AngularJS compile rendered name value in dynamic form - angularjs

I'm building a form dynamically in Angular.
All works great until I get to my validation directive.
This uses the form object to get the field name and apply styling to it to show errors in invalid fields.
However because it's dynamically set the name appears as {{}} not the actual name rendered in the browser.
Here is my markup
<div class="form-group" ng-repeat="field in fields">
<label class="text control-label col-sm-2" for="{{}}">{{field.label}}</label>
<div class="input-group col-sm-9" ng-switch="field.type">
<input ng-switch-when="email" type="email" name="{{}}" class="form-control" id="{{}}" placeholder="{{field.label}}" ng-model="field.value" required>
<input ng-switch-when="text" type="text" name="{{}}" class="form-control" id="{{}}" placeholder="{{field.label}}" ng-model="field.value" required>
<select ng-switch-when="select" id="{{}}" name="{{}}" id="{{}}" ui-select2="" ng-model="field.value" placeholder="{{field.label}}" required>
<option ng-repeat="option in field.options" value="{{option.value}}">{{option.label}}</option>
<p ng-switch-default>Need template for {{field.type}}</p>
Here's where I check for errors in my directive
// go through every field
for(var errorType in form.$error)
var fields = form.$error[errorType];
// loop through all fields of this type
for(var j = 0 ; j < fields.length ; j++)
var field = fields[j];
var $field = element.find('[name='+field.$name+']');
showErrors($field, field, errorType);
And here are the properties for one of the invalid fields when logged out
$invalid: true
$isEmpty: function (value) {
$modelValue: ""
$name: "{{}}"
$parsers: Array[1]
$pristine: true
So when I try to get hold of the field using var $field = element.find('[name='+field.$name+']'); it obviously doesn't work and I get a error...
unrecognized expression: [name={{}}]
How would I get around this and get the rendered name. I need this directive to work for forms that aren't dynamically created either (in which case it works fine).

You have to use a directive:
return {
element.attr('name', scope.$eval(attrs.dynamicName));
Here is a fiddle.
Full answer here.


Using protractor to test an angularjs app, how do i keep a reference to one of the rows of element.all when the array changes as I work with it?

I have an ng-repeat which has a new element added to it as soon as the existing "last" element is modified in any way. My protractor test looks something like this:
var emptyPerson = this.people.last() // this gets me the last row of the ng-repeat
emptyPerson.element(by.css('.firstName')).sendKeys('first'); // this sets the firstname correctly but then the app adds a new row to the ng-repeat because of the model change here.
emptyPerson.element(by.css('.lastName')).sendKeys('last'); // this sets the lastname of the new row instead of the row that emptyPerson previously referenced
Is there any way to essentially tell emptyPerson to stick to the same element until we're done with it?
Example HTML before firstname is edited:
<div ng-repeat="person in object.People" class="student ng-scope">
<div type="text" ng-model="person.FirstName" skip-label="true" placeholder="First" validator="svalidators[$index]" class="layout-default field field-FirstName type-text">
<input type="text" ng-focus="myFocus()" ng-blur="myBlur()" class="form-control" placeholder="First" ng-model="lModel.val" name="person-FirstName">
<div type="text" ng-model="person.LastName" skip-label="true" placeholder="Last" validator="svalidators[$index]" class="layout-default field field-LastName type-text">
<input type="text" ng-focus="myFocus()" ng-blur="myBlur()" class="form-control" placeholder="Last" ng-model="lModel.val" name="person-LastName">
example after firstname is edited:
<div ng-repeat="person in object.People" class="student ng-scope">
<div type="text" ng-model="person.FirstName" skip-label="true" placeholder="First" validator="svalidators[$index]" class="layout-default field field-FirstName type-text">
<input type="text" ng-focus="myFocus()" ng-blur="myBlur()" class="form-control" placeholder="First" ng-model="lModel.val" name="person-FirstName">
<div type="text" ng-model="person.LastName" skip-label="true" placeholder="Last" validator="svalidators[$index]" class="layout-default field field-LastName type-text">
<input type="text" ng-focus="myFocus()" ng-blur="myBlur()" class="form-control" placeholder="Last" ng-model="lModel.val" name="person-LastName">
<div ng-repeat="person in object.People" class="student ng-scope">
<div type="text" ng-model="person.FirstName" skip-label="true" placeholder="First" validator="svalidators[$index]" class="layout-default field field-FirstName type-text">
<input type="text" ng-focus="myFocus()" ng-blur="myBlur()" class="form-control" placeholder="First" ng-model="lModel.val" name="person-FirstName">
<div type="text" ng-model="person.LastName" skip-label="true" placeholder="Last" validator="svalidators[$index]" class="layout-default field field-LastName type-text">
<input type="text" ng-focus="myFocus()" ng-blur="myBlur()" class="form-control" placeholder="Last" ng-model="lModel.val" name="person-LastName">
This is how Protractor works internally. It searches for the element at the time an action is applied on the element. I am afraid you have to handle it "manually" and re-reference the desired repeater item.
To make things a little bit better in terms of coding, I would hide the first interaction with the repeater item part in a function - basically, touching the input for repeater to have one more item, then returning the item before last. Something along the lines:
var MyPageObject = function () {
this.people = element(by.repeater("person in object.People"));
this.touch = function () {
var emptyPerson = this.people.last();
var newEmptyPerson = this.people.get(-2); // I think -1 would be the last
return newEmptyPerson;
this.fillForm = function () {
var emptyPerson = this.touch();
Try saving to a variable before it changes:
var oldLastName = emptyPerson.element(by.css('.lastName'));
Hope it helps

