I trying reach to array member using pointer.
Array's first member adress is 23fe20 ;
When I write '1' the program must show me to 23fe24 (because 23fe20+4*1=23fe24) but not working this way. Program output is : 23fe30..
I can use *(pointer+i) for reach to array member but I want reach with adress. How can I do that? Sorry for my english, thanks a lot :'(
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int array[5]={46,85,111,1976,2};
int *pointer,indices;
int i=0;
printf("Array members : ");
printf("%d ",array[i]);
printf("\n\n Array's First member' : %x\n\n",&*pointer);
printf("Which array member do you want to reach? ");
printf("\n Your member adress : %x",pointer+sizeof(int)*indices);
return 0; }
The address you calculate using sizeof(int) is already done by the compiler for you. So your calculation make it point to elsewhere (as the same calculation is done twice). You can simply add a integral type to a pointer to get access to an element.
So do:
printf("\n Your member adress : %p",(void*) (pointer+indices));
You should also use %p in the other place where you print address.
The reason for the behavior you see is that in C, pointers have a type, and addition is defined to add that many members, not bytes.
Actually, the syntax array[i] is the same as *(array+i).
Thus, you either have to remove the multiplication by sizeof(int), or, if you really wanted to explore arithmetic on adresses, make pointer a char * instead, because a character is one byte.
char *cp;
int *ip;
ip = array;
cp = (char *) ip;
printf("%p\n%p\n", ip + 1, cp + 1);
would print, assuming array is at address 23fe20:
(Assuming that sizeof(int) == 4)
This question already has answers here:
Why does the arrow (->) operator in C exist?
(3 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am trying to make all the names in the Struct lowercase so that I can compare them and remove them.
int removeNameCard(NameCard *idCard, int *size){
char name[80];
char *ptr;
char rubbish;
int a = 0, c = 0;
printf("Enter personName:\n");
scanf("%c", &rubbish); // Why is there a '\n' char here??
fgets(name, 80, stdin);
if((ptr = strchr(name, '\n'))){
*ptr = '\0';
if((*size) == 0){
printf("The name card holder is empty\n");
return 0;
// Convert everything to Lower Case first
name[a] = tolower(name[a]);
a += 1;
printf("tolower(): %s", name);
for(int b = 0; b < *size; b += 1){
// Why is this Dot Notation when I passed in a pointer to the Struct?
while (idCard[b].personName)[c]){
(idCard[b].personName)[c] = tolower((idCard[b].personName)[c]);
c += 1;
for(int i = 0; i < *size; i += 1){
if((idCard[i].personName) == name){
printf("%d. This is from Holder: %s, This is from User: %s", i,(idCard[i].personName),name);
printf("The name card is removed\n");
printf("nameCardID: %d\n", idCard[i].nameCardID);
printf("personName: %s\n", idCard[i].personName);
printf("companyName: %s\n", idCard[i].companyName);
int k = 0;
idCard[i+k].nameCardID = idCard[i+k+1].nameCardID;
}while((i+k+1) != (*size + 1));
return 0;
However, I am rather confused why the Compiler asked me to use Dot Notation instead of Pointer Notation as I thought I passed in the address of the Struct into *idCard so it should be a pointer if I am not wrong?
And am I wrong for trying to access each individual character in every name of the Struct like this?:
Thank you
However, I am rather confused why the Compiler asked me to use Dot Notation instead of Pointer Notation…
idCard[i] is a structure, not a pointer to a structure, so its members are accessed as idCard[i].member, not idCard[i]->member.
idCard[i] is a structure because whenever x is a pointer, x[i] is one of the objects that x points to. It is not the address of the object. You could calculate the address of the object with x+i, and then you could reference the object with *(x+i). And x[i] is actually defined in this way; x[i] is defined to be *(x+i). (In case of expressions generally, E1[E2] is defined to be (*((E1)+(E2))).)
And am I wrong for trying to access each individual character in every name of the Struct like this?: (idCard[b].personName)[c]
This will work, but the parentheses are unnecessary. You can use idCard[b].personName[c]. Due to the C grammar, it is already grouped as (idCard[b].personName)[c].
