How can I get more than one character to show in a messagebox from a textbox user input? - winforms

I have made a textbox and I want the user to type in a string of numbers and hit enter. I have setup the following:
private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
String UserBarcode;
UserBarcode = Console.ReadLine();
When I enter any key into the textbox, I get a message box with nothing in it. I want to have the program wait til it hears the enter key then display the contents of the textbox.

The Textbox.TextChanged event fires as soon as the text in the textbox is changed at all. If you want a message box with the full string, you probably want to consider using the Textbox.LostFocus event or a button's Click event.
So you could have something like (I'm taking a stab at this here, as I've used VB rather than C#)
private void textBox1_LostFocus(object sender, EventArgs e)
If you're using a button, the above function should work, but you'll want to substitute textBox1.Text for sender.Text.

Take a look at Focus and Validation Events
There are several events that you can handle, depending on your goals and how your application is designed. If you want to perform validation and/or are using data binding, you may want to go with handling the validating/validated events. By default data bindings update a bound property after OnValidating. If you use LostFocus and read the value from a bound object, instead of your control, you will get inconsistent results.

I was able to figure it out finally. For some reason when I manually entered the code I kept getting multiple random errors. I started a new Visual C # Windows Forms Application, Made a textbox, chose the keydown property and double clicked on it to have the program inject the code for the keydown function and then I filled in the if statement pointing to the enter key. The final code looks like this:
private void textBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)


Get Clipboard value from static variable

So a sequel to my last post...
I have PieChart with Legend and i want to be able to right click on Legend title and copy the value.
So this is the Legend Mouse Right click Event:
private void pieLegend_MouseRightButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
var hoveredItem = this.pieLegend.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsHovered);
As you can see i am copy the value the the Clipboard but i want to open simple Copy menu so i create ContextMenu and i have the ContextMenu Click Event:
private void MenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Not inside this Click Event i want to get the Clipboard but because pieLegend_MouseRightButtonDown event is fired before this Click Event i want to find a way to get this Clipboard value.
So i was thinking about create a Static variable that the first Event will set the Clipboard value and from the Click Event just get this value but my question is if this is the best way/appropriate way to do that.
Well, there's nothing wrong with doing both.
I think you are over thinking this, you really need to consider your requirements.
In this particular scenario, I would not suggest using the clipboard to transfer data from the two events. Why? Well, because the user can easily just copy something else onto their clipboard which may be completely unrelated to your application, therefore it could be erroneous.
So, I expect defining a private or static variable (This really depends on the scope, you don't need to define a static variable if you don't have to) is the correct way to go.
private string _HoveredItemTitle;
private void pieLegend_MouseRightButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
var hoveredItem = this.pieLegend.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsHovered);
_HoveredItemTitle = hoveredItem.Title;
And in your other method, it'd be a good idea to check if there is something in this variable, otherwise it may not be a good idea to go a head with the execution.
private void MenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_HoveredItemTitle))
//TODO: Something useful
I think the main idea I'm trying to get across here is that you should ensure that there is nothing (or as little as possible) that the user can do to cause errors in your application. In this scenario, copying the text to the clipboard is nice, but it's more of a feature than a requirement. The application should not have to rely on the clipboard, simply because there might be complete nonsense on the clipboard, instead of the data that you are actually expecting.

Strange problem with the left-click on a Silverlight DataGrid

I am experiencing some very strange mouse-event behaviour when working with Silverlights DataGrid:
What I want to do is simply call some method when the user left-clicks over my DataGrid. That shouldn't be much a problem, but ...
public void doLeftClick (object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) {
// some code
i am defining the EventHandler and with
myDataGrid.MouseLeftButtonDown += doLeftClick;
i am attaching it to the event.
The result of that is that the doLeftClick method only gets called when i left-click over one of the columns of my DataGrid!
When i am doing the exact same code as above only for the right-click instead of the left-click the EventHandler gets called everytime i right-click over my DataGrid regardless where the mouse cursor is, as long it is inside the boundaries of the control (which is what i actually need with the left-click and what's the behavior i would expect from this setting):
public void doRightClick (object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) {
// some code
myDatagrid.MouseRightButtonDown += doRightClick;
So what am i doing wrong ? What am i forgetting ?
I really would appreciate any help :)
The click events are not bubbled up. If a child control marks the event as handled it stops.
In this instance the left click is being eaten by the DataGrid cells (in order to select them and/or give focus to edit controls).
Right click is not used by the cells in the same way, so propagates up to the DataGrid control.
The column headers are nice enough to allow the left click to propagate.

How to give an initial value to textBox?

