$index inside ng-repeat with ng-if - angularjs

I Have an array of items like this which contains a list of animals and a list of fruits in a random order.
$scope.items = [{name:'mango',type:'fruit'},{name:'cat',type:'animal'},{name:'dog',type:'animal'},{name:'monkey',type:'animal'},{name:'orange',type:'fruit'},{name:'banana',type:'fruit'},...]
Then I Have a array of colors like
$scope.colorSeries = ['#3366cc', '#dc3912', '#ff9900',...];
$scope.setBGColor = function (index) {
return { background: $scope.colorSeries[index] }
I am using the items array to render the fruits only in a div with background color selected from the colorSeries based on the index like colorSeries[0] which will give me #3366cc
<div data-ng-repeat="item in items " ng-if="item.type =='fruit'">
<label ng-style="setBGColor($index)">{{item.name}}</label>
Things working fine if the length of the items array is less than length of colorSeries array.The problem arises if the length of colorSeries array is less than the items array.e.g if i have a color series with 3 colors then for this items array the last item i.e orange will need a color indexed as colorSeries[4] which is undefined where as I have rendered only three items. So, is it possible to get the index like 0,1,2 i.e the index of elements rendered with ng-if.

Instead of using ng-if, I would use a filter. then, the $index will be always correspond to the index in the result list after applying the filter
<div data-ng-repeat="item in items|filterFruit">
<label ng-style="setBGColor($index)">{{item.name}}</label>
angular.module('app.filters', []).filter('filterFruit', [function () {
return function (fruits) {
var i;
var tempfruits = [];
var thefruit;
if (angular.isDefined(fruits) &&
fruits.length > 0) {
for(thefruit = fruits[i=0]; i<fruits.length; thefruit=fruits[++i]) {
if(thefruit.type =='fruit')
return tempfruits;

Try this..
this.itemList = [{
}, {
name: 'fruit'
this.colorlist = [{ color: 'red' }, { color: 'orange' }, { color: 'blue' }];
<div data-ng-repeat="item in itemList " ng-if="item.name=='fruit'">
<label ng-style="colorlist [$index]">{{item.name}}</label>

If I were you, I would embed the colors inside the $scope.items objects, since you always use them coupled with a fruit.
Anyway, to address your specific code configuration, I would add a counter in my controller and use it to loop through the colors.
Something like this:
app.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.colorSeries = ['#3366cc', '#dc3912', '#ff9900',...];
var colorCounter = $scope.colorSeries.length;
var colorIdx = -1;
$scope.setBGColor = function () {
// get back to the first color if you finished the loop
colorIdx = colorCounter? 0: colorIdx+1
return { background: $scope.colorSeries[colorIdx] }
And then in your view (note that there is no $index)
<div data-ng-repeat="item in items " ng-if="item.type =='fruit'">
<label ng-style="setBGColor()">{{item.name}}</label>


Reorder a list without ng-repeat

For reasons I won't go into, I'm not using ng-repeat for a list of items.
I have a list like this:
<p>Search: <input type="text" ng-model="search"></p>
<div id="grid" filter-list="search">
<div id="item1" class="[list of properties]">
//item content
<div id="item2" class="[list of properties]">
//item content
<div id="item3" class="[list of properties]">
//item content
<div id="item4" class="[list of properties]">
//item content
As you can see I already have a search function working well.
My app script looks like this:
var app = angular.module('myApp', []).controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope, $timeout) {
app.directive('filterList', function ($timeout) {
return {
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var div = Array.prototype.slice.call(element[0].children);
function filterBy(value) {
div.forEach(function (el) {
el.className = el.textContent.toLowerCase().indexOf(value.toLowerCase()) !== -1 ? '' : 'ng-hide';
scope.$watch(attrs.filterList, function (newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal !== oldVal) {
The problem is I need to be able to reorder the list based on class values or even the ids (At this stage it doesn't matter).
Every tutorial/guide online assumes that the code uses "ng-repeat" ... which I simply can't use here.
Is there any way I can get the items to reorder without using ng-repeat?
Instead of using ng-repeat just sort the data.
$scope.items = $scope.items.sort(yourSortFn);
You can modify this sorting script:
<ul id="id01">
function sortList() {
var list, i, switching, b, shouldSwitch;
list = document.getElementById("id01");
switching = true;
/* Make a loop that will continue until
no switching has been done: */
while (switching) {
// Start by saying: no switching is done:
switching = false;
b = list.getElementsByTagName("LI");
// Loop through all list items:
for (i = 0; i < (b.length - 1); i++) {
// Start by saying there should be no switching:
shouldSwitch = false;
/* Check if the next item should
switch place with the current item: */
if (b[i].innerHTML.toLowerCase() > b[i + 1].innerHTML.toLowerCase()) {
/* If next item is alphabetically lower than current item,
mark as a switch and break the loop: */
shouldSwitch= true;
if (shouldSwitch) {
/* If a switch has been marked, make the switch
and mark the switch as done: */
b[i].parentNode.insertBefore(b[i + 1], b[i]);
switching = true;
Just target the div elements instead of li elements, and compare them based on their .className property (after formating them propelly depending on what data you get) instead of their .innerHTML
Sort or filter or reduce your array of elements any way you need then append the results
Very basic example using descending id:
scope.sortDesc = function() {
div.sort(function(a, b) {
return /\d+/.exec(b.id) - /\d+/.exec(a.id);
Plunker demo