However, I am rather confused why the Compiler asked me to use Dot Notation instead of Pointer Notation as I thought I passed in the address of the Struct into *idCard so it should be a pointer if I am not wrong?
Arrays are mostly just pointers to the first element in the array (except that the compiler may be aware of the array size).
Because arrays are mostly just pointers; for arrays of integers myInt = myIntArray[x]; is like myInt = *(myIntArray + x); - the pointer dereferencing is implied by array indexing. Note that to access a char in the middle of an int in an array, you could (not portably) use something like myChar = *((char *)(myIntArray + x)) + offset_of_char_in_int);; and this is a little bit like accessing a field inside an array of structures (in that they're both accessing something smaller within an array of larger things).
For arrays of structures; indexing the array causes dereferencing (just like it does for the array of integers); so myIDcardStruct = idCard[i]; is like myIDcardStruct = *(idcard + i);. Because array indexing has implied dereferencing, myIDcardStruct is not a pointer.
The -> operator is like adding the offset of the requested structure's field to the address, casting the address to the requested field's type, and then dereferencing. In other words myInt = myStructPointer->myIntField; is like myInt = (*myStructPointer).myIntField; which is like tempAddress = (void *)myStructPointer + offset_of_myIntField; myInt = *((int *)tempAddress);.
What this means is that if you have an array of structures (which is mostly a pointer to the first structure in the array), indexing the array causes the pointer to be implicitly dereferenced, and using -> also causes implicit dereferencing; and if you do both then you've (implicitly) dereferenced a pointer twice, which is too much dereferencing (because it's not a pointer to a pointer to a structure, or an array of pointers to structures). Because you only want it dereferenced once you have to choose between one implicit deference (array indexing) or the other implicit dereference (->); e.g. you can choose between myInt = idCard[i].nameCardID; or myInt = (idCard + i)->nameCardID;.
Of course the important thing is making code easy to read, and myInt = idCard[i].nameCardID; is easier to read than myInt = (idCard + i)->nameCardID;.
In general, i'm trying to allocate values of first.a and first.b
to a array's in struct secon.
typedef struct {
int a;
int b;
} firs;
//secon is my struct which contains dynamic array
//can i use int here ?
typedef struct {
int *aa;
int *bb;
} secon;
//pointer to secon intialised to NULL;
secon* sp=NULL;
int main()
firs first;
//plz assume 2 is coming from user ;
//setting values
/* what i'm trying to do is assign values of first.a and first.b to my
dynamically created array*/
/* plz assume first.a and first.b are changing else where .. that means ,not
all arrays will have same values */
/* in general , i'm trying to allocate values of first.a and first.b
to a array's in struct second. */
for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
*( &(sp->aa ) + (i*4) ) = &first.a;
*( &(sp->bb ) + (i*4) ) = &first.b;
for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
printf("%d %d \n", *((sp->aa) + (i*4) ),*( (sp->bb) +(i*4) ) );
return 0;
MY output :
10 11
4196048 0
Problems with my code:
1. whats wrong with my code?
2. can i use int inside struct for dynamic array?
3. what are the alternatives?
4. why am i not getting correct answer?
Grigory Rechistov has done a really good job of untangling the code and you should probably accept his answer, but I want to emphasize one particular point.
In C pointer arithmetic, the offsets are always in units of the size of the type pointed to. Unless the type of the pointer is char* or void* if you find yourself multiplying by the size of the type, you are almost certainly doing it wrong.
