Tables that 'extend' other tables - sql-server

I have a table that stores information on Vendors called dbo.Vendor. Its has fields like this:
1. VendorID
2. VendorName
3. VendorType
4. AddressLine1
5. EMail
6. Telephone
7. and so on....
This information is common to all vendors. But depending on the type of vendor (VendorType field) I need to collect more specific information. For example a vendor that is a charity will have a Charity Number but a vendor that are Lawyers will have some kind of legal registration number instead. If a vendor is a cinema then I may need to know seating capacity which won't apply to other vendors of course.
Do I really have to create a unique table for each of these different vendors e.g. dbo.VendorLaw, dbo.VendorCinema. Or can I create all possible fields in the main dbo.Vendor table and leave NULL values where the field does not apply to that vendor? This is breaking normalization rules of course.

Depending on the scope of how much additional optional info you need per vendor type, I would create another two tables: one reference table, which stores all the different types of additional info, and one table that stores all the records (and links to the main table).
CREATE TABLE schema.VendorAdditionalInfo (
autoId serial NOT NULL,
vendorId int,
vendorInfoId int,
vendorInfoText varchar
Then create your reference table:
CREATE TABLE schema.VendorInfo (
vendorInfoId serial NOT NULL,
vendorType int,
vendorInfoName text
This way you can create any amount of records in VendorAdditionalInfo based on what vendor type it is.
EDIT: Example of the info you'd input:
INSERT INTO schema.VendorInfo (vendorType, vendorInfoName)
(1, 'Lawyer Registration Number'),
(2, 'Nurse ID Number'),
(3, 'Hot Dog Business License')
Then for your records table you'd enter your info as such:
INSERT INTO schema.VendorAdditionalInfo (vendorId, vendorInfoId, vendorInfoText)
(10, 1, 'LAW13245'),
(11, 2, 'NURSE234234'),
(12, 1, 'LAW56156'),
Basically - the text field is the field that's unique for each additional info type.

I would create the additional tables. This allows you to enforce null/non-null (and other) constraints easily based on the vendor type - and you can even create a superkey in your existing table on (VendorID,VendorType) and a computed column in each vendor specific column to ensure that e.g. only Cinema vendors have entries in the VendorCinema table.
VendorID int IDENTITY(-47,1) not null,
VendorName varchar(19) not null,
VendorType varchar(11) not null,
AddressLine1 varchar(35) not null,
EMail varchar(312) null,
Telephone varchar(15) null,
constraint PK_Vendors PRIMARY KEY (VendorID),
constraint UQ_Vendor_Types UNIQUE (VendorID,VendorType),
constraint CK_Vendor_Types CHECK (VendorType in ('Law','Cinema'))
CREATE TABLE CinemaVendors (
VendorID int not null,
VendorType as CONVERT(varchar(11),'Cinema') persisted,
Seating int not null,
BruceWillisMovies int not null,
constraint PK_CinemaVendors PRIMARY KEY (VendorID),
constraint FK_CinemaVendors_Vendors FOREIGN KEY
references Vendors (VendorID,VendorType),
constraint CK_BruceWillisMovies CHECK (BruceWillisMovies > 3)
This is far easier to do in separate tables than to have a slew of nullable columns in one single table and then trying to enforce all of the actual constraints.
This also addresses the concerns with the EAV model - where we want an int stored for cinema vendors, we're sure that an int has actually been stored.
(It's optional whether you also declare a foreign key between the two above tables based on just the VendorID column. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. It's the "real" foreign key, but we use the two column one above to ensure that only Cinema vendors end up in the CinemaVendors table)


