Jenkins: Unable to execute batch file on a virtual machine - batch-file

I created a new free-style software project and under "Configure", I added a "Execute Windows batch command" under the section "Build".
My command in the text-box is as follows:
call \\ukvc-miu29-12\c$\Testing1\testing.bat
My console output when I try to run my build is as follows:
Started by user anonymous
Building in workspace C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\Run comparison script\workspace
[workspace] $ cmd /c call C:\Windows\TEMP\hudson1649447975658279345.bat
C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\Run comparison script\workspace>call \\ukvc-miu29-12\c$\Testing1\testing.bat
Access is denied.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\Run comparison script\workspace>exit 1
Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
Have spent close to two hours looking for a solution online, but I am unable to find one.
New to Jenkins, so any suggestion/s is/are appreciated, thanks!

I guess Jenkins runs as another user than the one you're logged in with. So that user probably isn't allowed to access that network share (or doesn't have the login credentials cached).
The easiest way of making sure it will work, would probably be to add the same user with the same password that Jenkins runs under to \\ukvc-miu29-12.
(As for the call, I'm not sure you really need it and I have a vague suspicion that you end up failing the build every time if you use call here. The temporary batch Jenkins executes there looks like it relies on the fact that control won't return if the batch file was executed successfully. But that's just a guess on my part.)


background process launched by TFS is killed when switching to next step

I have some trouble keeping alive a background process when launched by TFS.
Usually I use a batch that launch a java server (new window), as long as I keep this window open it works properly.
In order to make my process automatic, I include this in TFS. In the step I call a batch that contains the following:
cd C:\Users\TFSService\mbs-iot-sdk\osgi\bin\vms\jdk // necessary to find the batch
start C:\Users\TFSService\mbs-iot-sdk\osgi\bin\vms\jdk\server.bat
In my task manager, I can see in background tasks that java is launched (no new window is opened), exactly as it behaves when launching directly the batch. But after a few seconds, when TFS switches to the next step, it stops.
Then the next step carries on but fails as it requires the server to be launched.
Is there a particular way of doing it in TFS ?
thank you
It's suggest to launch the .bat file from a relative path not directly use cd to hard code the path.
Also recommend you to use Run Batch File task not Run Command Line task to launch the .bat file.
According to your description, seems you are using a run command line task in your build pipeline. Then run the command under the working directory c:\Build_work\5\s, the command cd to C:\Users\TFSService\mbs-iot-sdk\osgi\bin\vms\jdk\ on the build agent, find the server.bat, run the server.bat.
First check if the .bat file is located at the path you are specifying on the build agent. Not sure if the bat file have to run under C:\Users\TFSService\mbs-iot-sdk\osgi\bin\vms\jdk\, guess you are also hard code the path in your server.bat file. Suggest you change all the path to relative path, you could use some built-in variable in TFS.
As for your workaround in comment, seems you want to chain builds in TFS. The official docs literally say "not yet" and have a uservoice in planed. However you could use some workaround, such as create or use other's customize extension (use rest api) to call another build. Detail ways please refer huserben's answer in this question: How to chain builds in TFS 2015?
Note sure you have to go deep into this area for your original issue. Just add some related info in case you are interested or need.
Just in case someone else goes through the same kind of issue, I found a workaround:
I wish to mix different command line steps, some of them launching Python scripts:
I have one step for launching the server that is required for my testing tool, one step for my testing tool and one Python step for differential testing
I realized that I could embed everything in a Python script.
It can handle server launching process in a separate window (with subprocess), launch my Python part and launch another process for my validation tool.
I have to test the whole chain but, at least, I solved my problem of launching a background process and detach it from TFS

Windows service recovery - run a program wont work

How do i do this?
i've tried all i can think of.
Browsing for my .exe file i want to run.
run a bat file
writing forcedos.exe in program textbox and path to my bat file in command line parameters textbox
Why cant it just work with an normal exe?
and i know it should run a program because it can restart the service correctly.
Application: test.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.Exception
This is my latest try to make it work.
the script has the code
Dim objShell
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
Set objShell = Nothing
Now the script opens internet explorer if i run the cmd command
wscript.exe "C:\asfh.vbs"
The "run a program" recovery option for when a service crashes runs the specified executable in the same way as the service, i.e., it runs in session 0 (and so is affected by session 0 isolation, see also related questions) and it runs with the same security context as the service.
This means that it can't interact directly with the user (you can display a GUI, but nobody will see it) but it also restricts what the executable or script can do. For example, some shell API functions will not work properly unless the user account has been interactively logged in at some point. In the example script you posted, the script itself is probably running, but is unable to launch Internet Explorer because IE is only designed to run in an interactive session.
Provided you restrict yourself to basic functionality, it should all work as expected. (There is no master list that I know of describing what functionality is safe to use in a service context, but it is usually easy to guess. You can resort to trial and error if necessary!)
Also note that as far as I know forcedos.exe is no longer present in modern versions of Windows. If you want to run a batch file, you can specify cmd.exe as the application and /c myscript.bat as the command line parameters.