If I have
int a[10];
int *p = &(a[5]);
int *q = &(a[7]);
Then a[6] is the same as *(p + 1) not *(p + 1 * sizeof(int)). Likewise a[4] is *(p - 1)
Furthermore, you can subtract pointers when they both point to objects in the same array and the same rule applies; the result is in the units of the size of the type pointed to. q - p is 2, not 2 * sizeof(int). Replace the type int in the example with any other type and the p - q will always be 2. For example:
struct Foo { int n ; char x[37] ; };
struct Foo a[10];
struct Foo *p = &(a[5]);
struct Foo *q = &(a[7]);
q - p is still 2. Incidentally, never be tempted to hard code a type's size anywhere. If you are tempted to malloc a struct like this:
struct Foo *r = malloc(41); // int size is 4 + 37 chars
Firstly, sizeof(int) is not guaranteed to be 4. Secondly, even if it is, sizeof(struct Foo) is not guaranteed to be 41. Compilers often add padding to struct types to ensure that the members are properly aligned. In this case it is almost a certainty that the compiler will add 3 bytes (or 7 bytes) of padding to the end of struct Foo to ensure that, in arrays, the address of the n member is aligned to the size of an int. always always always use sizeof.
It looks like your understanding how pointer arithmetic works in C is wrong. There is also a problem with data layout assumptions. Finally, there are portability issues and a bad choice of syntax that complicates understanding.
I assume that wit this expression: *( &(sp->aa ) + (i*4) ) you are trying to access the i-th item in the array by taking address of the 0-th item and then adding a byte offset to it. This is wrong of three reasons:
You assume that after sp[0].aa comes sp[1].aa in memory, but you forget that there is sp[0].bb in between.
You assume that size of int is always 4 bytes, which is not true.
You assume that adding an int to secon* will give you a pointer that is offset by specified number of bytes, while in fact it will be offset in specified number of records of size secon.
The second line of output that you see is random junk from unallocated heap memory because when i == 1 your constructions reference memory that is outside of limits allocated for *secon.
To access an i-th item of array referenced by a pointer, use []:
secon[0].aa is the same as (secon +0)->aa, and secon[1].aa is equal to (secon+1)->aa.
This is a complete mess. If you want to access an array of secons, use []
for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
sp[i].aa = &first.a; // Same pointer both times
sp[i].bb = &first.b;
You have two copies of pointers to the values in first, they point to the same value
for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
sp[i].aa = malloc(sizeof(int)); // new pointer each time
*sp[i].aa = first.a; // assigned with the current value
sp[i].bb = malloc(sizeof(int));
*sp[i].bb = first.b;
However the compiler is allowed to assume that first does not change, and it is allowed to re-order these expressions, so you are not assured to have different values in your secons
Either way, when you read back the values in second, you can still use []
for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
printf("%d %d \n",*sp[i].aa ),*sp[i].bb );
Is there a way to get the length of an Array when I only know a pointer pointing to the Array?
See the following example
int testInt[3];
testInt[0] = 0;
testInt[1] = 1;
testInt[2] = 1;
int* point;
point = testInt;
Serial.println(sizeof(testInt) / sizeof(int)); // returns 3
Serial.println(sizeof(point) / sizeof(int)); // returns 1
(This is a snipplet from Arduino Code - I'm sorry, I don't "speak" real C).
The easy answer is no, you cannot. You'll probably want to keep a variable in memory which stores the amount of items in the array.
And there's a not-so-easy answer. There's a way to determine the length of an array, but for that you would have to mark the end of the array with another element, such as -1. Then just loop through it and find this element. The position of this element is the length. However, this won't work with your current code.
Pick one of the above.
Also doing an Arduino project here...
Everybody on the internet seems to insist it's impossible to do this...
and yet the oldest trick in the book seems to work just fine with null terminated arrays...
example for char pointer:
int getSize(char* ch){
int tmp=0;
while (*ch) {
}return tmp;}
You can infer the length of an array if you have an array variable.
You cannot infer the length of an array if you have just a pointer to it.
You cannot and you should not attempt deduce array length using pointer arithmetic
if in C++ use vector class
You can if you point the the whole array and NOT point to the first element like:
int testInt[3];
int (*point)[3];
point = testInt;
printf( "number elements: %lu", (unsigned long)(sizeof*point/sizeof**point) );
printf( "whole array size: %lu", (unsigned long)(sizeof*point) );
Is there a way to get the length of an Array when I only know a pointer pointing to the Array?
