the J-Link debug probe to program the flash memory on a target. You need a license for J-Flash but it's independent of the IAR (or other) toolchain.
You might need another software program to convert IAR's standard executable output format to a format that J-Flash can use, perhaps hex, s-record, or binary. IAR probably includes the conversion tool or you may be able to do a web search for something.


Flashing a Cortex-M0+ device using an ISO file [closed]

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I programmed a little code for motion detection device(DA14531 SmartBond TINY module based on a CortexM0+) and I am having some experiments with it. at the end and after debugging and testing, I generated an ISO file and now I want to flash the device. Is the process similar to burning the ISO file on a USB flash or is the process different? I only have one device and I dont want to do something irreversible so I came here for some guidance first.
I looked online for a while but nothing matches my specifique situation, so providing me with the correct links is also helpful
The ISO 9660 format was designed for optical disks, using it is likely irrelevant to your use case, since there is IMHO a near to zero chance you will find a tool that will allow you to flash directly your program in a Cortex-M0+ device from a file in ISO 9660 format.
And if you may flash the ISO file as is in your Cortex-M0+ flash memory, your device will likely be unable to boot since it does rely on very specific information (stack pointer, first instruction to be executed) to be flashed in a verify specific location, not mentioning the waste of flash memory space this would cause.
That is, if Dialog documentation does not specifically mention the possibility of flashing a file in ISO 9660 format, this is likely (and not surprising) that this is not possible using Dialog software and hardware support tools.
So when you read the documentation for this product you noticed there is an SWD interface which is certainly one way into the part. When you further examined the pro kit and other solutions from them you see they mention segger jlink interfaces for debugging etc. Further reinforcing SWD as at least one interface into the part. Through that interface (SWD is ARM) you access the flash controller (has nothing whatsoever to do with arm it is chip specific) and through that you write your application binary that the part will run (the machine code and data that the processor uses, your application).
ISO is closely related to PC's with a BIOS/EFI which also means x86, and has nothing whatsoever to do with a microcontroller much less a non x86, non BIOS/EFI PC/Laptop. It is extremely unlikely that you can get enough software on a cortex-m0(+) based platform that if you had an interface to media that can hold it that you could parse it and extract anything useful, and then have resources left to load and execute any programs in ram. No way whatsoever in any part I have heard of that you could do this in ram such that you could extract something you could load to the flash on the part. Plus you have to get that program into the part before you can then later support ISO, if you could, which you can't.
The only remote way an ISO makes any sense at all or has any context is if on your PC you boot off of an ISO image and that ISO image for the PC (not the mcu) contains a development system. For example a pre-prepared Linux operating system distro with the tools from the vendor for this part so that you don't have to install the development system on your computer you can run it off a ramdisk using a live image on an ISO. That development system would not use ISO files but the proper file formats to develop binaries and load them to the board via SWD or some other chip/board specific interface.
Beyond that there is no further reason to talk about ISO's and microcontrollers.
Some chip vendors (not arm, the chip vendor) may also provide a factory bootloader or logic that supports for example a uart, maybe spi, maybe i2c, maybe usb interface that you can use chip (not arm) specific software to talk to software running on that chip (the bootloader) that can then write to the flash. You can also write your own bootloader if there are enough resources in the system. The (arm based) mcu world is moving away from these bootloaders, two of the three main companies that used to always have them have started to remove them or disable them as a default feature.
Other companies provide no other interface than SWD to program the part, SWD or nothing. Certainly in the cortex-m0+ market where every penny counts and the extra flash for a bootloader and extra chip real estate, etc add to the overall cost for a legacy feature that is becoming less important because developers can now easily obtain SWD interface modules for a few dollars. It is not like the old days where a JTAG board cost $2000. At this time all cortex-m parts support SWD, making it the most useful interface and reminding developers that having tools that can access that interface being worth the ($5, plus time to learn to use it) investment.
The tools used to write the flash dictate what file formats are supported, these days a raw binary image or an elf file format are the main two. The old days included file formats like Intel hex and Motorola s-record but it is only old timers like me that favor those file formats, even though an elf is trivial to parse, and a raw binary image even simpler, about four lines of code.
Some chip vendors do not provide enough information to roll your own, but most often they do. Arm long ago released the SWD interface information, so it is technically possible to roll your own and then support whatever file format you want. But you would have to distribute this tool along with the ISO file, so you would what use a second ISO file to distribute the tools to read the first one. Based on your question and comments you are a long long way from writing tools like these. Especially when working tools like openocd exist that support the main file formats (elf and raw binary) and can speak SWD into the current line of cortex-m cores.
Again if you are suggesting using an ISO to distribute tools along with your binary to be loaded and run on a PC that might make sense, but it is easier for the end user to simply download the tools from the chip vendor or tools vendor and then download the binary file from you, rather than put in the extra work to deal with an ISO.

