Data binding in AngularJS - angularjs

I am new to AngularJS and have a pretty basic problem I guess.
I have a drop-down list and based on the selection I want a table underneath to update with the belonging information.
<div ng-controller="RightCtrl as right">
<select ng-model="right.selectedModule">
<option ng-repeat="module in right.modules" value="{{}}">{{}}
<th>Right name</th>
<tbody ng-repeat="module in right.modules | filter: right.isCurrent">
<tr ng-repeat="selRight in module.rights">
<td right-id="{{}}">{{}}</td>
I have a jsfiddle ( and appreciate every help. Probably I am not completely understanding the concept yet.

I think what you are looking for is to filter based on the selected object like:
<tbody ng-repeat="module in right.modules | filter:right.selectedModule">
Here is the full demo:
Online Demo


Nested ng-repeat not displaying the correct value

I am working on a scenario where i am using nested ng-repeat to display the json values in html table.Attached the plunker am not able to see the last column values properly.
You have no problems with AngularJS, but with HTML, try this variant:
<table width="100%">
<th>Only Lecturer Name</th>
<tr ng-repeat="x in student track by $index">
<span ng-repeat="j in x.subjects">

Why cannot I add new list in a table in angularJS 1.x?

I have example code below where I am supposed to create a list of items.
<div ng-hide="listTrigger">
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
<th sortable="code" class="sortable">
Product Name
<th sortable="placed" class="sortable">
<th class="st-sort-disable th-dropdown">
<th sortable='total.value' class="sortable">
<tr grid-item>
<td width="40%">
<select class="form-control" ng-model="prod.uid">
<option selected disabled>Select Product</option>
<option ng-repeat="product in products | orderBy : 'name'" ng-value="product.uid" >{{}}</option>
<td width="20%">
<input type="number" min="0" ng-model="prod.qty" class="form-control">
<td width="20%">
<input type="number" min="0" ng-model="prod.price" class="form-control">
<td width="10%">
<input type="number" min="1" max="100" ng-model="prod.split" class="form-control">
<td width="10%"><button ng-click="addNewProduct(" class="form-control">Add</button></td>
<table ng-show="newProducts.length!=0" class="table">
<th >
Product Name
<th >
<th >
<th >
<tr ng-repeat="newProduct in newProducts">
<td width="60%" ng-bind="newProduct.uid"></td>
<td width="10%" ng-bind="newProduct.qty"></td>
<td width="10%"ng-bind="newProduct.price"></td>
<td width="10%" ng-bind="newProduct.split"></td>
<td width="10%"><button ng-show="newProducts.length!=0" ng-click="removeProduct(newProduct.uid)">X</button></td>
but whatever i type in the textbox of first table is coming just like that in second table. It is supposed to come list by list
In JS I am getting all details from input fields and settinf to an object prod and then pushing it in to an array newProducts.
Later in the table I am using ng-repeat to repeat items in newProducts array. The top table and bottom table are connected in no other way and I cannot figure out why values are chaging in bottom table when they are changed in input fields. Also while trying to add it one more time, it throws an error.
jquery.js:4409 Error: [ngRepeat:dupes]…0a-42d3-949e-3e8e59ac2be9%22%2C%22%24%24hashKey%22%3A%22object%3A359%22%7D
Here is the JS to add new item
//function to add new product while creating
$scope.addNewProduct= function(id){
console.log("product array-"+JSON.stringify( $scope.newProducts));
I tried console.log to log newProducts array in console, it is getting updated with new array , but not showing up in second table. Please help!
use angular copy.
angular $scopes are two way binded.. the changes u make in first table will be reflected in second table as you are pushing $ which is two way binded.
Using $scope can be very tricky. I'm not the best in Angular but i have no idea
if you are using here the $scope of the function or the $scope of the Controller.
Put in at the very top of your Controller "var vm=$scope", and in your html use "Controller as vm".
So if you are then there, we can see if the problem still exists.
Angular variables are reference type. So you can use angular.copy() to overcome from this issue. Below the code.
$scope.addNewProduct= function(id){
var products = angular.copy($;
console.log("product array-"+JSON.stringify( $scope.newProducts));
Hope it will help you thanks.

How to use ng-if with tr tag along with ng-repeat?