Technically yes, there is a way when code has a true pointer to an array as the array size is in the type as with int (*array_pointer)[3].
This differs from OP's code as the pointer point is not a pointer to an array, but a pointer to an int.
The line point = testInt; converts the array testInt to the address of the first element of the array (which is an int *) and assigns that to point. Thus the array size info is lost.
int testInt[3];
testInt[0] = 0;
testInt[1] = 1;
testInt[2] = 1;
int* point;
point = testInt; // Get the address of testInt[0]
int (*array_pointer)[3] = &testInt; // Get the address of the array
printf("%zu\n", sizeof(testInt) / sizeof(int));
printf("%zu\n", sizeof(point) / sizeof(int));
printf("%zu\n", sizeof(*point) / sizeof(int));
printf("%zu\n", sizeof(*array_pointer) / sizeof(int));
printf("%p\n", (void *) testInt);
printf("%p\n", (void *) point);
printf("%p\n", (void *) array_pointer);
Sample output
Pointers point and array_pointer both have values that point to the same location in memory, but the pointers differ in type.
With C99 or later that support variable length arrays, code could have been the below and achieved similar results without explicitly coding a 3 in the pointer definition.
int (*array_pointer_vla)[sizeof testInt/sizeof testInt[0]] = &testInt;
printf("%zu\n", sizeof(*array_pointer_vla) / sizeof(int));
I see now see similarities to #user411313 answer. Perhaps the deeper explanation and VLA discussion will be useful.
I'm currently creating an array of structs, and when i initialize the array, it is starting with 8 elements in the struct, instead of 1. Why is it doing this? If more code is needed (but i doubt it as they are all seperate functions, i can post it if asked)
This is the relevant bits of code:
typedef struct {
int valid;
int row, col;
} Point;
typedef struct {
Point point;
int number;
char name;
char param[20];
char type[20];
} Agent;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int steps;
int listSize = 0;
Agent *agentList = (Agent *) calloc(1, sizeof(Agent));
printf("%d size of agentList when initialised\n", sizeof(agentList));
if (argc != 4) {
sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &steps);
if ((steps < 1)) {
agentList = readAgentFile(argv[3], agentList);
return 0;
printf("%d size of agentList when initialised\n", sizeof(agentList));
This will give you the size of the agentList pointer which will most likely be four or eight in current systems.
Similarly, sizeof(*agentList) would simply give you the size of the structure pointed to by agentList but that's a single element of the array rather than the entire array.
There is no way to get from a pointer to the size of the array pointed at by it, simply because a pointer points at a single thing, not an array. By that, I mean it may well point to the first element of an array but that's not the same thing as pointing at an array. The distinction is subtle but important.
If you want to know the size of an array where the only thing you have is a pointer to it, you will have to remember it separately.
This here is not giving you the size of the array, but giving you the size of the pointer:
printf("%d size of agentList when initialised\n", sizeof(agentList));
It's not possible to determine the size of the array from the pointer, you need to store the size of the array separately and carry it around with the array.
This is why you will notice many functions in C will have both a pointer and a size argument.
I am new to C, and things are different in C than in any other language I've learned. In my homework I want to create an array of chars which point to an array of chars, but rather than make a multidimensional char array, I figure I'd have more control and create char arrays and put each individual one into the indexes of the original char array:
char keywords[10];
keywords[0] = "float";
The above example is to clarify and a simple case. But my question is due to the research I've been doing, and I am confused about something. Normally this would work in other languages, but in C it would be:
char *keyword[10];
keywords[0] = "float";
But when I want to send it through a function, why is this necessary:
void function(char **keyword); //function prototype
Wouldn't just passing the array pointer be enough?
It looks like you're confused by the double stars in
void function(char ** keyword);
The double stars just means that this function expects you to pass a pointer to a pointer to a char. This syntax doesn't include any information about the fact that you are using an array, or that the char is actually the first char of many in a string. It's up to you as the programmer to know what kind of data structure this char ** actually points to.