Batch File not starting automatically as a service

i am having trouble while starting a batch file as a service. the batch file runs fine when started manually but it doesnt starts a service and no ouput is observed. i have used nssm service manager to start the service.
below are the commands which i have used :
D:\nssm-2.24\win32>nssm install call
D:\nssm-2.24\win32>nssm start call
while installing i have provided the path of batch file.
the batch file contains the windows script to start few programs automatically.
you cannot just install any old executable as a service, and certainly not a batch file. a service is a program with a specific API which makes it react to service manager calls. ignore that, i just read up on nssm. still, there are probably better ways.
your use case sound rather like you might want to put your batch file in the autostart startmenu folder, to run it at login/startup.
or a scheduled task, if you want to restart it regularly.
one thing to consider, too, is the user under which the script is executed.

Batch file not working when running in the background - issue with substituted drive

I'll try to keep this short, without all the details of this batch file procedure.
OS: Windows XP
Action: Scheduled Task (background, I can't find a way to run it in the foreground)
Problem: files not created on mapped drive. When the batch file is ran directly, it works.
It does the following (or at least tries to):
clean a directory: works
create executables based on a substituted location
We use the following to map a local folder to the K: drive:
subst K: /D
subst K: D:\Development\SVN
The executables are built from source code that is located on (for example) K:\Sources to K:\Executables.
This fails, for a reason I did not yet discover. As mentioned above, if the batch file is ran directly it doesn't fail. If I substitute K:\ by C:\Development\SVN the issues seem to be resolved but still, this doesn't solve the fact that I can't run it when using K:.
I hope anyone here has an idea, I tried Googling for a long time + scanning SO but to no avail.
Thanks in advance!
substed drives are local to session, and your scheduled task is run in another session then your login session.
It seems to be possible to schedule task for user login session with schtasks.exe command line, but then the task runs only if the user is logged in. It might not be what you want, so using a full non-substed path might be the best solution after all.

Automate cygwin via batch file

Long story short... we have multiple servers which we run perflog monitoring on every night. My job is to convert these logs to .csv format and send them to my e-mail.
This bit it already automated via a .sh script an ex-employee wrote.
What I want automated is to run a batch job after the perfmon logging to look at a specific folder and find the latest .blg file and run the sh script on it (the script is called upload) so that I don't have to log in to each server and do it manually.
upload myInitials cd /cygdrive/someLocation/logs/$latestFile$.blg
myInitials and the location can be hard-coded... I just wouldn't know how to find the latest file in the folder and automate it all via a batch file.
Any pointers would be very helpful!
# Jeremy:
Sorry, I probably should have mentioned in my question that the servers are running 2003 and 2008.
I don't think it would be absolutely necessary to register a change notification on the folder - If the log runs from noon till 7 in the morning, the script will run immediately after (you can set a script to run after a perfmon log has finished in log properties) so the log will almost definitely be the latest file in the folder anyway.
Like I said, I already have a .sh file in place to convert to csv and send to my e-mail, I just need to incorporate it into a batch file so that instead of me going to each of the servers and opening up cygwin and typing upload xx /cygdrive/location/logs/xyz.blg, I can have it automated to run straight after the log has finished without me having to RDC into it.
Thanks for the input!
If you have a Shell script and you job is to call the shell script from a windows batch file then this will work.This assumes the cygwin is installed in C:
Contents of start_cyg.bat
#echo off
set PATH=%PATH%:"C:\Cygwin\bin"
rem bash --login -i
bash "/cygdrive/d/"
Contents of
TAIL=`ls -lrt | tail -1`
echo "TAIL:$TAIL"
If you call start_cyg.bat from windows command prompt you can get the output of the in the console
for getting newest file in a directory, ls -1tr | tail -1 should work.
First, I don't know if it would meet your requirements, but the Windows Task Scheduler 2 in Vista+ is very robust and can trigger an event even based on log entries. However, extraction and parsing of that log entry may require some scripting, and might have concurrency issues, even if that log entry did indicate the last used process. Chances are none of this is helpful, but just throwing it out there.
Programatically, it would be simple as you can register a change notification on a folder. When a change occurs, you go find the latest file. Then launch the batch file to launch your shell script, or whatever your desired sequence may be.
I think cygwin may even support change notification events via scripting, though I'm unsure. I believe there are linux extensions for this, but I may be wrong.
If it were me, I'd just write a little C++ app to do whatever I wanted.. but for you maybe any (or more likely none) of the above helps ;o.