How to apply dynamic filters in AngularJS

I'm starting to learn AngularJS now and I have some issues with filters.
I need to apply two types of filters and I can't figure out how.
I have a device list JSON that looks like this:
"ID": 1,
"Name": "Device 1",
"Price": 1998.92,
"Colors": [{
"ColorCode": "Red",
"ColorName": "#FF0000"
"ColorCode": "Green",
"ColorName": "#2EFE2E"
"Type": {
"TypeID": 1,
"TypeName": "Mobile device"
"Company": {
"CompanyID": 1,
"CompanyName": "Alcatel"
I display the list like this:
<div ng-repeat="device in devices | filter:companyFilters | filter:colorFilters">
<span>{{device.Company.CompanyID}}</span> // 1
<span>{{device.Company.CompanyName}}</span> // Google
<span>{{device.Name}}</span> // Nexus 6P
I have some filters that I applied but there are two filters that I can't understand how to apply.
Filter 1:
A checkbox list of companies that filters the items by the selected
Filter 2:
A color filter that when clicking on a color will filter the devices
that has that color
For the company filter I have this checkbox list:
<div ng-repeat="company in deviceCompanies">
<input type="checkbox" data-ng-model="companyFilters" id="{{company.CompanyID}}" data-ng-true-value='{{company.CompanyID}}' data-ng-false-value='' />
<label for="{{company.CompanyID}}">{{company.CompanyName}}</label>
And on the controller side I have this:
$scope.companyFilters = [];
For the color filter I have this:
<a ng-click="???">All</a>
<div ng-repeat="color in deviceColors" style="display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;">
<div style="width:20px;height:20px;background-color:{{color.ColorCode}}"></div>
<a ng-model="selColor" data-ng="color.ColorCode" ng-click="colorFilters">{{color.ColorName}}</a>
And on the controller:
$scope.colorFilters = function (device) {
if (!$scope.selColor)
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < device.Colors.length; i++) {
if (device.Colors[i].ColorCode == $scope.selColor)
return true;
return false;
But it doesn't work...
Can anyone please tell me how to apply these filters ?
Since you are using ng-repeat which creates its own scope, anything you do in ng-repeat will not get recognized on the controller scope. Using a tool like ng-inspector or batarang will illustrate this.
I recommend using controllerAs Syntax, in your controller add.
angular.module('myModule').controller('CustomFilterController', function() {
var vm = this;
this.devices = //your list of data
this.companyFilters = [];
this.colorFilters = //your function
On your view declare your controller like this:
<div ng-controller='CustomFilterController as custom'>
(Note the value after as can be whatever you want it to be)
Then reference anything on that controller as custom.ThingOnController
<div ng-repeat="device in custom.devices | filter:custom.companyFilters | filter:custom.colorFilters">
After trying some workarounds, this is what I came up with:
<div ng-repeat="company in deviceCompanies">
<!--the ng-click will call a function that updated an array of values-->
<input type="checkbox" id="{{company.CompanyID}}" ng-click="selectCompany(company.CompanyID)">
<label for="{{company.CompanyID}}">{{company.CompanyName}}</label>
And the controller part is so simple:
$scope.selectedCompanies = [];
//when the array is upted the filter function will also launch
$scope.selectCompany = function (companyId) {
var i = $.inArray(companyId, $scope.selectedCompanies);
if (i > -1) {
$scope.selectedCompanies.splice(i, 1);
} else {
$scope.companyFilter = function (device) {
if ($scope.selectedCompanies.length > 0) {
if ($.inArray(device.Company.CompanyID, $scope.selectedCompanies) < 0)
return device;
Same goes to the colors filter:
<a ng-click="selectColor()">All</a>
<div ng-repeat="color in deviceColors" style="display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;">
<div style="width:20px;height:20px;background-color:{{color.ColorCode}}"></div>
<a ng-click="selectColor(color.ColorCode)">{{color.ColorName}}</a>
And controller part:
$scope.selectColor = function (colorCode) {
$scope.selectedColor = colorCode;
$scope.colorFilters = function (device) {
if (!$scope.selectedColor)
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < device.Colors.length; i++) {
if (device.Colors[i].ColorCode == $scope.selectedColor)
return true;
return false;
And finally, applying the filters:
<div ng-repeat="device in devices | filter:companyFilter | filter:colorFilters">
You can have a look here to see how it works
I think the color filter can be more elegant, but, for now, this does the trick.
If I'll come up with a better solution I'll post it here.