I want my C# program to have initial values for its textboxes. For example, in one of the textboxes, it should say "Please enter your name".
When you click (or tabStop) on the textbox, the initial value should disappear and the user will be able to enter their input to the textbox.
I can do all this with click_event, but using this method the initial text would not have less opacity. How am I able to achieve this?
This is how I finally did it:
Boolean first_time_click = true;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
textBox1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray;
textBox1.Text = "Enter the Text";
private void For_First_Click()
if (first_time_click)
textBox1.ForeColor = textBox1.ForeColor = SystemColors.WindowText;
first_time_click = false;
private void textBox1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
I assume you are talking about winform (tabstop) you have to handle it within the event key-press. you can use the below code:
TextBox1.Select(0, TextBox1.Text.Length);
this will select the text and window will remove it for you as soon as the user start to typing
you can use the same code to have this behavior also for TabStop
All you need to do is set the Textbox's .Text property and use GotFocus event to clear the box when the person clicks (or tabs) into it to start typing.
Always remember that there are more ways than the mouse to navigate a form, so use the GotFocus event to determine when the user enters a control, and use the Validated event to determine when they've changed data and exited the control.
For this type of effect you need java script.Because java script provide you functionality of mouse hover and mouse out these are the functions which provide you the same functionality which u seeing in this page of search bar. If you need code reply me i can give you.

How to register to/listen to richtextbox command's?

I'm creating a simple editor within our application using the WPF RichTextBox. Above it I've added the reguslar buttons like Bold, Italic, etc. These buttons use the RichTextBox's commands to set these properties, but next to these buttons, the commands also get send with CTRL+B, CTRL+I, etc. I want these buttons to represent the current state of the RichTextBox at the cursor. I already found out how to get this state and it works when I update this state on the SelectionChanged event. This event ofcourse isn't fired when Bold is toggled so there is no direct feedback.
I would like to know if there is a way to listen to the commands being called, without affecting its original behaviour or some other ideas to solve my problems.
I tried listening to the command the following way:
CommandBinding boldBinding = new CommandBinding(EditingCommands.ToggleBold, CommandExecuted);
private void CommandExecuted(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) {
e.Handled = false;
This did update the properties, but the RichTextBox didn't seem to receive the command anymore.
I also tried to make my own commands on the control containing the RichTextBox, but when CTRL+B is pressed when the RichTextBox has focus, the original RichTextBox commands are called instead of the new one.
Many thanks in advance!
In order to listen to the commands being called, you can use the events raised by CommandManager: Executed or PreviewExecuted.
If you change your XAML to:
<RichTextBox x:Name="_richTextBox" ...
CommandManager:PreviewExecuted="OnRichTextBoxCommand" ... />
you get the OnRichTextBoxCommand method called right before the command is executed. Unfortunately, using the Executed attached event does not work.
This method is called for each event, so you have to filter them:
private void OnRichTextBoxCommand(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) {
if (e.Command == EditingCommands.ToggleBold) {
It may be even a bit more complex, as the current selection may not have changed when this method is called, so you have to post yourself a message, e.g. like this:
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(UpdateProperties));
(if you reference already System.Core, you have the Action type, otherwise define a delegate taking no parameter and returning void, and use in instead.)

WPF: Textbox not firing onTextInput event

So basically, I have a bunch of TextBoxes that the user gets to fill out. I've got a button that I want to keep disabled until all the TextBoxes have had text entered in them. Here is a sample XAML TextBox that I'm using:
<TextBox Name="DelayedRecallScore" TextInput="CheckTextBoxFilled" Width="24" />
And here is the function that I'm trying to trigger:
//Disables the OK button until all score textboxes have content
private void CheckTextBoxFilled(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
foreach (TextBox scorebox in TextBoxList)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scorebox.Text))
Ok_Button.IsEnabled = false;
Ok_Button.IsEnabled = true;
MessageBox.Show("THIS MAKES NO SENSE");
The MessageBox is not showing up when TextInput should be getting triggered. As an experiment I tried triggering CheckTextBoxFilled() on PreviewTextInput, and it worked fine then, meaning that for whatever reason, the function just isn't getting called. I also have a validation function that is triggered by PreviewTextInput, which works as it should. At first I thought PreviewTextInput might somehow be interfering with TextInput, so I took PreviewTextInput off the TextBox, but that hasn't managed to fix anything. I'm completely befuddled by why this might happen, so any help would be appreciated.
Your handler for the TextInput event is not fired because the TextBox is handling the event. You could try using the TextChanged event instead, since really you just want to know when characters were added or removed from the TextBox.
new TextCompositionEventHandler(TextBox_TextInput_1),
Use "PreviewTextInput" instead, it will work.
Create a new class derived from TextBox. In the new class override the OnTextInput method. Your OnTextInput method will get called before the TextBox gets it.
