Getting geolocation to work on ZTE Open C - mobile

it seems I can't get geolocation to work in FFOS 1.3.0. The default shipped "Here Maps" does Work but my App does not even ask for the Permission.
The Code does work on my Notebook, here I'm asked for the Location which is then provieded. I Guess it's the fault of the manifest file though I don't know what exactly is the Problem.
"version": "1.0",
"name": "Example",
"description": "Example",
"launch_path": "/index.html",
"icons": {
"16": "/images/icon_016.png",
"32": "/images/icon_032.png",
"48": "/images/icon_048.png",
"128": "/images/icon_128.png"
"developer": {
"name": "Example",
"url": ""
"default_locale": "de",
"type": "privileged",
"permissions": {
"geolocation": {
"description": "Used to locate me"
Any help would be appriciated :)

I found the error. It seems to be needed to add
"installs_allowed_from": [
to the manifest file. My app does no ask for the permission and displays the location. Thank you all for your help :)


Cannot read property 'tenant_id' of undefined using Auth0

I've been setting up Single Sign On with Active Directory for our application according to this instruction:
However, after redirect to the Microsoft page i get this error:
Cannot read property 'tenant_id' of undefined
In my Auth0 Dashboard under
Monitoring > Logs
i found this error log:
"date": "2022-02-28T09:05:51.484Z",
"type": "f",
"description": "Cannot read property 'tenant_id' of undefined",
"connection_id": "",
"client_id": "XXXXXXX",
"client_name": "XXXXXXX (DEV)",
"ip": "195.192.198.XXX",
"user_agent": "Chrome 98.0.4758 / Mac OS X 10.15.7",
"details": {
"body": {},
"qs": {
"client_id": "XXXXXXXX",
"redirect_uri": "http://localhost:3000",
"scope": "openid profile email",
"response_type": "code",
"response_mode": "query",
"nonce": "OG94dlNjbEFyUDJXcnNmeWNEamhSa1IxWHVSV08wcUxZS0tVQ3NwTjRjWA==",
"code_challenge": "8tWkNmx5qUlDVpIUCJy68B1lWwPa6qi1ZpMjq-4WZAc",
"code_challenge_method": "S256",
"auth0Client": "XXXXXXXXXX"
"error": {
"message": "Cannot read property 'tenant_id' of undefined",
"oauthError": "access_denied",
"type": "oauth-authorization"
"session_id": "7aXIltPAKa0e0vQhqyyAblzIWjmvbiy",
"riskAssessment": {
"confidence": "high",
"version": "1",
"assessments": {
"UntrustedIP": {
"confidence": "high",
"code": "not_found_on_deny_list"
"NewDevice": {
"confidence": "high",
"code": "initial_login"
"ImpossibleTravel": {
"confidence": "high",
"code": "initial_login"
"hostname": "",
"user_id": "XXXXXXXX",
"user_name": "",
"audience": "",
"scope": [
"auth0_client": {
"name": "auth0-react",
"version": "1.9.0"
"log_id": "900202202280905566349491050266127672706556666XXXXXXX",
"_id": "900202202280905566349491050266127672706556666XXXXXXX",
"isMobile": false
What i've been trying so far:
Created a new Auth0 account and connect the sample React Login application ( provided by Auth0 to the same Active Directory endpoint (works)
Connect our Development Auth0 account to Active Directory using the Auth0 React sample app (doesn't work)
Connect our React development application to the Active Directory Endpoint (throws error as shown above)
Playing around with different Callback URLs. Added some URLs and Routes to the existing http://localhost:3000 (doesn't work)
I think this error was caused by wrong settings in our Auth0 account since creating a new account doesn't show any problems. I also don't see any issues caused by setting up the Active Directory application.

Chrome storage API not accessible in React based chrome extension

I'm trying to use Chrome storage API to store access token after the user logs in the extension. However, when I try to use it throws error which says local was called on undefined.
I've added /* global chrome */ on the top of JS file in which I want to access the storage API. But the storage is still is not accessible.
As suggested in the documentation I've the storage permission added. Also, I've already tried multiple times to reload/reinstall the extension in chrome but the problem persists.
Following is my manifest file.
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "My Extension",
"description": "This is My Extension",
"version": "1.0.0",
"homepage_url": "",
"icons": {
"16": "ss-logo.png",
"48": "ss-logo.png",
"128": "ss-logo.png"
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "ss-logo.png",
"default_title": "My Extension"
"background": {
"scripts": ["./jquery.js", "background.js"]
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["<all_urls>"],
"all_frames": false,
"js": ["./content.js", "./jquery.js"],
"run_at": "document_end"
"permissions": ["storage", "tabs", "activeTab", "<all_urls>"],
"content_security_policy": "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; object-src 'self'",
"web_accessible_resources": ["index.html", "/static/*"]
Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks!