$scope.$digest() doesn't populate select2 drop down list

I have 2 drop down lists using ui-select2
<label class="control-label" for="MakeSelect">Make </label>
<select class="form-control col-md-2" id="MakeSelect" name="make" ui-select2
<option ng-if="!carDetails.make" value="">[SELECT]</option>
<option ng-repeat="make in makes" value="{{ make }}">{{ make}}</option>
<div class="col-md-5">
<label class="control-label" for="ModelSelect">Model </label>
<select class="form-control col-md-2" id="ModelSelect" name="make" ui-select2
<option ng-repeat="model in models" value="{{ model }}">{{ make}}</option>
After I choose a value in the drop down list "Makes" I am activating a watch that inside it I load the content of "Models" Dropdown lists.
Then, In order to refresh the drop down lists content in the GUI I call $scope.$digest() :
$scope.$watch('carDetails.make', function (make) {
console.log('selected make is: ' + make);
if (make == "") {
}'getCarModels', {'Make': make}, {
success: function (results) {
$scope.parseModels = results.resultSet;
$scope.models = results.distinctModels;
error: function () {
console.log("Error: Failed to load models");
The problem is that with $digest the selected value of the first drop down list is becoming null and without it just doesn't refresh the view.
Any suggestions please?
They're both pointing to the same scope model, carDetails.make. So, of course, the first will become null, because the second drop down list sets carDetails.make to null. Also, I don't think you need to use digest, although, you should be using $scope.$apply. But, angularjs should run the digest anyway.

