Task Queues, Idempotence, and Objectify Transactions - google-app-engine

The documentation for GAE's Task Queue API states:
You can enqueue a task as part of a datastore transaction, such that the task is only enqueued—and guaranteed to be enqueued—if the transaction is committed successfully.
However, the documentation for datastore transactions states twice that we should make them idempotent whenever possible, and submitting to a task queue is not idempotent. The documentation for objectify takes this a step further, explaining that work MUST be idempotent within its transactions.
So, is there a standard way to handle combining these recommendations/requirements, or should I roll my own technique (perhaps using something like this)?

There is also the concern that a task can execute twice (or more) - the queue provides "at least once" semantics not "exactly once" semantics. This is common.
Some operations are easy to make idempotent (eg, "set birthdate"). Some operations can be difficult to make idempotent (eg, "transfer $5 from account A to account B"). For the difficult ones, usually the trick involves creating a transaction id outside of the start of the transaction sequence and making sure that id follows the whole chain, even through tasks. If anything retries and sees the transaction id has already been completed, you can just return.

If the task was enqueued than anything else in its associated transaction was committed as well. Yes, technically it is possible for a transaction to be committed and still get
an error response (e.g. a timed-out accepting the successful response) though that is not common. In any case your task should be idempotent as well (it could use the data committed
in its own transaction to help with that) as the task could be executed more than once even if you submitted it once. see Why Google App Engine Tasks can spuriously be executed more than once?.


What exactly happens if checkpointed data cannot be committed?

I'm reading into the details of Flink's checkpointing mechanism right now and by now, I think I have a really good overview about how everything is tied together but one last issue strikes me here.
It's about how checkpoints and commits interact with each other in the ExactlyOnce context, because I have the feeling that there's still potential for data loss/duplicate records. Mainly I was thinking about potential failures of the commit message or its callback, when I stumbled upon this paragraph in the Flink Blog:
After a successful pre-commit, the commit must be guaranteed to eventually succeed – both our operators and our external system need to make this guarantee. If a commit fails (for example, due to an intermittent network issue), the entire Flink application fails, restarts according to the user’s restart strategy, and there is another commit attempt. This process is critical because if the commit does not eventually succeed, data loss occurs.
Up until this point, I still had the impression that checkpoints would have to be acknowledged by the sink commit first, before they would be viewed as "valid". But apparently, once all operators are ready to actually commit, the checkpoint starts to exist and from that point on, the sink has to guarantee the commit can be done to ensure no data being lost. What exactly happens if my commit can never be done, e.g. if my Kafka sink is down for a longer period of time? Does this mean if the defined retries run out eventually, the checkpointed state will just be treated as the correct state or will Flink only be able to resume the job once this specific commit was able to be done and thus be stuck until broker is available again?
And what if the callback of the commit is lost somehow, will this be resolved in the next retry attempt or since the transaction is "done" now, the producer will not be able to commit and we enter this loop of repeated retries? (more of a Kafka question probably)
For committing the side effects (so things like external state, vide Kafka transactions), Flink is using two phase commit protocol.
Let's say we are performing checkpoint 42. First pre-commit requests are issued. If all participants (parallel subtasks/operators) successfully acknowledged the pre-commit, JobManager/CheckpointCoordinator will start sending out commit requests.
The thing is, if failure happens at this point of time, there is no way going back. If either some commit fails or there is some other unrelated failure, job will be restarted from the checkpoint 42 and Flink will re-attempt to commit the pending/pre-committed transactions. If failure happens again, rinse and repeat according to your selected restart strategy. If you want to avoid data loss, commit attempts must eventually succeed. There is simply no other way. We can not revert those transactions, as once some commit request were issued, some transactions might have already been committed, so we can not rollback only portion of them (otherwise we would have data duplication problem).

How do 2PC prevent commit failure? [duplicate]

I understand, in a fuzzy sort of way, how regular ACID transactions work. You perform some work on a database in such a way that the work is not confirmed until some kind of commit flag is set. The commit part is based on some underlying assumption (like a single disk block write is atomic). In the event of a catastrophic error, you can just clear out the uncommitted data in the recovery phase.
How do distributed transactions work? In some of the MS documentation I have read that you can somehow perform a transaction across databases and filesystems (among other things).
This technology could be (and probably is) used for installers, where you want the program to be fully installed or fully absent. You simply begin a transaction at the start of the installer. Next you could connect to the registry and filesystem, making the changes that define the installation. When the job is done, simply commit, or rollback if the installation fails for some reason. The registry and filesystem are automatically cleaned for you by this magical distributed transaction coordinator.
How is it possible that two disparate systems can be transacted upon in this fashion? It seems to me that it is always possible to leave the system in an inconsistent state, where the filesystem has committed its changes and the registry has not. I think in MSDTC it is even possible to perform a transaction across the network.
I have read http://blogs.msdn.com/florinlazar/archive/2004/03/04/84199.aspx, but it feels like only the beginning of the explanation, and that step 4 should be expanded considerably.
Edit: From what I gather on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_transaction, it can be accomplished by a two-phase commit (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-phase_commit). After reading this, I'm still not understanding the method 100%, it seems like there is a lot of room for error between the steps.
About "step 4":
The transaction manager coordinates
with the resource managers to ensure
that all succeed to do the requested
work or none of the work if done, thus
maintaining the ACID properties.
This of course requires all participants to provide the proper interfaces and (error-free) implementations. The interface looks like vaguely this:
public interface ITransactionParticipant {
bool WouldCommitWork();
void Commit();
void Rollback();
The Transaction manager at commit-time queries all participants whether they are willing to commit the transaction. The participants may only assert this if they are able to commit this transaction under all allowable error conditions (validation, system errors, etc). After all participants have asserted the ability to commit the transaction, the manager sends the Commit() message to all participants. If any participant instead raises an error or times out, the whole transaction aborts and individual members are rolled back.
This protocol requires participants to have recorded their whole transaction content before asserting their ability to commit. Of course this has to be in a special local transaction log structure to be able to recover from various kinds of failures.