Is it possible to compile and run the dlib library on embedded devices with ARM Cortex-M7 processors?

I have just started using the amazing dlib library in Visual Studio and I have been able to compile and run the face detection examples. I was wondering if it would be possible to compile and run the library on an Mbed device, such as this one, with an M7 (or other M-series) processor. In other words, what specifications should I look out for to determine whether a microcontroller can, if at all, run dlib. Note that Mbed devices run C++ code, so it would be possible to copy and paste the source code of dlib and compile it, but I want to know if this is possible before I purchase a board. Also, if the RAM and ROM of the board are not enough, I can always attach external RAM/ROM.
Alternatively, if anyone knows of a library that can perform face detection or recognition on an embedded device, I would be happy to hear it.
Although the F769 is a considerably powerful embedded device there is no chance that dlib will run on it. Machine learning algorithms, even if not run in real-time, typically require a vast amount of RAM memory, specially for online-learning (learning on the target). You can take a look at ARMs very own CMSIS NN library to see what's currently "state-of-the-art" for devices that size.
Take a look at Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers. You can put these on embedded devices. Wake words and object detection runs easily on various boards (Arduino Nano 33, SparkFun Edge). There's a compiler included for Mbed.
Microcontrollers are not suitable for video and image recognition even if you attach external ram. The chip you where suggestiong is top of the line in microcontroller world. But this means only 2Mb for ALL your software and only 512kb of ram onboard. Think of it this way the image you need with enough detail to recoginze someone would be atleast a few mb.
I would suggest that you look at to the application processors of ARM (A series) or NVIDA Jetson.

How debugging works in MCU systems programmed in C

As I understand, on linux systems debugging is done via the ptrace sys-call.
I would like to know how would I write a debugger for a micro-controller (no-OS).
Let us for the sake of simplicity assume the case of a software debugger for a board like Arduino Due (ARM based).
What would I have to learn to accomplish such a project, assuming I have a fair idea on how debuggers work on Linux and Windows
How different would programming a debugger for a MCU system be? (I can't use sys-calls)
Is debugging achievable via USB or serial interface?
Which languages should I use? (C, C++, Arm assembly)
How can the armgcc compiler help me with my project (are there flag options such as -g etc?)
I plan to implement the debugger as a command line Linux utility.
Most modern processors, including the ARM on the Arduino Due have on-chip debug support accesses via a JTAG interface. The Cortex-M3 on-chip debug supports 8 hardware breakpoints and some other features - with code running in flash memory you cannot set software breakpoints.
The JTAG interface itself is rather simple, but you will need special hardware to support it from a PC. Depending of performance and features a JTAG debugger may vary in cost hugely from very low to serious money. Software to interface the JTAG to the debugger software is required. OpenOCD is an open source tool for interfacing JTAG/On-chip debug to GDB allowing GDB-ARM to be hosted on a PC to debug the remote ARM target.
You could in theory write your own software to to access the OCD via JTAG. I have never considered implementating a target hosted debugger on a microcontroller, although I have used VxWorks on ARM9, SrongARM and x86 and it has limited support for target hosted debugging. The utility of target hosted debug is limited by the lack of the source code and symbol table information that is available to a hosted debugger to support source-level debugging.
Even so, I believe that it is possible to access the on-chip debug from the target itself see ARM's documentation for details.

How to start ARM programming in linux?