Updating selected array element after deleting the element from a filtered ng-repeat

I have a list of users where you click on a user to select it and put the element into an object $scope.selectedMember when selected. I'm using ng-repeat with a search box filter. The important thing is that $scope.selectedMember should always be populated with a member.
Problem is that i'm trying to overcome:
- splicing the last user out needs to automatically select the last user in the filtered array, even if it's filtered some members out with the search.
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<input ng-model="search"></input>
<div ng-repeat="(key, member) in members | filter:search | orderBy :'-name'">
<li ng-class="{active: retActive(key)}"
name: {{member.name}} key: {{key}}
<button ng-click="deleteThis(key)">delete</button>
Selected member name: {{selectedMember.name}}
angular.module('myApp', []);
function MainCtrl($scope) {
$scope.members = [
{"name":"a", "viewIndex":0},
{"name":"b", "viewIndex":1},
{"name":"bb", "viewIndex":2},
{"name":"bb", "viewIndex":3},
{"name":"c", "viewIndex":4},
{"name":"d", "viewIndex":5},
{"name":"e", "viewIndex":6}
$scope.activeIndex = 0;
$scope.selectedMember = $scope.members[0];
$scope.selectThis = function (index) {
$scope.activeIndex = index;
//put array member into new object
$scope.selectedMember = $scope.members[index];
//splice the selected member from the array
$scope.deleteThis = function (index) {
$scope.members.splice(index, 1);
//angular copy and push member to the array
$scope.duplicateThis = function (index) {
// change class if member is active
$scope.retActive = function (index) {
return $scope.activeIndex == index;
.active {
Link to JSFiddle
One problem I see is that you are passing $index to selectThis($index). When you filter data, the loop's $index no longer represents the actual index of an item in the array - so you should pass selectThis a key, not $index.

Equal Arrays AngularJS Pro

I need to show object only if one of it's properties equals to array.
I have a controller in app.js:
app.controller('checkBoxController', function ($scope) {
$scope.ingredients= [
{label: 'Egg', value: 1},
{label: 'Milk', value: 2},
$scope.toggleSelection = function toggleSelection(ingredientLabel) {
var idx = $scope.selection.indexOf(ingredientLabel);
if (idx > -1) {
$scope.selection.splice(idx, 1);
else {
and an html code for it:
<span style="color:black;" class="selected-item">Selected Items:<span>
<div ng-repeat="label in selection" class="selected-item">
<div class="list-group">
<div class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="product in meals.products" ng-show="product.contents==selection">
And I Have { name: 'Scrambled Egg', contents: "Egg"} in array of products. So I need to show product if it's contents equals to selected ingredients.
I do not have problems when it is only one ingredient like "Egg", but if I need contents of two equal to selected?
It would be best to use a custom filter.
If you add lodash to your application, you can create a filter that will preform a following operation:
angular.module('common', [])
.filter('canBeMadeFrom', function() {
return function(product, ingredients) {
return _.intersection(product.contents, ingredients).length == product.contents.length';
this will return true if all of products contents are contained in ingredients
use it like this
ng-repeat='product in products | canBeMadeFrom:ingredients'
Use a filter.
<div ng-repeat=product in products |filter: product.a === a && product.b === b>
You can also use a function for filter. It's a function that takes in an item and returns Boolean

increase limitTo in angular for particular index

I am displaying the list using ng-repeat and have set the limitTo for all elements. If user clicks the read more button then I want to increase the limitTo for that specific index. Problem is it changes the limitTo value for all elements in ng-repeat.
How to handle specific element by passing $index, any help ?
<div class="review-story" ng-repeat="review in reviews">
{{review.story | limitTo:numLimit}}
<a class="readmore" ng-click="readMore($index)">read more...</a>
$scope.numLimit = 50;
$scope.readMore = function (index) {
if ($scope.numLimit == 50) {
$scope.numLimit = 10000;
$('.readmore').html("read less");
else {
$('.readmore').html("read more...");
$scope.numLimit = 50;
here is one solution which stores the limit in the data object. You may not want to do that, but then your solution is to store some data in the scope mapping reviews onto limit amounts.
$scope.reviews = [
story: 'this is the first story'
story: 'this is the second story'
story: 'this is the third story and it is longer than 30 characters'
story: 'this is the fourth story and it is longer than 30 characters'
$scope.increaseLimit = function(review) {
if (review.limit) {
review.limit += 10;
else {
review.limit = 40;
<div class="review-story" ng-repeat="review in reviews">
{{review.story | limitTo: review.limit || 30}}<br />
click me