Angular form name is passed as string when passed as parameter

I'm simply trying to reset a form using the angular functions $setPristine & $setUntouched (several forms are created with ng-repeat).
I assign the form name dynamically by using the syntax {{ someName }} (the name is build on the server side and is passed as json (string)).
The name of the form is correctly assigned in the markup and validations are working as expected. The problem arrises when I pass that name as a parameter in the ng-click="reset(someName)" function.
When debugging the name comes as a string and not as the form object which causes the error. I did a quick test by hard-coding the name and pass that same name and it works fine.
My assumption is, the name coming from json is a string and the type is forwarded to the function as is, instead of the object.
So the question is: is there a way to convert that name so it is interpretated correctly by the controller. Or maybe there is something else I'm missing...
Here is the markup ( notice the name of the form uses {{ resto.contactForm }} ):
<form novalidate name="{{ resto.contactForm }}" ng-submit="submit(restoContact, resto.contactForm.$valid)" class="sky-form">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="checkbox state-success">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="restoContact.sameAsUser" name="sameAsUser" id="sameAsUser" value="true" ng-click="contactAutoFill()"><i></i>Contact name is same as current user.
<input type="hidden" name="sameAsUser" value="false" />
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-label" for="contactName">Contact Name</label>
<input type="text" ng-model="restoContact.contactName" name="contactName" id="contactName" placeholder="John, Doe" class="form-control" required />
<div ng-show="{{ resto.contactForm }}.contactName.$error.required && !{{ resto.contactForm }}.contactName.$pristine" class="note note-error">Please enter a name or check the box 'Same as current user'.</div>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-label" for="contactPhoneNumber">Contact Phone Number</label>
<input type="text" ng-model="restoContact.contactPhoneNumber" name="contactPhoneNumber" id="contactPhoneNumber" placeholder="+1 555-1234-567" class="form-control" required ng-pattern="phoneNumberPattern" />
<div ng-show="({{ resto.contactForm }}.contactPhoneNumber.$error.required || {{ resto.contactForm }}.contactPhoneNumber.$error.pattern) && !{{ resto.contactForm }}.contactPhoneNumber.$pristine" class="note note-error">Please enter a valid phone number.</div>
<div class="margin-leftM19">
<button class="btn btn-primary">Save Changes </button>
<button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="reset(resto.contactForm)">Cancel </button>
Here is the reset function in the controller (form comes as "contactForm1" which is the correct name but is a string and not the object):
$scope.reset = function (form) {
if (form) {
//$scope.user = angular.copy($scope.master);
I have not implemented th submit method but I'm sure I will be running into the same issue.
Any suggestions or advices are welcome.
Thanks in advance...
Here is the fidle.js. the variable data is an exact response from the server.
I removed $setUntouched as it throws an error.
You can't dynamically name a <form> or <ng-form>.
Although what you want, is make the form usable in the controller. You could do the following:
// in controller
$scope.form = {};
$scope.reset = function() {
// in html
<form name="">
This is happening because resto.contactForm is a string defined on the scope. The angular directive for form is just creating a variable on the scope with the same name. To get the variable by a string, use $eval. This should work:
$scope.reset = function (formName) {
var form = $scope.$eval(formName);
if (form) {
//$scope.user = angular.copy($scope.master);

How to add object properties from ng-checked items to my ng-model object

I have four input fields which I'm using to add properties to a single object using ng-model= model.propertyName. I have a series of check boxes that I'm creating with ng-repeat that I could not figure out how to add unique propertyNames for each ng-model as they were created with the ng-repeat. As a work-around(or maybe this is correct, I'm not sure) I was able to write a function to add the checked items to an array. I was then trying to use a for-loop to iterate over the array and add each selected propertyName(string) to the ng-model object as a new property using a ng-click to call the function.
As-is when I click the "Add Technician" button I get the following error output:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'selection' of undefined
at Scope.$scope.addTechnician (..../scripts/controllers.js:
This occurs because $scope is undefined inside the conditional of my for loop in the addTechnician function. I can't understand why because when I pass $scope to the addTechnician function it recognizes the newTech inside the for loop. When I don't pass $scope to the addTechnician function it says newTech is undefined with the following error:
TypeError: Cannot set property 'cert1' of undefined
at Scope.$scope.addTechnician(.../scripts/controllers)
I'm pretty sure this has something to do with the way ng-repeat creates a new scope, which prototypically inherits from the parent scope. But again, I'm not sure.
Here is my controller
use strict';
angular.module('Carrepair2.controllers', [])
.controller('SetupCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.certifications = [
{'name':'Engine Repair'},
{'name':'A/T & Transaxle'},
{'name':'Manual Drive Train & Axles'},
{'name':'Suspension & Steering'},
{'name':'Electrical & Electronic Systems'},
{'name':'Heating & Air Conditioning'},
{'name':'Engine Performance'},
{'name':'Light Vehicle Diesel Engines'}
// selected certifications
$scope.selection = [];
$scope.toggleCert = function(name) {
var idx = $scope.selection.indexOf(name);
//is currently selected
if (idx > -1) {
$scope.selection.splice(idx, 1);
//is newly selected
$scope.addTechnician = function($scope) {
for(var i=0; i < $scope.selection.length - 1; i++){
$scope.newTech['cert' + (i + 1).toString()] = $scope.selection[i].name;
Here is my template
<form class="col-md-6">
<div class="input_wrapper">
<input type="text" name="first-name" ng-model="newTech.firstName" required>
<label for="first-name">First Name</label>
<div class="input_wrapper">
<input type="text" name="last-name" ng-model="newTech.lastName" required>
<label for="last-name">Last Name</label>
<div class="input_wrapper">
<input type="email" name="email" ng-model="" required>
<label for="email">Email</label>
<div class="input_wrapper">
<input type="tel" name="phone" ng-model="" required>
<label for="phone">Phone</label>
<h5>Check all held ASE certifications</h5>
<ul class="list">
<li class="item item-checkbox" ng-repeat="certification in certifications">
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" value="{{}}" ng-checked="selection.indexOf( > -1" ng-click="toggleCert(certification)">
<button class="button button-block" ng-click="addTechnician()">Add Technician</button>
Ideally after the "Add Technician" button is clicked I want to end up with an object, my newTech ng-model object, that has the input field data and the properties from the checked items. Here is a jsFiddle with simplified code replicating the problem
I solved it. I had to format my loop using angular.forEach(values, function(value, index){here is the jsFiddle with the solution If you look at the $scope.newTech object created in the console the checkbox selections are added as properties of the newTech ng-model object.