I was using PIC micro controller for my projects. Now I would like to move to ARM based Controllers. I would like to start ARM using Linux (using C). But I have no idea how to start using Linux. Which compiler is best, what all things I need to study like a lot of confusions. Can you guys help me on that? My projects usually includes UART, IIC, LCD and such things. I am not using any RTOS. Can you guys help me?
Sorry for my bad English
Once you put a heavyweight OS like Linux on a device, the level of abstraction from the hardware it provides makes it largely irrelevant what the chip is. If you want to learn something about ARM specifically, using Linux is a way of avoiding exactly that!
Morover the jump from PIC to ARM + Linux is huge. Linux does not get out of bed for less that 4Mb or RAM and considerably more non-volatile storage - and that is a bare minimum. ARM chips cover a broad spectrum, with low-end parts not even capable of supporting Linux. To make Linux worthwhile you need an ARM part with MMU support, which excludes a large range of ARM7 and Cortex-M parts.
There are plenty of smaller operating systems for ARM that will allow you to perform efficient (and hard real-time) scheduling and IPC with a very small footprint. They range form simple scheduling kernels such as FreeRTOS to more complete operating systems with standard device support and networking such as eCOS. Even if you use a simple scheduler, there are plenty of libraries available to support networking, filesystems, USB etc.
The answer to your question about compiler is almost certainly GCC - thet is the compiler Linux is built with. You will need a cross-compiler to build the kernel itself, but if you do have an ARM platform with sufficient resource, once you have Linux running on it, your target can host a compiler natively.
If you truly want to use Linux on ARM against all my advice, then the lowest cost, least effort approach to doing so is perhaps to use a Raspberry Pi. It is an ARM11 based board that runs Linux out of the box, is increasingly widely supported, and can be overclocked to 900MHz
You can also try using the Beagle Bone development board. To start with it has few features like UART I2C and others also u can give a try developing the device driver modules for the hardware.
ARM Linux compilers and build toolchains are provided by many vendors. Below are your options which I know of:
1.ARM themselves in form of their product DS-5 ;
2.Codesourcery now acquired by Mentor graphics. See some instructions to obtain & install, codesourcery toolchain for ARM linux here
3.To first start programming using ARM (C , assembly ) I find this Windows-Cygwin version of ARM linux tool chain very helpfull. Here. These are prebuilt executables which work under Cygwin(A Posix shell layer) on Windows.
4.Another option would be to cross compile gcc/g++ toolchain on Linux for ARM target of your choice. Search and web will have information about how it is done. But this could be a slightly mroe involved and long-winding process.
enjoy ARM'ing.
First, you should question yourself if you really need to program assembly language, most modern compilers are hard to beat when it comes to generating optimized code.
Then if you decide you really need it, you can make life easier for your self by using inline assembler, and let the compiler write the glue code for you, as shown in this wikipedia article.
Then the compiler to use: For free compilers there are practically only two choices: either gcc or clang.
There is also a non free toolchain from arm which when i last tried, 5 years ago, produced about 30% faster code than gcc at the time. I have not used it since.
The latest version of this compiler can be found here
You can also write standalone assembler code in .s files, both gcc and clang can compile .s into .o in the same way you would compile a .c or .cpp file.
If you are using a STM32 based microcontroller you need to get CMSIS and GNU arm-non-eabi-gcc package installed. Then you need to write your own makefile to pass your c codes into arm gcc compiler.
For the programming step you need to install openocd and configure that for your specific programmer. You can find a full description on how to do that on my blog
http://bijan.binaee.com/index.php/2016/04/14/how-to-program-cortex-m-under-gnulinux-arch/ and in my GitHub repository.
I'm using vim with CTags but you can use gEdit with the Shortcut plugin if you need a simpler text editor.

Simulating Circuits and Programming Micro-controllers over Linux

I'm about to go through a Micro-Controller project which controls a robotic arm. My problem is that # MS Windows there are MikroElectronica (IDE: MicroC) compile .c to Hex put the hex in Proteus and simulate. Then using a special (PCB) Kit with CD (carries windows software) I would put the microchip and install the hex file or what ever.
First all the respect to Ms but I just hate it! I adore Ubuntu/linux and open-source I need from the experts to tell me in "Steps" how to do the previously mentioned in linux with minimal complications.
The Electrical and Mechanical Engineers along with me always brag about Ms is easy. I want to show them how Computer Science guy uses open-source technology and how strong and reliable it is.
Please help !
You wish to demonstrate the power of Linux by trying to run products designed for another operating system on it? Chances are those tools may work in Wine.
Or maybe you can use Hi-Tech C as a compiler and try gEDA for simulation. It is also possible to compile Microchip C30 on Linux if you are working on 16-bit PIC:s. In any case, this may not be as easy as using the out-of the-box Windows tools. It will be more educational, nevertheless.
If you can be flexible and opt for AVR then you will have free GCC compiler and programming tools. All open source and Linux/Mac friendly. More info at www.avrfreaks.com.
Here is a compiler, linker and simulator tutorial for PIC on linux. Here is one that uses SDCC c compiler. Google throws out lots of websites when you search for linux pic.
From my side, I cross-compile and program Microchip dsPIC from Linux but it is not really straightforward. Here are the big steps
First I built the C30 toolchain from Microchip sources (you need to apply a few patches on the given sources for it to compile).
Once you have the toolchain binaries, you will need to have the specific Microchip MCU resources. Those are coming with the C30 installation on a win32. I copied those files from the Windows installation folder onto my linux filesystem.
Here you should be able to compile and link some C & ASM code to a hex file through command line.
Second step, I wanted to build my projects within the Eclipse IDE. To do that we "just" had to write a couple makefiles to call our new C30 toolchain.
Third step, program the .hex onto your microchip MCU. Two ways to do it. If you have a Pickit2, Microchip provides a command line tool to play with it. I personally have an ICD2 programmer. I use the command line tool provided in the Piklab project.
Now I don't have any facility to debug with my ICD2 under Linux.
Now Microchip provides an alternative IDE with "Mplab X" which is based on Netbeans (sick) and should work under Linux and MacOS. But this project seemed to be yet under development, I don't know if it is really usable.