Database Design For Multiple Product Types with variable attributes

I have a database containing different product types. Each type contains fields that differ greatly with each other. The first type of product, is classified in three categories. The second type of product, is classified in three categories. But the third and the fourth one, is not classified in anything.
Each product can have any number of different properties.
I am using database model which is basically like below:
(see the link)
I have a huge database, containing about 500000 products in product table.
So when I am going to fetch a product from database with all its attributes, or going to search product filtering by attributes, it affects performance badly.
Could anyone help me what will be the tables structure in sql or do some more indexing or any feasible solution for this problem. Because different ecommerce sites are using this kind of database and working fine with huge different types of products.
EDIT : The link to the image (on my site) is blocked, so here is the image
The model you link to looks like partial entity–attribute–value (EAV) model. EAV is very flexible, but offers poor data integrity, and is cumbersome and usually inefficient. It's not really in the spirit of the relational model. Having worked on some large e-commerce sites, i can tell you that this is not standard or good database design practice in this field.
If you don't have an enormous number of types of product (up to tens, but not hundreds) then you can handle this using one of a two common approaches.
The first approach is simply to have a single table for products, with columns for all the attributes that might be needed in each different kind of product. You use whichever columns are appropriate to each kind of product, and leave the rest null. Say you sell books, music, and video:
create table Product (
id integer primary key,
name varchar(255) not null,
type char(1) not null check (type in ('B', 'M', 'V')),
number_of_pages integer, -- book only
duration_in_seconds integer, -- music and video only
classification varchar(2) check (classification in ('U', 'PG', '12', '15', '18')) -- video only
This has the advantage of being simple, and of not requiring joins. However, it doesn't do a good job of enforcing integrity on your data (you could have a book without a number of pages, for example), and if you have more than a few types of products, the table will get highly unwieldy.
You can plaster over the integrity problem with table-level check constraints that require each type of products to have values certain columns, like this:
check ((case when type = 'B' then (number_of_pages is not null) else true end)))
(hat tip to Joe Celko there - i looked up how to do logical implication in SQL, and found an example where he does it with this construction to construct a very similar check constraint!)
You might even say:
check ((case when type = 'B' then (number_of_pages is not null) else (number_of_pages is null) end)))
To ensure that no row has a value in a column not appropriate to its type.
The second approach is to use multiple tables: one base table holding columns common to all products, and one auxiliary table for each type of product holding columns specific to products of that type. So:
create table Product (
id integer primary key,
type char(1) not null check (type in ('B', 'M', 'V')),
name varchar(255) not null
create table Book (
id integer primary key references Product,
number_of_pages integer not null
create table Music (
id integer primary key references Product,
duration_in_seconds integer not null
create table Video (
id integer primary key references Product,
duration_in_seconds integer not null,
classification varchar(2) not null check (classification in ('U', 'PG', '12', '15', '18'))
Note that the auxiliary tables have the same primary key as the main table; their primary key column is also a foreign key to the main table.
This approach is still fairly straightforward, and does a better job of enforcing integrity. Queries will typically involve joins, though:
Product p
join Book b on =
b.number_of_pages > 300;
Integrity is still not perfect, because it's possible to create a row in an auxiliary tables corresponding to a row of the wrong type in the main table, or to create rows in multiple auxiliary tables corresponding to a single row in the main table. You can fix that by refining the model further. If you make the primary key a composite key which includes the type column, then the type of a product is embedded in its primary key (a book would have a primary key like ('B', 1001)). You would need to introduce the type column into the auxiliary tables so that they could have foreign keys pointing to the main table, and that point you could add a check constraint in each auxiliary table that requires the type to be correct. Like this:
create table Product (
type char(1) not null check (type in ('B', 'M', 'V')),
id integer not null,
name varchar(255) not null,
primary key (type, id)
create table Book (
type char(1) not null check (type = 'B'),
id integer not null,
number_of_pages integer not null,
primary key (type, id),
foreign key (type, id) references Product
This also makes it easier to query the right tables given only a primary key - you can immediately tell what kind of product it refers to without having to query the main table first.
There is still a potential problem of duplication of columns - as in the schema above, where the duration column is duplicated in two tables. You can fix that by introducing intermediate auxiliary tables for the shared columns:
create table Media (
type char(1) not null check (type in ('M', 'V')),
id integer not null,
duration_in_seconds integer not null,
primary key (type, id),
foreign key (type, id) references Product
create table Music (
type char(1) not null check (type = 'M'),
id integer not null,
primary key (type, id),
foreign key (type, id) references Product
create table Video (
type char(1) not null check (type = 'V'),
id integer not null,
classification varchar(2) not null check (classification in ('U', 'PG', '12', '15', '18')),
primary key (type, id),
foreign key (type, id) references Product
You might not think that was worth the extra effort. However, what you might consider doing is mixing the two approaches (single table and auxiliary table) to deal with situations like this, and having a shared table for some similar kinds of products:
create table Media (
type char(1) not null check (type in ('M', 'V')),
id integer not null,
duration_in_seconds integer not null,
classification varchar(2) check (classification in ('U', 'PG', '12', '15', '18')),
primary key (type, id),
foreign key (type, id) references Product,
check ((case when type = 'V' then (classification is not null) else (classification is null) end)))
That would be particularly useful if there were similar kinds of products that were lumped together in the application. In this example, if your shopfront presents audio and video together, but separately to books, then this structure could support much more efficient retrieval than having separate auxiliary tables for each kind of media.
All of these approaches share a loophole: it's still possible to create rows in the main table without corresponding rows in any auxiliary table. To fix this, you need a second set of foreign key constraints, this time from the main table to the auxiliary tables. This is particular fun for couple of reasons: you want exactly one of the possible foreign key relationships to be enforced at once, and the relationship creates a circular dependency between rows in the two tables. You can achieve the former using some conditionals in check constraints, and the latter using deferrable constraints. The auxiliary tables can be the same as above, but the main table needs to grow what i will tentatively call 'type flag' columns:
create table Product (
type char(1) not null check (type in ('B', 'M', 'V')),
id integer not null,
is_book char(1) null check (is_book is not distinct from (case type when 'B' then type else null end)),
is_music char(1) null check (is_music is not distinct from (case type when 'M' then type else null end)),
is_video char(1) null check (is_video is not distinct from (case type when 'V' then type else null end)),
name varchar(255) not null,
primary key (type, id)
The type flag columns are essentially repetitions of the type column, one for each potential type, which are set if and only if the product is of that type (as enforced by those check constraints). These are real columns, so values will have to be supplied for them when inserting rows, even though the values are completely predictable; this is a bit ugly, but hopefully not a showstopper.
With those in place, then after all the tables are created, you can form foreign keys using the type flags instead of the type, pointing to specific auxiliary tables:
alter table Product add foreign key (is_book, id) references Book deferrable initially deferred;
alter table Product add foreign key (is_music, id) references Music deferrable initially deferred;
alter table Product add foreign key (is_video, id) references Video deferrable initially deferred;
Crucially, for a foreign key relationship to be enforced, all its constituent columns must be non-null. Therefore, for any given row, because only one type flag is non-null, only one relationship will be enforced. Because these constraints are deferrable, it is possible to insert a row into the main table before the required row in the auxiliary table exists. As long as it is inserted before the transaction is committed, it's all above board.

