Getting stack offsets of variables from debugging symbols - c

When I build a program with debugging information (gcc -g), gdb is able to tell me addresses of local variables inside a function. Thus, the debugging symbols must contain enough information to calculate this (i.e. an offset from ebp), and since gdb uses libbfd to read debugging symbols, I should be able to as well.
However, libbdf's documentation seems to have nothing on this. Can libbfd give me this information?

libbfd will provide access to the ELF file, opening the file, getting access to the contents of the section, but interpreting these contents is not something that libbfd does, this is something the application would need to do.
Usually, debugging information is encoded using DWARF.
There are libraries for interpreting DWARF however, gdb includes it's own code for parsing DWARF.


How to execute a debugger command from within the app

In runtime I'm trying to recover an address of a function that is not exported but is available through shared library's symbols table and therefore is visible to the debugger.
I'm working on advanced debugging procedure that needs to capture certain events and manipulate runtime. One of the actions requires knowledge of an address of a private function (just the address) which is used as a key elsewhere.
My current solution calculates offset of that private function relative to a known exported function at build time using nm. This solution restricts debugging capabilities since it depends on a particular build of the shared library.
The preferable solution should be capable of recovering the address in runtime.
I was hoping to communicate with the attached debugger from within the app, but struggle to find any API for that.
What are my options?
In runtime I'm trying to recover an address of a function that is not exported but is available through shared library's symbols table and therefore is visible to the debugger.
Debugger is not a magical unicorn. If the symbol table is available to the debugger, it is also available to your application.
I need to recover its address by name using the debugger ...
That is entirely wrong approach.
Instead of using the debugger, read the symbol table for the library in your application, and use the info gained to call the target function.
Reading ELF symbol table is pretty easy. Example. If you are not on ELF platform, getting equivalent info should not be much harder.
In lldb you can quickly find the address by setting a symbolic breakpoint if it's known to the debugger by whatever means:
b symbolname
If you want call a non exported function from a library without a debugger attached there are couple of options but each will not be reliable in the long run:
Hardcode the offset from an exported library and call exportedSymbol+offset (this will work for a particular library binary version but will likely break for anything else)
Attempt to search for a binary signature of your nonexported function in the loaded library. (slightly less prone to break but the binary signature might always change)
Perhaps if you provide more detailed context what are you trying achieve better options can be considered.
Since lldb is somehow aware of the symbol I suspect it's defined in Mach-O LC_SYMTAB load command of your library. To verify that you could inspect your lib binary with tools like MachOView or MachOExplorer . Or Apple's otool or Jonathan Levin's jtool/jtool2 in console.
Here's an example from very 1st symbol entry yielded from LC_SYMTAB in MachOView. This is /usr/lib/dyld binary
In the example here 0x1000 is virtual address. Your library most likely will be 64bit so expect 0x10000000 and above. The actual base gets randomized by ASLR, but you can verify the current value with
sample yourProcess
yourProcess being an executable using the library you're after.
The output should contain:
Binary Images:
0x10566a000 - 0x105dc0fff (10.14.5 - 1143.5.1) <3B0424E1-647C-3279-8F90-4D374AA4AC0D> /System/Library/CoreServices/
0x1080cb000 - 0x1081356ef dyld (655.1.1) <D3E77331-ACE5-349D-A7CC-433D626D4A5B> /usr/lib/dyld
These are the loaded addresses 0x100000000 shifted by ASLR. There might be more nuances how exactly those addresses are chosen for dylibs but you get the idea.
Tbh I've never needed to find such address programmatically but it's definitely doable (as /usr/bin/sample is able to do it).
From here to achieve something practically:
Parse Mach-o header of your lib binary (check this & this for starters)
Find LC_SYMTAB load command
Find your symbol text based entry and find the virtual address (the red box stuff)
Calculate ASLR and apply the shift
There is some C Apple API for parsing Mach-O. Also some Python code exists in the wild (being popular among reverse engineering folks).
Hope that helps.