For example, let's suppose the beginning of your array is stored at address 0x1000. The keyword argument to the function should have a value of 0x1000. If you dereference keyword, you get the first entry in the array, which is a char * that points to the first char in the string "float". If you dereference the char *, you get the char "f".
The (contrived) code for that would look like:
void function(char **keyword)
char * first_string = *keyword; // *keyword is equivalent to keyword[0]
char first_char = *first_string; // *first_string is equivalent to first_string[0]
There were two pointers in the example above. By adding an offset to the first pointer before dereferencing it, you can access different strings in the array. By adding an offset to the second pointer before dereferencing it, you can access different chars in the string.
char *keyword[10];
keyword is an array 10 of char *. In a value context, it converted to a pointer to a char *.
This conversion is a part of what Chris Torek calls "The Rule":
"As noted elsewhere, C has a very important rule about arrays and pointers. This rule -- The Rule -- says that, in a value context, an object of type ‘array of T’ becomes a value of type ‘pointer to T’, pointing to the first element of that array"
See here for more information: http://web.torek.net/torek/c/pa.html
The C-FAQ also has an entry on this array to pointer conversion:
Question 6.3: So what is meant by the "equivalence of pointers and arrays'' in C?
In C, you can't really pass array to a function. Instead, you pass a pointer to the beginning of the array. Since you have array of char*, the function will get a pointer to char*, which is char**.
If you want, you can write (in the prototype) char *keyword[] instead of char **keyword. The compiler will automatically convert it.
Also, in C you can dereference pointers like arrays, so you loose almost nothing with that "converting to pointer".
If you want to
void function(char **keyword);
Andy, think about that an array is just a pointer(to the beginning of the array), that's why you write:
void function(char **keyword);
Because you have create an array to char pointers.
If it's easier to understand try:
void function(char *keyword[]);
But it's more C standard to use the first one, though if you use a C++ compiler won't really matter.
Here is the answer.
int main(void)
char *CharPtr[3];
char a[4]="abc";
char b[4]="def";
char c[4]="ghi";
printf("\n content of CharPtr[0] =%s",CharPtr[0]);
printf("\n content of CharPtr[1] =%s",CharPtr[1]);
printf("\n content of CharPtr[2] =%s\n",CharPtr[2]);
printf(" \n content of char a[4]=%s",a);
printf(" \n content of char b[4]=%s",b);
printf(" \n content of char c[4]=%s\n",c);
char *keywords[10] is an array of character pointers. So keywords[0], keywords[1].. and so on will have the addresses to different character arrays.
In printf you can use %s and keywords[0] to print the entire character array whose address(i.e. address of the first byte in the array) is stored at keywords[0].
While passing to a function, if you give *keywords, you are referring to the value at(address stored at keywords[0]) which is again an address. So, to get the value instead of address, you can add another *... Hope that clarifies a bit..
I am assuming that you are assigning your first string:
to the first index position of keyword[0]
char keyword[0] = "float";
which is the first index position of the array:
char keyword[10];
If the previous is the case, then in a sense, you are essentially creating a data structure that holds a data structure. The array of any type is the 'smallest' data structure of that type in C. Considering that in your example you are creating a character array, then you are actually utilizing the smallest data type (char=1bit) at each index position of the smallest built in data structure (the array).
With that said, if in your example, you are attempting to create an array of arrays; your character array
/* Hold ten characters total */
char keyword[10];
was designed to hold 10 characters. One at each index position (which you probably already know). So after declaring the array titled keyword, you then try to initialize the first index position of the array with another (the second) character array:
/* I believe this is what you had stated */
char keywords[0] = "float";
With the second character array having an index of 5 positions in size.
In order to achieve your desired goal, you would essentially be creating an array that basically emulates the effect of a data structure that 'holds' other data structures.
NOTE: If you had/have plans on trying to create a data structure that holds a data structure that holds a data structure. A.K.A. a triple nested data structure and in this case I think that would be a Matrix, WHICH I WOULDN'T RECOMMEND!