Foreign Key to multiple tables

I've got 3 relevant tables in my database.
Name varchar(50) NOT NULL
Name varchar(50) NOT NULL
Owner int NOT NULL,
Subject varchar(50) NULL
Users belong to multiple groups. This is done via a many to many relationship, but irrelevant in this case. A ticket can be owned by either a group or a user, via the dbo.Ticket.Owner field.
What would be the MOST CORRECT way describe this relationship between a ticket and optionally a user or a group?
I'm thinking that I should add a flag in the ticket table that says what type owns it.
You have a few options, all varying in "correctness" and ease of use. As always, the right design depends on your needs.
You could simply create two columns in Ticket, OwnedByUserId and OwnedByGroupId, and have nullable Foreign Keys to each table.
You could create M:M reference tables enabling both ticket:user and ticket:group relationships. Perhaps in future you will want to allow a single ticket to be owned by multiple users or groups? This design does not enforce that a ticket must be owned by a single entity only.
You could create a default group for every user and have tickets simply owned by either a true Group or a User's default Group.
Or (my choice) model an entity that acts as a base for both Users and Groups, and have tickets owned by that entity.
Heres a rough example using your posted schema:
create table dbo.PartyType
PartyTypeId tinyint primary key,
PartyTypeName varchar(10)
insert into dbo.PartyType
values(1, 'User'), (2, 'Group');
create table dbo.Party
PartyId int identity(1,1) primary key,
PartyTypeId tinyint references dbo.PartyType(PartyTypeId),
unique (PartyId, PartyTypeId)
CREATE TABLE dbo.[Group]
ID int primary key,
Name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
PartyTypeId as cast(2 as tinyint) persisted,
foreign key (ID, PartyTypeId) references Party(PartyId, PartyTypeID)
ID int primary key,
Name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
PartyTypeId as cast(1 as tinyint) persisted,
foreign key (ID, PartyTypeId) references Party(PartyID, PartyTypeID)
ID int primary key,
[Owner] int NOT NULL references dbo.Party(PartyId),
[Subject] varchar(50) NULL
The first option in #Nathan Skerl's list is what was implemented in a project I once worked with, where a similar relationship was established between three tables. (One of them referenced two others, one at a time.)
So, the referencing table had two foreign key columns, and also it had a constraint to guarantee that exactly one table (not both, not neither) was referenced by a single row.
Here's how it could look when applied to your tables:
CREATE TABLE dbo.[Group]
Name varchar(50) NOT NULL
Name varchar(50) NOT NULL
OwnerGroup int NULL
OwnerUser int NULL
Subject varchar(50) NULL,
As you can see, the Ticket table has two columns, OwnerGroup and OwnerUser, both of which are nullable foreign keys. (The respective columns in the other two tables are made primary keys accordingly.) The CK_Ticket_GroupUser check constraint ensures that only one of the two foreign key columns contains a reference (the other being NULL, that's why both have to be nullable).
(The primary key on Ticket.ID is not necessary for this particular implementation, but it definitely wouldn't harm to have one in a table like this.)
Another approach is to create an association table that contains columns for each potential resource type. In your example, each of the two existing owner types has their own table (which means you have something to reference). If this will always be the case you can have something like this:
Name varchar(50) NOT NULL
Name varchar(50) NOT NULL
Owner_ID int NOT NULL,
Subject varchar(50) NULL
User_ID int NULL,
Group_ID int NULL,
{{AdditionalEntity_ID}} int NOT NULL
With this solution, you would continue to add new columns as you add new entities to the database and you would delete and recreate the foreign key constraint pattern shown by #Nathan Skerl. This solution is very similar to #Nathan Skerl but looks different (up to preference).
If you are not going to have a new Table for each new Owner type then maybe it would be good to include an owner_type instead of a foreign key column for each potential Owner:
Name varchar(50) NOT NULL
Name varchar(50) NOT NULL
Owner_ID int NOT NULL,
Owner_Type string NOT NULL, -- In our example, this would be "User" or "Group"
Subject varchar(50) NULL
With the above method, you could add as many Owner Types as you want. Owner_ID would not have a foreign key constraint but would be used as a reference to the other tables. The downside is that you would have to look at the table to see what the owner types there are since it isn't immediately obvious based upon the schema. I would only suggest this if you don't know the owner types beforehand and they won't be linking to other tables. If you do know the owner types beforehand, I would go with a solution like #Nathan Skerl.
Sorry if I got some SQL wrong, I just threw this together.
Yet another option is to have, in Ticket, one column specifying the owning entity type (User or Group), second column with referenced User or Group id and NOT to use Foreign Keys but instead rely on a Trigger to enforce referential integrity.
Two advantages I see here over Nathan's excellent model (above):
More immediate clarity and simplicity.
Simpler queries to write.
you can also use an enum to identify whether Owner is user or group like this:
Name varchar(50) NOT NULL
Name varchar(50) NOT NULL
CREATE TYPE Enum_OwnerType AS ENUM ('Group', 'User');
Owner int NOT NULL,
OwnerType Enum_OwnerType NOT NULL,
Subject varchar(50) NULL
Maybe it's no better than any of proposed solutions, it might not offer any advantage. In fact, I think that this might require altering Enum_OwnerType and even ticket in order to change OwnerType, I guess... I hope it's useful anyway.
I have many cases like this and I just use polymorphic ability like below:
I have turnovers table that have this columns id, amount, user_id and I need to know the refrence of every records, So I just add two Fields table_id and table_type and my final turnovers table is like id, amount, user_id,table_id, table_type.
if new record is about order record inserted like this
and if new record is about increment credit like this
if using M:M tables its take so much time two retrieve the records
and my way
Cons is turnovers table records number is grows up
Pons is more flexible in new records and readable and search ability
nathan_jr's 4th option (model an entity that acts as a base for both Users and Groups, and have tickets owned by that entity) doesn't enforce referential integrity on PartyId. You'd have to do that on the application layer which invites all sorts of trouble. Can't really call it an antipattern when django's genericforeignkey implements the same solution, but no doubt you can design something more robust and performant using your framework's orm (using something like django's Multi-table inheritance)
CREATE TABLE dbo.OwnerType
Name varchar(50) NULL
insert into OwnerType (Name) values ('User');
insert into OwnerType (Name) values ('Group');
I think that would be the most general way to represent what you want instead of using a flag.

