Laravel and Angular.JS - Web App Dev - angularjs

I have started learning Laravel and Angular, for one of my project at university. I want to rebuild the website with these two frameworks but I cant figure out exatly the best way to do that. From Laravel I want the less posible, because I will focus on Angular.
Can someone with more experience help me?
For example, do I need to use routing on both sides? Which functions of the website I should cover with Laravel(Mailer, Auth, Routing...) and which using Angular?
I just need to understand a bigger image, not in details.
Tnx a lot.
All the best :D

There's quite some information on the net regarding Laravel and Angular, but this one in particular is one that I found useful:
You may also want to consider writting a front-end app in Angular and a separate back-end app in Laravel. The back-end app can then expose an API, consumed by the Angular front-end.


Develop backend (Spring) without frontend (angular)?

I am programming a spring-boot project. I only want to create the backend. Another developer will later on create the frontend with AngularJS.
I want to develope my backend without spending to much effort to create a test-frontend, since I dont know anything about JSP,Angular..
What should my Controllers(#Requestmapprings) return (Model, ModelAndView,JSON-Objects, Strings, ...??), so the angular-developer can use them for creating the view?
Is there any easy way to develop my backend without creating a frontend at all and still being able to test it somehow? I dont want to spend time to create basic Forms/Buttons/checkboxex but i would like to check if my scripts are working..
You must start looking into REST services.
To see how it is consumed by angular please refer.
You can get lots of tutorials and documentation on developing REST services independent of frontend.
I would suggest taking micro services approach based on the UI requirement and then segregate the services based on the functionality. This would make the code maintainability and development easier. If you are going to use spring-framework, it has vast stack of features, which are production ready.

Mobile app with codeigniter

I am a first year "computer programmer" college student and I got an internship where I was asked to develop a simple cross platform mobile app. Nothing too complex, consists in a login screen, then a screen with a form where I'm using jQuery UI autocomplete to get some info from the DB, a select box, datepicker and a text area. The other screen is just a table with information with the current day, week and month records of whoever is logged in.
I am using HTML5 and CSS for the front-end and php with Codeigniter to connect to mySQL DB.
The question is: I intend to use phonegap to turn it into a hybrid mobile app. Would you consider this a good approach? Or would it be worth it to delay the project a little more and learn how to do it using Ionic framework for the front-end and learn how to use node.js to connect with the database? Also I could use Ionic for front-end so it feels more like a native app and still use Codeigniter to connect to my server. I'd love to read your opinions and suggestions on this.
Thanks in advance.
I would highly recommend using Ionic for the app, you get a lot of stuff right out of the box that you will otherwise have to figure out your self.
Getting started with ionic is as easy as writing 'ionic start' and choosing a name for your project and a template to start from.
Depending on you level of web development skills you could really quickly end up with a app of spaghetti code without some kind of framework to set up some guidelines on how to structure your project.
As for the backend I will recommend you to use what ever you feel the most comfortable with as long as it easily can expose the REST endpoints you need.
Lucas Berte Schoenardie,
Since jquery mobile is not updated last two years so it will be better to choice IONIC which is using AngularJS (Google product) and App with Ionic is more native than PhoneGap( using jquery).
This reference on StockOverFlow may help you to take appropriate decision.
Thank you!

Web project with Angular in frontend and Symfony2 in Backend

I would like to have a web app with Angular in Frontend and Symfony in Backend. I separated this into 2 single projects and now I want to let them communicate via REST.
Now here's the point I'm struggling a little. First of all, is the project separation the right approach? Also, I'm confused with building a REST-Service with the ngResource-factory in Angular. Can someone explain this to me, how to create a simple GET-Request (no params etc and just how to use the factory. Dependencies aren't a problem)? The tutorial on AngularJS doesn't really help. Do I need to create a JSON-File as well?
By the way, I'm new to these 2 frameworks.
Thanks in advance!
Disclaimer: I'm the author of API Platform
Take a look at API Platform. It's a solution to create REST API using Symfony (full stack).
The official tutorial explains how to create a REST API in a first project then an Angular client (using Restangular) in another project.

Should sites like ebay and amazon use frontend frameworks like angular js or vue js?

I'm thinking about upgrading my site. It's a trade place a lot like
My site is build in Laravel 5.1, but without any front-end framework. Because of that, I was wondering if it made any sense to use a front-end framework like angular js?
Pros and cons please.
I don't know that much about angular js, but if I convert my laravel application to fully obey the REST principles, i'm also well suited for building an iOS-app when that time comes??? - Link to my site
I don't know whether it is suitable to use angularjs for this purpose. The problem is as far as I am concerned, that website which are written in javascript (so angular) can not be indexed well by SEO's. I'm hearing a lot that Google can index it but I'm a little sceptical about this. For a trading website like ebay it's very important that the site is SEO optimized. Of course if you use REST principles you can always change the frontend and that is also the way to do it.

Creating a mobile App with Laravel and AngularJS

I've been reading up on AngularJS lately (always used jQuery) and I'm starting to understand and like it. Normally I would build webapplications with Laravel. Now i'd really like to dig further and learn about connecting these two frameworks to build an awesome SPA. In this case, Laravel serves as a REST api and Angular handles the front end. This article and also this video helped me a lot, but still raises questions.
The biggest one (maybe very stupid) is: could the HTML/CSS/JS be converted to a native mobile app, for example with PhoneGap? Because that is what I'm wishing to achieve if possible.
Also, if this is possible, is it a good way or does it get too tricky?
This is still very new to me, just need some help on the way. I hope my question makes some sence, thanks in advance.
