I need to save requests data (main data : request id, date, url. additional data : headers and bodies).
Currently it's store in my databse with only 1 table.
The biggest part of memory take additional data. So when it will be to many requests stored, here can be problem with performance.
Is there any way to store additional data separately from main data? or any other advices?
Work with ASP.Net MVC4 and Ms SQL Server 2012.
The software like Apache web server stores access info in log files (access.log). You could probably implement something similar. Then you can rotate your logs daily.
This way you have your data separated and filesystem storage is really fast, so performance won't be a problem. The problem comes when you have to do some advanced querying on your log.
You could probably use ELMAH: https://code.google.com/p/elmah/ and set it to store info in XML.
What are the disadvantages of saving json files on the virtual machine you paid for instead of saving it in a database like MongoDB (security concerns, efficiency,...)?
I have tried using both ways of storing data but still couldn't find any difference in performance.
It's probably faster to store the JSON files simply as files in your filesystem of the virtual machine.
Unless you need to do one or more of the following:
Use a query language to extract parts of the JSON files.
Search the JSON files efficiently.
Allow clients on multiple virtual machines to access the same JSON data via an API.
Enforce access controls, so some clients can access some JSON data.
Make a consistent backup copy of the data.
Store more JSON data than can fit on a single virtual machine.
Enforce a schema so the JSON files are assured to have consistent structure.
Update JSON data in a way that is assured to succeed completely, or else make no change.
Run aggregate queries like COUNT(), MAX(), SUM() over a collection of JSON files.
You could do all these things by writing more code. It will take you years to develop that code to be bug-free and well-optimized.
By the end, what would you have developed?
You'd have developed a database management system.
Well, for small data you won't probably find the difference. Rather you may find that the data from you VM takes less time to return because you're not sending request to another remote server.
But when your data grows it will be hard to maintain. That's why we use a database management system to manage and process our data efficiently.
So, if you are storing small configuration file then you can use your filesystem for that otherwise I definitely recommend using a DBMS.
I'm looking for fast and efficient data storage to build my PHP based web site. I'm aware of MySql. Can I use a JSON file in my server root directory instead of a MySQL database? If yes, what is the best way to do it?
You can use any single file, including a JSON file, like this:
Lock it somehow (google PHP file locking, it's possibly as simple as adding a parameter to file open function or changing function name to locking version).
Read the data from file and parse it to internal data stucture.
Optionally modify the data in internal data structure.
If you modified the data, truncate the file to 0 length and write new data to it.
Unlock the file as soon as you can, other requests may be waiting...
You can keep using the data in internal structures to render the page, just remember it may be out-dated as soon as you release the file lock and other HTTP request can modify it.
Also, if you modify the data from user's web form, remember that it may have been modified in between. Like, load page with user details for editing, then other user deletes that user, then editer tries to save the changed details, and should probably get error instead of re-creating deleted user.
Note: This is very inefficient. If you are building a site where you expect more than say 10 simultaneous users, you have to use a more sophisticated scheme, or just use existing database... Also, you can't have too much data, because parsing JSON and generating modified JSON takes time.
As long as you have just one user at a time, it'll just get slower and slower as amount of data grows, but as user count increases, and more users means both more requests and more data, things start to get exponentially slower and you very soon hit limit where HTTP requests start to expire before file is available for handling the request...
At that point, do not try to hack it to make it faster, but instead pick some existing database framework (SQL or nosql or file-based). If you start hacking together your own, you just end up re-inventing the wheel, usually poorly :-). Well, unless it is just programming exercise, but even then it might be better to instead learn use of some existing framework.
I wrote an Object Document Mapper to use with json files called JSON ODM may be a bit late, but if it is still needed it is open source under MIT Licence.
It provides a query languge, and some GeoJSON tools
The new version of IBM Informix 12.10 xC2 supports now JSON.
check the link : http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/informix/v121/topic/com.ibm.json.doc/ids_json_007.htm
The manual says it is compatible with MongoDB drivers.
About the Informix JSON compatibility
Applications that use the JSON-oriented query language, created by
MongoDB, can interact with data stored in Informix® databases. The
Informix database server also provides built-in JSON and BSON (binary
JSON) data types.
You can use MongoDB community drivers to insert, update, and query
JSON documents in Informix.
Not sure, but I believe you can use the Innovator-C edition (free for production) to test and use it with no-cost either for production enviroment.
One obvious case when you can prefer JSON (or another file format) over database is when all yours (relatively small) data stored in the application cache.
When an application server (re)starts, an application reads data from file(s) and stores it in the data structure.
When data changes, an application updates file(s).
Advantage: no database.