Database design - composite key relationship issue

I had posted a similar question before, but this is more specific. Please have a look at the following diagram:
The explanation of this design is as follows:
Bakers produce many Products
The same Product can be produced by more than one Baker
Bakers change their pricing from time-to-time for certain (of their) Products
Orders can be created, but not necessarily finalised
The aim here is to allow the store manager to create an Order "Basket" based on whatever goods are required, and also allow the system being created to determine the best price at that time based on what Products are contained within the Order.
I therefore envisaged the ProductOrders table to initially hold the productID and associated orderID, whilst maintaining a null (undetermined) value for bakerID and pricingDate, as that would be determined and updated by the system, which would then constitute a finalised order.
Now that you have an idea of what I am trying to do, please advise me on how to to best set these relationships up.
Thank you!
If I understand correctly, an unfinalised order is not yet assigned a baker / pricing (meaning when an order is placed, no baker has yet been selected to bake the product).
In which case, the order is probably placed against the Products Table and then "Finalized" against the BakersProducts table.
A solution could be to give ProductsOrders 2 separate "ProductID's", one being for the original ordered ProductId (i.e. Non Nullable) - say ProductId, and the second being part of the Foreign key to the assigned BakersProducts (say ProductId2). Meaning that in ProductsOrders, the composite foreign keys BakerId, ProductId2 and PricingDate are all nullable, as they will only be set once the order is Finalized.
In order to remove this redundancy, what you might also consider is using surrogate keys instead of the composite keys. This way BakersProducts would have a surrogate PK (e.g. BakersProductId) which would then be referenced as a nullable FK in ProductsOrders. This would also avoid the confusion with the Direct FK in ProductsOrders to Product.ProductId (which from above, was the original Product line as part of the Order).
CREATE TABLE dbo.BakersProducts
BakerProductId int identity(1,1) not null, -- New Surrogate PK here
BakerId int not null,
ProductId int not null,
PricingDate datetime not null,
Price money not null,
StockLevel bigint not null,
CONSTRAINT PK_BakerProducts PRIMARY KEY(BakerProductId),
CONSTRAINT FK_BakerProductsProducts FOREIGN KEY(ProductId) REFERENCES dbo.Products(ProductId),
CONSTRAINT FK_BakerProductsBaker FOREIGN KEY(BakerId) REFERENCES dbo.Bakers(BakerId),
CONSTRAINT U_BakerProductsPrice UNIQUE(BakerId, ProductId, PricingDate) -- Unique Constraint mimicks the original PK for uniqueness ... could also use a unique index
CREATE TABLE dbo.ProductOrders
ProductId INT NOT NULL, -- This is the original Ordered Product set when order is created
BakerProductId INT NULL, -- This is nullable and gets set when Order is finalised with a baker
OrderQuantity BIGINT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT FK_ProductsOrdersBakersProducts FOREIGN KEY(BakersProductId) REFERENCES dbo.BakersProducts(BakerProductId)
.. Other Keys here

Different user types / objects own content in same table - how?