Field: android - should NOT have additional property 'enableDangerousExperimentalLeanBuilds'

My expo version is 42.0.0. When I run "expo build:android -t app-bundle", I get this error:
Error: Problem validating fields in app.json. Learn more:
• Field: android - should NOT have additional property 'enableDangerousExperimentalLeanBuilds'.
Couldn't publish because errors were found. (See logs above.) Please fix the errors and try again.
"expo": {
"name": "XXXX",
"slug": "XXXX",
"version": "1.2.0",
"orientation": "portrait",
"icon": "./assets/XXXX.png",
"splash": {
"image": "./assets/XXXX.png",
"resizeMode": "contain",
"backgroundColor": "#FBDB5B"
"privacy": "public",
"platforms": [
"android": {
"config": {
"googleMobileAdsAppId": "XXXX"
"package": "com.XXXX",
"versionCode": 16,
"permissions": [],
"enableDangerousExperimentalLeanBuilds": true
"updates": {
"fallbackToCacheTimeout": 0
"assetBundlePatterns": ["**/*"]
The thing is, the property enableDangerousExperimentalLeanBuilds was removed.. Expo wants you to use EAS Build for smaller bundle sizes. You might have to drop the field, otherwise your app might work in development, but then crash once you put it in PlayStore.
Personally, I also had to eject as I wasn't satisfied with the sizes EAS gave me.

Alexa Smart Home "Failed to Retrieve State"

I am playing with a sample Alexa Smart Home skill - I am not talking to any real hardware or back-end, just trying to get message flow working. I have set up a simple switch/plug/light that can just support turning On/Off - and I have account linked working and the skill enabled. When I try looking at it via the Alexa app on phone or web (with debug enabled) it always says the device isn't responding, or it's "Failed to Retrieve State". I can definitely see the messages in Cloud Watch as follows.
Any idea why I'd be chronically getting such a response??
"directive": {
"endpoint": {
"cookie": {},
"endpointId": "endpoint-003",
"scope": {
"token": "<<<SUPRESSING>>",
"type": "BearerToken"
"header": {
"correlationToken": "<<SHORTENED>>",
"messageId": "50397414-bb9d-412f-8a2c-15669978ab64",
"name": "ReportState",
"namespace": "Alexa",
"payloadVersion": "3"
"payload": {}
"context": {
"properties": [
"name": "connectivity",
"namespace": "Alexa.EndpointHealth",
"timeOfSample": "2020-06-29T16:49:59.00Z",
"uncertaintyInMilliseconds": 0,
"value": "OK"
"name": "powerState",
"namespace": "Alexa.PowerController",
"timeOfSample": "2020-06-29T16:49:59.00Z",
"uncertaintyInMilliseconds": 0,
"value": "ON"
"event": {
"endpoint": {
"endpointId": "endpoint-003",
"scope": {
"token": "Alexa-access-token",
"type": "BearerToken"
"header": {
"correlationToken": "<<SHORTENED>>",
"messageId": "7a8b9a71-adda-41b8-acba-4d3855374845",
"name": "Response",
"namespace": "Alexa",
"payloadVersion": "3"
"payload": {}
Problem was: The "name" in my header response should have been "ReportState". "Response" is only used for things that set/change values.
My general advice is to always verify that THREE things are good:
Initial "Discovery"
"Response" messages
General "ReportState" queries.
By this - I mean that:
Anything you advertised as should be reported in "discovery" better be reported in other ("ReportState") messages. If you advertise a "PowerController" - if your ReportStates don't contain status for that, you'll either not see the status, or it'll keep retrying forever (continuing to look for it) - or you might get some sort of an error.
If you CHANGED your discovery stuff - make sure that you really removed, re-discovered, and that the states (above) for the new additions/removals are okay
Always make sure that "EndpointHealth" is being reported.

Cannot Access WebExtension APIs

I have the following manifest.json:
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Application Name",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "blah blah blah",
"icons": {
"48": "icons/icon-48.png",
"96": "icons/icon-96.png"
"permissions": [
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icons/icon-32.png",
"default_title": "Title",
"default_popup": "popup/popup.html"
"content_scripts": [{
"matches": [
"js": [
I have access to the the storage API ( is defined) in my content scripts, but both the history and tabs APIs (browser.tabs and browser.history) are undefined. Am I missing something in the manifest to get access to these permissions?
One of the few WebExtensions APIs that is available for content scripts is Most WebExtensions APIs can only be accessed when using a background script. Using message passing you can still call those APIs (what you do is basically calling a function in the background script from within the content script). Please see the example on this page:
See also Firefox WebExtention API: TypeError: browser.browserAction is undefined for a similar problem.