Disadvantage: for a number of reasons can be used only for systems with relatively small data. For example, a very specific product site with several hundreds of products.
For my new project I'm looking forward to use JSON data as a text file rather then fetching data from database. My concept is to save a JSON file on the server whenever admin creates a new entry in the database.
As there is no issue of security, will this approach will make user access to data faster or shall I go with the usual database queries.
JSON is typically used as a way to format the data for the purpose of transporting it somewhere. Databases are typically used for storing data.
What you've described may be perfectly sensible, but you really need to say a little bit more about your project before the community can comment on your approach.
What's the pattern of access? Is it always read-only for the user, editable only by site administrator for example?
You shouldn't worry about performance early on. Worry more about ease of development, maintenance and reliability, you can always optimise afterwards.
You may want to look at http://www.mongodb.org/. MongoDB is a document-centric store that uses JSON as its storage format.
JSON in combination with Jquery is a great fast web page smooth updating option but ultimately it still will come down to the same database query.
Just make sure your query is efficient. Use a stored proc.
JSON is just the way the data is sent from the server (Web controller in MVC or code behind in standind c#) to the client (JQuery or JavaScript)
Ultimately the database will be queried the same way.
You should stick with the classic method (database), because you'll face many problems with concurrency and with having too many files to handle.
I think you should go with usual database query.
If you use JSON file you'll have to sync JSON files with the DB (That's mean an extra work is need) and face I/O problems (if your site super busy).
The project I have been given is to store and retrieve unstructured data from a third-party. This could be HR information – User, Pictures, CV, Voice mail etc or factory related stuff – Work items, parts lists, time sheets etc. Basically almost any type of data.
Some of these items may be linked so a User many have a picture for example. I don’t need to examine the content of the data as my storage solution will receive the data as XML and send it out as XML. It’s down to the recipient to convert the XML back into a picture or sound file etc. The recipient may request all Users so I need to be able to find User records and their related “child” items such as pictures etc, or the recipient may just want pictures etc.
My database is MS SQL and I have to stick with that. My question is, are there any patterns or existing solutions for handling unstructured data in this way.
I’ve done a bit of Googling and have found some sites that talk about this kind of problem but they are more interested in drilling into the data to allow searches on their content. I don’t need to know the content just what type it is (picture, User, Job Sheet etc).
To those who have given their comments:
The problem I face is the linking of objects together. A User object may be added to the data store then at a later date the users picture may be added. When the User is requested I will need to return the both the User object and it associated Picture. The user may update their picture so you can see I need to keep relationships between objects. That is what I was trying to get across in the second paragraph. The problem I have is that my solution must be very generic as I should be able to store anything and link these objects by the end users requirements. EG: User, Pictures and emails or Work items, Parts list etc. I see that Microsoft has developed ZEntity which looks like it may be useful but I don’t need to drill into the data contents so it’s probably over kill for what I need.
I have been using Microsoft Zentity since version 1, and whilst it is excellent a storing huge amounts of structured data and allowing (relatively) simple access to the data, if your data structure is likely to change then recreating the 'data model' (and the regression testing) would probably remove the benefits of using such a system.
Another point worth noting is that Zentity requires filestream storage so you would need to have the correct version of SQL Server installed (2008 I think) and filestream storage enabled.
Since you deal with XML, it's not an unstructured data. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or later has XML column type that you can use.
Now, if you don't need to access XML nodes and you think you will never need to, go with the plain varbinary(max). For your information, storing XML content in an XML-type column let you not only to retrieve XML nodes directly through database queries, but also validate XML data against schemas, which may be useful to ensure that the content you store is valid.
Don't forget to use FILESTREAMs (SQL Server 2008 or later), if your XML data grows in size (2MB+). This is probably your case, since voice-mail or pictures can easily be larger than 2 MB, especially when they are Base64-encoded inside an XML file.
Since your data is quite freeform and changable, your best bet is to put it on a plain old file system not a relational database. By all means store some meta-information in SQL where it makes sense to search through structed data relationships but if your main data content is not structured with data relationships then you're doing yourself a disservice using an SQL database.
The filesystem is blindingly fast to lookup files and stream them, especially if this is an intranet application. All you need to do is share a folder and apply sensible file permissions and a large chunk of unnecessary development disappears. If you need to deliver this over the web, consider using WebDAV with IIS.
A reasonably clever file and directory naming convension with a small piece of software you write to help people get to the right path will hands down, always beat any SQL database for both access speed and sequential data streaming. Filesystem paths and file names will always beat any clever SQL index for data location speed. And plain old files are the ultimate unstructured, flexible data store.