Any idea how I can relate different objects together? Usecase i am trying to achieve is Comments are usually owned by a user. So i have a user_id for it. But I have company pages also where the company owns the content on its page so the owner is the company_id. (Which ofcoure is admin by several users)
One way is to have 2 tables user_comments and company_comments but the problem is then i need 2 tables per object and if i add more user types then i need to multiple the tables. What i want to achieve is 1 table which has:
comment_id PK
owner_id (user id or company id or etc...) - fk?
So let's say i create a owner table just to link all user types together, what would the columns be to get these all in or is there some other way?
People and organizations are a good example of things in a supertype/subtype relationship. They are not identical, but they are not utterly distinct. They share many attributes. Both people and organizations have addresses and telephone numbers, both people and organizations can be plaintiffs and defendants in a lawsuit, and both people and organizations can apparently own comments in your system.
To implement this in a SQL dbms, put the columns common to both people and organizations in one table called, say, "Parties". Columns unique to people go in a table of people; columns unique to organizations go in a table of organizations. Use views, one per subtype, to hide the implementation details; your clients use the views, not the tables.
You'd use the key from the supertype table, "Parties", as the owner of your comments. (I think.)
Here's a simplified example.
create table parties (
party_id integer not null unique,
party_type char(1) not null check (party_type in ('I', 'O')),
party_name varchar(10) not null unique,
primary key (party_id, party_type)
insert into parties values (1,'I', 'Mike');
insert into parties values (2,'I', 'Sherry');
insert into parties values (3,'O', 'Vandelay');
-- For "persons", a Subtype of "parties"
create table pers (
party_id integer not null unique,
party_type char(1) not null default 'I' check (party_type = 'I'),
height_inches integer not null check (height_inches between 24 and 108),
primary key (party_id),
foreign key (party_id, party_type) references parties (party_id, party_type)
insert into pers values (1, 'I', 72);
insert into pers values (2, 'I', 60);
-- For "organizations", a subtype of "parties"
create table org (
party_id integer not null unique,
party_type CHAR(1) not null default 'O' check (party_type = 'O'),
ein CHAR(10), -- In US, federal Employer Identification Number
primary key (party_id),
foreign key (party_id, party_type) references parties (party_id, party_type)
insert into org values (3, 'O', '00-0000000');
create view people as
select t1.party_id, t1.party_name, t2.height_inches
from parties t1
inner join pers t2 on (t1.party_id = t2.party_id);
create view organizations as
select t1.party_id, t1.party_name, t2.ein
from parties t1
inner join org t2 on (t1.party_id = t2.party_id);
Make the view updatable using whatever feature your dbms provides to do that. (Probably triggers.) Then application code can just insert into the appropriate view.