None the less, the matrix structure would be in the form of the first index position of keyword, being assigned the whole array of keywords, which would include all of the data stored in each index position of the keywords array. Then there would something probably like: keywords1, keywords2, ... keywords9,
which would essentially emulate the form of:
char *keyword[10] = {
char *keywords0[10] = {"float", etc, etc, etc.};
char *keywords1[10] = {"keyword1", "secondIndexOfThisArray", etc, etc, etc.};
and so
So basically from right to left, the keyword array, is an array of pointers that points to array of pointers that points to character arrays.
If that is what you are representing you would be better defining a custom data type of struct/record, and with in that custom structure you would want to define a subordinate or child level of structures. You could also pre-declare them then initialize them.
typedef *nestedDataStructures {
struct keyWords[];
struct keyWords1[];
struct keyWords2[];
... and so on.
}; nestedDataStructures
Instead of adding ten structs to one custom structure I would break down into 3 or 4 (how ever many structures and use) and create a module in order to yield symmetrical layers of abstraction as you manipulate your data set.
None the less, you can not create the character array and potentially assign the other character array in the fashion that you did (or who knows maybe you can), but the way you would want to emulate the array that holds arrays, is to create a character pointer array up front, of X number index positions and then initialize then use the character arrays in the form of a strings declared with in the initialization of the original declaration.
So basically you could declare your whole array upfront, then with in your program design, either dereference each index position, use assignment, or print/write the index position.
Like for instance you could always do something like this:
/* Example of the program and declaration with out a function */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
* A character pointer array that contains multiple
* character arrays.
char *grewMe[2] = {"I want to ", "grow to be bigger"};
int w = 0;
for(; w < 2;) {
printf("%s", grewMe[w]);
printf(" :-)\n");
w = 0;
return 0;
// Output:
// I want to grow to be bigger :-)
Or something like this:
/* Example of program: function passed arguments
* of a pointer to the array of pointers
#include <stdio.h>
void mygrowth(char *growMe[]);
int main(){
char *growMe[2] = {"I want to ", "grow to be bigger"};
printf(" :-)\n");
return 0;
void mygrowth(char *growMe[])
int w = 0;
for (; w < 2;) {
printf("%s", growMe[w]);
The assignment of each index position as it's passed as an argument:
* This program compiles, runs and outputs properly
* Example of a program with a function of
* arguments pnt2pnter
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void thoughtAsAFunction(char **iThink);
int main()
char *iThink[10] = {"I am trying to grow, but it's a hard task to ",
"accomplish. My father is short ",
"my mother is even shorter than him, ",
"what is the probability of me getting taller? ",
"Well both my grandfather's were Six ",
"Foot Five, and both my grandmother's ",
"were over 5 foot 8 inches tall! If my ",
"grandparent's genes point to my parents, and my ",
"parent's genes point to mine I might have a chance ",
"of being 6 foot. Do you know what I mean? "};
return 0;
void thoughtAsAFunction(char **iThink) {
int andy = 0;
for (; andy < 10;) {
char * pntThroughPnt = iThink[andy];
printf("%s", pntThroughPnt);
andy = 0;
Or pass by reference, with an increment of the loop count variable:
* This program compiles, runs, and outputs all of the character
* arrays.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void thoughtAsAFunction(char **iThink);
int main()
char *iThink[10] = {"I am trying to grow, but it's a hard task to ",
"accomplish. My father is short ",
"my mother is even shorter than him, ",
"what is the probability of me getting taller? ",
"Well both my grandfather's were Six ",
"Foot Five, and both my grandmother's ",
"were over 5 foot 8 inches tall! If my ",
"grandparent's genes point to my parents, and my ",
"parent's genes point to mine, then I might have a chance ",
"of being 6 foot. Do you know what I mean? "};
int andy = 0;
for (; andy < 10;) {
// pass by reference and increment.
andy = 0;
return 0;
void thoughtAsAFunction(char **iThink) {
char * pntThroughPnt = *iThink;
printf("%s", pntThroughPnt);
Keep in mind that this is the case if you declare the array of pointers (char *array[10];), and each pointer points to an array of characters.