Use SQL for what it's good for. Use files for what they are good for. Best tools for the job and all that...
You don't really need any pattern for this implementation. Store all your data in a BLOB entry. Read from it when required and then send it out again.
Yo would probably need to investigate other infrastructure aspects like periodically cleaning up the db to remove expired entries.
Maybe i'm not understanding the problem clearly.
So am I right if I say that all you need to store is a blob of xml with whatever binary information contained within? Why can't you have a users table and then a linked(foreign key) table with userobjects in, linked by userId?
Yay, first post on SO! (Good work Jeff et al.)
We're trying to solve a bottleneck in one of our web-applications that was introduced when we started allowing users to generate reports on-demand.
Our infrastructure is as follows:
1 server acting as a Webserver/DBServer (ColdFusion 7 and MSSQL 2005)
It's serving a web-application for our backend users and a frontend website. The reports are generated by the users from the backend so there's a level of security where the users have to log in (web based).
During peak hours when reports are generated it brings the web-application and frontend website to unacceptable speed due to SQL Server using resources for the huge queries and afterward ColdFusion generating multi page PDFs.
We're not exactly sure what the best practice would be to remove some load, but restricting access to the reports isn't an option at the moment.
We've considered denormalizing data to other tables to simplify the most common queries, but that seems like it would just push the issue further.
So, we're thinking of getting a second server and use it as a "report server" with a replicated copy of our DB on which the queries would be ran. This would fix one issue, but the second remains: generating PDFs is resource intensive.
We would like to offload that task to the reporting server as well, but being in a secured web-application we can't just fire HTTP GET to create PDFs with the user logged in the web-application from server 1 and displaying it in the web-application but generating/fetching it on server 2 without validating the user's credential...
Anyone have experience with this? Thanks in advance Stack Overflow!!
"We would like to offload that task to the reporting server as well, but being in a secured web-application we can't just fire HTTP GET to create PDFs with the user logged in the web-application from server 1 and displaying it in the web-application but generating/fetching it on server 2 without validating the user's credential..."
why can't you? you're using the world's easiest language for writing webservices. here are my suggestions.
first, move the database to it's own server thus having cf and sql server on separate servers. the first reason to do this is performance. as already mentioned, having both cf and sql on the same server isn't an ideal setup. the second reason is for security. if someone is able to hack your webserver, well there right there to get your data. you should have a firewall in place between your cf and sql server to give you more security. last reason is for scalability. if you ever need to throw more resources or cluster your database, it's easier when it's on it's own server.
now for the webservices. what you can do is install cf on another server and writing webservices to handle the generation of reports. just lock down the new cf server to accept only ssl connections and pass the login credentials of the users to the webservice. inside your webservice, authenticate the user before invoking the methods to generate the report.
now for the pdfs themselves. one of the methods i've done in the pass is generating a hash based on some parameters passed (user credentials and the generated sql to run the query) and then once the pdf is generated, you assign the hash to the name of the pdf and save it on disk. now you have a simple caching system where you can look to see if the pdf already exists and if so, return it, otherwise generate it and cache it.
in closing, your problem is not something that most haven't seen before. you just need to do a little work and your application will magnitudes faster.
The most basic best practice is to not have the web server and db server on the same hardware. I'd start with that.
You have to separate the perception between generating the PDF and doing the calculations. Both are separate steps.
What you can do is
1) Create a report calculated table that will run daily and populated it with all the calculated values for all your reports.
2) When someone requests a PDF report, have the report do a simple select query of the pre-calculated values. It will be much less db effort than calculating on the fly. You can use coldfusion to generate the PDF if it's using the fancy pdf settings. Otherwise you may be able to get away with using the raw PDF format (it's similar to html markup) in text form, or use another library (cfx_pdf, a suitable java library, etc) to generate them.
If the users don't need to download and only need to view/print the report, could you get away with flash paper?
An alternative is also to build a report queue. Whether you put it on the second server or not, what CF could do if you can get away with it, you could put report requests into a queue, and email them to the users as they get processed.
You can then control the queue through a scheduled process to run as regularly as you like and do only create a few reports at a time. I'm not sure if it's a suitable approach for your situation.
As mentioned above, doing a stored procedure may also help, and make sure you have your indexes set correctly in MySQL. I once had a 3 minute query that I brought down to 15 seconds because I forgot to declare additional indexes in each table that were being heavily used.
Let us know how it goes!
In addition to advice to separate web & db servers, I'd tried to:
a) move queries into stored procedures, if you're not using them yet;
b) generate reports by scheduler and keep them cached in special tables in ready-to-use state, so customers only select them with few fast queries -- this should also decrease report building time for customers.
Hope this helps.