How to compile a library for a fixed address in microblaze

I want to build a library which is relocatable (ie. nothing other than local variables. I also want to force the location of the library to be at a fixed location in memory. I think this has to be done in the makefile, but I am confused as to what I have to do to force the library to be loaded at a fixed location. This is using mb-gcc.
The reason I need this is I want to write a loader where I dont want to clobber over the code that is actually doing the copy of the other program. So I want the program that is doing the copying to be located somewhere else at a location that is not being used (ie. ddr).
If I have all the functions that do the compiled into a library, what special makefile arguments do I need to force this to be loaded at location 0x80000000 for example.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You write a linker script, and tell the compiler/linker to use it by using the -T script.ld option (to gcc and/or ld, depending on how you build your firmware files).
In your library C source files, you can use the __attribute__((section ("name"))) syntax to put your functions and variables into a specific section. The linker script can then decide where to put each section -- often at a fixed address for these kinds of devices. (You'll often see macro declarations like #define FIRMWARE __attribute__((section(".text.firmware"))) or similar, to make the code easier to read and understand.)
If you create a separate firmware file just for your library, then you don't need to add the attributes to your code, just write the linker script to put the .text (executable code), .rodata (read-only constants), and .bss (uninitialized variables) sections at suitable addresses.
A web search for microblaze "linker script" finds some useful examples, and even more guides. Some of them must be suitable for your tools.

How to retrieve function name from function address using link register (like backtrace_symbol) in linux

I want to write c program (like backtrace) I am getting the address of functions but I don't know how to convert those address to symbols (function name ). Please help me
The first answer is that the symbol handling is an internal ABI hidden away. Some OS even perform this magic in kernel space. But you obviously want ARM + linux.
First information needed is to map addresses back to their origin. This mapping you can retrieve from here: /proc/self/stat
Next part is more tricky, reversing those offsets from those files into symbols. For that you will need to parse the ELF files. If you do not want to parse the binary data, you can cheat and use objdump and parse the ASCII formatted data instead
objdump -t -T -r -R /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
If you want even more details information than this, you will need to parse the section that contains the debug information if present - and it might be moved to a separate file to allow apt to have those nice -dbg packages, but that is probably way to much work, and easier to hack gdb instead or extract code from projects like valgrind.
PS: If your use-case is to perform debug/diagnostics when things go wrong, I will recommend to use valgrind

ELF binary from memory

I just wrote a Hello world program in C that I was playing around with. I'd like to try and dump the binary from memory(using gdb) and try to create another executable from it. I tried dumping the page with executable privileges followed by its data page; however it segfaults. Are there any approaches to doing this? Is there any way I can debug and find out why it crashes? Any generic suggestions at all?
Its on linux and I've tried it on both 32 and 64-bit x86. The kernel version is 3.13. I set a breakpoint on _start, dumped the executable page followed by its data page to a file and tried executing it.
Wait, are you just dumping the mapped text (exectuable page) section followed by the mapped data section to a file? That itself wouldn't be a valid ELF object, an ELF file needs an ELF header as well. I am surprised the OS even let you attempt to execute that, you should have gotten an error about an invalid ELF header or something like that.
In addition to the header, an ELF file contains many more sections that are important to be able to run it.
As for debugging, I'd start with GDB to see where it crashes. Does your program crash, or does the dynamic linker crash when trying to load your program? If the dynamic linker crashes, try debugging that, e.g. with
gdb --args /lib64/ <your program>
Attempts to re-create ELF files from memory have been done before - have a look at Statifier, which even statically includes all loaded dynamic libraries into the resulting ELF.
It might be not very simple and is certainly processor and operating system specific.
You could look at emacs source unexec.c which is doing what you want. See this answer

How does debugger know function names?

When I debug any program with debugger (for example OllyDbg), in disassembled assembly code, I can see function names, for example:
push 0
call msvcrt.exit
How does the debugger know the function names? Where do they come from? In machine code, it is represented as call address. So how debugger knows it?
Compilers generate "symbols" files, providing to debuggers a way to show the name of a symbol that corresponds to a particular address or an offset. This is highly system-dependent: for example, VS toolchain on Windows places these symbols in separate .pdb files, while on some UNIX flavors these debug symbols are embedded into the executable. EDIT : According to the comments, OllyDbg pulls symbols from the Import Address Table embedded in executable files.
When symbols are embedded into the executable, compiler vendors provide a tool to remove these symbols. For example, GNU provides the strip utility to work with their toolchain.