Does the Google Cloud Datastore create transactions implicitly?

In many databases, when an operation is performed without explicitly starting a transaction, the database creates a new transaction implicitly.
Does the datastore do this?
If it does not, is there any model for reasoning about how the data changes in the absence of transactions? How do puts, fetches, and reads, work outside of transactions?
If it does, is there any characterization for when and how. Does it do it always? What is the scope of the transaction?
A mutation (put, delete) of a single entity will always be atomic (succeed entirely or fail entirely). You can think of the single mutation as transactional, even if you did not provide a transaction.
However, if you send multiple mutations in the same non-transactional request, that overall request is not atomic. Each mutation may succeed or fail independently -- one failure will not cause the other mutations to be reverted.
"Transactions are an optional feature of the Datastore; you're not required to use transactions to perform Datastore operations."
so there are no automatic transactions being opened for you across more than a single entity datastore operation.
a single entity commit will behave the same as a transaction internally. so if you are changing more than one entity or committing it more than once, its as if you open and close a transaction every time.

Google Datastore Transactions Optimistic Concurrency Control or not?

The questions is fairly simple.
Does Google Datastore Transactions Optimistic Concurrency Control or not?
One part of the documentations says that it does:
When a transaction starts, App Engine uses optimistic concurrency control by checking the last update time for the entity groups used in the transaction. Upon commiting a transaction for the entity groups, App Engine again checks the last update time for the entity groups used in the transaction. If it has changed since our initial check, an exception is thrown. Source
Another part of the documentation indicates that it doesn't:
When a transaction is started, the datastore rejects any other attempts to write to that entity group before the transaction is complete. To illustrate this, say you have an entity group consisting of two entities, one at the root of the hierarchy and the other directly below it. If these entities belonged to separate entity groups, they could be updated in parallel. But because they are part of the same entity group, any request attempting to update one of the entities will necessarily prevent a simultaneous request from updating any other entity in the same group until the original request is finished. Source
As I understand it, the first quote tells me that it is fine to start a transaction, read an entity and ignore closing the transaction, if I saw no reason for updating the entity.
The second quote tells me that, if I start a transaction and read an entity, then I should always remember to close it again, otherwise I cannot start a new on the same entity.
Which part of the documentation is correct?
BTW. In case the correct quote is the second one, I am using Objectify to handle all my transactions. Will this remember to close all started transactions, even though no changes was made?
The commenter (Greg) is correct. Whether or not you explicitly close a transaction, all transactions are closed by the container at the end of a request. You can't "leak" transactions (although you could screw up transactions within a single request).
Furthermore, with Objectify's transaction API, transactions are automatically opened and closed for you when you execute a unit of Work. You don't manage transactions yourself.
To answer your root question: Yes, all transactions in the GAE datastore are optimistic. There is no pessimistic locking in the datastore; you can start as many transactions as you want on a single entity group but only the first commit will succeed. All subsequent attempts to commit will rollback with ConcurrentModificationException.

app engine datastore transaction exception

In app engine transactions documentation I have found the following note:
Note: If your app receives an exception when submitting a transaction,
it does not always mean that the transaction failed. You can receive
Timeout, TransactionFailedError, or InternalError exceptions in cases
where transactions have been committed and eventually will be applied
successfully. Whenever possible, make your Datastore transactions
idempotent so that if you repeat a transaction, the end result will be
the same.
This is quite general information and I wasn't able to find more details. I have the following questions regarding this issue:
Does it affect NDB transations? NDB documentation doesn't
mention it, but I suppose that this behavior is inherited
What can cause this type of situation?
How often can it happen?
Can I prevent it, or decrease probability?
Are transactional tasks enqueued in this situation?
Is this situation a bug, which will be fixed in the future, or a feature, which I should just get used to?
Yes, it affects ndb too.
Potential causes include network partitions where the datastore server commits successfully but cannot communicate the result to the app.
It is rare, but cannot be prevented, and will never be fixed. It is inherent to all distributed systems.
Task queue adds are committed with the transaction by the datastore server.
