Remove or Customize the default popup skin in DNN 7.3 - dotnetnuke

I am trying to customize the Gravity skin in DNN 7.3. Specifically, i would like to either remove the popup page that appears to users after they login ("welcome to your website"). However I couldn't find how to. Any ideas?

It used to be a Getting Started page found on the admin/page management page, but it appears that it is now loaded straight from when you login for the first time.
I found a hostsetting that you can change in the DB to turn it off
UPDATE dbo.HostSettings SET settingvalue = 'false' WHERE settingname = 'EnableGettingStartedPage'
Once you run that you should clear the cache/restart the APP from the TOOLS menu in DNN in order to ensure the setting is updated for any future SuperUser accounts that login.


Dot Net Nuke page is unable to be edited after changing permissions

This is my first time looking at Dot Net Nuke. I have a customer who set a page to only be visible to unregistered users. It will not show up when signed in as an administrator.
About Us showing up as a guest/unregistered user:
About Us not showing up as a registered user/administrator:
I am able to copy the page, but can't place it at the top since the original page already exists. I was trying to find a way to edit the database to undo the permissions changes but haven't been successful at that.
If you login as a super user, you should be able to go to the Pages Persona Bar item, select the page in question, and edit its permissions. You can edit any page from the Persona Bar's Pages item.
If you are using an earlier version of DNN, you can use the Admin, Page Management page to accomplish this.

Dot Net Nuke issue with new page visible to Admin Only in Nav

I have an issue with DotNetNuke where only the admin can see a new page I've added in the main navigation (the page appears in sidebar for all users)
After creating a new page with DotNetNuke, I can manually browse to the page, and all links to it work however it is only visible in the navigation menu when I'm logged in as administrator.
Manually going to the page works fine when not logged in. Include in Menu? is checked (and been toggled) and I've tried all variations of permissions I can think of (which apart from the navigation issue work exactly as I would expect).
I hope this is the correct format I'm still relatively new!
Sounds like you have the page settings set to admin only for view... navigate to the page click on pages>page settings. click on the permissions tab and make sure inherit page settings from parent page is unchecked. Then next to All Users, Registered Users, Subscriber,
Translator (en-US), Unauthenticated Users and Unverified Users make sure there is a green check mark in the view section. Then make sure that page is disabled in advanced settings is unchecked and include in menu in page settings is checked.... Hope this helps... If not try making a new page and copy all the modules from the old one and see if that works

DNN 7 Can No Longer Edit Page

One of my DNN 7 sites has lost its ability to edit any of the pages. It now alway displays the Modules, Edit and Pages menu regardless if admin is logged in or not. When I try to edit a page, a window appears and then quickly goes away. There is nothing of use in the event log and I have tried different skins with no luck. I have another DNN website on the same computer and it works fine.
I have found that I am losing permissions to ToggleUserMode after I recompile a custom module that I'm developing has been installed on a test page and then recompiled in debug mode.
I'm wondering if this can be related to the fact that when I install DNN I blank out the default installation option of creating a dotnetnuke application. I leave that option blank and create the installation in the root of my website.
P.S I tried the amended module tag suggested on SO without any luck.
I finally figured this out. I had originally bound to my default website but later created a new site for Apparently most of the requests were going to my new site, but the request for authorization for page editing was going to my old site which resulted in the 401 error. I rebooted my computer and disabled my default website and all is well.

Re-Enable Landing page in DotNetNuke

I am new to DotNetNuke and Mistakenly have disabled the landing page of the my site built in DotNetNuke and now i am neither allowed to access my site nor am i able to login to my site.
How can i re-enable the disabled landing page.
Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.
Thanking you in advance
This will allow you to login aa then you can update the settings.
You will likely need to get into the database and edit the PortalSettings table's content.
What setting did you actually change on your website? One of the "pages" drop downs from the Admin/Site Settings?
Look in the portalsettings table and find the columns for Login Home Splash page, etc, and set those to Null.
Though if you didn't change that, perhaps you mean you changed the "default" page in IIS? IF that is the case try going to to login

How to check how many pages are using a certain skin in dotnetnuke

I am sitting with a situation where I need to check how many pages in my site are using a specific skin. In Sitefinity, you can check which pages are using a certain template and I wanted to know if this is possible in DNN please?
If you have access to your database, this code will get you all pages in DNN that override the default skin with the store_limited skin.
select TabID, TabName, TabPath from tabs where SkinSrc like '%store_limited%'
Confirmed working in 5.6.0
To run this code from within DNN
Login as Host
Go to Hosts menu
Click on SQL
Select your DNN connection string
Paste in the above code
Press execute