html datalist not support ng-options: how to pass object

I'm developing an app in mobile-angular-ui (angular+bootstrap).
In my login page, users can remember their credentials (username and password). Users' data ara saved in the localStorage.
That works fine. I can load users in my login page using datalist:
<form name="userForm">
<div class="form-group" ng-class="{ 'has-error' : submitted && userForm.username.$invalid && !userForm.username.$pristine }">
<label for="inputEmail" class="control-label">Username</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputEmail"
name="username" ng-model="user.username" list="UserMemoList"
<datalist id="UserMemoList">
<option ng-repeat="item in userMemoList track by $index" ng-click="setChange(item)"
value="{{item.username}}" >
I can select the item.username I want, but I'm not able to select the corresponding item.password.
My problem is that datalist doesn't work like select, and i cannot use ng-options. I have to use option+value to pass my value to the input.
<div class="form-group" ng-class="{ 'has-error' : submitted && userForm.password.$invalid && !userForm.password.$pristine }">
<label for="inputPassword" class="control-label">Password</label>
<input name="password" type="password" class="form-control" id="inputPassword"
ng-model="user.password" required>
I would be able to use a ng-change="theSelectedUserIs(item)", but I'm not able to pass the item object, because datalist is related to the username input, so I need to pass item.username.
Any idea?
I don't want to use typeahead because actually is deprecated in bootstrap3 or add other libraries/js/css.
I would like to do that only using angular and html.
My controller:
$scope.userMemoList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userList'));
var user = {};
userMemoList is an array of object like:
{"username":"admin", "password":"admin"}, ...
You can also pass with html data-id like so
in your angular js file
// when input name textbox change, check the value is same with datalist value or not. If value same, then bind that item.password to angular password model.
$scope.$watch "user.username", (newValue) ->
if newValue != null && newValue.lenght > 0
$("#locationlist option").each (index) ->
if $(this).val() == newValue
$scope.user.password = $(this).data("id") // this line will set your password text field
in your view
// pass user password via html5 (data-id) element like below
<datalist id="UserMemoList">
<option ng-repeat="item in userMemoList track by $index" ng-click="setChange(item)"
value="{{item.username}}" "data-id" = {{item.password}} >
This is how I solved this problem in my app. Use to wrap .
<input class="input form-control" placeholder="Search Conf by Application ID"
list="app_ids" ng-model="confs_app_id"/></th>
<datalist id="app_ids">
<option ng-repeat="app in app_list" value="{{app}}"></option>