Can someone help me on this? Below is my code and the problem explanation.
<tbody ng-repeat="category in editor.categories">
<tr ng-repeat="feature in category.features"> // Question?
<tr ng-if=""> // condition 1
<tr ng-if=""> // condition 2
Now, let me explain the problem. I have a group of Categories. Each and every category as a group of features.
Now my question is, how can these feature for every category can be displayed based on the ng-if condition. i.e., the <tr> at condition 1 should be displayed only if and same goes for condition 2 as well only if
Q. How do I include my ng-if condition based on the different conditions?
Your help is very much appreciated.
Use both ng-if and ng-repeat within one tag:
<tr ng-repeat="feature in features"
ng-if=" === 1" >
Or, if you want to conditionally display some templates you may use ng-switch for example:
ng-repeat="feature in features"
ng-switch="" >
<span ng-switch-when="1"></span>
<span ng-switch-when="2"></span>
check ng-switch and ng-switch-when

How to increase ng-repeat performance using Smart-Table?

I have a problem of performance and i don't find the solution.
Context: I need to display a lot of data ( 500 lines, 8 columns ) in a table. To displayed this data i chosed to use Smart-table because it offers good functionality but the problem is that i have a lot of data and the time of displaying data is very long ( 5 - 9 second, this depend of device performance ).
Important thing: I need to display all data so i don't want pagination method, limit filter.
So this code is working :
<ion-scroll class="scrollVertical" direction="xy" overflow-scroll="true" >
<table st-table="tableaux" class="table table-striped">
<th ng-repeat="column in ColumnTable">{{column.Label}}</th>
<th ng-repeat="column in ColumnTable">
<input st-search="{{column.Id}}" placeholder="" class="input-sm form-control" type="search" ng-model="inputRempli"/>
<tr ng-repeat="row in tableaux">
<td ng-repeat="column in ColumnTable" ng-init="colonne = column.Id">{{row[colonne]}}</td>
I read that Ionic made a directive (collection-repeat) wich allows an app to show huge lists of items much more performantly than ng-repeat. So i tried to remake my solution with collection-repeat but that doesn't work...
Code collection-repeat solution:
<ion-scroll class="scrollVertical">
<table st-table="tableaux" class="table table-striped">
<th ng-repeat="column in ColumnTable">{{column.Label}}</th>
<th ng-repeat="column in ColumnTable">
<input st-search="{{column.Id}}" placeholder="" class="input-sm form-control" type="search" ng-model="inputRempli"/>
<tr collection-repeat="row in tableaux" item-width="200px" item-height="100px">
<td collection-repeat="column in ColumnTable" ng-init="colonne = column.Id" item-width="100px" item-height="100px">{{row[colonne]}}</td>
Error: Maximum call stack size exceeded
Questions: Is there any angularjs or ionic solution to increase performance of smart-table with a lot of data ?
What's wrong with my collection-repeat ?
What version of Ionic are u using? If you are using version 1.0 beta 14 or higher use bind once (native in Angular 1.3)
It would like like this.
<ion-scroll class="scrollVertical" direction="xy" overflow-scroll="true" >
<table st-table="tableaux" class="table table-striped">
<th ng-repeat="column in ::ColumnTable">{{::column.Label}}</th>
<th ng-repeat="column in ::ColumnTable">
<input st-search="{{::column.Id}}" placeholder="" class="input-sm form-control" type="search" ng-model="inputRempli"/>
<tr ng-repeat="row in ::tableaux">
<td ng-repeat="column in ::ColumnTable" ng-init="colonne = column.Id">{{::row[colonne]}}</td>
How are you loading your datas ?
If you are doing a $scope.ColumnTable.push(newData); then this is not a proper way to do it.
What I do is :
create a service that load a Temporary Table : let's call it myService.setTable().
Inform your controller with an event : This service sends an event $rootScope.$broadCast("myService.setTable-refresh")
Catch the event into your controller & update table : $scope.$on('myService.setTable-refresh,function(){ $scope.myWorkingTable =myService.getTable();});
Update your HTML to work with myWorkingTable
Moreover, you shall define an unique key into your ng-repeat for performance optimisation used by track by to prevent rebuilding already created content.
See explanation here :

Can’t filter table based on select box

I have a table I wish to filter with a select box. If I try to filter it with an <input>, it works great. But when I do it with a <select>, the table gets empty. I've commented out the <input>, which works. Any ideas why I can’t filter with select?
<fieldset ng-controller="DimensionListCtrl">
Pipe: <select ng-model="query2.code"
ng-options="pipe.code for pipe in pipes"></select>
<!-- Search: <input ng-model="query2.code"> -->
<table class="table table-striped">
<th>Pipe title</th>
<th>Inner diameter</th>
<th>Outer diameter</th>
<tr ng-repeat="dimension in dimensions |filter:query2">
You're not using the correct model, it's a select, so you don't need to suffix it.