Data Base Design for Images

I would like your advice regarding Data Base design.
I have 4 different data elements (tables A,B,C,D) example:
A - Contents
B - Categories
C - Authors
D - Images
Every record in tables A,B,C could have associated 1 or more different Images in Table D,
BUT for every image in D must be uniquely associated only a record in A,B,C.
This means that images cannot be shared (between others tables).
My idea was to create different Image tables for every data elements, using ONE to MANY association type.
Content --> Image-Contents
Categories --> Image-Categories
My database design is a good one?
Since Tables "Image-Contents" and "Image-Categories", could have similar property like "File-Url" or "Image-Title", I was concerning if could be exist a most suitable database design solution.
Thanks for your time
I think you would want a table that maps each of ABC to an image. For example:
Content -> ContentImages -> Images
--------- ------------- ------
ContentId ImageId ImageId
Categories -> CategoryImages -> Images
---------- ---------------- ------
CategoryId ImageId ImageId
Authors -> AuthorImages -> Images
---------- ---------------- ------
AuthorId ImageId ImageId
It may seem a little cumbersome but i think this is the normal form.
Perhaps the most common way to implement this design is with the "one table per owner type" scheme you mentioned (Tables for Images, "Owner A", "Owner A Images", and repeat for owners B, C, etc). Another common way to implement this is with one "central" table for Images, with the single owner's Id stored within that table. Your criteria are particularly limiting, in that an image may be associated with one and only one owner, but there are multiple types of owner. Implementing such constraints inside the database is tricky, but implementing them outside of the database is much more difficult and problematic for all the usual reasons (application doing the databases work, and what happens when someone modifies the database outside of the dedicated application?)
The following is an example of how these structures and constraints might be implemented within the database. It may appear fussy, detailed, and overly-complex, but it will do the job, and once properly implemented you would never have to worry whether or not your data was consistant and valid.
First off, all images are stored in the following table. It must be known what "type" of owner an image may be assigned to; set that in ImageType, and (as per the constraints in the later tables) the image can not be assigned to any other kind of owner. Ever. (You could also put a CHECK constraint on ImageType to ensure that only valid image types could be loaded in the table.)
ImageId int not null
,ImageType char(1) not null
,constraint PK_Image
primary key clustered (ImageId, ImageType)
Next, build some owner tables. You could have any number of these, I'm just making two for sake of the example.
AId int not null
constraint PK_A
primary key clustered
BId int not null
constraint PK_B
primary key clustered
Build the association tables, noting the comments next to the constraint definitions. (This is the overly-fussy part...)
ImageId int not null
constraint PK_Image_A
primary key clustered -- An image can only be assigned to one owner
,AId int not null
,ImageType char(1) not null
constraint DF_Image_A
default 'A'
constraint CK_Image_A__ImageType
check (ImageType in ('A')) -- Always have this set to the type of the owner for this table
,constraint FK_Image_A__A
foreign key (AId) references A (AId) -- Owner must exist
,constraint FK_Image_A__Image
foreign key (ImageId, ImageType) references Image (ImageId, ImageType) -- Image must exist *for this type of owner*
-- Same comments for this table
ImageId int not null
constraint PK_Image_B
primary key clustered
,BId int not null
,ImageType char(1) not null
constraint DF_Image_B
default 'B'
constraint CK_Image_B__ImageType
check (ImageType in ('B'))
,constraint FK_Image_B__B
foreign key (BId) references B (BId)
,constraint FK_Image_B__Image
foreign key (ImageId, ImageType) references Image (ImageId, ImageType)
Load some sample data
INSERT Image values (1, 'A')
INSERT Image values (2, 'A')
INSERT Image values (3, 'B')
INSERT Image values (4, 'B')
INSERT A values (101)
INSERT A values (102)
INSERT B values (201)
INSERT B values (102)
View the current contents of the tables:
SELECT * from A
SELECT * from B
SELECT * from Image
SELECT * from Image_A
SELECT * from Image_B
And do some tests:
-- Proper fit
INSERT Image_A (ImageId, AId) values (1, 101)
-- Run it again, can only assign once
-- Cannot assign the same image to a second owner of the proper type
INSERT Image_A (ImageId, AId) values (1, 102)
-- Can't assign image to an invalid owner type
INSERT Image_B (ImageId, BId) values (1, 201)
-- Owner can be assigned multiple images
INSERT Image_A (ImageId, AId) values (2, 101)
(This drops the testing tables)
drop table Image
drop table A
drop table B
drop table Image_A
drop table Image_B
(Techincally, this is a good example of a variant on the exclusive type/subtype data modelling "problem".)
create table A (IDA int not null, primary key(IDA));
create table B (IDB int not null, primary key(IDB));
create table C (IDC int not null, primary key(IDC));
create table Image(IDI int, A int null, B int null, C int null, Contents image,
foreign key (A) references A(IDA),
foreign key (B) references B(IDB),
foreign key (C) references C(IDC),
check (
(A is not null and B is null and C is null) or
(A is null and B is not null and C is null) or
(A is null and B is null and C is not null)
Yes, you're looking in the right direction.
Keep your current setup of the four tables and then create 3 more that hold only metadata that tells you the linking between, for example, the content table and the image tables.
For example, the images-content table will have columns: id, content-id, image-id
And so on.
